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gaming What Video Game levels/bosses make you rage?

Moon Rat

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Well, I had done just about everything for a guild in everquest -- and they really overworked their shamen.  I had a 100% attendance rate etc. then they had the gall to give me a huge dkp deduction for messing up a part of a time raid because I followed the orders of one of the lower ranking officers. 


Essentially I was told that only the higher ranking officers were allowed to give the command I was told.  I mean sheesh being deducted 17 raids worth of dkp for that.  I logged out and never returned.


It would be like if you were a corporal in the army and being busted back to private because you followed the orders of your sergeant because only a lieutenant or higher should give the order to do the action you did.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Pretty much every "mid boss" in fighting games. Good f-----g GOD I HATE THEM WITH A BURNING PASSION.

Sometimes they can be a trifle more difficult than the actual boss.


I'm looking at you Goro and Kintaro.


Edited by Captchet


^full sized avatar picture there

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Even if I'm playing an especially difficult or frustrating game, I tend to just curse up a storm and keep playing lol.  So I don't rage quit so much as rage-keep-playing. I've said absolutely filthy things to DK or Princess Peach when they screwed me out of a 1st place win on a tricky Mario Kart track.  I started playing during the NES era, and many of those games were on the trying side (particularly when I was a kid).

Edited by PegaMister

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Game Gear Edition

I haven't played it in years but I never could get past the first level. Can't make that one jump on the mine cart to save my life. You know, the one that leads to instant death if you DON'T jump exactly right.

Edited by Discordian
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Well, i don't rage quit as much, but sometimes i do, b/c when I am in the lead, with my team having more deaths, that just pisses me off.   Basically, Losing is NO.......and i mean NO option.  If I end up on top with double digit kills and single digit deaths, and my teammates have the opposite, then that tells me, that they have no desire to win, when im the one who covers there asses as the main sniper on the team, :fiery:.

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Latency of any sort gets my blood boiling like almost nothing else in the universe can, especially when it's something where reaction time is important like raiding in WoW or LoL in general.

  • Brohoof 1
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I do quit the game (server) if there is a obvious hacker ruining the experience. But when it comes to puzzle or platform games like super meat boy or similar I can't ragequit. 

It's impossible ^^


No really. I will try and try and try until I get the map right, and then I quit ^^

I just can't leave it unfinished, I would feel so defeated I guess.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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Contra on the NES. 


I still haven't been able to beat that game.


Every time I try,I just end up losing on the Waterfall or Snow level.


(No,I don't use the 30 live code. I want to beat it for reals.)


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Geralt mentioning DNA or some other relatively recent medical discovery in Witcher 2


Dark Souls


Falling through the floor upon opening a door in Fallout: New Vegas... again


...That's all I can think of right now


Sig by [member=~TheGammy~]

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Tager! Freaking Tager and his 360's and 720's of death and despair. Doesn't matter if it's against AI or human, when they land that GETB (Genesic Emerald Tager Buster; and yes, he says it every time) and you watch as 50%+  of your hp evaporates;  that is what gets to me. And the worst part is that I use characters that have, generally, an advantage against Tager... Honestly, grapplers in fighting games in general drive me just a tad bit nuts.


That said, my rage quits are not particularly showy. No thrown controllers, no loud cursing, no flailing; just a simple quit. I actually seem much more ragey when I'm actually having a lot of fun.  :derp:

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Every online shooter ever has made me pissed. Yet only BLack Ops 2 makes me rage. I'ma just say this once. FUCK YOU YOU CAMPER PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!! They make me very mad. 

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Two words... Shao Khan :okiedokielokie:


hell yeah hes a cheating bastard. You don't get to use your shoulder smash over and over if your the best character in the damn game. 

  • Brohoof 1
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One level that makes me rage on Bayonetta would be Broken Sky. Oh gosh, for everytime I died on that level I wanted to choke a baby baboon. >___>
One of those damned Auditios (boss) that make me rage really bad would be Sapientia, let alone Temperantia because of their easily cheap attacks. Lustitia is actually kinda a fun boss. Fortitudo and Jubileus are really fun bosses as well. 

A character that makes me want to rage is Jeanne. I know she was suppose to be heir to the Umbran clan and a full blooded witch unlike Bayonetta, but dear mother of god her attacks keep coming and coming, and you don't know when her wicked weaves are going to be summoned! RAAWR.


      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Death / The Grim Reaper in the first Castlevania (NES) was always a pain in the flank.  There were even times I'd reach him with full health and STILL lose lol.  I think I've only played through that game three times total, but I assure you there will always be a "WOOHOO!" moment when I kill Death.


Dracula in Castlevania III (NES) drove me out of my mind.  I believe he had at least three forms??  I've only beaten that game once lol, and I've no intention of trying for a second win.


Someone else already mentioned this I'm sure, but the bosses at the end of Ninja Gaiden (NES, again).  Getting sent back over and over and over did result in my getting pretty good at some tough levels, but I'm sure it also inspired a good deal of profanity.  I've actually beaten NG twice, because I'm some sort of video game masochist lol.


Quick Man's level in Mega Man II was disproportionately tougher than the other levels.  I've beaten the game on "Difficult" (which I think was normal difficulty in the Japanese version), and I'd *still* say Quick Man's level was one of the "highlights."


Umm...  Any Dragon Quest final boss lol?  I've completed DQIV, V, VI, and IX (I think one of the four wasn't that bad really - don't recall which), and I don't like to level grind too too much as I want a challenge.  I like to grind a bit...  Take on a boss...  Grind a bit when I'm murdered...  So on.  The Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker boss was annoying, as well.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Sonic adventure DX : Sky deck stage 
It might seemed easy for a lot of people who had played it, but back then I really hate this stage! I fell to death every single damn time.


EDIT : well, and I don't know how to post a youtube video on the forums xD 

Edited by PeriodicTikky


My DA gallery! Click above!  :ooh: 

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Flannery of Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. I always get defeated by the overpowered Overheat, Attract always seems to work (It doesn't help that my Pokémon are mostly male... :c) and Solar Beam is always spammed on me once Sunny Day is used. At least Flannery has a cute design. :P


Speaking of which, am I the only one who thinks Whitney's Miltank is easy to defeat? :o

  • Brohoof 1
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  • Biolizard from SA2
  • King Ghidorah from Destroy all Monsters
  • Some missions from Red Dead Redemption


Yeah, that thing.

Edited by King Ghidora


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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Not a level per se, but Shogun 2, following the Realm Divide.



Congratulations, you're Shogun! Too bad that the entirety of Japan is now going to go to war with you. Those allies? They'll stab you in the back. Vassals? They'll betray you. Oh, and they WILL target your trade routes and trading ships, meaning your treasure will quickly be hemorrhaging money. Now you've got an entire country out to kill you, armies you can't fund and absolutely no allies or vassals to help you.


What follows is the gaming equivalent of Benny Hill as you rush back and forth between trying to capture the regions needed to achieve the endgame objective and desperately fending off the now-countless hordes of full-stack armies suddenly appearing and bearing down on any region you hold.

"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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