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Best Moments and Worst Moments Of This Year For You?

Feather Gem

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Best moment: we bought a new house. Worst moment: leaving our old house with 28 years worth memories behind..I'm still sad about it and I don’t think I will let it go anytime soon.

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I guess we'll start with the worst moments first.

  • Deploying to Korea. Most of my year was spent in Korea, and while Korea itself wasn't all that bad, the process of getting there was so stressful and insane. Plus, it was my first time leaving the country. I was going to a new country that I knew nothing about, didn't speak the language spoken there, and was unsure of the political situation in the area. That, coupled with...
  • Losing a friend, who I considered to be very close and my best friend. This happened at the same time as I left for Korea, so it was doubly stressful. I felt like they weren't treating me right, they felt like they were, a fight ensued, and though we aren't hostile anymore, we're definitely not on friendly terms anymore. My close friends will know who I'm talking about, but... yeah, that was really really rough.
  • Not being able to go on my planned Europe tour for Christmas. Yeah, turns out you have to submit a passport request in person, and I couldn't exactly do that when I was overseas. So I'm not going to be able to visit my friends this year. I hope they're alright with that.

That's most of the bad, though. The friend who carried me through it all (I'll say her name just to embarrass her a little... @Summer Breeze) is a real trooper, and definitely won MVP this year. Now onto the good.

  • I sprained my ankle in March. Who knew stepping on a curb the wrong way would do that? I was on crutches for a couple of weeks, but it healed slowly. I count this as a good moment because, looking back on it, it's actually really funny to me.
  • A softball tournament I played in July. I suck at softball, I can't hit anything, I can't catch, and I'm not the fastest runner. But everyone else sucked too, so it wasn't like I stood out. Our team was the worst in the tournament, but we still talked so much shit to the other teams that they got legitimately salty. It was pretty funny.
  • Returning home from Korea. Coming home from any extended trip is amazing, and even though this country has its own stupid problems, I'd still rather be here. I'd rather pay for food in dollars, not won, and I'd rather be able to say "Hey!" instead of "안녕하세요!" xD
  • Getting my new laptop. I purchased an Acer Predator Helios 300 to replace my old out-of-date laptop. It run good. :3

Yeh. :p

Overall, 2019 was an interesting year, and one I won't quickly forget. I'd say the good outweighs the bad. It did change me in some major ways, but I made it out alive, so I'm hopeful for the next year.

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I'll just start with the good. out of the gate.

  1. Every single day I've spent with my boyfriend. :wub: Even on the days where he's not doing so hot emotionally, it's much better than being reminded of being impoverished and living a greedy Wall Street guy's worst nightmare (because of those very people in part, I would say). This is also the year I lost... you know what. :blush:
  2. I'd go on, but you may see a very prominent theme... :sealed: I don't really know if he totally realizes the magnitude of good he's done for me, in my life. I can't even put it in words anyways so it's hard for anyone to know. I will just say he himself was a HUGE factor in making this a much better year than 2018. He deserves two spots.
  3. Oh my gosh the time I first watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot. Seriously, that show is legitimately one of the animation highlights of the entire DECADE. It's SO good. :D
  4. Every moment where I know I've made my boyfriend happy. I said he made two, well this is the third spot, because he means THAT much.


Now for the bad.

  1. Pretty much every day of every month through February. Seriously, my life sucked so much to live then,and I'm lucky it isn't worse now. Let's just say, I was just a wee bit suicidal. Had made, uhm, something to accommodate that. Just the financial situation I'm in is so bad, I felt so worthless, and felt like such a burden on everyone.
  2. That one time I may have almost hit my BF. :sealed: That was pretty awful. It was sort of a blind rage moment, and he did something at the time, that actually aggravated me when I was already in a downright $#!+ mood. I swear I did NOT mean to.
  3. I'll just say it: the FORUM DRAMA. It's been a nuisance for me, but it's been so bad this year between all of the forums I've been on, they collectively deserve a mention here. Seriously, people are getting more and more toxic on the internet by the year, and I swear it's even CHANGING people to BECOME more spiteful, melodramatic, and honestly insufferable @$$holes. Even people who I thought seemed nice to me initially, are people I've come to have more than enough reason to despise. :unamused: 


All in all, it may not seem like it, but this was a pretty solid year by my standards. I don't think I've had a single good year since at least 2015, and 2018 is one of those years that the less I talk about it the better off we all are (I'll just say, it was absolutely horrible). So massive improvement in my well-being going into the 2020's. 

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Best is by far BronyCon. I loved nearly every second of that weekend. I also discovered the forums the day after New Year's, so there's that, too.

The worst was accepting my last job. That brought so much unwanted stress into my life.

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Best of 2019: My brief but thrilling mini vacation to Disney World last February. The worst was probably in January when my parents had a very vicious dog and seemed determined to keep the little bite-monster for life. Happily though, a far better home was found for him so the agony was relatively short-lived. 

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