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You're Evil

Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind

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I assaulted a child. He was being a little douchebag, kicking me and my friend in the shins, so I put him in a choke hold. Then he went to go get his grandpa, so me and my friend ran away.


Don't look at me like that, it was a couple years ago and I was a big jerkface back then.

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I slammed a child into a wall, then threw him down the stairs.


Hehe, I still remember that little bastard saying, "Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it, toothpick?"

When I told him to stop being annoying.

I also guess torrenting things is pretty bad. Must have torrented over a grand by now, probably even more than that by now.


I dunno what else.

Don't Punch!



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Most evil thing ive done is download torrents..... AND NEVER SEED THEM AFTERWORDS MWHAHAHAHA

i also rarly seed so its true ;~;


But the worst thing ive ever done has to be breaking a bowl and throwing  the remains into the other lawn. i was 6 .-.

Edited by Hydrogen Bond
  • Brohoof 1
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I stole money from my parents. I was young so I kinda thought my parents had like infinite money so one day my dad left out his wallet and I suck in and got $100 I didn't him until later and he scolded me because th was the electric bill money and our electricity got cut off.


Price of being evil.

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When Guitar Hero III was still a thing, I went to a kiosk for the game in Wal-Mart, entered the code for Hyper Speed, turned it on 5 (the highest level) and then just left it.  After circling the toys/electronics, I came back to see someone with a rather befuddled look just walking away from a 'Song Failed' screen.

  • Brohoof 1
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I haven't done anything to hurt anyone very badly so far, but I do have pretty evil/con/criminal thoughts once in a while.


For instance, thinking of the most effient way to rob a groccery store, rob a toy store, etc. Recently I've been on the underground metro in Taipei, Taiwan. The ticket onto the metro is a plastic coin which you have to pay for. At your destination, you slide the coin into a machine which opens a small gate for you to pass. On the train, I made plans on how to counterfeit the coins, or just jump over the gates before leaving the subway since the gates are so low anyways. This way I can keep the coin and use it for the metro another time.


Also, in GTA, I'm a merciless killer. Sometimes when I have time I play GTA Liberty City Stories on my PSP. Unlike my brother, I don't even complete the missions. I just do weapon/health/car cheats and cause genocide. I play like that until I'm wanted big time by the cops, then I eliminate them and steal their car, and go anywhere the map permits me to go.


I sound like a dangerous guy, but I'm actually really nice (just ask anyone who knows me, especially other parents) and I would never harm anyone in real life. I guess I just have strange thought :ph34r: Strange evil thoughts...

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I finally apologized to my brother for hitting him 15 years ago. Felt great.


I remember I once ran away from home, but not seriously. I just walked around the block for a few hours and came home to find my parents had called the cops. Yikes.

  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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  • 1 year later...

I stole some guy/lady's car.... it was a older car, what? I needed a place to sleep at the time it was really bucking cold out and I was sick of sleeping in my box.. 


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Several years ago I worked in a store. My boss always smiled to me, but i knew that she hate me. When I realized that she was going to dismiss me, I stole the key of the safe and sold it to the local drug addicts who sometimes commit petty theft.

Edited by zev_zev


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dunno what the most evil thing ive done is, but earlier my friend pushed a kid in a zimoframe over. it wasnt his fault though, the kid in the frame was taking the piss out of him for being crippled (hes got weird legs) and he was already pissed off, so after being called crippled about 30 times he pushed him over.

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i killed a pet hamster


disected a newborn bird


kicked my 3 year old brother he still 3 years old btw and i still kick him occosianaly 


and i steal money sometimes only from my parents tho.


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Evilist thing I ever did, eh? Hmmmm... Oh, I sent a guy to the ER once. He and his friends had been threatening one of my younger, weaker friends. One day he talked back to them and they beat him up. Nothing too serious, maybe four stitches and a black eye. Anyway, me and my friends were planning to attack them back, and just as I was leaving the house we were at one of them goes walking by the house. So I quietly followed him back to his apartment complex and just as he got to the door I ran up and slammed his head into it. I then proceeded to, qoute, "lose my shit", and just beat him for twenty minutes. He ended up in the ER and now has a permenant limp in his left leg, is blind in one eye, and lost the use of his left hand. I still sort of regret it, but only because of his injuries. And you can bet there was some major fallout, but that's off topic.


*Signature courtesy of Pink Mist. May Luna bring peace to her dreams*

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I don't do anything evil.
​I'm the evil in person.
I do everything wrong, and they call me evil.
I feel good when I do this.

Edited by ~Lazy Sweet Pen~

Totally not a support main.



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I sold uranium to North Korea.

I leaked detailed blueprints of New Yorks nuclear plant strengths and weaknesses to a militant group.

I stole money from an orphanage donation drive and used it as bonfire kindling.

I smuggled a truckload of assault weapons into Canada and sold them to Québécois nationalists.

I voted for Bush when he ran for his second term.

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I just remembered another one of mine evil deed. 


Last year the incident took place in my college. One of my classmates come in college high. He was totally stoned. He was so heavily intoxicated by drugs that could hardly walk. He was immediately brought for interrogation to the director, later director decided to call the cops, what would the guy had been arrested. And until the cops coming, my teacher locked this guy in one of the offices of the college. I knew that if cops will get him, he will go to jail (he has had weed on his pocket). I went to the door behind which the guy was, he asked to help him, he begged to be released and that he feels bad I sneaked into the office of my teacher, and stole the key from the office in which this guy was locked.


We wasn't friends... Actually I hate him. He "stole" the girl whom I loved. Anyway I opened the door and ordered him to run hard. We miraculously managed to escape from the pursuing us guards, teachers and students. When cops arrived, we were already very far. After this. I decided to lie low. Meanwhile, police charged a penalty to director of the college for a false call. Our group was interrogated hoping to find who did it, but none of my classmates didn't know and didn't think that it was me, because everybody knew that I hate this guy. Therefore, the whole group was subjected to punishment, and I have remained unpunished. The guy whom I helped to escape was expelled from college. But the police never found him.


A few weeks later, in the street  I accidentally met a guy whom I pulled out of college. He extended his hand to me and said: "Thank you for saving my ass man." I looked at the outstretched hand, but in the end I shook his hand and said: " I did this not for you."


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I stole 20 dollars. But, I was going to return it to whoever lost it. I never knew, so it ended up spent.

I'm really a good person for the human race.


I would say that I killed a pet rat, but that's because he bit my finger and wouldn't let go. Here's the scar for proof. It probably isn't really too visible. It was on my middle finger.

Bastard deserved it.


Even though, when I was younger, I did tear up one of my favorite pillows... RIP Heart Pillow 1997-2009...


Edited by Twilight Sniper


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Alright, just keep in mind that I was only 12 when this happened. I had a mental breakdown at day care once, I was really angry at this one girl. I was a bit blinded by rage and went over to strangle her kind of subconsciously but by the time I got my hands on her, I realized what I was doing and just sort of squeezed her shoulder.Too late, she freaked out and cried to a teacher. So I had to be quarantined in a room by myself. This raised my anxiety very much, I wanted to see my sister but they wouldn't let me, so I broke down and started throwing things. They called the cops on me but my Mom came to pick me up right before they were going to take me away.


This experience was pretty much what made me get my act together and learn how to control myself, so the most evil thing I've done was a turn around as well.



..Well, I've also trolled and harassed people and made some suicidal but Eeeh. It's the internet and I rarely ever did it unprovoked. [Don't do it anymore.]

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I literally can't think of anything. I'm not meaning to claim that I'm a perfect angel and never mean, but I just can't think of anything remotely evil that I've ever done.


If you want idea of how far away from evil I am... I'm so against illegally downloading music that I can't bring myself to do it even if it is impossible to get the music otherwise.


Another example would be that the thought of harming another never crosses my mind. Even when I really dislike them... I just can't bring myself to think such thoughts.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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