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S03:E08 - Apple Family Reunion



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During my small checkup on the forums during the break, I have decided to post my thoughts on this episode.


One of my favourite episodes, I may not like Applejack all that much, but that was a great episode and a lot of fun to watch. The song was good, it had a Dear Princess Celestia letter at the end, and it had Babs Seed in it!


Overall I liked that episode and it gave even more background ponies for us to name, so yay.

  • Brohoof 2
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In my opinion this was the worst episode of the season, could be bias though cos AJ is my least favourate of the mane 6 i also dislike the song, probably one of the worst so far. And  i also dont like the fact that they re-used Octavia's character model.



This Signature was created by Surprise, Thanks for the great work Ashley keep it up!


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Barns getting destroyed seems to be a recurring theme in this show.


Anyways, I thought this episode was... alright. I really liked the interaction between Apple Bloom and Babs. And foal Applejack was just hnnnnnnggggggggggg.


The song could have better, but it was great to hear Applejack sing nonetheless.

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Oh, and yeah, as for the shooting star/dead parents thing, that's certainly interesting. It's nice to see that Hasbro and the HUB are once again maturing from past pony generations by not being afraid to give possible hints to not-so-happy things. Dead ponies in G2 or 3? Never would have happened. After all, Scootaloo best explains this point:


Chaotic, I am disappoint, you should know better than posting something so terrifying! :unsure:   Younger forum users will have nightmares from that story if they so much as hear it!!!  Heck, my knees are shaking as it is, that was horrifying, simply horrifiying!!!  ;)

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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Only watched it once so far so opinions might change.


I rather enjoyed it. Was a relatively happy going episode and not full of silly jokes. Dragged a little at first but that's because I don't really like Granny Smith.


AJ has her 'tries too hard' flaw shown as she tries to make everything perfect for everyone to have a good time. Much better than her stubbornness being on show. It shows her great love for her family as she really just wants to make them happy and have something worthwhile to remember.


Baby AJ was interesting I guess... Not a fan of baby/very young characters but was still kinda cute.


Lots of new family members to forget exist. Always good. Still dislike Babs though, shame she returned :P Thought the episode would be far too thin with it trying to concentrate on as many as they could. Was fortunately mostly on AJ though.


An AJ song. Once this started I thought meh. After a few 1,2,3,4's I started to enjoy it a fair amount. As for this 'Racist' barn thing, I didn't really hear it. People are trying too hard to by amusing imo, it's daft.

Anyway, it fits her character and she does have a great voice. Was hoping for a sad song but I'm fine with this :P


I did get a chuckle with Dash zapping AJ though. Was amusing.


Got a feeling some people just like to moan about AJ though. She's just not a flashy pony which some people seem to need. I like her as she is.


I'd say better than Too many Pinkies, Magic Duel and Wonderbolt Academy for sure. Possibly the Crystal Empire too.


As I said though, just first impressions. Probably missed loads of important stuff and all feelings could well change on repeated watches.


And that stars thing. Kinda cool/sad I guess.



  • Brohoof 2

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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good episode, like always^^ glad to see more of Applejack, nd some background to the apple family. OH and an AJ song, finally XD


"Colorful Rainbows catch my eye, as i see you fly across the sky.

You're like a drug that calms the mind."

Recycled sig from one of my test anims. Pay no heed.

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Just noticed that Granny Smith was quite the looker when she was young..........


"Racist barn" Eh, not getting it. Then again I live in the south so I hear people talk like AJ all the time so to Yankees it may sound like that but us Southerners can understand it fine!

  • Brohoof 2
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I have to say, this episode wasn't anything I was super bucked up about(See what I did there? :). ) and heck even after watching it the first time I wasn't quite sure what I though. (I think the reason for that was probably because the episode was a bit fast paced) But after watching it a second time I appreciated it alot more!


Also I'm glad that they where very good with keeping things consistant with having much of applejacks family show up that showed up before(Along with a couple new faces.. That violen pony who looks like octavia :) )


Also for somereason I got excited to see bab's again, and I guess I liked her character more then I though? I wish we could've heard a bit more on her, but I suppose maybe it'll come soon.(Is anybody getting the feeling we may actually see a Bab's episode in the future?)


This is without a doubt the best AJ episode, it may not have been the most amazing episode ever, but I still think it was pretty good, It was better then  last weeks in my opinion.


The scene with AJ looking at the destroyed barn crying actually was pretty emotional. I was quite surprised how bad I felt for her. Its not like AJ is my favorite or anything(Infact technically speaking shes my least favorite, but that doesn't mean I hate her.)


The song at first I was unsure on how I felt to. The whole 1,2,3,4 thing was honestly kinda unnecessary in my opinion. I watched the song later on on youtube and I've grown to like it a bit more, plus we finally get an AJ Solo(Now we need a Rainbow dash solo.) The 1,2,3,4 thing still feels a bit unnecessary, but i can live with it. Not the best song ever, but it was pretty good.(Out of all of S3 its still my least favorite song technically, not that it was bad, I just think the others where a bit better.)


And like its been said, AJ finally did something that wasn't right! Or rather she had a chance to learn something. I mean all the other times we've had her episodes she doesn't ever really learn a lesson, but she finally learned one this time! That alone makes this the best AJ episode. I don't have any doubts against that seeing as this one spotlights AJ plenty(I mean comeon she got a solo, I'm pretty sure that makes it hard for the others to beat it.) And it felt like an AJ episode for once, not just AJ is there, but she gets out shined by everything.


And we got another letter, which was a nice touch, I forgot how much I liked them actually. (Before anybody says so this is actually the 2nd letter of S3, the first was in Episode 3.) This was Aj's first letter technically, if you don't count the I DIDN"T LEARN ANYTHING! letter :P.


Now for the few things I didn't like, first of all like I said before, I think this episode was a bit fast paced, I guess its hard to fit in all of what they needed to fit into this episode, but still that made me a bit unsure on it the first time watching.

I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of times the other pony's said anything, especially the ones of AJ's family we've seen before. I also noticed the other filly's in the obstacle course where not saying anything(Therefore cheating :P)


I also am a bit disappointed on not getting to hear about Bab's situation more, but with all the other stuff going on and the episode already being a bit fast paced I guess they didn't have time anyways.


So a good episode overall, It wasn't my favorite, but its the best AJ episode for sure! I'm not really a big AJ fan or anything, but I enjoyed it pretty well!(Especially on the second watch.)


Other then a few issues, it was really good! Season 3 Hasn't really let me down to hard yet, I hope things keep getting better from this point on!


And also i'd like to say that I think the whole Aj's parents in the stars thing makes sense, its like Scootaloo's parents not being full out mentioned as gone, I think its just simply because its to dark for a kids show, and they just decided to throw that hint in there to tell the brony's where they are.


Just my speculation.


The episode took a second go to really fully appreciate, but it was good! Aj's best episode for sure!

My dear...


All the bats died in the barn collapse (none of them came out as it fell down and they were never seen again).  Kid's show?


Also, anyone notice the two shooting stars at the very end?  That's one of many times that an episode has ended with them.  Wonder what they mean...

Actually I think I noticed they all flew away just as the hay ride crashed into the barn destroying it, they all kinda flew away at the last second in different directions, I don't even think they actually ran into it.


On a side note, the bats where really cute! :D

  • Brohoof 4


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Anypony else in the Applejack bronystate theater this episode? You might have noticed me. It was a lot more crowded than normal, but it still had that Applejack charm.


Anyways, great episode! It showcased everything I love about Applejack. I always wanted an episode sort of like this, where Applejack is so obsessed with work and doing stuff that she doesn't know how to slow down and have fun. That's my favorite flaw of hers. Not her stubborness. Not her pride, although that's a good one. I love her workaholicness and her lack of understanding of fun.

  • Brohoof 4

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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As an AJ fan, I enjoyed the episode and the song, but it's not my favorite so far.

The beginning and the end were really good, but it did seem like the story around some of the activities in the middle was kind of weak. I'm glad it was different enough from Applebuck Season, though.

Also the stars at the end :( .


P.S: How many times has their barn been destroyed now?

  • Brohoof 3

"...and this great blue world of ours
seems a House of Leaves
moments before the wind."

OC: Dream Pop

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I thought the episode was okay, but It felt rushed. I enjoyed the return of all the Apple family members and seeing baby AJ. Also were those two stars supposed to allude to her parents? If so then that is one hell of a subtle and interesting way of doing it.

  • Brohoof 1

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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A good episode and there were so many details is good to see the team is still paying attention and saying hi to the fandom this way.  Right now I just noticed a salute for all the German Bronies with my new favorite background Pony. Uncle Strudel FROM GERMANY he got the style and got the moves please come back Uncle Strudel.



  • Brohoof 4
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I did not take this episode with too many expectations in suit, so I do not have a lot to say in the way of a very detailed analysis. However, the way Applejack can still be slightly stubborn shows here. Not too much, but it's still there to take notice of. That said, going back to that fear theme thread I made a couple of weeks ago, it was pretty obvious here - being afraid that ponies will look down upon you if you do not present yourself to be what you consider to be the best thing in all of Equestria.


One thing I really liked about this episode is the return of Babs Seed! Yes, although this was supposed to be an Applejack episode, it was a split entity introducing the rest of the apple family and showcasing what they might be like. We got to see a pony with what I believe was an Irish accent (she even had the decals to prove it), ponies from Appleloosa, and Manehattan (most prominent one being Babs), among others. Babs herself did not get too much screentime, hanging around Apple Bloom while the spotlight was usually on Applejack, but it's relieving to know that they brought her back for another stint, and within just a few weeks' notice, too. Guess the rumour of her being a full-fledged member of the CMC will stick after all.


It was also pretty nice to know that the Apple Family over the generations have really expanded their business. Going back to my original point of the Apple Family members coming from around Equestria (perhaps even the world!), it's nice to know that the apple family patch (much like the Hells Angels patch, an outlaw motorcycle club) is never forgotten no matter the location. That is something to proud of if you are in such a family, so it was a good showing.


Western Octavia was quite a nice surprise, too! Though she just might be a recolouring and nothing more, she did have the string instrument (looked like a violin) to make the relation clear and the inspiration noticeable. Maybe soon enough, we'll get to see the real Octavia in action.


Applejack also finally gets her own song! It was very heartwarming to see after so long - Ashleigh Ball has a wonderful voice and she showcased it here to its fullest extent. Dazzling.


One thing you could catch from the episode is the appearance of two shooting stars in the beginning of the episode. There's been numerous reports by fans that these two are the spirits of Applejack's deceased parents, and that is an intriguing theory no matter how you look at it. From our perspective, it does seem like a very subtle yet very clever thing to toss in just for the sake of reminding people that this may in fact be true, and the way this episode turned out to be, that theory could indeed hold up being true after all. Its only problem is that the developers may not have intentionally made the reference to be that way, as the lack of appearance does not constitute characters being dead, but rather just the lack of a backstory to thrust in a prominent role in regards to said characters. In other words, they just don't have an idea on what to give AJ's parents and what they want to make them out to be, so hence they do not appear at all.


Overall, a good episode. As I've noticed already, Applejack episodes tend to be humble, sweet, sincere, and down-to-earth so there's no fidgety material to pick on. There's nothing mind-boggling about it, but the simplistic nature of it gives it quite the replay value and the return of Babs (with a proud-to-be-a-member attitude) is always a nice bonus.

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
  • Brohoof 7
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Baby Applejack was just the cutest baby ever!

we now know granny smith was a blond

Applejack gets her own song (woohoo)

country folk + old people = greatest elderly group ever

"racist barn, racist barn. 1, 2, 3, 4..."

  • Brohoof 2

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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It was an ok episode, but it wasn't right for AJ's character.  I mean she seemed out of it in quite a few scenes.  Also I sorta don't like the song.  I mean it was ok, but that dumb 1234 just ruined it for me.


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First off...


Yay, Babs appeared in more than one episode! 


Now I expect to see Applejack T-Shirts with the phrase "Git 'er dun!" on them.  :lol:


Seriously, I just lost it there.  ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I don't normally hate on MLP as from when i started watching it, i liked it with the stories and such but.....


I'm dubbing this.




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I oughta go to a livestream once and awhile. Maybe next week, if I have the time?


Anyways, that was actually a pretty good episode. Maybe not the best of Season 3, about as good as the Pinkie Pie one., At least it wasn't as bad as the Bad Apple one. Sorry, didn't like that one much.


I can't decide if I liked the song or not.


Wait for it...

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While I did somewhat enjoy this episode it was still kind of ... meh for me


The song was okay at best, had a really nice rhythm to it and honestly, I almost got up and started dancing myself however, it was WAY to repetitive for my liking


Also yes, Violin pony is now second best pony :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Another leak, I wasn't even aware. What, with finals and all...


Holy crap! Applejack FINALLY got a song. I literally had to pause it, because I was yelling so much, I couldn't hear the song. I'm so glad Applejack finally got her song!


Now all we need are Pinkeh songs to make up for lost time. (Seriously, she didn't even have a line in Winter Wrap Up)

  • Brohoof 3
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