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Anybody else hate horses in real life?


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I don't think I've ever liked horses. I've ridden them from time to time, but the thing that annoys the hell out of me is the smell. And they're always crapping all over the place. I don't think I could stand being around horses more than one day in a row.

  • Brohoof 1


Rarity is best pony.

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Horses are now worthless to Humans. They're a pillar in the house of Earth's retarded eco-system though.

They're a bit like lawn-mowers!

  • Brohoof 3

Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away?

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Wrong sir! I was forced to learn horseback riding when I was 8-11, I hated every lesson and I always came back smelling like something that came out of a nuclear powerplant. And this is very strongly why I hate horses in real life, but it's also very strongly what I mentioned above. Horses are heartless creatures.


You must have had a few bad horses. They aren't heartless at all. They are loving and friendly. Of course you can find a few bad apples. I've met a few in my time. But I would say a good 95% I have met are so loving


Now you mentioned being FORCED. So right there I am just gonna go ahead an assume you are biased due to some poor experiences. Meanwhile, horses can feel your mood too. If you are feeling upset, angry, or whatever whie you are up there they are gonna know it.

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Eh, I think horses are okay. I neither like nor dislike them. What annoys me, however, is that people always assume I had horses growing up just because I'm from Montana. I always go, "uh, nope. Not everyone rides horses to school/work there. We have cars and buses just like the rest of the country."

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Actually I just don't mind a real horse, I do however hate real ponies.  They are ugly compared to the cute candy colored cartoon that I have come to love.  I also hate drawings of real horses ever since my sister went through a 7 yr phase of only drawing horses and left them all over the house!  Agh, now she moved on to drawing just cats... Now I hate cats even more than I already did.

EDIT: besides, I live next door to horses, and I know many people with horses.  So I can't really hate them, they are kinda cool... KINDA

Edited by Scootalove


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Not many people use horses for transportation nowadays, so I don't see much harm on some competition. Except maybe horse races, but that's a whole different story.


Having spent some time in a place where the only method of transportation was an equine, it wasn't so bad. Well, as long as you got used to the lingering smell of manure being everywhere. So y'know, I had to get used to them real quick to even stand that place.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I don't, I've been around a few, and road around on them a couple times as a kid. I think they're really beautiful animals.


Ad for real ponies, their just hilarious, some of the really small ones make you think your seeing things, "No, wait a minute, that can't be real." 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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I hate them too, although not so much because they're horses, but because I'm allergic. When I'm by a horse, my eyes start itching and turn red and swell up to the point where I can't see through them, then my throat gets itchy and I start coughing, and...it's not good. 


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  • 1 year later...

I for one love horses in real life.. they are beautiful animals. For a number of years I worked with horses.. well more like taken care of them. Clean them, feed them etc. Sure they can be kind of mean or gross... or not to smart... did you know they can eat them selves to death... 


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I worked on a horse ranch for a little over a year.  In that amount of time a pregnant mare has intentionally tried to crush me against a stall wall, a non-pregnant mare has stomped on my foot like a used cigarette, and a yearly nearly took my fingers off by stomping upon the rail where my fingers were moments ago for no other reason than my hand was simply there.  Yeah, horse and I are not friends.

"Oh dear, I'm way past strange.  I think I'm probably incredible." - The Doctor

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I love all animals of equine nature... except donkeys and zebras. I been afraid of horses as a kid because one nearly kicked me in the face, but I know better today. My Aunt owns a horse farm and I always enjoyed petting and feeding them when I'm there.


Now miniature horses are really mean, its almost comical when they're pissed.

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I DON'T LIKE HORSES. THEY'RE THE WORK OF SOME DEMONIC WITCHERY. I HATE THEM THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO LIVE ON EARTH. um, I say we send all the horses to the moon, then we wont have to worry about their atrocities!




JK, um,

I don't have a reason to hate them. They intimidate me though.


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I've never been fond of most equines, bovines even, smelly, wastes all over the place. But that doesn't mean I don't touch them given the chance, THAT'S WHAT THE SINK IS FOR :lol:


I'm still sticking with the cartoonish, colored, big headed, big eyed, short nuzzle ponies :yay:


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Horses are alright. I remember having a lot of fun in girl scouts getting my horse badges.  I also highly enjoy riding them.  However, they are the most expensive pets you can own.  Unless you are Amish (and I know no one here is), they have no real use.  Machines have taken their place, and thus horses are only good for enjoyment.  Thus they cannot earn their keep, and they are expensive animals to keep. Cats can mouse and provide companionship, Dogs are man's best friend, small rodents and caged animals are purely for enjoyment but they are cheap to keep compared to horses and thus justifiable. Horses have always been used for work throughout history, that's their place among men.  And although among modern people, they can do some work, it's usually very specific and very localized, which means 90% of modern horse owners still use them for enjoyment.  That's the only gripe I have with horses.


My husband HATES them.  He actually wanted (and got) a pony as a child, but the horse hated males so my poor husband was treated rather mean by this horse, even though my husband has been and still is very gentle person. No qualms about cartoon horses though...

edit: not sure why it posted what I said twice, but whatever... :wacko:

Edited by Treble Bolt

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Unless you are Amish (and I know no one here is), they have no real use.

Actually it's the only mean of transport Serbian Gypsies know how to use so it's pretty usefull for them.


Anyway, they are such gracious animals, I wish I could have one! I know some guys who ride it around the city in traffic, it's so much better then riding a car or bicycle!




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I freaking love horses. My uncle raises, breeds, and breaks horses for a living, and he's let me ride a few of them. Think of it like this: If driving a car is to listening to MP3, then riding horses is like listening to records. It's not for everyone and there's much more work and care that has to be put into it. Not to mention that it's a lot more expensive (unless you're driving a Ferrari or Bugatti...then you've got me there) to own a horse compared to a car. Vinyl and horses are outdated, but for some reason they have their places. 


Why I make this comparison is because riding a horse/listening to a record is an experience in itself. I listen to digital music a whole lot more often than I do my records just like I drive my car more than I ride my uncle's horses. But I have much more fun with horses and records. It's just a different thing and it feels cool to be able to say I've ridden horses or that I own a record player. I dunno why it's so except that it just feels that way for me.


But yeah I love horses :) They're awesome creatures. Sure, I'd rather have a cat or a dog than a horse, but horses are still awesome.

Edited by Space Woona
  • Brohoof 1

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Actually it's the only mean of transport Serbian Gypsies know how to use so it's pretty usefull for them.


Anyway, they are such gracious animals, I wish I could have one! I know some guys who ride it around the city in traffic, it's so much better then riding a car or bicycle!

That stems back to what I said about their use in a localized manner. That's not the way it is all over the world. 


They are very majestic creatures...all like lean Bulk Biceps :P, just rippling with muscle. Although as a substitute for mass transportation, I feel sorry for the poop collectors...

  • Brohoof 1

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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Horses, Ponies, all of them. Love em', they're cool and very smart. Horses has been a huge help for humanity, mounts and farming and more. So I think they're pretty awesome. But this is my opinion of course. :3

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They smell and are ugly, so I don't really like being around them. Then again, they're very useful for transportation and help out around farms. They pull our machines and I'm pretty sure their manure helps fertilize our crops.


I always thought that participating in horse racing and jumping hurdles was a healthy exercise for both the trainer and the horse. I'm sure not all horses enjoy this and that's understandable but why dislike horses for humans taking advantage of them? That's just like disliking a child for being abused.


Also, I'm not sure how much of this is true but I found it and it seems nice-


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