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Derpy Hooves or Ditzy Doo?


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Derpy Hooves has become canon as far as I'm concerned; besides, whether or not it was official, I'd still refer to her as Derpy Hooves... it's just such a cute name!!! :wub:


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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then whats her relation to dinky or is that all fanon?


Dinky is supposedly Derpy's daughter, due to her somewhat similar colour scheme and for her multiple appearances beside her.
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i feel like dinky is her real name and derpy is a nickname or she could have had her name changed whatever the case i do love her

Eternal Glory to the Lunar Republic

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"For the second draft, I was asked to change Ditzy's name to Derpy as a "tip of the hat" to the fans. So, not knowing that Derpy meant anything beyond klutzy and clumsy, I did as requested And then I was finished with this episode."




THis lady pisses me off.

When you assume you make an asshole out of yourself.


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In Winter Wrap-up, a pegasus notes "ditzy" accidentally flew north to get the birds, and Rainbow Dash was irritated she didn't seem to learn from the previous year, in which she flew west. That's the only mentioning of Ditzy.


Derpy was mentioned by name AND shown, as we all know, in The Last Roundup.


They may have edited the clip, but that doesn't mean they undid the original's showing.

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In Winter Wrap-up, a pegasus notes "ditzy" accidentally flew north to get the birds, and Rainbow Dash was irritated she didn't seem to learn from the previous year, in which she flew west. That's the only mentioning of Ditzy.


Derpy was mentioned by name AND shown, as we all know, in The Last Roundup.


They may have edited the clip, but that doesn't mean they undid the original's showing.


The origianl will always be my fav for derps. I was so happy when I heard "derpy" And I can't believe they listened to these few insolent ones looking to ruin the fun.


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Honestly, I'm kind of confused about it. You'd think the show would be reflecting an attitude of being accepted for who you are, yet their actions reflect an attitude of essentially euthanizing anyone who is disabled or less fortunate just because the more fortunate don't like the fact they are like that.


Honestly, if people don't have a disability themselves, they should shut up about this kind of stuff.

  • Brohoof 1
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The idea of Derpy being her nickname is good, that way everypony can call her what they want.

I'll just continue to call her Derpy, because I like it better than Ditzy. (Not to mention that I'd mix Ditzy and Daring Doo together.)


My thoughts exactly where:

Is Daring Doo and Ditsy Doo related?

or perhaps

Ditsy is the original creater of Daring?


I like both the name's. Though.. I usually go with Derpy, as I think it's cute (don't judge me). But as mentioned, it could just be a nickname and for me that is quite fair. :)


(I just came from a thread about this topic, which got locked some seconds before I posted... typical :P)

Twicha Twich, twicha twich! Watch out for falling objects!

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Honestly, I'm kind of confused about it. You'd think the show would be reflecting an attitude of being accepted for who you are, yet their actions reflect an attitude of essentially euthanizing anyone who is disabled or less fortunate just because the more fortunate don't like the fact they are like that.


Honestly, if people don't have a disability themselves, they should shut up about this kind of stuff.


Agreed, the fact that you are defiling a character because of it's disabilities (Which isn't even true) is offensive. Ignorance prevails in the end.

Edited by Derpy Mooves
  • Brohoof 1


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The name, from looking into it, for Derpy was originally supposed to be Ditzy Doo, a name chosen by fans to give to the ever klutzy Pony that was seen in season one briefly and without a face (The one Rainbow Dash pulled the number 15 off of in the Sonic Rainboom Episode) but when shown in the series was called Derpy Hooves by Rainbow dash. This made the original intended name fanon and upset a few people. The theory as to why her name was changed from Ditzy to Derpy is because the official definition of the latter name is Clumsy, which she is in spades.


Sorry if I strayed off topic. I didn't read fully through before posting. I agree class typing disabled people is offensive, being disabled myself and having a speech impediment. It's just not something that really fints into a show with "friendship is magic" in the title.

Edited by Starbolt

Smile and things will turn out fine. If it doesn't, then smile anyway and show them you're the bigger Pony.

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I have a disability as well. Personally, I find it incredibly insulting to change the ONE pony who is disabled. It's basically saying Derpy wasn't good enough the way she was. What does it say about a show that is supposed to be about friendship if people aren't even happy for everypony, regardless of what disability he or she may have?

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Why would it matter? regardless if she has disabilities or not. People just don't think 'why it's offensive' They just think its offensive because it's different. Parents are basically saying "OMG! I don't want my children watching a disabled being!!!" -_-


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What I think:


Ditzy Doo: "prototype" or "beta" name for Derpy, mentioned and seen in Winter Wrap Up

Derpy Hooves: official canonical name, confirmed in The Last Roundup. Though, after the controversy you probably remember, I think they said they were changing her eyes, voice, etc. cause some people found it offensive.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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What I think:


Ditzy Doo: "prototype" or "beta" name for Derpy, mentioned and seen in Winter Wrap Up

Derpy Hooves: official canonical name, confirmed in The Last Roundup. Though, after the controversy you probably remember, I think they said they were changing her eyes, voice, etc. cause some people found it offensive.


And also the meaning behind the name. Which in return probably means they are going to be forced to not mention her for the 'bronies' and 'overprotective soccer moms'. For the simple fact one way or another it will be offensive.


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And also the meaning behind the name. Which in return probably means they are going to be forced to not mention her for the 'bronies' and 'overprotective soccer moms'. For the simple fact one way or another it will be offensive.


Yeah, gotta love the ignorance of the media. Hasbro avoided a very stupid lawsuit. :/


The media should just stay away from everything relating to Internet memes because most references can be seen as offensive. Like this one time, I saw a news report that talked about some people who go to this school's sports events, and they have this sign that says "You Mad Bro", and they automatically saw it as a racist reference to black people or something.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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Yeah, gotta love the ignorance of the media. Hasbro avoided a very stupid lawsuit. :/


The media should just stay away from everything relating to Internet memes because most references can be seen as offensive. Like this one time, I saw a news report that talked about some people who go to this school's sports events, and they have this sign that says "You Mad Bro", and they automatically saw it as a racist reference to black people or something.


I don't get people sometimes. Some people think they can interpret things and be right 100% of the time. Ignorance is right, really baffles me how bad people are. I personally think hasbro could've approached a way better solution to avoid a lawsuit. A personal response reasoning would've been enough. Unless the person is REALLY off there horse (no pun intended). Then I'd be willing to fight against idiots like that.


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I don't get people sometimes. Some people think they can interpret things and be right 100% of the time. Ignorance is right, really baffles me how bad people are. I personally think hasbro could've approached a way better solution to avoid a lawsuit. A personal response reasoning would've been enough. Unless the person is REALLY off there horse (no pun intended). Then I'd be willing to fight against idiots like that.


But the problem being that there will always be biased people who will claim that different should not be allowed. The media follows an institutionalized ideal that different is wrong. As long as people do not open their eyes that this is not the way to handle things, the general public will move blindly along at it's current rate of tolerating what they are told to and doing likewise for what they hate. I think Hasbro was on the right track with Derpy being in the series because it BROKE the ideal norm and said it was okay to accept the different, and THAT'S where the public became furious. Their order was being challenged and they did the first thing they could to save it. File a lawsuit and have their Bias ideals returned to a show meant to teach ideals, and in doing so removed the ideals that were meant to be learned.

  • Brohoof 1

Smile and things will turn out fine. If it doesn't, then smile anyway and show them you're the bigger Pony.

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But the problem being that there will always be biased people who will claim that different should not be allowed. The media follows an institutionalized ideal that different is wrong. As long as people do not open their eyes that this is not the way to handle things, the general public will move blindly along at it's current rate of tolerating what they are told to and doing likewise for what they hate. I think Hasbro was on the right track with Derpy being in the series because it BROKE the ideal norm and said it was okay to accept the different, and THAT'S where the public became furious. Their order was being challenged and they did the first thing they could to save it. File a lawsuit and have their Bias ideals returned to a show meant to teach ideals, and in doing so removed the ideals that were meant to be learned.


I really couldn't have put it better. I completely agree. Although it's wrong and somep people need to grow up and except change, there will always be a group of people that dislike it. And I don't think you could have summed my thoughts up any better.


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It was the best idea they had to salute the bronies... :( *sigh*


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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