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What did you learn in 2012?


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Everyone always looks forward, but lets take a minute for a year in review.



What did you learn from your experiences this year?



What changed you?



Lets have a list of things you've learned!




I, for example, have learned you can live on without some people you thought were important in your life; and that nothing ever stays the same.

  • Brohoof 3


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I learned that I cannot create music whatsoever. I learned to truly not care what people think, anymore. I learned how to be happy a lot easier. I didn't really learn much else.


Time to waste away another year. <3


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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Those people in my class who I call friends, are not friends.  Their people who sit there and ignore me completely.  And quite frankly, I don't care anymore.

Is that even a lesson?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Dear Princess Celestia,

This year I learned to not judge something prematurely. I used to judge people way to fast if they thought something that I didn't agree with. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has taught me that this isn't fair at all. I won't judge anyone before I've actually met them. I won't judge an activity before I've actually had the chance to observe/do it. I won't judge someone for doing something or being interesting in something or thinking a certain way that I may not agree with. I've learned by not judging people so fast, you can  find out that they are a better person than you actually thought they were and actually become friends with them. Just because someone looks a certain way or likes something that you might not like, doesn't mean that they are weird or mean or nerdy and so on. For example, I used to think bronies were really weird for liking a show I thought was for little girls. But I was very wrong, and quickly found out that being a brony is awesome and so is My Little Pony :3


Your fan,


Edited by AustralianFries
  • Brohoof 4
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I've learned that there can be forums online that are much friendlier than other places I've gone to... It's not that the others disturbed me, it's just that I've never seen a tighter, friendlier online community like this one. Here's to many more years to come, and I've also realized that love and tolerance is all you really need :)

  • Brohoof 4


Special Special thanks to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the sig!!!

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*Friendship is Magic

*Pinkeh is the greatest thing ever

*You don't live forever, make the most out of what you got

*Fun is fun

*Don't drop the clutch on ice. You will not have a good time.

*Don't try to run a yellow light when there's ice on the ground.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Even a show about cartoon ponies can be awesome if done right.


2. If you want anything out of life you have to get off your butt and get it.


3. That freedom of speech will not protect you no matter how corrupt and wrong your employer is so long as what they are doing is "not technically illegal".


4. Just how many ways an employer can legally screw over an employee and how little recourse an employee actually has in a lot of matters.

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I learned that MLP:FIM is a damn good show.


I learned how to do some new recipes. (I can now make an excellent Beef Stroganoff)


I learned more about the United States criminal justice system in my classes.


I learned that Leonardo Dicaprio is not such a bad actor after all.


I learned about the differences between an open bolt and closed bolt design in firearms.


I learned that if you pour too much cognac in one sitting you will get pretty buzzed.


I learned how to win in Vegas.

  • Brohoof 1
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I learned that people behind veil of anonymity of the internet are not robots, but humans with their own beliefs and doubts.

I learned that I should totally stop buying so much fresh foods, they get bad real quick.

I learned that pancakes are delicious.

  • Brohoof 3


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  1. Ponies. Plain and simple.

I learned how to dance Gangnam Style.

It isn't always about how much you get done, or how fast. That is, the grade does not determine the intelligence.

We are too smart for our own good.

The world is bigger and more beautiful than we think.

I used to wonder what friendship could be, until you all shared its magic with me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I learned that My Little Pony is awesome once again, people suck, my teacher's a bitch, and potato soup tastes really good.  I also learned how to be more of an individual person and that I look good with short hair.

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Dear Princess Celestia,


This year, I learned that its okay to maybe not maintain a perfectly controlled schedule, or get lots of work done, or whatever else you planned, if it means you can spend more valuable time with your friends. You can live in the moment, instead of always worrying about the future. Instead of trying to make "fun time" in your schedule, I learned that you should have fun right now in whatever you do! 


Also, I learned that Applejack is best pony. You probably already realized that after her letter to you about the whole Flim Flam brothers incident, but maybe a refresher would be in order?


Your most faithful fan,



Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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i learnt that friendship is magic!!!!


lol XD




i learnt alot of things.... listing them all would be a pain...


but i will say that iv gotten a bit better with art.. and all that stuff...



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Friends are always here for you


Shyness is not good


I guess that these ones are the ones that i can remember from this year, you know, too much information...


Made by the awesome Angels_Gal

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What did I learn? Way too much to list. But if I have to pick one thing, it would be this...


I learned that sometimes you just need to take that leap in life. I've both missed opportunities by staying on the sidelines for too long, yet at the same time I've taken chances and have had the most incredible journeys. One of which I'm on right now, along with everypony else here, and the brony community as a whole.


Oh, and one more thing...


Rainbow Dash is best pony!!!

  • Brohoof 1


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I do have to say it was a year where I learned a lot.


First I learned more about organized religions (particularly Christianity and Judaism) than I ever did before. Although that also was a nail in the coffin for believing the stuff was actually real, or inspired by any kind of God, it took me far away from seeing these religions as created to control people.


In fact, this year I learned a lot of history. I really went back and studied ancient history, and cultures. Then I took a class this last semester learning about Britain from way back in BCE to the 16th century CE. I loved that course.


I also took a very interesting course on Botany and how people use plants. I didn't expect to love the course, but I did, and now I'm interested in Botany. o.O I learned so many little bits of information about plants that I never knew before. I also learned what kinds of woods are used for woodwind instruments... Which of course I had to look into. lol. I would have never known that bassoons could be made from the wood of one of the trees in my own backyard (Red Maple).


Of course, I also learned a bit of how to play tenor saxophone. Although that's still a work in the progress...

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I learned that the world didn't end...


Just kidding I always knew that. In 2012 I learned that I wasn't putting enough effort in my schoolwork (far from enough) even though I thought I was putting effort. A new year has been provided for me to improve my school grades and raise them I will. I also learned that my history teacher is a hardcore Star Wars fan and uses references from the original trilogy in his lectures all the time, which is awesome. 


Another thing I learned was that MLP has started airing in Taiwan (in mandarin/Chinese). For my winter/Christmas/holday/ break I went back to Taipei, in Taiwan. We went to a Toys'R'Us and I saw that there was a section selling MLP brushables (no blindbags spotted as of yet) and on one of the shelves was a very small television screen, playing the first episode of MLP. When I heard it was in Chinese, I was quite shocked, because I never thought that there would be a version of MLP in Chinese. This was largely due to the large difference in grammar mechanics between English and Chinese. However I did some research on this Chinese version of MLP, and watched a bit of the episodes myself (only the first 2 are out). The voices sounded like the characters, and the translations for the names were pretty good, better than I expected. 

  • Brohoof 1

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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Well first, I was all, "If the world ends on Friday December 2012, we won't be able to see the newest My Little Pony episode! Out of all of the worst things that could happen... This is the worst! Possible! Thing!"


But then I was all, "Worst. Apocalypse. Ever!"


I learned the Gangnam Style dance.


I learned that my school really can not put on a decent play. I was shoehorned(?) into an absolutely terrible performance of Alice In Wonderland. I'm the caterpillar. Not the Mad Hatter, like I wanted to be, but the freaking Caterpillar. These people have seen my slasher smile many, many times, and yet they still refuse to give me, their best actor and person, the male lead role. The play's director and scriptwriter, some no-qualifications idiot who belongs in a mental ward and makes Sikowitz look normal, is a complete buffoon. In the time it took me to write several chapters of my fanfics and other fics on other sites, about a week, he'd added one or two more lines to the absolutely terrible failiure of Alice in Wonderland, the Timothy Kong edition. Yes, that's what it is called, that is on the tickets, and he came up with the name himself. Celestia, I hate how in my school, ameteur hour never ends.


I learned that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is actually a really good show. I realised that friendship, true friendship, can make a show great, and resolved to add more friendship to my book series, as well as the depth, violence, awesomeness and mind-screw it was going to have anyway.


I learned that the world will not end in 2012, much to my dissapointment. I was hoping that I'd be rewarded in my next life for my suffering in this one, so I'd be reborn as an awesome person godlike powers and wings.


I learned that some people just can not be trusted. Some people just can not be pleased. And some people just arne't worth my time.


I learned that if I used a Magikarp in a certian way, it becomes unstoppable. Yay, Pokemon!

Edited by Asquerade

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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- Pythagoras Theorem

- How to cook

- What it's like to not go out for more than a week

- MLP is awesome

- DO NOT let your mum talk to an Immigration Officer if she hardly knows English

- International schools are real rough

- Bali sucks

- What it's like to pet an Elephant


Damn Double Post

Edited by Blinding Light


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I learned that MLP:FiM is appropriate for all ages.


I learned that the show changed me to be a better person.


I learned to never give up, and that skills require patience and hard work to master.


I learned that a computer can damage someone's life.


I learned that real/good friends are rare...


I learned that i'm not to good at finding them... :(


I learned to appreciate what i have.

Edited by Concord


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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I learned, as I do every year and will learn every year after, how to make my music better.


I learned about a delicate balance a musician must strike between making the music he/she wants to make, and making the music his/her fans want to hear.


On that note, I also learned what it's like to have fans. It's kind of a kick.


I learned that I'm a really laid back album director.


I learned that biting off more than you can chew and forcing art out can stifle creativity and impair that art.


I learned that not having a firm grasp on CSS makes it really hard to update a website.


I learned that brony pop music exists and is deeply permeated into the scene as a whole, with popular yet mediocre artists getting far more exposure than musicians that are objectively better.


I learned exactly to what degree OverClocked ReMix will expedite accepted tracks for special occasions. I'll probably never get posted that fast again. I can't remember another time anyone got posted to OCR that fast.


I learned that I'll never be able to game as much as I'd like to.


I learned that male rats are lazy and freakin' adorable 100% of the time.

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I learned that if you blast This Day Aria really loudly people are just going to think it's very obscure Disney music. 


I learned that voice acting could be an awesome job...if you want to fight your way into the business with thousands of other people who are way better at it than you.


I learned that I flat out suck at art. I can hardly even trace. 


I learned that it's not a good idea to see the midnight screening of a movie based off of a book that's highly popular among most teenagers. May the odds be ever in your favor if you try to go to one. 


I learned that I love giving my opinion to anyone who happens to be listening. 


I learned that the best time to people watch is at Niagara Falls on New Years Eve.


I learned that if you hear a song on the radio that you like, don't go home and listen to it over and over again. Said song just might become a hit, and it will be played everywhere until you want to kill yourself due to over exposure to a song you used to like but then got sick of.


I learned to never let your friend go on Youtube on your computer if you're still logged into your account. They will probably silently judge you based on the videos you like to watch. This also applies to Tumblr. 


Finally, I learned that I'm much more confident than I thought I was. I just needed to loosen up and embrace my inner Pinkie Pie. 

Edited by Rarietty
  • Brohoof 2


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