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~The Snowy Wolf~

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Scout shifted his weight thinking, I know I said to myself I could wait, but if they take much longer, I'm going to have to go back to the office for a tardy slip... He shivered and tapped the colt who said his name was Neutron. He decided that he wasn't supposed to know his name, so he simply said, "Excuse me," and waited for him to move so he could get to class.


Neutron's gaze soon shifted from Apple Dapple to Scout. He hadn't realized that he was in the way of the colt's class. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be in the way." He said beginning to stutter as he moved out of the pegasi's way. He had only gotten a quick glance at Scout and he didn't really liked the way he looked. "He looks like trouble but he was at least polite. Guess i'm too quick to judge." He thought to himself before returning to Apple Dapple. "Uhhh what class are you going to next?" He asked Apple Dapple. It was his best attempt at trying to be friends with her and he knew he could use some friends at a place like this.

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Oh thank the stars, he moved. Wait, was he stuttering? I bet I look like I walking punching bag. Like I got lost in a timberwolf den or something... He sighed and took a seat, flipping through the text book on his desk. He doubted his making any friends this year, and wondered if they were going to have another episode where the class had a joint effort to pick on him. He closed his eyes and sighed, waiting for the day to be over.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Neutron's gaze soon shifted from Apple Dapple to Scout. He hadn't realized that he was in the way of the colt's class. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be in the way." He said beginning to stutter as he moved out of the pegasi's way. He had only gotten a quick glance at Scout and he didn't really liked the way he looked. "He looks like trouble but he was at least polite. Guess i'm too quick to judge." He thought to himself before returning to Apple Dapple. "Uhhh what class are you going to next?" He asked Apple Dapple. It was his best attempt at trying to be friends with her and he knew he could use some friends at a place like this.

She blushed, not meaning to have caused a ruckus with anypony. She looked at the pony who looked like they got tussled a little and said "Sorry for bein' in the way". She moved to the side with Neutron and smiled as the other pony passed on by.


"Oh me? Umm, Ah' think I got Pre Algerbra or sumthin; like that. Ah'm a little new 'round these parts so ah'm just tryin' to figger' things out. Whut about you?"


She shifted nervously, being her usual shy self. She noted that ponies were moving quickly to their next class. Had they been standing out in the hall that long?


Obsidian enjoyed her first class. She adored history. Now it was on to her second. As she moved and say in the next class she noticed that Vinyl pony filly was here again. She had two classes with her so far. She sighed. Vinyl was full of energy and good spirits, something Obsidian loathed. She just wasn't peppy and found little reason to be. Vinyl had been so friendly that she endured it and she would keep doing so, but in reality it was like hoof nails on a chalk board. She settled in as the bell was about to ring.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She blushed, not meaning to have caused a ruckus with anypony. She looked at the pony who looked like they got tussled a little and said "Sorry for bein' in the way". She moved to the side with Neutron and smiled as the other pony passed on by.


"Oh me? Umm, Ah' think I got Pre Algerbra or sumthin; like that. Ah'm a little new 'round these parts so ah'm just tryin' to figger' things out. Whut about you?"


She shifted nervously, being her usual shy self. She noted that ponies were moving quickly to their next class. Had they been standing out in the hall that long?





Swift navigated the halls to find his next class, but he was having difficulty after some ruffian split juice on his time table, as he was walking he notice the mare he sat next to in his first class, she was acting awful nervous... 'maybe i should go up and talk to her ' he thought to himself and he moved toward the group over hearing that she was in his next lesson again Pre Algerbra.


"urm excuse me, did you say you had Pre Algerbra next? i do too but i can seem to find which class it was in?" he said..... but even tho he was acting rely calm he felt shy about it all

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Nightfall wasn't too big of a fan on classes of Magical Studies. He was a little bit happy to get out. He saw he had Language IV next, and shook his head slightly; he wasn't too big of a fan of those studies either. He couldn't wait for his third period class: Pre-Calc. He trotted in just before the bell rang and noticed Vinyl Blade and his sister already in the class. He took his seat next to Vinyl.


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Vinyl turned to the alicorn next to her. "Oh, hey. And your sister's here too. Even better." She leaned over to see Obsidian and gave a quick, but semi-enthusiastic, wave. "She's pretty cute," she whispered to Nightfall. "Guess they put us in the same classes too. Maybe they expect me to be y'all's guide through the day for a while."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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She blushed, not meaning to have caused a ruckus with anypony. She looked at the pony who looked like they got tussled a little and said "Sorry for bein' in the way". She moved to the side with Neutron and smiled as the other pony passed on by.


"Oh me? Umm, Ah' think I got Pre Algerbra or sumthin; like that. Ah'm a little new 'round these parts so ah'm just tryin' to figger' things out. Whut about you?"


She shifted nervously, being her usual shy self. She noted that ponies were moving quickly to their next class. Had they been standing out in the hall that long?


"ummm I got Biology and-" Neutron said trailing off when Swift came into the conversation. The colt glanced at the clock and saw that he only had a minute to get to his next class. "Gah! I'm almost late uhh it was nice meeting you Apple Dapple. Hope to see you around." He said before galloping toward his next class. Neutron barely made it to his class with only a few seconds to spare before the bell rang.

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Vinyl turned to the alicorn next to her. "Oh, hey. And your sister's here too. Even better." She leaned over to see Obsidian and gave a quick, but semi-enthusiastic, wave. "She's pretty cute," she whispered to Nightfall. "Guess they put us in the same classes too. Maybe they expect me to be y'all's guide through the day for a while."


He almost looked at Vinyl funny for calling his sister cute.

"Kinda... I think I may have a few classes switched, but most of them are the same. I don't know why a few are different..."

He almost trailed off, but was able to remember Vinyl was, in fact, still there.

"And to answer you, I guess so..."

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Since it was second period, Scout was bored. English was an okay class, but the teacher was boring. Scout looked out the window and daydreamed about the forest, when a ruler came out of nowhere and made him jump. The teacher was pointing at his book and asking him why he wasn't reading. Blushing, he muttered an apology and went to work.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Apple Dapple


She watched as the other pony darted off and she gasped looking at Echo. "We gotta get goin before we're late!". She grabbed Echo and took off down the hall. They finally reached the class just as she dragged Echo in the room. "We made it!!!"


Obsidian Winter


She sat through their next class, taking notes carefully and only looking up once in a while. She noticed Vinyl and Nightfall, but Vinyl seemed more interested in me then Nightfall. It was kinda sweet, but she wasn't stupid. She figured since she was an Alicorn, Ms. Vinyl wanted her just for silly Cheerleading or something.

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl continued to take notes and pay attention in class, but her eyes kept wandering over to Obsidian. Holy Luna, she's really cute. Why can't I keep my eyes off her? Note to self: get to know Obsidian Winter better. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can take her to homecoming. Or maybe even prom. Vinyl was clearly lost in thought and was quickly snapped out of it by the teacher calling on her to answer a question. She obviously didn't have the answer and started turning red beneath her charcoal coat

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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After Rockshire's first class had dragged by, she had trotted to her next class, Visual Arts for the Advanced...


...Which turned out to be a two-person class, student and teacher. Ms. Lichty, the art teacher, looked over Rockshire and ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "OOOH, I KNOW you're going to be a ton of fun in this class!"


Maybe I would if you would stop CHOKING ME!

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"whoa!" he exhaled as the mare grabbed him by the hoof and pulled him all the way to there class..... they had not introduced themselves.

"we made it!!!!"said Apple Dapple but Swift was still a little dazed from the experience to speak at first but as they managed to sit next to each other in class again it became a very enjoyable second class 

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Vinyl continued to take notes and pay attention in class, but her eyes kept wandering over to Obsidian. Holy Luna, she's really cute. Why can't I keep my eyes off her? Note to self: get to know Obsidian Winter better. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can take her to homecoming. Or maybe even prom. Vinyl was clearly lost in thought and was quickly snapped out of it by the teacher calling on her to answer a question. She obviously didn't have the answer and started turning red beneath her charcoal coat

Obsidian had noted on and off the beautiful crimson eyed, black coated mare that kept looking in her direction. She wondered what the big deal was. Hadn't she ever seen an alicorn before? Or maybe she thought she was odd with her black horn, but no...Vinyl had a black horn as well...she thought she had seen that look before from a lover she had not too long ago....Was Vinyl, the Cheerleader Captain checking her out? Her thoughts were broken when the teacher asked Vinyl a question. After a while it was pretty clear she didn't know the answer and Obsidian could tell she was embarressed. She used her magic to open the classroom door which drew the teachers attention and then she used her magic to pick up Vinyls ink quill and wrote the answer on her pad in front of her. She grinned, ever so slightly at Vinyl and looked back down at her studies.


"whoa!" he exhaled as the mare grabbed him by the hoof and pulled him all the way to there class..... they had not introduced themselves.

"we made it!!!!"said Apple Dapple but Swift was still a little dazed from the experience to speak at first but as they managed to sit next to each other in class again it became a very enjoyable second class 

"Oh! Ah'm aweful sorry 'bout that. Didn't wont us ta be late! Come own, lets go find us a seat!" She walked back to the back and found two seats together. She grinned and motioned to the seats.

"Looks like we can sit together!" Apple Dapple said cheerfully. She sat her country flank down, opened her books, flashed a smile to Swift and class began.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Obsidian had noted on and off the beautiful crimson eyed, black coated mare that kept looking in her direction. She wondered what the big deal was. Hadn't she ever seen an alicorn before? Or maybe she thought she was odd with her black horn, but no...Vinyl had a black horn as well...she thought she had seen that look before from a lover she had not too long ago....Was Vinyl, the Cheerleader Captain checking her out? Her thoughts were broken when the teacher asked Vinyl a question. After a while it was pretty clear she didn't know the answer and Obsidian could tell she was embarressed. She used her magic to open the classroom door which drew the teachers attention and then she used her magic to pick up Vinyls ink quill and wrote the answer on her pad in front of her. She grinned, ever so slightly at Vinyl and looked back down at her studies.


"Oh! Ah'm aweful sorry 'bout that. Didn't wont us ta be late! Come own, lets go find us a seat!" She walked back to the back and found two seats together. She grinned and motioned to the seats.

"Looks like we can sit together!" Apple Dapple said cheerfully. She sat her country flank down, opened her books, flashed a smile to Swift and class began.



Vinyl continued to take notes and pay attention in class, but her eyes kept wandering over to Obsidian. Holy Luna, she's really cute. Why can't I keep my eyes off her? Note to self: get to know Obsidian Winter better. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can take her to homecoming. Or maybe even prom. Vinyl was clearly lost in thought and was quickly snapped out of it by the teacher calling on her to answer a question. She obviously didn't have the answer and started turning red beneath her charcoal coat


Out of the corner of his eye, Nightfall noticed it all: the mare he was sitting next to, Vinyl, looking at his sister, the same mare getting called on and after not knowing the answer, a distraction and all of a sudden, the answer on the mare's sheet of paper. He could only think of one pony who would do this: his sister. He'd have to talk to her after class.

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Vinyl was distracted by the classroom door opening. After seeing that no pony was there, she looked back down at her book to look for the answer, then she saw her notepad and the answer scrawled across it. She looked around the room for the one responsible for saving her ass on the first day of school. The teacher went back to her desk and asked the question again. Vinyl responded with the correct answer and looked over at Obsidian. The smile on her face clearly gave away the fact that she was the one who did it. Vinyl smiled back and her cheeks reddened even more. "Thank you," she whispered to the white mare

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Out of the corner of his eye, Nightfall noticed it all: the mare he was sitting next to, Vinyl, looking at his sister, the same mare getting called on and after not knowing the answer, a distraction and all of a sudden, the answer on the mare's sheet of paper. He could only think of one pony who would do this: his sister. He'd have to talk to her after class.

Obsidian caught a glimpse of her brother. Yikes, he noticed....great. She was going to get another one of his lecture. She couldn't wait. But really, what had she done wrong? I mean the other Mare was staring at HER and if Obsidian had not have helped, VInyl might have missed the question. Oh well.....Nightfall could go check on rocks.She did the right thing.


Vinyl was distracted by the classroom door opening. After seeing that no pony was there, she looked back down at her book to look for the answer, then she saw her notepad and the answer scrawled across it. She looked around the room for the one responsible for saving her ass on the first day of school. The teacher went back to her desk and asked the question again. Vinyl responded with the correct answer and looked over at Obsidian. The smile on her face clearly gave away the fact that she was the one who did it. Vinyl smiled back and her cheeks reddened even more. "Thank you," she whispered to the white mare

She turned away quickly once she was noticed. Opps, not cool. So much for stealth.She picked up her pen and began taking notes, every now and then shift her eyes to the side to see if those crimson eyes were still on her.




The class had been boring...all these fancified mathmatics. She was a future Apple Bucker. She didn't need all this stuff but her family insisted it was important to be well learned. She played with her pencil, drew pictures and shot little pieces of paper all over class with a straw. She saw that pony from earlier she thought...Neutron she thought was his name? He was cute but so was this Swift Echo pony she sat next to. She let her mind drift into fantasies of school dances and being treated like a lady, something she would never admit she really wanted.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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it had been a incredibly easy class, Swift was quite use to these kinds of number crunching already, after all he was being groomed for such things already with the goal of assisting in maintain one of the family businesses.

tho though most of the lesson he couldn't help but look at the pretty mare next to him as she doodled on her book and glared at Swifts notes too, which Swift allowed to happen.


the class bell rung and everypony got up to head to the next lesson, "so what lesson doe mylady have next?" he asked AppleDapple  hoping it was music so he would share another lesson with her

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Biology went by fast for Neutron. Time flew by quickly for the young colt into the lecture. If there was one thing he did enjoy, it was science. Before long the bell rang signaling lunch for the colt. There was three lunch lines serving different items. One of the lunch lines included a prepackaged cold lunch which included a sandwich, chips and a cold cookie. It was after that that another problem hit Neutron. Most tables were filled with ponies that belonged to their cliques. The jocks, preps, nerds and outcasts were always had their own spot. Neutron then decided to be by himself and sat on the floor next to the vending machines. "I don't need anyone...right?" He thought to himself as he stared at his lunch and began to eat.

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Obsidian caught a glimpse of her brother. Yikes, he noticed....great. She was going to get another one of his lecture. She couldn't wait. But really, what had she done wrong? I mean the other Mare was staring at HER and if Obsidian had not have helped, Vinyl might have missed the question. Oh well.....Nightfall could go check on rocks.She did the right thing.


She turned away quickly once she was noticed. Oops, not cool. So much for stealth.She picked up her pen and began taking notes, every now and then shift her eyes to the side to see if those crimson eyes were still on her.


Nightfall sat through the rest of the class, his mind not really there. Which was good, because the teacher never called him out. As the bell rang, he got up and trotted into the hall, waiting for Obsidian and trying to figure out what to say.

"Just lecture her."

"On what?"

"Well... Um... Ask her why she helped Vinyl."

"And that's it?"


"Then what is the lecture?"

"Um... I'm thinking."

"You're taking too long. I'm just asking the question and letting it slide."

"Really... You aren't; no, you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because... because... UGH! Fine! You win!"

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Scout slunk out of class, happily avoiding the disciplinarian of a colt who seemed ready to pounce on him with his vicious ruler of doom, every time he thought Scout wasn't paying attention. He stretched his wings and back, and saw his next class at the hall. Problem: a certain band of disgruntled jock morons were between him in his goal. He could do two things, no, three: fly as fast as he could by them, find a different route, or... Well, the ceiling was paneled. If one could get up to them without being seen, it should be a nice little breezeway of a passage. He went to the corner nonchalantly and looked around. Everyone seemed occupied with their own schedules, so much so that they didn't pay attention to a blurr in a dark corner, and a carefully replaced panel. "The things I do to avoid... Ponies?" he thought out loud. He began to realize why Pegasus didn't use this to cut class: there were no definition of where walls were or weren't, and there was a ton of cables not to mention cramped. It reminded him of home, in a way. He padded lightly through, pearling through lose areas of the panels to judge where he was. He dropped down on the opposite side of the hall and shook the dust from him. Then he sneezed, because shaking dust off your person, or pony, does that. The particular group he thought he'd gotten past whipped around, and the head jock smiled. He knows my class. This won't go well... He darted into the class room.

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In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Starbolt walked through the hallway towards her next class. She found her first two classes unexciting, the first one being Botany was rather difficult for her and the second one which was English was uninteresting. Her thoughts were interrupted when she walked straight into a colt as he was running into his class room. (Scout)

She recognized him from the past two classes, he was the shy one, rarely talking.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you." Starbolt said as she offered a hoof to help him up and picked up his things with her magic levitating them into a neat pile next to him. She then did the same with her books. She noticed several tough looking colts staring at them one of the grinning, these colts looked tough and physically fit and intimidating. Starbolt unintimidated stared back at them for a short while.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 2

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Hey, this is that mare who had a tough time in botany. "Uh, thanks... Starbolt, right? If you'll excuse me..." He blushed: freedom was a few feet away, but he still hadn't made any friends. The jocks began a chorus of Ooo's and the lead colt began to make his after-class threats. "You should go," he says, "Before you become affiliated with me. You might catch the Everfree Shun Syndrome," he said, ears hanging low as he began to walk away with his head down.
  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Starbolt could tell Scout was nervous. She also could hear the other colts making several 'Ooooo' sounds. "Well, I don't really see the problem with being 'affiliated' with you. Well I guess I'll see you around. Scout, right?" She replied hearing his name during Botany class.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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He nodded and gave a small smile. He pushed the door open, and looked for the chair that had a stand with his name on it. Finding it, he sat in it, drawing a black, hard plastic box that had marks, nicks, and scratches. Out of the pox, we drew a small, metal object, connecting it to another part. His flute having become whole, he looked around the class.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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