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To be honest, I could totally see Twilight becoming a Princess. Not an Alicorn. At least not yet, but a princess, yeah. It seems to be the logical progression of Twilight's training, and while she'll likely gain more power... that'd be about it. Her magic will be stronger. No cause for panic. No end of the fandom (though I warn you, cartoons of this variety only get so many seasons). And whatever happens, fans of the show should still be fans of the show, and bronies will always be bronies.


I can't think of any way Twilight could become an Alicorn that I would consider to be plausible.


That said, there's no guarantee they're even talking about Twilight with the whole 'Princess Corination' thing.  I just wanted to alleviate some fears and point out that it wouldn't be 'the end of her character as we know it', if it did happen.

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This is probably their way of getting us worked up over nothing.  Has no one remember SKYLA.  That toy that was released in August that had no explanation.  Maybe that is the one getting pronounced princess.


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there is a undeniable fact that she is still Royalty nonetheless since her brother Shining Armor is married to Cadence and if my memory is correct.

This is true. So actually a coronation that involves her as well because of this relation is completely plausible too. There are many variables, and I'm thinking that The Hub is doing this on purpose. :ph34r:


Princess Skyla is returning to over throw Celestia and Luna as well.

The fanfic potential... oh the fanfic potential that comes from this... I can FEEL it. :P If this would actually happen however... well, needless to say, we're all naming you "Madame HR" for predicting the future. (Because "Madame Harmonic Revelations" is too long. :P ). 

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Not necessarily. Normally, princes and princesses have coronations to become kings and queens. The thing is, little girls only like princesses and toy companies lay off the queens (queens tend to be evil in fairy tales, don't they? Strange.)

A Coronation is a ceremony by which one becomes royal. We can be sure there will be a coronation of some sort, and people just seem to assume that means someone becomes an allicorn.

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Well this could work. Before the season finale they are going to have another Cadence and Shining Armor episode. So the time line would work well. The only problem I can see is, that the hub has been building up that something is going to happen to Twilight. Still I like this idea more then the other ideas. 


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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OFCOURSE! Skyla. Oh how could i have forgotten about her! I was thinking that if the coronation wasn't for twilight then who would it have been for? It makes sense. Maybe shes is Shining and cadences kid. Its possible.



Though i'm still far behind a professional fan fic writer, and miles away from an "in the business" profession writer, I have learned a few things.  One thing i've learned is that there are several thousand ways to word something and write a scene.  The thing is, I have a theory on our studious unicorn.  It's quite possible that during the coronation for Skyla, they have a smaller "knighting" style ceremony for Twilight.  What makes me think about this is Star Swirl The Bearded, and a possible position he held. 


Perhaps for over several hundred years, no pony was worthy of holding a position of an Arch Mage that he did, or some similar high magical user position.  Even though Twilight admitted during the Magic Duel she didn't have the power to cast high level spells such as the age spell, she is still quite the potent caster.  Princess Celestia could be training Twilight to fill that role Star Swirl held, with it being a magical guardian/research of Equestria.  The adorkable pony has an even greater potential because she can utilize the elements of harmony alongside her friends. 


There is only one thing that makes me pause.  That is Celestia sending Twilight off to Ponyville to learn about friendship.  It makes me wonder if the regal mare did this so her student could learn about honesty, loyalty, kindness, laughter, and generosity.  We learned in the return of harmony that if each pony becomes corrupted, the element becomes rather worthless.  With 1 surpreme user of the elements, you reduce the risk of this problem.  If Twilight does utilize all 6 elements of harmony at once, it does make me wonder if she will become an alicorn due to their power.  However, until we see the episode, there is nothing set in stone. 







Ofcouse! Oh how could i have seen this! IT ALL MAKES SENSE! Oh The bloody writers are BRILLIANT!




AND YOU!... Idk who you are



Anypony else remember this rumor?



Connect this with that.


Done yet? Mind blown yet? No?



Think about it. Lets suppose Celestia is training Twilight to become some arch mage like Star Swirl... or should i say Discord? Yes, according to that rumor Discord is Star Swirl that become corrupted yes? Celestia wouldn't want the same fate, that happened to Star Swirl, happen to Twilight. And by that i mean be corrupted by Chaos. So what does the princess do? She Sends her student to Ponyville to learn the magic of friendship and harmony so she would be corrupted ofcourse!! SO If we assume this all to be True then the Idea of Twilight becoming Some powerful mage or whatever can be true.

Celestia Did this whole friendship teaching to prepare her for her Destiny. Celestia is having Twilight reform Discord. And you Know what else. TWILIGHT IS SEEING CADENCE AGAIN. What i believe is that these Next episodes are connected by someway shape or form. Discord, Twilight, And whoever the hell is being coronated... Is All connected!

And Skyla could definatly have to do with this. Episode 12, Twilight is going to see Cadence again! Perhaps tahts not the only thing shes gonna see... heheh. Skyla could definatly be their child. Theres a good chance for it. And lets not forget every finale has some big conflict. Maybe a villian. And it can't be a coincidence that this big whatever is happening on this cornation. It has to be all linked. All right to Twis Destiny. After all, on the same day she finds out this Destiny. Obviously something big is going to happen. No, severeal something bigs are gonna happen.

This finale is gonna be something. A Destiny, a new Princess, whatever this new antagonist is, And who could forget good O'l discord being back? I believe Twis Destiny definatly has to do with Discord coming back, and i doubt its coincidence that something would happen on the coronation of a Princess. That has to be linked in with this destiny as well. And Skyla could definatly be this Princess. Its all somehow linked to Twis destiny. Question is... What is this destiny... and even better question... If Celestia knew if her destiny... the what praytell foretold her of this destiny?


Sorry if i rambled. i Just got all these ideas in my head. Twilight, Discord, Star Swirl, her destiny. The only thing that doesn't connect as of now is this coronation. But it must be significant.

Edited by AnonBrony
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All fandoms overreact....to everything. I have said it before and will say it again, I dont see why people are taking alicorn twilight in the context of negative rumor on reddit. All of the info in the rumor was already being heavily discussed before the rumor had surfaced. Alicorn Twilight pic surfaced back in october. The lack of derpy was being discussed and was easily guessed after the who derpy debacle. Season four being made was an easy guess as well after all why would hasbro cancel a very successful  tv show for a channel they own that desperately needs fresh shows? 


Isnt to some extent confirmed from screencaps of episodes that the crystal empire will be back. This could mean that the Princess in the title is Cadence. I thinking the crystal empire is indeed involved in the finale

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Holy shit.

I just had a brain explosion back there.

All of this info is, is, it's just to much.

I can't even tell what is going to happen. First it's one thing and then another, an now this.

Well I don't know what is going to happen anymore. I will trust the writers as I always have and let the episodes come as they are an not what I perceive them to be.

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I can see the theory, but I don't think this will happen. The season 2 finale and season 3 premiere both centered around Cadence and Shining Armor somewhat. I would guess that Cadence is going to be crowned Princess of the Crystal Empire. With lots of Pinkie Pie, of course.


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I'm lazy, so I'll just quote what I put in the Preview thread ;)



And now for a finale synopsis


Magical Mystery Cure


When Twilight casts a spell that switches the Cutie Marks and destinies, the only way to reverse the spell is by writing her own magic.


Sounds fun! And that Beatles reference is a way better tittle then 'Princess Coronation', but I always new The Hub just made that up :P


Well, this should liven up discussion a little bit, right? Now I'm trying to imagine what all the mane characters will be like with each others cutie marks.....

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Holy Thread Merge, Batman!



Anyway, I've updated the original post, the the synopsis blurb, as this seems to be the new "Season 3 Finale Discussion Thread". The message remains though, folks! Keep calm, don't panic or speculate.


Also, for everyone speculating:


It's almost definitely NOT Cadence's coronation. She was already a princess beforehand and it would stand to reason already had a coronation. Skyla however, seems to fit. Do born-princesses have coronations?

Edited by Twinhead B

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I'm lazy, so I'll just quote what I put in the Preview thread ;)

Well, this should liven up discussion a little bit, right? Now I'm trying to imagine what all the mane characters will be like with each others cutie marks.....

So hang on... If this is the finale, what's the princess coronation thing about?


Perhaps at the end of the "games" in the crystal empire there's going to be a ceremony officially making Cadence princess of the crystal ponies.


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... hmmm wait. Her brothers a Prince right? So wouldn't that already make Twi a Princess? i don't know how heirarchy works. But i don't think they would make Twi an alicorn. Its possible. But whats also possible is the chance she isn't becoming an alicorn. Perhaps shes just become a princess.


And you know i have been thinking. Just because we are goingt o find out Twis destiny doesn't mean it has anything to do with this Princess thing. They could be seperate. hell they never even said whos destiny it is. For all we know the Hub could be trolling us.


I have faith in the shows creators and writers and staff. I doubt they would make any rash or stupid decisions. I'm sure this finale is gonna be great.


Well, this just surprised me. A pony named Princess Skyla, sounds something that could benefit the Season 3 finale. But even if Twilight were to be coronated, there is a undeniable fact that she is still Royalty nonetheless since her brother Shining Armor is married to Cadence and if my memory is correct. A heir to the throne could be line for Twilight, and being a Alicorn could change everything.









Royal Hierarchy does not, in most cases, work like this. Especially when commoners marry into royalty.



Shining Armor is either a Prince, a Duke, or merely a royal consort. Twilight and the rest of the family, on the other hand, are most likely not even considered nobility.


As an example, look up Prince Daniel Westling, Duke of Västergötland. Married a crown princess, yet his older sister doesn't even get a low nobility title nor is she in anyway considered nobility.




Edited by RWB

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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