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Rarity Fan Club


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I honestly felt like I didn't have a place to give an opinion yet as a new fan, though I was desperate to have open discussions of Rares and the other themes.



I had this same feeling and that's the main reason why I started digging this thread I wanted to know  this place and once I started it has been more comfortable place. And now when I am nearly finished I feel that I know you all and I'm no longer afraid to post here as I was before. :D



Edited by ooBrony
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Ok I don't know about you guys but I just love these signature Morning pics you have they make my day everyday  :D

Sometimes I feel I'm waiting them. :please:


I don't have a good morning pic, but I have a goodnight pic I need to remember to post more often (The JLmle is not a morning person)


Rarity is slowly taking over me. I only have ghostie and The JLmle to blame :ph34r: thank :squee:





(Will this picture hold!!! :ph34r: )

Awww... Glad I could help you see the fabulous light... You've also helped me see a fabulous pony who's quickly becoming one of my favorite background ponies

I even bought a Sunshower Raindrops blindbag figure this weekend! I'll try and post her tmw






And on that note; Sleepy Time Kitty!


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I don't have a good morning pic, but I have a goodnight pic I need to remember to post more often (The JLmle is not a morning person)

 Awww... Glad I could help you see the fabulous light... You've also helped me see a fabulous pony who's quickly becoming one of my favorite background ponies

I even bought a Sunshower Raindrops blindbag figure this weekend! I'll try and post her tmw






And on that note; Sleepy Time Kitty!



Good Night!!! *hugs* (can't wait to see the figurine :yay: )

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Rarity is slowly taking over me. I only have ghostie and The JLmle to blame :ph34r: thank :squee:

Heh. Welcome to the fabulous side :please:


You won't regret the choice. Soon you'll be completely overtaken by the purple and pearl, and joining us in our quest for fabulous supremacy - helping crush all those who oppose the master race until we rule the entire fandom!! post-20419-0-44361200-1405880802.png




Oops...I went all master race again :please:

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My life on the forums was calm and peaceful.


Some rare notifications, a PM concerning the RP world from time to time...

I knew precisely what was going on and where I was needed.


And then you happened  :okiedokielokie:


And I don`t even-


Try not to give me 10 notifications+ per day :P I know some of you may get 100+ or even more, but I`m trying to use them sensibly. And I can`t really turn off the notifications for brohoofed content because I kinda use them in different terms than you do xD

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eh. Welcome to the fabulous side :please: You won't regret the choice. Soon you'll be completely overtaken by the purple and pearl, and joining us in our quest for fabulous supremacy - helping crush all those who oppose the master race until we rule the entire fandom!!


Not to blow up your ego, but you do realize that there is a theme here right? You not only resurrected this Fan Club, and fostered one of the most welcoming non-exclusive places centered around talking about a favorite character. You actually helped to elevate the appreciation of the Rarity for a lot of us ... even those who were naturally gravitating to her on our own like me found even more to love because of you. Not to make this a hug box moment ... but you really do deserve some credit here man.


Take a bow.


My life on the forums was calm and peaceful. Some rare notifications, a PM concerning the RP world from time to time... I knew precisely what was going on and where I was needed. And then you happened


Note to self ... set aside two hours next weekend for Khajit appreciation day. He love the brohooves!



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Not to blow up your ego, but you do realize that there is a theme here right? You not only resurrected this Fan Club, and fostered one of the most welcoming non-exclusive places centered around talking about a favorite character. You actually helped to elevate the appreciation of the Rarity for a lot of us ... even those who were naturally gravitating to her on our own like me found even more to love because of you. Not to make this a hug box moment ... but you really do deserve some credit here man.


Take a bow.


This man deserves brohooves, lots of brohooves. 



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Not to blow up your ego, but you do realize that there is a theme here right? You not only resurrected this Fan Club, and fostered one of the most welcoming non-exclusive places centered around talking about a favorite character. You actually helped to elevate the appreciation of the Rarity for a lot of us ... even those who were naturally gravitating to her on our own like me found even more to love because of you. Not to make this a hug box moment ... but you really do deserve some credit here man.


Take a bow.

omg im so kewl


Nahh, but thanks, man :D To be honest, I had no idea it'd take off as much as it has. I was googling for Rarity fan clubs before I even joined this site, and when I saw one that was dedder than ded, I revived it and fanboyed regularly :D


Oh, and there's the magnifence war on Rarity hate, too, but I'd rather not get into that...:please:


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Hi Everypony!


It's back to class for me on Wednesday ('Cause I don't have Tuesday/Thursday class), but, since I was off today...Best friends got a new friend this morning!! (And of course, Rarity is the only one who doesn't match. XD)




Tomorrow I have an errand to run and the less-than-fabulous task of going to work...And then picking out a first day of school dress because I'm a dork. Hopefully Rarity will help me a little bit, even is she's a little indecisive right not! Black or orange are my choices...I have to have longer sleeves because of my sunburn that I'm self conscious of...




I dunno...What do you guys think? After all, this is the centre of fabulosity!


What I do know, however, is that my little Rarity is probably coming with me if there's room in my backpack. I have a Sofia one, but am contemplating a new one that will hold my laptop...a purple one, of course! I really don't get it, blue's been my favourite colour since I was little (So much that most of my favourite magical girls wear blue minus Sailor Pluto and Cure Moonlight), but lately I've been drawn to purple...not sure if it's Rarity or Niamh Cranitch from Silk or Princess Sofia or maybe just that it's pretty and I've always liked burgundy... And the sad thing is, I really don't want to like it...Because it's my ex-friend's favourite colour...But damn you, Purple for being so attractive! XD



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Why so sad Rarity? Why so sad?


She did not have any hugs and kisses in the last few minutes! Lets change that lads! Up and at her!



I dunno...What do you guys think? After all, this is the centre of fabulosity!


I personally like black quite a bit. It's an elegant colour and it looks great combined with Raritys colour sheme... So maybe im slightly biased...



Oh Rarity... Does your gorgeousness know no bounds?


Ehhhh, of course it does not.post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png

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Hi And then picking out a first day of school dress because I'm a dork. Hopefully Rarity will help me a little bit, even is she's a little indecisive right not! Black or orange are my choices...I have to have longer sleeves because of my sunburn that I'm self conscious of...attachicon.gifIMG_0754.JPGI dunno...What do you guys think? After all, this is the centre of fabulosity!What I do know, however, is that my little Rarity is probably coming with me if there's room in my backpack. I have a Sofia one, but am contemplating a new one that will hold my laptop...a purple one, of course! I really don't get it, blue's been my favourite colour since I was little (So much that most of my favourite magical girls wear blue minus Sailor Pluto and Cure Moonlight), but lately I've been drawn to purple...not sure if it's Rarity or Niamh Cranitch from Silk or Princess Sofia or maybe just that it's pretty and I've always liked burgundy... And the sad thing is, I really don't want to like it...Because it's my ex-friend's favourite colour...But damn you, Purple for being so attractive! XD


I'd say black, especially if you have nice thick purple belt to wear with it? Purple is my favorite color! :D


She did not have any hugs and kisses in the last few minutes! Lets change that lads! Up and at her!


Ummm... You meant lads and lasses, right :smug:
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Hi Everypony!It's back to class for me on Wednesday ('Cause I don't have Tuesday/Thursday class), but, since I was off today...Best friends got a new friend this morning!! (And of course, Rarity is the only one who doesn't match. XD)attachicon.gifIMG_0753.JPGTomorrow I have an errand to run and the less-than-fabulous task of going to work...And then picking out a first day of school dress because I'm a dork. Hopefully Rarity will help me a little bit, even is she's a little indecisive right not! Black or orange are my choices...I have to have longer sleeves because of my sunburn that I'm self conscious of...attachicon.gifIMG_0754.JPGI dunno...What do you guys think? After all, this is the centre of fabulosity!What I do know, however, is that my little Rarity is probably coming with me if there's room in my backpack. I have a Sofia one, but am contemplating a new one that will hold my laptop...a purple one, of course! I really don't get it, blue's been my favourite colour since I was little (So much that most of my favourite magical girls wear blue minus Sailor Pluto and Cure Moonlight), but lately I've been drawn to purple...not sure if it's Rarity or Niamh Cranitch from Silk or Princess Sofia or maybe just that it's pretty and I've always liked burgundy... And the sad thing is, I really don't want to like it...Because it's my ex-friend's favourite colour...But damn you, Purple for being so attractive! XD

That is good question Lets see



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I'd say black, especially if you have nice thick purple belt to wear with it? Purple is my favorite color! :D

  Ummm... You meant lads and lasses, right :smug:

Purple, black, blue and white go so well together... And, oh my, that are by chance Raritys primary colours! Its almost like she is designed to be a work of art.



And and course i meant both lads AND lasses... Sorry about that grave failing in etiquette post-25189-0-34822500-1405863886.png... I usually try to write gender neutral...


This mistake weights double on my shoulders, seeing that i ship Rarity with another precious lady.


Some more of my two favorite ponies of all time.


"Wait love, you have a little bit pie on your cheek." :please: 


"Ah would prefer if you would lick at away, mah sweet marshmellow. It's the only way to be sure its all gone." :toldya: 


"Ya know, like this."



Hrhr... Im hopeless... :muffins:

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You bet I am :D


I think it's ending today tho only like 100 pages to go I was hoping it never ends










That's a really good pic. I wonder if it a pre-wedding pic.




dunno...What do you guys think? After all, this is the centre of fabulosity!


Black! definitely black



And Obsidian ... love the pics. :please:


Good Morning RFC!
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