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Here's one I found on my Pinterest board; Fluttershy taking on a Timber Wolf; Who's going to come out alive?  My vote is for Fluttershy :D

Fluttershy just looks so evil when she's giving that stare.

  • Brohoof 2
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Holy Cow! Was last Saturday's episode marvelous or what? It looks like "Flutter Brutter." might be taking "Hurricane Fluttershy."'s place as the best Fluttershy episode.


I really love this episode,not because it stars favorite/best pony. This episode was basically a 22 minute long middle finger to those who said Fluttershy never retains her lessons and always relearns them; That she's had the least development of the the mane six and she's a one dimensional character with no depth. All throughout the episode I had this smug grin on my face thinking "Yes Fluttershy! Show those haters you are the well-written, well-developed, dynamic that we all have already known for six seasons.


This episode was a real treat and having it made some people eat their words when they said it was going to be another "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies." made it all the sweeter.




Edited by Autumn Mist
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Kinda surprised thinking flutters is a doormat? She did well against her brother it seems who had no motivation for doing things on his own. Well maybe she gathered more strenght since ^^


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SO CUTE http://file:///C:/Users/Chainsaw/Desktop/-/Coppys/fea3e7016ddc29ce06f2ac9a40bf896e.jpg

So Cute

i just want to hug her  ^_^


fluttershy is best poney



I think you need to attach the image to your post.


Seeing Flutter Brutter episode, I'm starting to think that it's the best fluttershy episode I ever seen so far. I hope there's more fluttershy episodes to come in this season.

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Fluttershy is a great character with a lot of potential. It really sucks that most of her episodes are just her overcoming fears that she never even had, but regardless, she's awesome. I hope they explode her character more.

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Fluttershy is a great character with a lot of potential. It really sucks that most of her episodes are just her overcoming fears that she never even had, but regardless, she's awesome. I hope they explode her character more.


Even if she does cry, she's gonna make us cry too. She's getting less emotional on every season and episodes, but sometimes it's hard for her to angry even though anger management isn't her thing.

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That yellow belly has gotta be one of the cutest pony bellies I've ever seen~



I want to do that!


All these ponies are using all my storage on my phone xD No regrets.











What is this? XD



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