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I just love Flutters! She is so cute and sweet. :wub: *Hugs Flutter Plush and squeezes her nose*


Flutters: "Agh! Um thanks?"


"You are so soft Flutters!"

*Kisses her nose*

"Aww thanks!" *Kisses back*


Anyway here are some cute pictures!


:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:  :wub:




Flutter hugging Angel!






Aww  poor Flutter xD

Edited by Namae
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Goin' to BronyCon...with nopony to keep moi a company. Gotta find a friend in there. And if they refuse, I'll use good old Fluttershy's technique!


You are going/went to Bronycon as well? :yay: speaking of.. I got some :fluttershy: stuff while at Bronycon :squee:





Also got a pillow but I'll I'll share it later ;)

Edited by Fluttershy of Light
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Holy adorableness!! This has got to be one of my top favorite pictures of flutters! The style is amazing!




And these... Cuz Pokemon! Lol. You know that if Fluttershy had a smart phone she would be all over this whole Pokemon Go thing lol





here's some adorable Brother Sister moments with Best Pony and Zephyr :blush:


Right in the feels. It got me right there, right there in the feels! So special!

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here's some adorable Brother Sister moments with Best Pony and Zephyr :blush:




This reminds me of how good my big sister was to me when she was still alive.

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Here a selfmade  vector of Fluttershy while she is posing for an artwork like Tree Hugger in the Episode "On Your Marks". The Base is a screencap from the same episode.



Picture on DeviantArt LINK

Edited by IronM17
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