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Respect for Others on the Internet


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It would seem to me these days that people don't have much respect for each other anymore. The internet is no exception to this. On the contrary, the internet seems to be the place where people have the least respect for each other.


For example, I'm sure everyone know about the trolls. They exist for one reason and one reason only to get a rise out of people. I don't understand how pissing other people off or bringing others down could make anyone feel better about their pathetic existence. It just makes me want to vomit when I see a string of comments that only serve to bring someone down.


Another thing that really, and I mean really makes me angry about people on the internet, particularly youtube, are the self promoters. If you don't know what self promoters are they basically find a very popular video on youtube and post in the comments section begging for subscribers. The funny thing is that every single one of these comments always starts along the lines of, I know nobody likes these but this is the only way to get views. Imagine you are the creator of the video that they are promoting themselves on. How would you feel? it's like if you were putting on some sort of show for your fans and I suddenly show up at the front door begging people to leave and come to my show after you had worked really hard to put on this show.


What do you guys think? What are your experiences with trolls and respect or lack thereof on the internet? Do you hate the self promoters as much as I do? Let me know and as always keep it respectful. Cheers.

  • Brohoof 9

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The Internet to me is anarchy. People can say anything they want, safely behind the monitor of a computer screen and the shroud of anonymity. Things are said that would never be said in person when it would come to trolling or just pure hate. It is going to be like that no matter what.


I've learned in life it's best to avoid most discussions where relatively anyone can say what they want without consequences, or without registering. The things I see in YouTube comment brawls and news article debates is amusing at the least.


Also, stay in a private party when playing on Xbox Live.

  • Brohoof 3
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I hear ya@, the internet was originally created to share vast amounts of data around the world with intelligent people or those who seek knowledge. I like to view today's internet as the world of Fallout. There is a wasteland of useless things that lead you to some other places. These places might be like a vault: informative with like minded people who know only two things thinking and co-existing with the other users. Then there are those broken down makeshift cities. They try their best to restore the good old days before trolls and ignorant people hit the city. It's managing but every so often theres the occasional vagrant (troll) who pops in, blending with the community until it decides to unleash its disruptance on the city. Then we come across a settlement that you're not sure you should enter but you do anyway. These settlements,or sites, exist solely for the purpose to make your life(internet life that is) hard unless you join in on the misdeads of the broken community.

not sure if that metaphor made sense since i'm watching a war movie but i hope you get the jist of it.

  • Brohoof 3

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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People act like dicks because of the amount of anonymity they have on the internet.Sure,you always got the people who always act like jerks,but give people the chance to say anything they want without much threat of retaliation and you'd be surprised at how many people will take that chance to act like dicks.Even worse with the people are already asshats in real life.


This isn't bound to change for a while,so there's nothing nobody can really do about it until society matures.Until then,do what you will with these people,whether it is to avoid contact or confront them about their douchebaggery.

  • Brohoof 1
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I hate people who go to non-pony related videos, comment about ponies for whatever reason, and then, when they're told to fuck off, they go like: "OMG SHUT UP, YOU'RE JUST A BRONY HATER!"


Bunch of idiots.

  • Brohoof 2
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Respect you say? For people on the internet?




I don't treat people any differently on the internet than I do in real life. I'm always this much of a jerk!

Edited by Circadian
  • Brohoof 3



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On the internet, you can say or do anything because of the anonymity. If I remember rightly, Derren Brown did a thing to see how peoples decisions were affected by anonymity by giving 100 people an anonymous decision on whether to give an unsuspecting member of the public a good experience (Winning free drinks at the Pub) or a bad (Setting some robbers on them). Every time, the majority chose the negative option. Might be on 4oD if you want to watch

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The internet is the most retarded place in the universe. I have been an ass before, but only to piss off those who deserve it. Otherwise, no-one gives a shit on the internet and never will. It's just how it goes :/

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The lure and intoxicating power of the internet lies in its anonymity. You can be a total jerk online and the fact that no one knows who you are provides protection. It's human nature for it to be abused. I think one should never say online what one is not willing to say to someone who is actually close enough to punch you for it, but of course, not everyone is as principled as me. (Self-promotion? What's that?) 

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Damn, so much cynicism in this thread. On the Internet, you experience what's called the online disinhibition effect. When you're anonymous, you don't answer for your actions (this is not completely true, of course, but the result is the same). Thus, any social restraints that would otherwise preclude such actions evaporate in the anarchy of cyberspace.


While such an effect can certainly bring out the worst in humanity, it's not all bad. Disinhibition allows individuals to voice thoughts, beliefs, and concerns that they would not be able to express in real life. It promotes free thought and free flow of information. The Internet is a hub for activism, knowledge, and innovation. It has organized protests and rebellions, advanced human rights, and saved lives. Would it be the same if users were subject to real-world restrictions, such as fear of judgment or retribution? Probably not. Even on this very site, users have seen the direct benefits of anonymity on the Internet. I don't even have to list any examples--just take a look at the Life Advice forum.


So, we might say that the Internet is a veritable double-edged sword: it fans the flames of barbarity, but at the same time, magnifies our innate desire for liberty.

  • Brohoof 3
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So, we might say that the Internet is a veritable double-edged sword: it fans the flames of barbarity, but at the same time, magnifies our innate desire for liberty.


Anyone who speaks out against the status quo of the political system in real life are likely to become a victim of violence or imprisonment so I think it's real life that's a barbarous dystopia reality.I'm against democracy, freedom of thought, freedom of speech , human rights and animal rights but I can't ever say those in real life despite legitimately thinking it.




People are being brainwashed by mainstream media who repeats the same big lie to justify imperialistic conquest and slavery but anyone who speaks out about THE REAL PROBLEM are likely to be arrested or murdered by agents of an imperialistic government or the brainwashed zombies.


It also gives groups which are on the opposite moral spectrum of certain societies the ability to voice their ideas which are deemed unacceptable such as legalizing pedophilia while such groups would surely be murdered on sight were they to say such things on their societies without anonymity despite being sincere.


Freedom of speech does not really exist in reality despite what the so called democratic government promises as the concept of free speech is against human nature and those who say otherwise are hypocrites who are detached from reality.

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The lure and intoxicating power of the internet lies in its anonymity. You can be a total jerk online and the fact that no one knows who you are provides protection. It's human nature for it to be abused. I think one should never say online what one is not willing to say to someone who is actually close enough to punch you for it, but of course, not everyone is as principled as me. (Self-promotion? What's that?) 

Self promotion is most common on youtube. It's where users will go to popular videos on youtube and in the comment section of said video they will shamelessly beg for subscribers for their channel. I personally can't stand them, because it's disrespectful to the person that made the video in which they are promoting themselves in.

  • Brohoof 1

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I see it as a necessary evil, we're already seeing the mainstream media taking over social networking sites and youtube and the internet would be no different from tv if they were able to fully achieve that.Big corporations would be unstoppable in video streaming sites if weren't for shameless self promotion.


I highly doubt MLP would do so well it weren't for 4 chan members posting ponies on every corner of the internet.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is what TVTropes calls the G.I.F.T. effect. It stands for Greater Internet F*ckwad Theory and basically means, that any living creature given anonymity and an audience will usually turn into the worst abomination they can imagine. They are expressing their sides, that they can't express in real life out of fear of being hated for them. But here on the internet anyone could just make a new account and noone would ever know of what one did. That's why I love this fandom so much. Against all rules of the internet, most people around here respect each other, treat them like human beings and don't try to piss off others for fun.


Get back! All of you! This is my comment. And I´m going to POST IT!

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I think part of it, is the fact that you're pretty much anonymous on the internet. Other than your avatar and screen name, nobody knows you. Which allows for some to begin acting up and being rude and just plain jerks. 

I'll admit to being a troll at times, but that is during online matches. Forums I try and maintain a level of respect towards users. Even if on an argument I disagree with what they're saying.


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I agree on the comments you said regarding shamelessly promoting videos i find that very obnoxious and people should flag those for spam so they get erased quickly. I used to get a lot of those "hey nice track, can you listen to mine" from non-bronies all the time on soundlcoud and i just hit ignore as they fall under the same category to me (bronies go to my little remix forum if you want constructive feedback on tracks from other musicians). I also get a ton of "persons who have added you to their list of contacts" on youtube from spammers who add you email to their contact lists in gmail which is annoying as they are always non brony strangers.


I do want to share a bad story where i feel i was slighted AS a spammer by someone i respected though just to show there's sides to every story. I played with Foozogz on L4d2 several times on steam and he's always been someone i really enjoyed his music (he's in my top 5 favorites) and he also happened to be really good at the game.  When i put out a track that was MLP AND L4D2 themed I sent him a link on his steam profile so he would get a chance to see it or be aware of it. He later sent me a skype in the middle of night right before i logged off asking me not to promote my track on his steam at which point i said it wan't promotion that it was something that i thought HE might want to check out as it was something on topic with both of our interests (and that we were on good enough terms that he might want to see it). Anyway while he wasn't angry and i wasn't too upset over the thing i don't think we've tried to reconnect since and that frankly put a damper on wanting to try to be ongoing friends after that.  So it's always a difficult area between promoting your track to where people (generally your friends) can be aware it even exists and the pushy guy who spams their music everywhere that people try to avoid. 


What's my point? Well at the end of the day what makes the brony community work IS that respect for each other. Whether you're big or small if you make music you have something in common but way too often status does seem to play a part in how people treat each other with people who are more well known consciously ignoring communication or not looking out to assist their fellow musicians. That really does bug me when that community vibe that i love about brony music is more about when you started, who you know, and how big you are.  I guess to people who started the music scene the rest of us came along and tried to jump on their train, with less talent, and ruined a good thing...There's been plenty of times I've sent pm's to fellow brony musicians and never gotten replies back and it seems odd to me to operate that way. I understand that respect may mean " i really like your music" but it also means that we treat each other like how we'd like to be treated and sometimes i just don't see that in our own community which just saddens me. It feels like sometimes we've gotten too big for our britches and people who are now "famous" are just too busy to be nice or to want to be. And that makes me and Fluttershy sad. :(

Edited by Freewave

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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You're focusing too much on the bad, and not nearly enough on the good.


Yes, there are trolls and jerks on the internet, but there's also lots of good and nice people on the internet too. It helps people get out there and be themselves, because they trouble doing so in real life. It helps people who have trouble making friends in real life make friends, and forage bonds with another person.


Hate is always superficial, online or offline. Friendship is always genuine, online or offline.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not just a lack of respect... its a lack of virtue. People are cruel on the internet an in real life. I am sure we will never know why people can get a sick enjoyment out of other's misery. It is disgusting.


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You're focusing too much on the bad, and not nearly enough on the good.


Yes, there are trolls and jerks on the internet, but there's also lots of good and nice people on the internet too. It helps people get out there and be themselves, because they trouble doing so in real life. It helps people who have trouble making friends in real life make friends, and forage bonds with another person.


Hate is always superficial, online or offline. Friendship is always genuine, online or offline.


Oh I agree and I admit i try not to dwell on these unsuccessful conversations or occasional disappointing occurrences. I like to think of the brony comunity as a bunch of people who look out for each other, who collab, and feed off each other rather than as people who are in competition (as also is somewhat true). But to me the key is how we treat each other as that's what keeps it all working together.


PLUR, Peace Love Unity and Respect. To me that's key. That positivity in how we treat each other can negate those occasional lapses when people are more careless with other's feelings as always seems to happen between people. .

Edited by Freewave

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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If someone is going to be an asshole online then chances are they are also one in real life, oh sure it may be somewhat harder to spot sometimes as the allure of anonymity can sometimes prompt them to take off their facade for a moment but the thing about people is that even if they try to cover up their nature it always eventually comes out. Personally I would rather know up front if someone is a jerk rather than find out later even if it is unpleasant.

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  • 10 months later...

I deal with hater and trolls everyday... and on the internet same thing.. sure it sucks but that's just how things are now days sadly. But that doesn't give anyone of us the right to be a jerk store to any of them... if anything it shows us how not to act...


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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