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^for us Amuricans who can't Youtube it. ;)

Anyway, I gotta say they did a pretty good job with this. Most of the voices fit well, but AJ with no southern accent is kind of odd, and Ranbow Dash's VA doesn't really fit her imo. Also unfortunate that they can't really do puns like everypony as the subtitles seem to suggest. I loved the other 4 characters' voices though(Rarity is PERFECT), and the opening and ending are better than the west's imo. :)

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 1


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watching the dub now and i can say Twilights VA stood out as very good, though i haven't seen it all so i can't judge the rest also celestia's VA sounds like it should

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^for us Amuricans who can't Youtube it. wink.png

Anyway, I gotta say they did a pretty good job with this. Most of the voices fit well, but AJ with no southern accent is kind of odd, and Ranbow Dash's VA doesn't really fit her imo. Also unfortunate that they can't really do puns like everypony as the subtitles seem to suggest. I loved the other 4 characters' voices though(Rarity is PERFECT), and the opening and ending are better than the west's imo. smile.png



I think they did a great job with it! I liked the intro and outro a lot. Twi, Pinkie, Shy, Rarity and Spike all sound great. AJ does a good job of sounding more casual and less refined than the other characters. It's not a southern U.S. accent but I wasn't expecting one. It would be like an American VA trying to do an Osaka accent in an anime dub. We really can't. happy.png Rainbow's voice was a bit hard-edged and stereotypical, but I think it will improve as the VA settles into her character. Celestia sounded good enough.


I noticed a few differences in the translation that immediately reflect some cultural differences while still getting the same meaning across. Some lines are more subtle than in the original. Instead of saying outright that there was something wrong with Twilight's hair, which would be very rude in Japan, Rarity said, "How interesting...how did you do your hair like that?" And when Twilight attempted to leave, "But your beautiful hair..." Her language was so subtle that to an American it might seem she was praising Twilight's manestyle. But many Japanese are like that. Her physical reactions conveyed her real meaning--'let me help you, your mane is a mess.'


Must watch more! I can't wait for other subbed episodes to come out.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Now, I'm going to be pretty sure that MLP: FIM will be Big in Japan hopefully. If not, well...


I wasn't even sure if My Little Pony was even Big in Japan in the first place as Transformers. I could remember G1 having a dubbed version up in Japan.

Hey, who said I can't have an opinion?

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Spikes VA is alright, nothing amazing

can't say Applejacks voice actor is the best...

DAAWW Applebloom's voice actor is still as cute as ever

i think Rainbow dash's VA could have been better something more like Chie from P4 perhaps?

Rarity's VA is spot on perfect, fitting for best pony

Fluttershy's VA is very well done as well, timid but they didn't get her squeak right which sort of took me out of it

YES! Pinkie's voice actor got the balance between annoying and squeaky just right, congratumalations!

Nightmare moons VA doesn't sound evil enough... could have been worked on better


I can't say that i'm an expert on the Japanese language but the wording seemed somewhat dumbed down than the English version and it skipped scenes that i felt were good. overall not that bad but the English version seemed a bit better

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I am disappointed with Applejack's voice I was hoping she would be given a heavy kansai accent (Southern japanese).


Ooh well, I am mostly looking forward to the songs since bursting out into (serious) songs with the characters in anime is quite rare.



Not talking about the usual character cover CD's and such.. I mean during the episodes.

Edited by Floris
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Overall, I think it was a good dub.  The actresses did a good job at capturing the essence of the characters.  My only complaint is that they cut lines and gags that I felt were part of the episode's charm.




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I really like all the voices they used but Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I was hoping for some mature voice for Applejack and something tsunderish for Rainbow Dash.. also I think the voice actress of Uzumaki Naruto would be great for RD.

  • Brohoof 2

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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I watched episode 1 the other day and I just have to say, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT wub.png. Of course, I had to get over the fact that I was watching a Japanese Dub (with English Subs) of a show that was originally dubbed in English (wow is that a mouthful lol ohmy.png). 


The opening and ending definitely have that anime feel and quality to it, and you can expect that I will be tuning in every week to get my daily dose of ponies, now in Japanese. I didn't think it was possible for MLP to get even cuter, but it just got 20% more "kawaiier" lol laugh.png. As far as voices go, I loved all of them. The only one's that I need to get used to are probably AJ's and RD's. Though I think Fluttershy wins for making her debut even more cuter than the American version wink.png.


Also, fun fact: The voice actress for Applebloom is also the same as Pikachu from Pokemon. So yes, you can start calling AB Pikabloom now derpy_emoticon2.png.     

  • Brohoof 1


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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I found all of the voices (except RD) were just like I thought. Rarity, Pinkie, and Nightmare Moon's were the best Imo. I also found it amusing that Mayor Mare's voices are extremely close to each other.

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I definitely will have to get adjusted to Applejack and Rainbow Dash's new voices. Dash sounds... too low? And Applejack definitely sounds too high pitched, and way too peppy.

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The voice actress for Applebloom is also the same as Pikachu from Pokemon.


Ikue Outani voiced Applebloom? That is pretty awesome.



I was hoping [Applejack] would be given a heavy kansai accent



To be honest I was hoping that too. It would have been a more accurate translation of Applejack's Southern dialect.

Edited by Otakulord Rainbow Izumi

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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I don't suppose anyone knows where to find the new episode, if at all? I notice it's not been posted on Equestria Daily. Japanese Pony gives me something to watch whilst waiting for season 4. smile.png

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I don't suppose anyone knows where to find the new episode, if at all? I notice it's not been posted on Equestria Daily. Japanese Pony gives me something to watch whilst waiting for season 4. smile.png


Here it is my good sir, episode 2 of MLP


(Hooray, it's not blocked in the US... yet tongue.png). 

I have yet to see it, but all i'll say is this, they nailed Giggle at the Ghostie. It's so AWESOME wub.png! I can't wait to hear what Winter Wrap Up, and Art of the Dress will sound like laugh.png.  

  • Brohoof 2


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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Loving it! Steven Magnet's Japanese voice was awesome! Almost exactly the same as the English one. laugh.png

Rainbow's VA is already improving by leaps and bounds. She's much more genuine now. Pinkie and Rarity continue to be standouts. Nightmare Moon was OK--some actors can do an evil laugh and others just can't. She did good with her lines though.


I greatly missed the "it was under EEEEEE" moment. That was the first thing that really made me notice Pinkie in the original. But I was pleased by some lines they did translate accurately, like the candy apple thing and "short is in." I liked the Twilight/AJ "falling" scene even more in Japanese, as well as "Giggle at the Ghostlies."


I am pleased so far and I think it will only get better from here. Can't wait for The Ticket Master!

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I'm still disliking all the cuts they do, but so far the dubbed version seems okay to me. I can't wait to see how they'll do Winter Wrap Up and Best Night Ever. Not to mention what kind of voice they'll give to Big Mac. 

Get through the unknown like your life depended on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! It seems I'm not the only one who is annoyed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash's voices, though they'll probably improve overtime.


I found the voice acting to be very well done. Twilight sounds cute and dorky as she should be with a touch of shyness, Spike sounds so cute and boyish, Rarity sounds perfectly elegant albeit higher than her English voice which isn't a bad thing, Nightmare Moon sounds a bit like an old lady, and Celestia sounds very regal. My favorite out of all of them is Fluttershy's voice. D'AWWWWWWWW SOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUTE!!!! Admittedly though, Applejack sounds weird and Rainbow Dash's voice is really annoying and jarring, but even their actresses did a good job at capturing their overall personalities. Yes, Applebloom is voiced by Pikachu. Awwwwww...


One wish though: cast Rina Hidaka as Sweetie Belle! That'll make my whole entire life!

Edited by Poker Face
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I love Japan. I don't live there but it's awesome. It made Pokémon, my favorite video game series and one of my favorite movies [spirited Away].


Now I get to see Twi in Japanese.


Edit: Oh, right, and more bronies too

THANK YOU! See, i never concidered myself as someone who watched any anime or anything like that... but i remember when i was young i watched this one that i really enjoyed... i looked up your favorite movie (spirited away) and i found it! 


This is either a absurd coincidence or you're an agent from the future sent to grant some of my very secret wishes 0.0.


Thank you! You just made my day. 


(Ok, i just realized how random this was)

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This is brilliant! Pinkie Pie's voice is brilliant in Japanese! I definitely like watching Japanese cartoons with English subs, because the Japanese voice actors are really good. MLP + Japanese voice actors = 20% cooler! wub.png

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Can someone please explain me whats so special about this dub? It feels kinda dumb for me to watch a american show dubbed in another language i cant understand without reading subtiltes...

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I watched Applebuck Season in Japanese today, and I have to say, I'm warming up to Applejack's voice. It's not what I expected or what I had hoped for, but once you get used to it, it's pretty cute. There were a few points in the episode where I think she actually sounded as good or better than Ashleigh. The yeehaws need a bit of work though. tongue.png


There were a couple of minor cuts, but nothing that was completely necessary to keep in. I'm wondering if they cut it due to time constraints, but I feel like blaming that on the opening theme which is three times longer than the original version. And they always do that silly bit at the end with the girl and that poorly animated Twilight vector, as well as some fairly long credits.


And now I wait for the subtitled version. :)

Edited by Sugar Cube
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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, i dont know if there is another topic about this already, but this is such a revelation to me i just had to tell somepony. I was poking around the internet, and i came across the official Japanese dub of MLP. being myself(not japanese,however) I immediately bounced around excited. a few reasons for this:


1. Quite a few manga fans in my school said they will give watching it a try if such a dub came out. more for the Herd!


2. The voice acting is actually not bad, compared to some other dubs.


3. Its just cool they actually did it.


whew, i am so excited to tell them all tomorrow! Oh yes, better link it. Enjoy~




yes, this is very uncharacteristic of me to be bouncing around and being unstructured in my conversation.


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