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My hopes....

-Scootaloo's family (or the unfortunate lackthereof  :( )

-Twilight's not as good a flier as we think she is and that end shot to MMC was just part of the song n' dance gig, not an actual scene

-Rainbow teachesTwilight to fly

-More Rainbow/Scootaloo flying time/"sisterly" bonding

-More Daring Do refs

-More sisterly bonding stuff in general

-Twilight has MAJOR reservations about being a Princess

-Really cool villain designs (I do believe that supervillain was a Medusa ref). It'd be neat to see more obscure Grecco-Roman creatures like Faeries (as in, the mean kind of fairies that look all cute on the outside but are devilish little monsters behind that. sorta like the Parasprites). Maybe some Earth Pony based creatures that are inspired by Native American or UK folklore. Something like a Thunderbird or  Kelpies. 

-a lot of the stuff that you guys all said cuz there's a lot of good ideas here.  ^_^  


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I really hope that we will get some information that will further tease us about season 4. Because personally I don't really like the idea of super ponies (unless it's a dream or something). I have said this before but I really really really wish that we will get to see an adventure far away in Equestria with at least 3+ parts.


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Whoo boy, this is gonna be lengthy.


1) For the love of God, one Rarity episode that won't make half of the fanbase hate her. Preferably with her singing, her voice is gorgeous.


2) More Rarity/Sweetie Belle interaction. Heck, more Sweetie Belle in general. 


3) A return to Appleloosa, or maybe something in Manehatten. Or just a whole new city in general, I'm not picky when it comes to world-building. 


4) The much-wanted disability episode. It looks like we're finally going to get this with Scootaloo in S4, and I think that if they write it correctly, they can pull it off. 


5) A Daring Do episode. Ever since she was introduced in S2, I've been dying for one of these. There's just too much potential to only have her star in one episode.


6) Twilight/CMC interaction. This hasn't really been explored, aside from the infamous scene in Lesson Zero, and I think it would be neat to see how the neat and orderly Twilight would deal with three rowdy fillies.


7) Another time travel episode. This one could deal with the consequences of meddling with time. What Twilight meddles with, I have no clue. It looks like we're finally going to see what happened 1000 years ago, so maybe Twilight will go back in time to then?


8) Sweetie Belle gets her Cutie Mark. Her talent is the most obvious, and it would be neat to explore what would happen if it inadvertently drove a wedge between her and Applebloom and Scootaloo.


9) A redemption episode with either Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon seems more likely, since she seems to be just following Diamond Tiara around and only picking on the CMCs when Diamond Tiara starts the fight.


10) Rainbow Dash/Gilda grudge match. I cannot be the only person who wants this, but I would like the moral to be different than Magic Duel's. I think it would be neat to explore the consequences of holding a grudge.


11) Equestria Games. That is all.


12) Mane 6 Bodyswitch episode. Not like Magical Mystery Cure, I'm talking Twilight in Rainbow Dash's body or something else like that. Seeing the Mane 6 attempt to live a day in somepony else's life would be great character development. 


13) If we do get an Equestria Games episode, I would like to see a bit of exploration into how other species work. Heck, maybe that could be the Rainbow Dash/Gilda episode.


14) Less Applebloom. Her episodes are presenting nothing new, she's learning the same lesson over and over again. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have a lot more potential.


15) More Mane 6/family interactions. It looks like we're going to get an Apple family episode, which is good, but I think it would be neat to see Fluttershy's family. How do they handle having a pegasus daughter who's more like an Earth pony?


16) Less Spike. All of the episodes he got in S3 just made him out as an annoying, unlikeable douche. What happened to the Spike we saw in Dragon Quest?


17) Develop Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's relationship. I know almost every other person said this, but it's just too adorable to never mention again.


18) Discord struggles to not use his magic for chaos. He's a spirit of chaos, so naturally, he's going to have the urge to create chaos. Exploring his struggle to keep his friendship with Fluttershy would be really neat. 


19) Discord/Twilight interaction. Twilight seems to trust Discord the least, and I would like to see him trying to win her trust, possibly in the episode mentioned above.


20) Keep Twilicorn. If they turn her back into a unicorn just to keep the bronies happy, I will be so disappointed. Twilight's new alicorn-hood has too much potential to be canceled out because the bronies threw a tantrum. 


21) Let's explore Celestia and Luna's origins as alicorns. This is what I have been dying to see ever since they were first introduced. After all, I think it's been made clear that alicorns are made via magic. So what did they do that made them special enough to rule Equestria?


Wow, that was long.

  • Brohoof 1
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I want:


- Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight Sparkle how to fly (even though she instantly knew how in the season finale)

- The CMC receiving their cutie marks (they should save this for the last couple of episodes)

- A new character for the fourth season that will stick around.

- Another Luna episode

- Spike growing up a little (in no way like in Secret of My Excess. A natural, slight growth spurt will do the trick)

- The return of King Sombra

- The return of Cranky Doodle Donkey

- The return of Gilda

- The Manehatten CMC

- A Rarity episode this time. Sheesh. 


And......that's it. 

I agree with everything above, except you forgot one big thing.


I'd really like to see Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo bond more. They are practically sisters, and I hope this next season does something with it.

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I agree with everything above, except you forgot one big thing.


I'd really like to see Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo bond more. They are practically sisters, and I hope this next season does something with it.


That Scootaloo episode from the sneak peek. I want to see Rainbow Dash get involved in it, and at least try to be a big sister for Scoots.

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Flashback episode to the olden days of Celestia and Luna


The Return of King Sombra


Rarity episodes up the wazoo


Less Derpy


Abso-fucking-lutely no reference to Equestria girls.


Less Rainbow Dash


How about some parents?

  • Brohoof 1

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Add more flesh to Applejack and Fluttershy.


These two probably the weakest developed characters of the mane 6.


Applejack needs to be taken out of her comfort zone more often. Perhaps take her away from the farm for a while?


As for Fluttershy, i'm not sure how they can develop her more aside from giving her more confidence to do things. The best thing for Fluttershy right now would be to show her parents and then maybe a less than nice older brother or sister.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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Okay, from some of previews I'm able to make some educated guesses.


Scootaloo episode

Scoots is obviously going to try to fly, but constantly fail to do so.  Eventually, Rainbow Dash will intervene and make her focus on her talents on a scooter, leading to her getting her cutie mark.  Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are hated forever for making fun of a disabled pony.


Nightmare Moon episode

Twilight sees some of Celestia's memories, which is done to bring her properly up to speed on how things are and why.


Rarity/Spike episode

Rarity goes on a date and Spike naturally becomes jealous.

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The main thing I kind of want is something that ties into the movie, I know alot of people didn't enjoy the movie but I found it quite funny. Possibly cause I didn't go into it expecting it to be that orientated to the brony's and that it would  be more towards a teen/kid. Granted they did put in a lot of work to the good parts for the fans at least.


I want that, I want more queen chrysalis. I don't want them to convert her, i want some more back story on her possibly.

More discord and more King sombra and nightmare moon.

I think I just want to see the villians at this point. Does this make me evil?
Maybe, doesn't matter as long as we also get new Songs.


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-Another Luna episode. Please God, let there be another Luna episode.

-The Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie marks.

-More Fluttershy. I feel like she's been sort of shafted compared to the rest of the group.


Luna seems to be the most popular side character the show has. I'll be extremely disappointed if we don;t have another episode based around her. She's so cute and charming.


About the CMC thing. Now that I think about it, they'd be losing a pretty decent developed sub-plot of the series. Honestly, it's sometimes nice to take a break from the 6. I know they're probably going to do another Spike based episode as well, which isn't too bad. I'm just tired of waiting to see what their cutie marks are going to look like.


I'm an impatient person I guess  :lol:

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Well, I've made a season 4 bingo already (not posted yet), and this is what I have:

  • Mr/Mrs Cake question whether it was a good choice to hire Pinkie, as they've been losing business after 'Applebuck Season', when Pinkie poisoned half of Ponyville, including herself (AJ's fault, but still.)
  • Based on the above, they send somepony to keep an eye on her.
  • The CMCs earn their cutie marks.
  • They help other ponies earn theirs too (Dude, there are 3 ponies in the club)
  • More Derpy. Maybe she can sing a minor part in a song too. (It could happen.)
  • Zecora should appear more. It's gonna be hard to do her rhymes, but I like 'em.
  • More of Pinkie's sisters and family. She left, are her sisters happy? Don't they miss her sister? In fact, all of the 6's family.

Yeah. I haven't finished it yet.

*Insert awesome picture here*

Dude, please call me Nurin instead of Nurin Insyirah.

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Predictions (especially after seeing the S4 spoiler video):


-  Rainbow Dash attempts to help Scootaloo develop her flying abilities but after some mishaps, ultimately decides that it would be best for Scootaloo to remain earth-riden (writers might specify why Scoots can't fly.  Maybe just weak wings?)  In this case, Scootaloo might actually bond with Fluttershy who was also a fairly weak flyer as a filly.  


-  Pinkie's sister(s) will make an appearance in Ponyville proving themselves to be party animals as well, making Pinkie rather jealous.  However, Applejack will clarify that family is important and they need to be there for each other.


-  Rarity will get her own episode (maybe 2!)


-  Changelings will make an appearance.  I have a prediction that one of the characters throughout an entire episode will actually be a changeling in disguise, gathering information to report to Chrysalis.  Later, Chrysalis will attempt another invasion, possibly doubling up with Nightmare Moon or Sombre.


-  Princess Skyla will make her debut.  Still speculating on whether this is Cadence's daughter.  Because Skyla already appears to be filly-aged according to the toys, quite some time will have passed if this is her daughter.  


-  At least one (if not all 3) CMC will get their cutie mark.  For three whole seasons, each has failed in obtaining it.  If anything, one will get theirs and create some problems for the CMC as a whole.


-  Stiiiiiiill haven't seen any Seaponies.  I bet they're going to make an appearance as well.  

Edited by Dazed
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My hopes are pretty high. I hope they make a comeback from season 3, i hope that this time the season is 26 episodes and not 13. As for predictions i don't really have any, i have not really thought of it, i want it to be a surprise


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You know what I'd love? An episode for each pair of friends who switched cutie marks with each other in MMC. As a result of the episode, the friends are compelled to learn more about each other as they've lived what they thought was each other's lives.


We're already getting a PP/AJ episode. And while we've had at least one RD/FS and AJ/Rar episode, it'd be a treat to see something like an RD/Rar episode (and hopefully not a "Look Before You Sleep" retread; I'm not fond of retreads), or a PP/FS episode.

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I'd like to see if there are other powers in the pony world that exceed Celestia & Luna's. If there are princesses, then shouldn't there also be queens and/or kings (that aren't evil)?

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I want to see Gilda come back. Trixie came so why can't gilda!? I would love see the changelings again as well as the cutie mark crusaders getting their cutie marks

Yeah it would be awesome that Gilda came back! Hopefully to get some type of revenge on Rainbow Dash >:)

If the CMC would get their cutie marks now, I'd think that would happen once MLP:Fim ends. It's the sad truth.

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What I would like to see in season 4 is the Cutie Mark Crusaders beat the crap out of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.  Those two bitches deserve to have the immortal crap knocked out of them for insulting and intimidating the CMCs and other blank flanks.

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- More discord!

- More episodes of Rarity or Pinkie and her family.

- I'd love to see another great villain like Discord. He was brilliant.

- More Nightmare Moon? ( I do believe she was mentioned somewhere online that she'd be back idk )

- Lots of wonderful and catchy songs~

- Possibly more of Scootaloo and Dash.

- More of Pinkie's randomness! :D

  • Brohoof 2



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I think a few spike and rarity episodes would be nice. Kind of like the episode with the diamond dogs.

An episode involving discord just as everyone else has said.

They have to have an episode about the cutie mark crusaders. Maybe a new member. One or more get there cutie marks.

I think the corrupt celestia would be pretty cool. I like the picture "chaotic discord" put up.

they should also have an episode where twilight spends an episode with each friend and give some back story.

I have some other ideas but I don't want to have a comment that's a mile long ^_^

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Derpy and rainbow dash definetly also vinyl clave arch and Octavia episode would be really cool to see maybe some discord to

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-Twilight Sparkle, the rest of the Mane Six, Spike, and the CMC will all make an appearance.

-There will be twenty-six episodes this time.

-Diamond Tiara will be in an episode.

-Nightmare Moon will appear again.

-There will be at least one song.


Hundred bits this season will disappoint me tremendously. >_>


Comet meets the original Comet.

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One thing that hope doesn't happen is that I hope the mane 6 don't start calling Twilight princess. That would annoy me so much and it would be pretty much saying "Twilight is approve her friends now."


That being said something I think would funny is if Twilight annoyed RD about something RD just said "Well excuse me princess." Because old jokes from 2006 (or 1989) are still funny. But that's the only way they would get away with that.

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