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Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

No, probably not. Although I hope they will.

Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

Temporary. The siren song of the status quo can have a powerful effect on writers. It would incredibly convenient if an "accident" caused Twilight to go back to Ponyville and continue what has always been done.

Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

I'd like to see Sombra and, especially, Nightmare again. Princess Twilight ought to have her own tempting by a devil. I bet that, at least, we'll have another Discord episode. And probably Sombra. Though the feature villain will be a new guy.

Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?

Not if she never show up for training!


As far as what I'd like to see:

Princess Twilight taking on a big responsibility and failing.

Princess Twilight having her own "Sweet and Elite" episode.

Princess Twilight being tempted by Nightmare Moon.

Rainbow Dash actually doing something Wonderbolt related.

Rarity (or any of the others, really) trying to use Twilight to boost her own career.

Celestia and/or Luna training/working with Twilight.

An episode dedicated to Luna and/or Celestia.

Palace shenanigans.

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Well with Season 3 at a close, and possibly MONTHS till Season 4 begins, i am sure that most of you Pony fanatics have your own theories about what Season 4 will be like.


Post your speculation and PWEASE be at least semi-specific with your response.


Also answer the following questions:


Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?



I appreciate all responses that are non-trollish, and well thought out.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ResistenceXD0001 - MegaBrony



Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

-As much as I would adore this? Probably not, it would ruin their group dynamic, and I can't see that going over well.


Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

-Permanent? of course, Celestia makes it very clear that this is a part of her life now, a new challenge she will have to live with. They hold a public coronation ceremony. It's permanent.


Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

- We will probably end up seeing new baddies (Toys and new IP and whatnot) Though I would like to see more of cheese legs


Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?

- Alas... again probably not :( But we can dream, right?

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Twilight trying to adjust to the life and responsibilities of being a princess.


An episode concerning why Discord's magic was needed.


The pony games.


Reappearance of Chrysalis (hopefully).


Hopefully a sitcom thanks to Pinkie Pie's madness with a laugh track.


Return of Gilda (long due!)


More Luna


More dragon episodes


A long due Rarity specific episode.

Edited by poniesforfun


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Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks? Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer. Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise? Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?     I appreciate all responses that are non-trollish, and well thought out.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ResistenceXD0001 - MegaBrony



(1) As much as I wanna say yes, I have to say no. It just wouldn't be the same without that random Cutie Mark Crusaders episode.


(2) I'm gonna say temporary. Probably what will happen is that it will last for maybe a few episodes, then somehow she'll be turned back to normal (see next answer for details).


(3) Well of course classic villans will return! Discord probably will have something to do with Twilight being changed back. Maybe, someone crontrolling him...?


(4) No. It's kinda like with Naruto. I f he actually became the Hokage, that'd be it. He'd have to have accomplished everything else. It's the same with Rainbow Dash


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(2) I'm gonna say temporary. Probably what will happen is that it will last for maybe a few episodes, then somehow she'll be turned back to normal (see next answer for details).   (3) Well of course classic villans will return! Discord probably will have something to do with Twilight being changed back. Maybe, someone crontrolling him...?



But, then agian, they DID have a big coronation and everything. Maybe it is permanent, or it will at least last severall episodes.


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I really, REALLY want there to be an exploration into other countries in Season 4, namely the Changeling and Griffin Kingdoms. I'd love for Changelings to appear again, especially if the episode will be based on the improving on foreign relations, bringing about peace. Sorry, but if Celestia is so willing to give Discord a second chance, then her willing to repair relations with Changelings is not in the realm of the impossible. I can imagine an episode based on an early episode of Young Justice, where like the North and South Korea based countries, the Changeling Kingdom and Equestria's leaders gather at a peace summit to try and work out peace, with who else being the arbitrator (in Young Justice, Lex Luthor) than Discord.


Or alternatively, the episode could focus around racism/speciesm. Whilst it is true that in season 2, we had an episode based around racism, the 'Hearth's Warming Eve' episode between the different races of pony. However, what the show could then do is take it to a new level and actually deal with relations with an entirely different species. As far as we've seen, a lot of species we've seen outside of ponies are EVIIIL, be they dragons (with the only real notable exception being Spike), diamond dogs, or changelings. It would do a world of good if the show dedicated an episode to how some, or better yet, many members of these 'EVIIIL' species are actually good people and are not uniformly bad. True, some species are kind of set up to come across as evil, but one of the big messages of this show is on love and tolerance, so one of the best examples of that is having the Mane Six realize that 'hey, maybe it's wrong to write off every single one of these guys we hardly know as an 'evil jerk'. They are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones and are, in many ways, like us'. The species that this could very well be done with is the Changelings, mostly because they are the species that are most set up as uniformly evil and thus would make it more interesting and compelling than say, the Diamond Dogs.




•    It also allows the Mane Six to be portrayed as more sympathetic in their distrust and NOT as blind, ignorant bigots as is the case in many fanfictions on this issue, because unlike the incident with Zecora (which was not them being speciesist per say, more fear of the unknown), which was based more on ignorance than hatred, they have more of a founded reason to see all Changelings as the enemy; an army of them, led by their Queen, invaded their country! Unlike Zecora and the different races of pony, there is a solid reason for which they are actively expected to not like Changelings. It does not justify their prejudice entirely, but it makes the audience sympathies and understand them more. No one side is entirely in the wrong.


•    The Mane Six, in the end, would come to understand that Chrysalis' army is not representative of every single Changeling and that it is wrong to paint all Changelings as their 'enemy'. That they are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones (on a side note, this is why I do not support the hive-mind idea that some fans endorse, because it mostly takes away the opportunity to show Changelings as individual characters). They (the Changelings) are like them (the Mane Six and ponies in general) in many ways.


•    Their kingdom and culture and society could be revealed to based off that of similarities to Oriental cultures, like Japan and Korea, the rationale for this mainly how Chrysalis' designer, Rebecca Dart was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino. Therefore, if we see the Changeling Kingdom in the show it can potentially enable the show writers and animators to explore some East Asian art, architecture and culture. And picture this: Changeling Samurais!


•    It has many ways in which the episode could be played out:

o    The Mane Six are stranded in an isolated area with a group or family of Changelings.

o    The Mane Six find themselves trapped in the Changeling Kingdom and disguise themselves/They are sent to the Changeling Kingdom as spies and go undercover. Either way, they then get an understanding of what the Changelings' lives are like, and how privileged ponies are in Equestria in comparison to a Changeling's daily hardship and squalor.

o    The familiar scenario of them finding a Changeling baby and have to return it to its family, as examined in detail below. The twist? It's Chrysalis baby! How're they gonna get themselves out of that one, especially as Chrysalis believes they kidnapped her baby?

o    Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom go to, or are at the brink of war.

This sort of thing relates to real life in ways a lot of us may not realize. We often associate entire certain nationalities or groups of people as our enemies because of what their leaders (past or present), ancestors or a select minority of them have done, when in reality, many of them have done nothing to antagonize us and could otherwise be our friends.
  • Brohoof 1
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The best way the writers could play season 4 is by showing us that Twilight Sparkle isn't the only one who can realize her destiny (and by that I mean, "having her turned into an alicorn princess without even asking her opinion first) among the main characters.


CMCs should get their cutie marks, RD should join the Wonderbolts and the rest of the mane 6 should start having the own ambitions and work over them until they're fullfilled.



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1. I really think it should wait until the whole MLP series ends. (which I hope isn't soon) If they got their cutie marks, then whats the point of being the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Maybe generation 5 or 4.5 will have the elements of harmony older and they rule Equestria, and then the CMC become the mane cast.


2. I really think it's permanent, which I am really not happy about. That means minus one unicorn! And there was 2 unicorns, 2 earth ponies, and 2 pegasi. Now its all mixed up? Maybe they will have to add a new mane cast member because of this, Oh, right, it doesn't really matter, does it? But maybe it could be temporary, maybe it will have time taken away from her friends, and she would have to spend time with her new life instead of her friends, now THAT is an episode I would LOVE to see.


3. I think bringing back a villain is a great idea, they did that in Season 3, but what about for the new season villain, one villain returns!

I highly think it'll be Chrysalis, because all that happened was that she was blasted away, at least, that's what I remember, but maybe they decide to bring back a not-threatening-Equestria-type-of-villain, like Gilda, or the Flim Flam brothers, or Lightning Dust, 


4. Like I said on the second one, maybe Rainbow will be taken from her friends too much, but hey, it would be nice to see all of the Mane Six's dreams to come true in the tv show finale.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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I personally would love to see the Griffin Kingdom and to explore other parts of Equestria that we haven't seen yet. I feel that we have only been confined to a certain part of Equestria and seeing more of its beauty would be awesome.

  • Brohoof 1
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A male Alicorn. Seriously. Atleast then 1/5 of the Alicorns would be males. well 1/6 if Skyla debutes. If you say it will make the alicorns less rare. Then think again. 5 Alicorns out of 100000000 Pony would be extremely rare. I would also like this alicorn to be semi god and mortal like twi and cadence

  • Brohoof 1

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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Things I want to see.

1. Twilights transformation adversely affects friendship throughout Equestria.

2. Friendships are only stable when Twilight is around.

2. A rift develops between Luna and Celestia.

4. the other five have to travel together in search of the cause while Twilight remains in Canterlot.

9. The five have to work together and demonstrate their element without friendship.

3. Discord gets a laugh when confronted and tells them what is going on.

4. Celestia becomes her own version of Nightmare Moon.

5. The five find out that something like this happened to create Nightmare Moon.

6. The other princesses occurred naturally.

0. Discord tries to solve problems.

7. Twilight is forced to flee Canterlot.

0. The five discover how to unprincess Twilight.

0. Twilight and the five meet up and discuss what must be done and what it means to twilight.

0. Discord buys time to the process and is apparently destroyed by Celestia like King Sombra.

0. Twilight is restored and the six confront Celestia

0. Celestia is defeated and restored by the Elements of Harmony.

0. Celestia looks like a younger version of herself.

0. Parts of Discord partially reform and he admits he could not pass up the opportunity. Discord cant be destroyed only trapped.

0. The illusion on Celestia is removed so she looks like normal.

20. You cannot force friendship. A true princess can only be created for a force by the force and their interaction with it itself.

21. While walking around town Twilight catches a glimpse of herself as a princess again in a reflection for a brief moment. She continues to meet up with her friends. 

22. fade to black.
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- Rarity episodes please! With songs!


- Some different approaches with the friendship lessons. Like an episode about special needs ponies or even to go as far as an episode about homosexuality in a kid friendly setting. I feel like it's never to young for kids to learn to accept people of all walks of life. but that can be sketchy...


- Twilight to be involved with her friends and ponyville, while having some alicorn shenanigans.


- Discord just chillin in Ponyville.


-  Some Celestia corruption would be interesting.


- Maybe some more stuff on Sombra and Chrysalis


- More Trixe plz


- CMC getting cutie marks?


- Rainbow Dash wonderbolt stuff


- Big Mac with profound speaking roles.  :P 


- Spike becoming a teenager lol


I'll think of more later.

Like music? Of course you do! Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/user/concertoldham


Rarity is best pony because she is refined, poised, strong and genuine all wrapped up in a beautiful package.




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- More Applejack songs

- Luna episode

- An episode focussing on AJ, AB, Big Mac and their parents

- RD & Scoots episode

- Pinkamena

- RD giving Twi flying lessons

- An episode in which the Mane 6 become foals

- More Babs Seed

- Braeburn

  • Brohoof 1
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more ponies, more ponies,  flanks, "the plot", more sarcastic and dark humor, and more mane 6 eps and less spike  eps.. and more of rarity whinning... *but I thought u wanted whinning" .lol


more catchy music like bab seed, populor, art of the dress, and so on

Edited by MadDoggyca
  • Brohoof 1

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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Episodes that aren't rushed


I really can't think of what they're going to do with Alicorn Twilight. I mean, Megan said on Twitter that it's more of a 3 part season finale, but we don't get to see the next 2 parts until Season 4, but how it's set up now, there's no way for Twilight's wings to disappear. Plus, wouldn't this mean that Twilight will be going back to Canterlot to live in the castle? With this, every idea I had for Season 4 was shattered into a million pieces.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • Scootaloo and RD's relationship

Twilight dealing with being a Princess

Another AJ episode

A Rarity episode

Some Discord cameos

A Trixie episode perhaps?

more clarification on the rest of the Mane 6's parents

and maybe some Vinyl Scratch and Octavia? 


Formerly Flutterrage

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  • More Trixie~ some of her making friends with the mane 6 and helping them out

Celestia and Luna episode (maybe some backstory, how they became princesses)

Scootaloo and RD bonding and being adorable

The return of Chrysalis and the changelings because they're awesome

More Zecora! She's really underappreciated

Mane 6 backstories (What happened to AJ's parents, more Rainbow Dad, etc.)

Less leaks (come on Hasbro)

PSN - Mr_Pink333

Add me as a friendo so we can play some vidya gaems :3

Pesterchum - freudianRaptor


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Honestly, what I REALLY want to see in season 4 is more background into the mythology and so forth of Equestria...  I want more information on princes, alicorns and so forth... they leave such VOIDS in many areas and I'd like to see it more fleshed out and fill those huge gaps.

I'd like more info on the princesses, like their family lineage... the immortal vs mortal questions and theory I've seen... what's what with the princesses and alicorns!

How is this world set up?   We know of places like Saddle Arabia and so forth... but very vague info it seems.


I also want more Luna...  she's awesome ;)


Old Name was Dekanogi'a

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I was going to name some stuff, but........YOU NAMED EVERYTHING I WANTED!!!!!! >.<


Oh wait...

-Chrysalis comes back and is somehow reformed/redeemed. Maybe she could be become a kind leader of the Changeling nation. Speaking of which....

-Details on the Changelings as a race and a nation.


-Flashback episode linking history of what exactly happened 1000 years ago, what with Sombra, Nightmare Moon and Discord.

-Luna had an alter ego. Does Celestia have one...? WAIT A MINUTE, I'M TRYING TO CRUSH MY OWN FANFIC IDEAS! >.<








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What if there's a timeskip after the season 4 finale? Like, they all grow older by a bit, Twi's a full princess etc.


That'd be sweet too.

I see where your coming from;


But dear god no. If they time skip think of all the time we'll miss seeing them grow up. I can't bare the thought :(


I want a 24/7 live-stream of all the major cities, towns and villes in Equestria. I don't want to miss a damn thing :)

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
  • Brohoof 4
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-Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight how to fly.


- Scootalove


-More on Scoot's background


-More pets


-More songs


-More Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy


-A return of Lightning Dust


-A return of Gilda


-More Cutie Mark episodes


-Rainbow Dash teaching Scoots how to fly.


-More Derpy


- More Wonderbolts


-More Rainbow Dash's solo's


-Maybe another Cutie Mark Crusaders song


-Babs Seed's Cutie Mark Crusaders


-An episode where we can find out what Babs Seed's "Special talent is, Apple Bloom it's House Cleaning, Sweetie Belle it's singing, and Scoot's it's dancing and agility. But, we don't know what Babs Seed can do.

  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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Just give more Derpy! I need my daily dose of Derpy and without her appearing a lot in the episodes, I'm becoming sad. D:


In other news, I also want more songs by RD, AJ, or Rarity. A Pinkie Pie song would work out too for me.


Thank you, Gone Airbourne, for the amazing signature!

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I'd kinda like the opening two parter to be kindof serious and a challenge for the mane six since the season 3 finale was so cuddly and "everything's going to be fine".


I'd also like a Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo episode, maybe where Scootaloo gets her cutie mark.


Other than that, I have way fewer ideas than I had for season 3.

  • Brohoof 1

I love you.

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