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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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Why won't anyone upload it to youtube

Oh its uploaded, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cQIhoIOle_U


The same mistake was made in the animated 1986 Transformers: The Movie.  The trailers all showed Unicron transforming from a planet into the biggest robot ever!  I personally think the movie would've been much more enjoyable if that detail was kept under wraps. 


Alicorn Twilight Sparkle will go down as one of the worst kept secrets ever.  :/

Oh I agree, more information was leaked than the entire length of the episode...



Well, that sure was... something.
Starting off with the songs, they certainly made up for the lack of songs in the rest of the season (heck, there may have been too many songs in this episode). None of them really stood out from one another, but they were all quite enjoyable.
Now onto alicorn Twilight. When I heard that she would become an alicorn for fixing her own mistake before the episode aired, I didn't really like the logic behind it. After watching and finding out it was Celestia who tasked her with something that not even Statwirl the Bearded could achieve, I find it a bit more understandable. What I didn't like was how Celestia didn't even bother to ask Twilight or her friends whether they were okay her becoming an alicorn/princess (she basically said, "hard luck, bitch, you're an alicorn no matter what you or your friends think of it," though it appeared they were alright with it once it happened). And what I disliked the most about this was during the final few seconds when Twilight flew towards the screen like she had wings her entire life. I thought, "God damn it!" to myself when it happened. I was going to add Twilight getting flying lessons from Rainbow Dash on my season 4 wish list until that.
There are still many questions that I want answered about alicorn Twilight: Is she practically immortal like Celestia and Luna? How will this affect the screentime between her and the rest of the mane six? What exactly is she the princess of? And so on. At least Meaghan's tweet implies that the first two episodes of season 4 will correlate with this one, but we unfortunately have to wait several months for that. I suppose it's still possible that Twilight could revert back to a normal unicorn.
As for the rest of the episode, it was quite nice. It felt quite rushed, though that was pretty much inevitable given it was practically two episodes in one time slot (had the cutie mark switching gotten an enitre episode to itself, it likley would have been one of my favorites in the series). The scene with Twilight and Celestia wherever the hell they were looked absolutely stunning (it even made me shed a few tears). It was also nice to see Vinyl Scratch a Pinkamena return.
tl;dr: Much of the episode was nice, but it felt rushed brought up more questions that it did answer thanks to alicorn Twilight.
Also, liquid pride sounds like the name of a sex lubricant to me. Man, I am such a pervert...

Liquid Pride sex lube that the best one I heard all day! 

All Eyes On Deme!

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The episode was amazing. The songs were great, the plot and originality was very interesting, but the big letdown was near the end. When Twilight became an alicorn/princess. I really wasn't looking forward to it. But it might be temporary, I don't know.

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Also, liquid pride sounds like the name of a sex lubricant to me. Man, I am such a pervert...

LOL yeah it sure does I wonder if someone is going to work that into a clopfic. Thanks for the laugh I sure could use one after this episode I want to like this and still have hope that this whole absurd concept can work out but oh my Celestia they could have handled this a hell of alot better. I want to like this episode but it has to be the most rushed episode ever and just seemed to mash everything together about destinies while randomly mentioning the alicorn thing like it was some afterthought like "oh Twlight is an alicorn princess now because she is teachers pet and well just because so um here is princess Twilight Sparkle."

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Great episode, even though it felt somewhat rushed at some points. As mentioned by several other people already, it would probably have been better if "Alicorn Twilight" weren't spoiled some weeks earlier, but I still think it was a great episode.

Also, all the songs were really great, and even though it felt like a musical at times, it didn't really matter because they were all amazing.


And now we wait for season 4... I can't wait that long :angry: . I guess I have to re-watch all the episodes again.

  • Brohoof 1

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LOL yeah it sure does I wonder if someone is going to work that into a clopfic. Thanks for the laugh I sure could use one after this episode I want to like this and still have hope that this whole absurd concept can work out but oh my Celestia they could have handled this a hell of alot better. I want to like this episode but it has to be the most rushed episode ever and just seemed to mash everything together about destinies while randomly mentioning the alicorn thing like it was some afterthought like "oh Twlight is an alicorn princess now because she is teachers pet and well just because so um here is princess Twilight Sparkle."

True, the writers at DHX most likely didn't plan for Princess Sparkle. Hasbro wanted to shove new toys down the consumers throats and what better way to do that than creating another all-powerful being!

All Eyes On Deme!

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Disappointing episode.

Half of the songs were good, the other half were boring and generic.

The switched cutie marks plot was a great idea and should have been developed more.

Everything about Twilight becoming an alicorn princess felt incredibly forced and I see this as the shark jumping moment of the series.

The fact that she instantly learned to fly just added salt to the injury.


Being a three-parter I just hope the writers realize how brutally they have murdered the show (Hasbro confirmed that they nothing to do with this right? So the writers are to blame), listen to the fans and strip Twilight of her wings in the following two episodes.

Edited by SharkJump
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Holy shit that was good.

I had some of that liquid pride afterward.

I'd bet money that hasbro planned this to be the last season until they changed their minds and asked for season 4.

This episode was totally directed for us bronies

I caught nearly every background pony that incurred a fan following including *Drum roll*.....................................

Derpy motherbucking Hooves!!!!


Yes that is right Derpy Hooves is in the episode. 

My life is now complete.



But in all seriousness. Since this was obviously planned as the show finale. For the actual series ending they better pull out all the stops and make something ten times better!

  • Brohoof 1

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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It didn't make much sense. Twilight just randomly got a letter and spell book then somehow reversed the talents. Why did Celestia send the letter? How did she create new magic? From what I understand Twilight just solved a problem. The songs were too much to the point were is was just annoying. It was extremely rushed and boring as well. You couldn't see much of the cutie marks switch and Twilight almost immedietly figured out how to fix it. Couldn't there have been more problems in fixing it instead of Twilight saving the day? Plus that ending. Celestia appears out of nowhere and Twilight becomes a princess? Why couldn't Hasbro for once not rush the plot? LAUREN WE NEED YOU BACK! THEY'RE RUINING YOUR SHOW!

Sorry for ranting. I just had to get that out...


Oh, and I almost forgot, there's a great view of Derpy at 20:54, look in the right hand upper corner. :3
  • Brohoof 3


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That was way, way up there in the list of the most beautiful episodes.

I do not cry easily, but there was some welling going on. It did seem a little fast-paced, but they made it work. At least, I think they did. I liked the episode! It was a good one!

However, I have one little thing.

Cadence is shown with her hair in that crystal-do. Then it's down. Just down. That ruined every bit of immersion I had. Thanks a lot, staff.

i kid i kid it's fine

  • Brohoof 2
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Such a good episode, but I wish it was a two-parter. There were about four songs and the Twilight becoming a princess seemed interesting, but we hardly got to see much. Still, it make me glad to see Twilight become an Alicorn, and she brought back Derpy!

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, finally got around to seeing it (the stream I was in earlier had terrible lag going on, missed about half the episode), and I gotta say, I'm feeling the liquid pride right about now! :wub:   I'm going to post my full thoughts on the Season Finale in my "Season 3 Review" thread.  Head on over there everypony if you want to see it, and if you want to leave your own thoughts on Season 3 as well.  :D




"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Also, all the songs were really great, and even though it felt like a musical at times, it didn't really matter because they were all amazing.

I agree. What really gave it the musical feel seemed to be the fact that they opened it up with a song. Although, I wouldn't mind an actual musical episode. MLP the musical sounds like it could work, seeing as how it's not uncommon for the characters to burst into song.

  • Brohoof 1

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Disappointing episode.

Half of the songs were good, the other half were boring and generic.

The switched cutie marks plot was a great idea and should have been developed more.

Everything about Twilight becoming an alicorn princess felt incredibly forced and I see this as the shark jumping moment of the series.

The episode did all it could to make Princess Sparkle entry a smooth one. Not much can really be done when an idea(not so good) is sprung on writers last second. Especially when cramming two episodes into one. I do agree as do many of us enjoyed the plot of Cutie Marks switching. 


My question is; What now?


Will Twilight stay in Canterlot? Will the transformation be permanent? And will Discord be the next princess? These questions will be answered right now.


Maybe. Maybe. No.

The best thing is...WE HAVE NO IDEA!  :lol:

All Eyes On Deme!

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This was a truly cruel ending to season 3...




All in all its nowhere near as bad as everyone made it out to be these past few weeks.

I really enjoyed it. and i'm looking forward to seeing more.

Never underestimate the value of time


My DeviantArt

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To me, it felt really, really rushed.
The only thing going through my head when I turned it on was - well, how rushed does this feel?

It felt like it should've been a 2-parter, much like the Discord episodes felt like they where intended to be longer. While in my eyes it was disappointing as compared to expectations much like Halo 4 it's still a good episode, and I can't wait to see where they take Twilight with all her new possibilities. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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well i liked this episode, it had some nice jokes in it and it looked beautiful this was the best animated episode in the whole season, it looked gorgeous, however, the pacing was a bit off, it would of been much better as   a two parter,and this may seem odd, but if it is a permenant change i actually feel like there would be less of twilight in season 4, while i would prefer it not be permenant, i am not broken up, sad, or enraged at the episode, for me it just had some pacing issues

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Gotta admit, the writers really did an amazing job ( time management, story persistance and "it makes some sense" factor )

Really guys, it wasn't rushed at all (well only the first problem of the cutiemarks of course) but they did all that because they had 2 choices here:


do like the discord episode and make the transformation very fast OR

resolve the problems with some speed momentum and then slow down to make the whole thing less quick and more explicable.


really they made it as less painful at possible for us to accept the forced transformation of twilight and made the whole thing have sense in the most faithful way possible


that said, I still disgrace Hasbro but I prayse the work of the others, damn it it made me cry for pete's sake...

Edited by moduz94
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Prepare for a lot of conjecture!


Already a few members have mentioned that this episode had the feeling of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic's denouement. Before the season even began, back when Season 3 was announced for 13 episodes, a lot of fans were speculating that this would be the end. Perhaps such was the case when Season 2 was wrapping up production and Season 3 was under development. I could easily imagine "Magical Mystery Cure" being the capstone episode for the entire series. With 65 episodes in the bank, The Hub could have reruns of MLP while focusing on new franchises (i.e., Littlest Pet Shop).


Consider that the central thrust of the season was confronting one's destiny and finding the strength through friendship to overcome obstacles. This was MLP's destiny at heart. And to have Twilight become a princess---a move which sounds more like a Hasbro dictate than the designs of Lauren Faust and her successors---is the ultimate climax and "resolution" for the pervasive themes of friendship and magic. Twilight ascends to a princess; it sounds just plausible enough with some in-universe explanations to have been the plan from the beginning---I am not so convinced, however. I am under the growing impression that DHX Media had the initial orders---probably at the start of Season 2's run---to conclude the series with a bang that did not completely close the door on the story. Younger kids would then be less inclined to view MLP as having ended in lieu of the quasi-cliffhanger. Cue Princess Twilight product placement filling the void.


I wonder now if this was one of the reasons why Lauren Faust decided to leave MLP after the first two seasons. (She stepped down as showrunner after Season 1; she remained listed as an executive producer until the beginning of Season 3). I could imagine her being opposed to the idea of making Twilight a princess, potentially spoiling one of the central themes of the show, i.e., they are "normal" girls capable of amazing things. Princess Twilight radically alters the playing field. She is technically her friends' superior. It's even difficult to describe Twilight as the first among equals. One can say that Princess Twilight is the unofficial severing of ties with Lauren's initial vision, because I do not have the impression she had this in mind from the start. I hope that one day she can address the matter of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Whether I'm proven right, wrong, or a little bit of both, I'd be interested to hear her thoughts.


The essence of "Magical Mystery Cure" as originally designed to be the series finale can be viewed in the final five minutes of the episode. Twilight is transported into an astral plane, where Celestia personally shows her through brief montages of events from previous episodes. How could that not be the end? The montages had "Thanks for watching!" written all over it! The subsequent shift to the coronation, the callbacks and references (e.g., Celestia referring to her reunion with Luna), and the triumphant ending only reinforce that message. It's not unlike seeing your life flash before your eyes when you are about to die.


Bronies, I think we just had a near-death experience.


I am going to assume that MLP's popularity explosion (the ratings don't lie), undoubtedly fueled by the Brony phenomenon, led Hasbro to have second thoughts once Season 2 concluded. They were sitting on a veritable gold mine. Recent shifts had occurred in their marketing scheme, from gradual improvements to their MLP: FiM merchandise to advertising more aggressively geared toward older audiences, which seemingly confirm that Hasbro is taking MLP: FiM more seriously than they had when it was still aimed exclusively at young girls. Without Bronies to propel the ratings, I suspect we would be waxing poetic about how MLP had meant so much to us over the past three years, and that we were said to see it end.


The byproducts of Hasbro's decision---and I am still working under my presumptions of a near cancellation---are readily seen in both Season 3 and its finale. Within the truncated timetable, the writers were attempting to hit a lot of high points. The results were mixed, I think, due to the relatively short length of the season. Many of the episodes were arguably better suited for two-parters (i.e., "Magic Duel", "Keep Calm and Flutter On", "Games Pony Play", and "Magical Mystery Cure"). If Meghan McCarthy's recent comments are any indication, Season 4 will rectify this issue off the bat. The debut episodes will very likely tie directly into the events of "Magical Mystery Cure"---or, in lieu of the three-part continuity, "Twilicorn Begins".


(Five paragraphs before a Christopher Nolan Batman reference! A new record for Season 3! But don't get on my case: all this talk of "destiny" and "ascension" was bound to have Ducard lurking somewhere nearby, asking if Twilight was truly prepared to do what was necessary.)


So, after all of that rambling, what did I actually think of the episode? As I alluded to before, this would have been a terrific episode for a two-parter. M.A. Larson nonetheless did a wonderful job of condensing an otherwise complicated premise into short bursts of exposition. Twilight's "I accidentally defied the laws of nature last night" explanation still leaves a lot to be desired; but I don't hold that against Larson so much as I do the constraints in which the episode was created. By turning MLP into a musical for an episode, Larson kept the pacing smooth while still elaborating on the central conflict. By and large it was a real triumph of writing talent that "Magical Mystery Cure" managed to pack so much content into 22 minutes.


I'll be the first to admit that the unfolding of Twilight's ascension surprised me. Let me be clear: I didn't scream, "Oh, my God! Friendship is the key! I can't believe it!" I did, however, predict that Twilight was going to switch destinies with one of the princesses; but that was a matter of the initial descriptions being unclear as to how expansive the destiny swaps would be. I also remained incredulous that the princess fix was going to be long-term: my prediction was that once Twilight fixed everything, she would return to being a normal unicorn. That obviously did not happen. I'm not distressed, though: I have faith in the writers that they will handle the matter deftly.


(I am disappointed, however, that the litany of Chekhov's guns were effectively ignored---the Alicorn Amulet being the most prominent of them. Only Starswirl's book returned to the forefront. It didn't feel as though the inclusion of new magic and artifacts truly came full circle. Maybe that will be handled in Season 4? I sure hope so. It would be disappointing for the sudden dangers of Equestria to be conveniently ignored.)


The best scene of the episode was when Twilight and Celestia met in the astral plane, just after Twilight got zapped by her friends. Celestia at last received a singing role! How awesome was that? Nicole Oliver has a wonderful voice; I'm glad they took full advantage of it. Combined with the montages, the whole scene was moving. If this had been the series finale, I probably would have begun to sniffle---shedding some liquid pride, as Shining Armor might say. The entire sequence was very well done.


Oh, and what do I think specifically of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the newest Alicorn of the bunch? First of all, I wasn't terribly distressed by the news in the first place; second, what good what it do me to get annoyed over the change? Why drag my feet and pretend it didn't happen? I like it. I'm willing to give it a try. If it backfires... well, them's the bricks. I happen to believe the concept has a ton of potential.


In terms of overall quality, "Magical Mystery Cure" was a strong episode. I hesitate to place it in my top three due to the time constraints which weakened what could have been a truly momentous two-part episode. I am still of the mind that "A Canterlot Wedding" is MLP's magnum opus. Everything that is great about the series can be found in that episode(s). That having been said, you now know which season finale I think is the best.


Another point of weakness for "Magical Mystery Cure" may have been the hype. The conflict meant little since it was long since established that it was simply a set up for Princess Twilight. "A Canterlot Wedding" kept me guessing and invested in the entire narrative; "Magical Mystery Cure" was all about Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Alicorn. Everything else had become a formality. The tension existed solely in the end result rather than the process by which we, the audience, arrived at the end. I wish it could have turned out differently in this regard, but I doubt much could have been done to avoid the rabid obsession with Twilight's transformation.


With all this digital ink having been spilled, my abridged assessment is this: "Magical Mystery Cure" is the epitome of Season 3. Season 3 was far too brief. I do not mean this simply in terms of desiring more ponies: a lot of information got crunched into compact elaborations. Never did the full string of events unfurl themselves, even after the numerous allusions. Though such was the case, the experience in general was a great deal of fun.


I am eager to see the next chapter in this fantastic series!

  • Brohoof 11


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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My first impression of the finale is somewhat mixed.
To begin with, the Twilicorn concept was handled a hell of a lot better than I thought it would. Like I wrote in my editorial in the MLP Forums, the concept Hasbro dished out there was needlessly stupid because it had literally no momentum and had many complicated paths that could risk altering the dynamic of the Mane Six. M. A. Larson did what he could and mustered out a canonical idea that made the idea of Twilight evolving to an alicorn intricate and sensible.
The songs were great and told the progress of the story. Each song expressed the characters' thoughts about the moments now and in the future. Particularly Twilight's sad song as her friends struggled. (The scenes of Sweet Apple acres and Carousel Boutique were rather dark.) The best songs were Celestia's Ballad and I've Got to Find a Way; they demonstrated the seriousness of Twilight's consequences and Twilight's reward for solving this problem.
And a small, but happy moment: Derpy's back WITH her derpy eyes! She's spotted twice in the coronation aisle.
But if there was one thing that really hurt the episode's overall quality, it was akin to Keep Calm and Flutter On: The pace was WAY too fast! Each moment leapt from one moment to another and had no time to calm down and relax. It started extremely fast and just increased in speed. Magical Mystery Cure is like a pot of water, except it boiled immediately and kept boiling faster and faster, hotter and hotter, and the water never evaporated. This finale would've been even better if it was a two-parter, as that transformation would've had more plot development and time to slow down the pace and foreshadow the moment even better. Here, her transformation had no in-canon momentum, not in this episode and not for the entire season following Crystal Empire, Part II. For a change this radical, you need to hint these moments more in order to build it up, and it didn't.
The episode has its moments, but the extremely rushed pace made the episode (and execution of the horrid Twilicorn concept) not as good as it should've been. Overall, a decent finale, but very weakly executed.

  • Brohoof 6

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Now that I've had time to think about the episode a little bit, I suppose I'll post my thoughts on the episode now.


The only way I can describe the episode is this: "It was...something!"


No, really.


The whole cutie mark switching thing at the beginning of the episode was kind of cool. I know some people are like, "This is just proof that cutie marks control ponies' lives!" Think about it - the others were still themselves on the inside, even though they had the wrong cutie marks. They just thought that their cutie marks were what controlled their destinies, when it's actually who they are as a pony that controls them. The cutie mark, as a concept, is simply there as a guide to help the pony along their way in life.


Now onto the Twilicorn thing. I have to admit, I was mad as soon as I saw Twilight flying towards the screen at the very end. I too was hoping for a Dash episode where she teaches Twilight how to not suck at flying. I really really want the S4 premiere now. This episode just seems kind of...incomplete without it. "Hey Twilight, you're a princess now!" Everyone is just like, "MKAY," and just rolls with it. Nopony was like, "Wait a minute. Don't you guys realize what the hell just happened?!"


Then again, maybe this is all part of the whole "She's a princess now, big whoop. She's still the same Twilight to us, one of our best friends" deal. I wouldn't mind very much if that were the case.


Still, can anyone here pinpoint the reasoning behind Twilight's ascension (canon reasoning, I know why it was done as a concept). Was it her destiny all along? Did she finally prove herself worthy of becoming a princess with this episode? I was sort of confused by that.


Yes, I am also sort of apprehensive about what sort of new powers Twilight will gain with her ascension, too. I dearly hope she isn't immortal, and I also hope that she can't just play the "I'm an alicorn now, lemme just magick the shit out of this problem to make it go away" card all the time.


Overall, a good episode. I wish it was longer, and I wish I didn't have to wait for Season 4 to get the rest of this story, because right now, I feel like the episode isn't whole without the other 2 episodes.

Edited by HandMan
  • Brohoof 1


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Well that was good. I was starting to hate the idea and lose confidence in the writers when I heard the leaked "True, true friend" but seeing the song in action made it go much higher in my ranking. Also: DERPY! I found her three times!

  • Brohoof 1
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Ladies and gentlemen! The episode today was fantastic! The new information contained within it reveals/hints at some things I find remarkable! Most of it stemming from the spell Star Swirl the Bearded could not finish.


What's interesting in this new spell is that it hints to the speculation about Discord being Star Swirl being true. The spell he could not finish was a result of his lack of knowledge in friendship which we now know Discord never had a friend. Also note what happened to Ponyville soon after his unfinished spell was cast by Twilight. Anyone notice how much it resembled Discord's Ponyville? Also, Twilight accidentally cast it on the elements of harmony which mixed them up, but what if it had been cast directly on a pony? What would have happened if Star Swirl had cast it on himself? Become Discord perhaps? 


That set aside, two things still stand out. 1. what was the purpose of this spell?  2. What had Twilight accomplished that nopony had ever done before? Here's my take.


With my theory that Pony's are a result of the Alicorn Wars and that the Pony's are fragments of the aspects of the Alicorns that existed long before them, this leads to some interesting revelations. Perhaps Star Swirl was trying to figure out how to bring back the Alicorns. Perhaps he was trying to create a spell that could allow the ponies to return back to their Alicorn roots. The fact that he didn't understand though was that the pieces needed to come from multiple ponies uniting together. He thought it all came from within or by magic. (Which is also the down fall of the Alicorns in the Alicorn Wars.)


So what had Twilight done that nopony had ever done before? It wasn't create magic, Star Swirl had a whole book of spells that he had written. It could be that "friendship is magic" but I think it's more than just that. Twilight discovered the solution to redeem the Alicorns, which yes is that "friendship is magic" or that unity is the key. Not just unity within yourself, but with your friends, your family, your community. Twilight didn't just realign her friends, she realigned the town. It was in complete "chaos" before she fixed it. Its was the love she had for her friends, the love they had for each other, and the love that Ponyville shared with them that made Twilight realize what was wrong with that spell.


Originally the spell read, "From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone fulfilled." It was all focused on finding the strength within yourself. Now Twilight's rewrite goes, "From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one there is magic without end." By discovering the unending magic that is friendship and that it was the unity of their destinies, their special talents, that was the key to fixing the spell, Twilight created a spell with enough power to undo the damage from the Alicorn Wars. 


Granted this is all speculation, but it'd be cool if true. Course now people be all like "NO!!! NOW EVERY ONE WILL BE ALICORNS!!!" Yes, but if something like my idea of Dark Alicorns still existed, it could become very interesting.


I think though what I really got out of this episode is the message that true strength and joy come not from within, but from loving one another, something the brony fandom is known for. So if their is anything to take away from this, it's that bronies figured out why Friendship is Magic.  


Take care everypony.   

  • Brohoof 3


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