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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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Man episode 13 was amazing even if they didn't split it up into 2 parts but I think that the episode turned out alright because Twilight obtained alicorn status and that her friends still like her for who she is whoooo can't wait for season four brohoof


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Twilight Sparkle has not become a goddess, nor will she be immortal! Heck it could be argued that Celestia and Luna are not deities, especially since normal unicorns alternated day and night before the royal sisters did. There is literally no proof that Twilight has even gotten a power boost or that this change will cause problems between Twilight and her friends.


Also, news flash... the show has always been about Twilight and her lessons on friendship. I care about all of the Mane Six, and so what if they are not symbolic of anything (but their Elements), they are still very important. Without Twilight Sparkle's friends she would be nothing but a mare that reads books and studies a lot. Without Twilight's friends we wouldn't have My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Incoming rant!


In that case, Twilight's friends deserve the title of royalty more she does. Don't get me wrong, Twilight is my favorite character, but she wouldn't be anywhere close to where she is had it not been for her friends. Without them, she was [and would still be] stubborn, unfriendly, clueless, and weak.


If you watch the flashbacks from Cutie Mark Choronicles, you'll notice that she struggled to do even the simplest of spells (such as turning a page on a book, or breaking open Spike's egg). Now don't go about telling me that her age was the reason behind this. In the same episode, Rarity was seen casually lifting an entire roll of fabric while working a sewing maching at the same time with ease. It wasn't until Twilight saw a sign (the sonic rainboom) from a future friend that she showed her full potential. Until then, even the average unicorn could easily outdo her.


The Elements of Harmony were rendered useless until Twilight understood the true meaning of friendship. Again, her friends are to credit for this. The magic of friendship combines all the other elements, Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, and Kindness (none of which Twilight had before she made friends), into the sixth element, Magic. There it is, Twilight Sparkle's true destiny, plain and simple: Magic of freindship, Friendship is Magic! That was as much as they would ever need to explain it!


So it only makes sense that the show should continue their focus on the struggles that come with friendship, right? But no! Instead the remaining writers decide to totally screw up this main story arc. Why? I have no idea, seeing how Faust's original message fit in with the story perfectly, and made for good episodes ranging from slice-of-life to adventure and defeating enemies. However, the remaining writers seem to thing that such themes will get old and boring if they don't "spruce it up" every once in a while their "improvements". Don't agree with me? Just take a look at what has been changed since Faust let them run the show. Season 3 is a perfect example of this. Now that they have complete freedom to do as they wish, they feel the the show has "settled down" too much, so they try to make the main cast "more interesting". First came the sub-par season premiere: The Crystal Empire, in which they tried to show how smart Twilight was while making her friends look like total goofballs trying to run some Crystal Fair that served only to distract the citizens of the empire for a short time. Wow aren't they so helpful! Twilight totally didn't take over that episode *rolls eyes*. Next came a considerably better episode: Too Make Pinkie Pies. In this episode they realized that people liked Pinkie being random and breaking the forth wall and the like, so they decided to focus the episode on not one, but thirty three Pinkie Pies (and yes i did the calculation in my head)! Then came One Bad Apple. While I enjoyed this episode as well, I couldn't help but wonder if the writers were thinking "The Cutie Mark Crusaders are getting kinda old. Hey I've got an idea! Let's add another filly to the bunch!". Next was Magic Dual. While It was cool to see Trixie return, the whole fake amulet that was lended from Zecora screamed Deus Ex Machina to me. And as a result, Trixie's return was overshadowed by yet another attempt by the writers to show off Twilight being smart. Wonderbolt Academy is yet another good example. One of the main continuity themes is Rainbow Dash aspiring to meet the Wonderbolts in person (or pony or whatever). So let's have her graduate from the newly introduced academy in one episode! So much for aspiring, seeing that she's already gained favor with them. And if they haven't already established that the Applejack is closely tied to her family, they've got an entire episode for that. As for Fluttershy, she's very kind, so let's make it ten times more obvious by having her redeem Discord! But wait, there's more! The pets needed more attention, so they dedicated a whole episode to Spike trying to prove he's responsible [yet again] by having him petsit all the sidekicks. The worst thing is that a lot of these ideas simply came out of the blue with very little substance or memorable storytelling. Morals were lacking greatly throughout this season with only two letters sent to Celestia. Two letters in thirteen episodes!


And last but certainly not least, the epitome of it all! My least favorite episode: Magical Mystery Cure! While already bummed that Twilight Sparkle will now be a pretty perfect pony princess for all the little girls to admire, the episode was still a dissappointment. I was hoping in vain that maybe, just maybe, M.A. Larson and the rest could do their best to make such a forced change somewhat bearable. Boy was I wrong! When the cutie marks were switched, I was hoping for a hilarious mind swap episode. Instead I was enduring a lame and rushed episode in which their "destinies" were scrambled. It is later revealed that Twilight jumped the gun and cast a spell that caused this, thus centering the episode arount Twilight cleaning a mess she caused. Jam-packing it with song after song after song after song after song didn't help either (especially when there's so much singing that the songs cut each other short, causing the characters to sing more than they don't). After all is sorted out, Twilight decides, for some strange reason, to plagiarize Starswirls spell [wich was the source of the problem] by writing down one sentence about the power of friendship. Even though Twilight already knew this, apparently it didn't count until she wrote it down more than two years later. And if that's not cheezy enough, this is apparently what they call "fulfilling her destiny", which, as we should all know, was already fulfilled way back when she first activated the Elements of Harmony; but nevermind that! Great job writers, you officially ruined the show's message with this cheezy perk. And if that's not enough to be upset about, Celestia then goes on to tell (or in this case, sing to) Twilight about how she has "proven that she is ready" to "fulfill her destiny". And voala! Not only is she crowned Princess, but she somehow conveniently transforms into an alicorn, to further portray this "great accomplishment". Total rubbish with very little healthy moral value was the long-awaited finale.


I've said it many times before, and I'll say it yet again: Twilight Sparkle doesn't need to be special to be special.

Edited by Dolphanatic
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It took me MANY viewings of Magical Mystery Cure to finally form an opinion about it, and it is now my second favorite episode of the season. The first time I watched it, I didn't pay attention to the pacing, I just enjoyed it. The second time, the pacing felt a little off to me. The third time, it felt slightly better. I've lost track of how many times I've seen this episode, but I can finally say that I love it.


The reason everyone hates it: Pacing.


It doesn't matter how good the pacing of an episode is, if it could have been a 2 parter, people will say that it should've been a 2-parter. Sure, it could've been a 2 parter, and I would have been satisfied, but for what it is, it's fantastic.


Why don't I think the pacing is bad? I can't exactly explain it, but I just think this episode gets straight to the point rather than beating around the bush (*cough Boast Busters *cough). This episode has different pacing than usual, and that is why I think everyone hates it. They haven't gotten used to its pacing yet.


Speaking of Boast Busters, I think that it's the only episode I have problems with its pacing. Everytime I watch it, I can never get over the fact that it's WAY TOO SLOW. Seriously, that episode can be painful to sit through sometimes. I have never been able to get used its pacing, unlike Magical Mystery Cure, which I can now say that I am very used to.


Another episode with different pacing than usual is The Ticket Master. It's pretty much an 11 minute episode stretched out to 22 minutes, but I thought they did a good job with it.


So, what I'm trying to say is that the pacing of Magical Mystery Cure is not bad, just different. It took me awhile to get used to the pacing, but at least I was able to get used to it, unlike Boast Buster's pacing, which makes the episode hard to watch.

  • Brohoof 5



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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Well, it's quite obviously different. But changing how you work your show just for one episode isn't really a good thing. Ever. Your allienating old fans and turning off new ones if they watch previous episodes.


Just because the pacing is different doesn't make it good either. It's matter of opinion; but songs are used to make things faster in montage form. Using a ton in a 22 minute episode, for half of the episode, makes things seem rushed. Plus; the plot is super easy to pick apart (Everything is bad - Everything is fine - Allicorn) 


If most of your episode is a montage, it's going to feel rushed, as we pass over tons of good points just because we only have one episode to do that. What if I didn't know that? Then I would just think the episode is rushed. If you want to do a musical; don't make every song a montage. Then it'll be fine.


Also; never compare an episode to Boast Busters saying it's better then it. Boast Busters is the worst episode of the series. It only has one good thing about it.

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Well, it's quite obviously different. But changing how you work your show just for one episode isn't really a good thing. Ever. Your allienating old fans and turning off new ones if they watch previous episodes.


How exactly is doing something different "alienating old fans?" Is there really anything wrong with being experimental? I liked it, despite it being different.



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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How exactly is doing something different "alienating old fans?" Is there really anything wrong with being experimental? I liked it, despite it being different.

Well; seeing as how many fans have left the fandom thinking other episodes will be like it is a thing. Being experimental is fine; but I'll still critique it like any other episode.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Also; never compare an episode to Boast Busters saying it's better then it. Boast Busters is the worst episode of the series. It only has one good thing about it.


I think that it's perfectly fine to compare an episode that no one seems to like with the worst episode of the series. It's not like I'm comparing it to a different generation....



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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Different pacing in and of itself is not always a bad thing as a fast pace can be appropriate for some episodes like Too Many Pinkie Pies for example but was clearly not appropriate for this one. A change as significant and profound as Twilight becoming an alicorn requires significant character and plot development much more so than has actually occurred to justify such a change so you need a two parter to at least flesh it out a bit more to where it dosen't feel as abrupt and pre mature as it is.


The cutie mark switching idea was a good one as it makes sense for Celestia to have a final test before Twilight becomes an alicorn but should have been its own episode leading into alicorn Twilight. The songs were good and making an episode a musical can be a good idea but in this case the large amount of songs bogged down the dialogue and made the rest of the episode feel like it was a mere formality until the big event of Alicorn Twilight happened at the end.


And there is a big difference between an episode being fast paced and rushed, a good fast paced episode will move quickly but not so quickly that it glosses over or ignores key points that are important in the story. After all the hype we still don't know anymore about the extent of Twilights new powers or responsibilities than we did before, not even a single hint. I wasn't expecting them to tell us everything right off the bat but I was expect a little more than "hey Twilight you have been a good teachers pet and have friends so I guess you get to become an alicorn princess."

  • Brohoof 2
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I actually liked Magical Mystery Cure. I feel like people made the pacing a much bigger deal than it needs to be, and are just used to 2 part finales.



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"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I actually liked Magical Mystery Cure. I feel like people made the pacing a much bigger deal than it needs to be, and are just used to 2 part finales.

You don't necessarily have to have a two parter to have a good season finale but this season finale introduced a change far more profound than the other season finales so for that reason alone it would have been entirely appropriate. The Grand Galloping Gala was something that we knew was coming and it didn't really change much so that didn't need a two parter. The Canterlot Wedding introduced two very profound figures in Twilight's life one of them a princess but even that wasn't nearly as big of a change as alicorn Twilight so it dosen't makes sense to me why that would get a two parter while alicorn Twilight does not. I know that the season 4 premier will be a two parter which picks up where Magical Mystery Cure left off but still it gave me more of that really bad acid trip feel than the cliffhanger feel that it should have had.

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My honest feeling about this show is summed up as: Disappointed.


While many in this fandom (likely the younger ones) will continue to watch the show. For us who have seen other shows betray logic and artistic integrity, I know what is likely to come and I'm lowering my expectations.


I'm careful to not put words in other people's mouths, but here is a Twitter feed from December 2012 (back when Season 3 was in full swing):



@BrowncoatPony @M_A_Larson @Damnation72 I just can't do it. It's too sad for me. And I want to remember it the way I had it in my head.

Lauren Faust (@Fyre_flye)



As an actual staff member, she would have a different perspective, but even Lauren doesn't even watch the show now. The Brony Documentary Extended Interviews that got released showed that Hasbro has quite different goals for the show. Lauren left because of several reasons, but it's clear that the direction for the show wasn't in her best interest.

Edited by SeaSpray
  • Brohoof 1
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My honest feeling about this show is summed up as: Disappointed.


While many in this fandom (likely the younger ones) will continue to watch the show. For us who have seen other shows betray logic and artistic integrity, I know what is likely to come and I'm lowering my expectations.


I'm careful to not put words in other people's mouths, but here is a Twitter feed from December 2012 (back when Season 3 was in full swing):



@BrowncoatPony @M_A_Larson @Damnation72 I just can't do it. It's too sad for me. And I want to remember it the way I had it in my head.

Lauren Faust (@Fyre_flye)



As an actual staff member, she would have a different perspective, but even Lauren doesn't even watch the show now. The Brony Documentary Extended Interviews that got released showed that Hasbro has quite different goals for the show. Lauren left because of several reasons, but it's clear that the direction for he show wasn't in her best interest.

You are forgetting that it was actually CLOSE to what she envisioned. In the Brony documentary, Lauren Faust actually intended to make Twilight Princess Celestia's successor, in other words a princess. She probably did not want her to become an alicorn, but at least Twilight became a princess, as intended.


Also, I highly doubt it was Twilicorn she was upset with. More likely, she was upset with the way she was presented in Magical Mystery Cure. Only time will tell how the writers will pull off Twilicorn in Season Four, though.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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Crazy thought time.  Was reforming Discord just a pretext to get the Mane 6 to keep the Elements at all times?  Princess Celestia knew Twilight was close to achieving her destiny, and that the physical Elements were one of the ingredients needed for executing Star Swirl's spell.  A spell like that can’t be executed on a whim.  Love is spontaneous.  It can’t be forced.  That’s why Princess Trollestia needed an alibi for them to have their elements nearby without suspecting the REAL reason to keep them on hand.  I dunno.  If that was all she wanted, I'm sure she could've found an equally reasonable excuse that wouldn't have risked plunging Equestria into a state of total disorder.


I also wonder how Twilight will adjust as becoming a princess goes against her total sense of modesty. She cringed at the notion that she was now a princess.  At least for now, she’s much happier in a Ponyville library than she’d be in a palace or a government office.  Worst of all, her new title meant she was "better" than her companions and would now be expected to rule over them.

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I don't know, I had hour long thoughts about this season finale. I don't know what to think about the Twilicorn, but she'll probably have to leave her friends in a past part of her life and move on. No time for friends anymore, right? I have also read a fanfic about a new pony joining the mane six. Twilight may be jealous of this new mysterious pony, but yet again she IS a princess, and that's a big deal. What is there for her to be jealous about? Anyway, I want Twilight back the way she was. It was better that way.

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You are forgetting that it was actually CLOSE to what she envisioned. In the Brony documentary, Lauren Faust actually intended to make Twilight Princess Celestia's successor, in other words a princess. She probably did not want her to become an alicorn, but at least Twilight became a princess, as intended.

Also, I highly doubt it was Twilicorn she was upset with. More likely, she was upset with the way she was presented in Magical Mystery Cure. Only time will tell how the writers will pull off Twilicorn in Season Four, though.

I see your point, but I want to make sure we're on the same page here.


The context of Lauren's Tweet that I linked to is regarding the show after she ceased being a staff member. She wasn't specifically talking about S3E13.


Likewise if you saw the 2 hour interview on the Extended Interview DVD/BluRay disc, she talks about her reasons why she left the show (in terms that won't burn bridges). It's a very good interview BTW, the questions that got answered were well crafted.

Edited by SeaSpray
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This was by far my favorite episode.


It's mainly because of how great every song was. Seriously, the songs were amazing. I can't stop listening to "a true true friend," it's too catchy! happy.png


I've also wanted twilicorn to happen for a while (forever alone?) so that also make the episode great.

Edited by ThePilotGuy
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Obviously "Everything will be just fine" sounds like foreshadowing for something to go wrong, maybe revoking her Alicorn status soon after the coronation.

That is only one of multiple possible interpretations. I always thought of it more as a reassurance to the show's fans that despite Twilight becoming an alicorn, it isn't going to be a jump-the-shark moment for the show. Even though it could quite possibly be one. We'll have to wait and see what Season 4 brings.

Edited by Full Spectrum

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I see your point, but I want to make sure we're on the same page here.


The context of Lauren's Tweet that I linked to is regarding the show after she ceased being a staff member. She wasn't specifically talking about S3E13.


Likewise if you saw the 2 hour interview on the Extended Interview DVD/BluRay disc, she talks about her reasons why she left the show (in terms that won't burn bridges). It's a very good interview BTW, the questions that got answered were well crafted.


Reading her tweet it sounds like she hasn't watched ANY of season 3 to me, because that is the point where the series was able to drift from her vision.


Incidentally, where can I find this extended interview?


That is only one of multiple possible interpretations. I always thought of it more as a reassurance to the show's fans that despite Twilight becoming an alicorn, it isn't going to be a jump-the-shark moment for the show. Even though it could quite possibly be one. We'll have to wait and see what Season 4 brings.


I agree, the comment is more directed at the doomsayer fans who seem to find any excuse to proclaim the show has done to the dogs.


I can't imagine them revoking her Alicorn status, at least not right away, as that would canibalise the sales of the Alicorn merchandise which after all is the only real reason to make her one in the first place.


Personally, as a new fan who only watched the show through once, I loved this episode.  It did feel a bit rushed the first time I watched it, but since then I have watched or more times than I care to admit and it doesn't bother me anymore.  After all, if they had made it a two parter then it wouldn't have been a musical anymore.  The songs were there purely so that they could push the story along so quickly.


As for fans leaving because they think more episodes are going to be "more like this"?  Sorry, but I think thats pure BS, not least because its obvious this was a "one off" episode in order to make an epic finale. 


All the fans I have seen saying they will not watch it anymore are saying its because of Twilight becoming an Alicorn, and I'm betting most of those fans WILL watch season 4, if they are REALLY a fan of the show.  Because to be a fan of the show you must trust the writers know what they are doing, a single episode is not going to convince you its ruined.

Edited by Alexander Atkin

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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I think maybe the purpose of the spell that was used was to change ponies' destinies to prove that even if you interfere with their fate via magic, it can't change what their true destiny is.


Which could be interpreted as one of those "be yourself" kind of messages.


Evidence of this might be the fact that the cutie marks change back to their original form once they start doing what they were meant to again.

Edited by ♥Harmonic Revelations♥


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That doesn't explain her cutie-mark or how she earned it, damn it! Her cutie-mark says that she loves studying, not turning into an alicorn and running an entire nation, while her friends are all left in the dust in-terms of development. It's like Dragon Ball Z, where the huge majority of the original Dragon Ball's supporting cast gets deliberately dumped for Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks, just because those five people are either saiyans or half-saiyans. Or hell, here's another example: Chad, Orihime, and Uryu during the Soul Society arc, when Ichigo was the one becoming overpowered, while the rest of the spotlight is unintentionally stolen from the SOUL REAPER CAPTAINS!!!

Her cutie mark has to do with magic. Just as her element is magic. Studying is a means to an end. Now that doesn't mean that she does not enjoy learning for its own sake and she does love books too. Twilight always stood apart from other unicorns and even from her friends, but that doesn't maker her better or worse just different. Her friends get her and we fans need to try to also. They all know how powerful she is, but the power isn't what she is if you catch my meaning. Her wings and status won't change her love and understanding of friendship and I don't see her friends changing their feelings either. The other big thing is that the writers always provide the truth. We may choose to dislike their truth, but what they create is canon so by default they are always right. Now none of that stops you from being upset or writing fanfic to "fix" it but we need to hold judgement till next season.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


My short stories

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Many details went over my head during the first viewing of this episode, but it still captured me with the great musicals and overall plot. With all the experiences and lessons gained from her time in Ponyville, Twilight has proven herself a worthy and deserving leader. Just like Twilight's element of harmony, the presence of her friends enabled her growth. Initially, Twilight's transformation made me pause a while before processing the change. Once it hit me though, I loved the symbolism and possibilities it brought into play.


After a second watch, I was moved more than ever before. Star Swirl's incomplete spell (From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled) and Twilight's masterstroke (From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end) reflect their respective outlooks on life. Star Swirl strictly followed the path of a scholar to the very end (just as Twilight would have done without Celestia's guidance). As a talented unicorn who created over 200 spells, Star Swirl's solitary quest of self-contemplation gave birth to that incomplete spell (correlating to an incomplete life). On the other hoof, Twilight's experiences granted her the perspective that Star Swirl lacked. The bond she shares with her friends are invaluable. Thus, their destinies are forever intertwined- giving birth to the endlessly growing magic of friendship.


This poetic connection brought further life into Twilight's coronation- and the series as a whole. Should the writers continue such great work, nopony should have any worries about season 4.

Edited by Starlight Sky
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 I have a question about this episode. Well, it's actually about your opinion on the episode. Am I the only one who likes the last two songs more than the first song?

EDIT:1000th post!!!

Edited by -R-
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Reading her tweet it sounds like she hasn't watched ANY of season 3 to me, because that is the point where the series was able to drift from her vision.


Incidentally, where can I find this extended interview?


The Brony Documentary extended interviews is a BluRay/DVD set and can be found here:




From the piracy of the core documentary release, this may be a reason why they haven't offered the interviews as a digital download.


Congrats everypony on this thread reaching over 1000 posts - it's obviously struck a lot of interest (and for good reasons).

Edited by SeaSpray
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