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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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It didn't make much sense. Twilight just randomly got a letter and spell book then somehow reversed the talents. Why did Celestia send the letter? How did she create new magic? From what I understand Twilight just solved a problem. The songs were too much to the point were is was just annoying. It was extremely rushed and boring as well. You couldn't see much of the cutie marks switch and Twilight almost immedietly figured out how to fix it. Couldn't there have been more problems in fixing it instead of Twilight saving the day? Plus that ending. Celestia appears out of nowhere and Twilight becomes a princess? Why couldn't Hasbro for once not rush the plot? LAUREN WE NEED YOU BACK! THEY'RE RUINING YOUR SHOW!
Sorry for ranting. I just had to get that out...
Oh, and I almost forgot, there's a great view of Derpy at 20:54, look in the right hand upper corner. :3

Twilight created a spell, if you want to say that..because she finished Star-swirl's spell. I still have no clue what it does, but maybe more is to be developed in season 4. The songs sped up the episode in which they could fit Twilight becoming a princess. Again there could be more problems that underlie the spell... we must wait for season 4 for the answers.

All Eyes On Deme!

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My expectations for this episode were far exceeded! 


I mean, I understand what everyone is saying. The original plan could have been that this would be the final episode for the Franchise, but the fact that this shows popularity blew up tremendously, they decided to keep it going. I mean, come on guys! We all had hints that she was going to become an Alicorn! (I just sort of wish it wasn't so soon) But then again, this was the 65th episode. That's almost 24 straight hours of show content. 


I loved the music, loved the episode, and yes...it was a cliffhanger..we are all wondering what the balance will be like from now on with the mane 6, but you know what...I trust the writers. I am looking forward to it. 



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Never doubt pony.

I swear, pretty much every time I doubt an episode I end up loving it, well at least that held true for Magic Duel. But this is Magiccal Mystery Cure, the season finale, and because they revealed what was going to happen already I thought there was no way it could go out with a bang.

Boy was I wrong.

Magical Mystery Cure was, for the most part, a musical. From a season that has been experimenting a bit with the episode formulas we're used to(no friendship letter in most episodes, parallel episodes), this wasn't all too surprising. The music was all so very amazing though, the sweeping feel of it all really kept my attention and made sure the episode didn't get boring. The plot here, which involved Twilight accidentally casting a spell that changed her friends' destinies and cutie marks around with each other, was fairly predictable fare, but the musical elements and the strong as ever performances of the animators and voice actors alike kept things FiM quality and more. It still warms my heart to see how much theses characters mean to each other, because that's what it's all about here, the friendships the characters share, and it never gets sappy or cheesy here, as should be expected! And without those friendships the episode's key plot point couldn't have happened, where everypony's beloved Twilight becomes an alicorn! It was done so joyously and wonderfully that I really have no complaints, and I like her this way!

All in all, Magical Mystery Cure was an excellent episode, you don't wanna miss it, and I can't wait to see what's next for the series. Two Twilicorn wings up. :wub:

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 5


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for twilight flying it's most likely second nature when she had her transformation just like the first season of power rangers. they knew exactly what to do when they got into their zords for the first time.

That was uncalled for, I DIDNT LIKE IT! She didn't read a book, she didn't train, she just bucking flew!

All Eyes On Deme!

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The eps felt so rushed even with the songs,  now some of them were good don’t me wrong but
I think a two part eps would have fit the story line better and they could have
done  also more with the cutie mark  swap! 
Like maybe all the ponies had it happen and not just the Mane Six……so
much waste


Having Twilight just oh random like  do some random magic spell and go all wings
and knowing how to fly off the bat……felt empty to me in plot wise.   I will say this one of my least fav eps in
the MLP cartoons…..


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Never doubt pony.

I swear, pretty much every time I doubt an episode I end up loving it, well at least that held true for Magic Duel. But this is Magiccal Mystery Cure, the season finale, and because they revealed what was going to happen already I thought there was no way it could go out with a bang.

Boy was I wrong.

Magical Mystery Cure was, for the most part, a musical. From a season that has been experimenting a bit with the episode formulas we're used to(no friendship letter in most episodes, parallel episodes), this wasn't all too surprising. The music was all so very amazing though, the sweeping feel of it all really kept my attention and made sure the episode didn't get boring. The plot here, which involved Twilight accidentally casting a spell that changed her friends' destinies and cutie marks around with each others', and though it was fairly predictable fare, the musical elements and the strong as ever performances of the animators and voice actors alike kept things FiM quality and more. It still warms my heart to see how much theses characters mean to each other, because that's what it's all about hedre, the friendships the characters share, and it never gets sappy or cheesy here, as should be expected! And without those friendships the episode's key plot point couldn't have happened, where everypony's beloved Twilight becomes an alicorn! It was done so joyously and wonderfully that I really have no complaints, and I like her this way!

All in all, Magical Mystery Cure was an excellent episode, you don't wanna miss it, and I can't wait to see what's next for the series. Two Twilicorn wings up. :wub:

She flew. <_<  Without a manual or lessons. :mellow: Not impressed.

All Eyes On Deme!

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I think that there's something that needs to be said.

We can count on the show to remain the same way it is now because they will simply "acknowledge while ignoring" the fact that Twilight is now an alicorn and that she is a princess.


There will be scenes where ponies say stuff like "she's a princess" and them proceed with their lives just like nothing happened.


This is both good and bad, IMO. It will keep the ponies the way we like while it's the foundation of the show's demise. They started giving nods to continuity and now Twilight is going to stand like a sore thumb amid her friends if you think just a little deeper than the surface.

  • Brohoof 2


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I'll be frank, I did enjoy this episode more than I thought I might.


And it's clear that the whole Twilight becoming an Alicorn didn't bother me as much as I feared, heck, the last few minutes of the episode seemed to strongly imply Twilight won't be separated from her friends at least.


HOWEVER, I'm still left unconvinced keeping her an Alicorn is the best way to go, the episode didn't give any reason why she should be one and not have her remain strictly a unicorn.


plus none of the aspects of being an Alicorn have even been addressed (ala immortality, royal duties, etc), so unless the show a good reason to keep her an Alicorn story-wise, I remain hoping for a future episode where she eventually changes back.


For good measure though, I suggest those of us who have any editing software be prepared to post Season 4 episodes where Twilight's wings and royal accessories are erased, any dialogue regarding the status edited out, and any scenes of her flying involve adding a magic aura to suggest self-telekinesis in place of wings. You know, in case there are still those among us that still detest Alicorn Twilight.


For good measure though, any MLP fanfics I do will strictly portray Twilight as a regular Unicorn and disregard her princess status.


Bottom line though; I'm somewhat unbothered by Alicorn Twilight, but I remain unconvinced it should stay that way, and I'm certain there are still fans who are still against the idea.

  • Brohoof 1

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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  • Brohoof 1

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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They should have had Twilight go to Wonderbolts Academy to learn to fly.


Spitfire: That's an Academy record...explain your methods.


Twilight: Well, you see, I'm a princess...

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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To be honest, the pacing of the episode kinda sucked. Some scenes felt really rushed and I feel this would have been better if Twilight recieved the notebook and cast the spell at the beginning instead of in a flashback. And Star Swirl and his spell needed more backstory (It did give me an insaneannout of fanfic fuel though...)


I was still a great episode though, Derpy's back and that's wonderful.

My reaction afterwards was pretty much this:




Holy crap I made the MLB home page!


  • Brohoof 3
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They should have had Twilight go to Wonderbolts Academy to learn to fly.


Spitfire: That's an Academy record...explain your methods.


Twilight: Well, you see, I'm a princess...

Spitfire: A princess but that dosen't even make sense, why were you made a princess?


Twilight: Easy, Hasbro wanted to sell more toys and my name is Mare E Sue now by the way. Oh okay so I am kidding but screw continuity, plot development and basic common sense I have wings now biatch.

  • Brohoof 1
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HOLY MOTHER OF CELESTIA!!! THAT WAS AAWWWWEEESSOOOOOOOMMEE!!!!!! Simply Brilliant! And DERPY!!! DERPY WAS THERE!!!! During when shes on the carriage look all the way on the right you'll see her! That was Amazing! Everything about it was Amazing!


And to all the people saying it was 2 short and rushed, i guess you would feel that way but i believe everything will be explained next season.

"Everything is certainly Fine" guys. Don't you all worry your pretty little heads.


Now ONWARDS TO SEASON 4!!! And a Movie! And a Spin-Off! May this show forever be Awesome!!!

  • Brohoof 1
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I also have one nit-picky question: what exactly did Starswirl's spell do?  Did it send her to other dimension where she met Celestia (I find that unlikely, since Celestia was able to get there with no problem)?  Did it turn her into an alicorn (again, I find unlikely, because then she could just be turning everyone and everything into an alicorn)?  Did it just blow Twilight up (because apparently not even Starswirl could do something as insanely powerful as blowing something up...)?


*head shakes*  You never studied.  The elements of harmony crossed the streams, and Twilight experienced total protonic reversal.



  • Brohoof 3
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They should have had Twilight go to Wonderbolts Academy to learn to fly.


Spitfire: That's an Academy record...explain your methods.


Twilight: Well, you see, I'm a princess...

That's pretty much how the one and only RP I ever participated in went down.


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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1. It was not a cliff hanger. Technically.

2. Because Songs are awesome

3.The hell you talkin' 'bout? that was Amazing!

4. Cuz.

5. No.

6. Nothing.

7. Hasbro has done nothing wrong.


Jesus Christ relax man. Nothin' is changing, well nothin' major. She is still gonna be with her friends. "Everything is certainly Fine"  :)

  • Brohoof 2
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I never 100% believed they would make her into an alicorn, let alone a princess. I didn't think it'd be a good idea, plus the fact that it was to be only because Hasbro wanted a reason to make Twilicorn toys made me dislike the idea more. But after seeing this episode, it was actually ok. I look forward to see what season 4 will have episodes on now that Twilight is a princess. Makes me wonder, the first couple episodes are probably gonna be about some princess issues either on Twilight and/or her friends. 


Only thing I really hated about this episode, and most of the other episodes that have it, is the singing. I've learned a long time ago though to look past it.


7 out of 10 on this episode from me

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If I'm honest I felt that the episode was forced, to summarise it I feel as though nothing really happened, all twilight sparkle did was get everyone united with their elements of harmony and used a spell to return everyone to normal. There was singing every five seconds which became a little too disney-like for me personally.

She did this with the help of everyone else, she is rewarded with becoming an Alicorn/princess and the rest receive nothing acknowledging the huge role they played in this.


It feels like a case of the other 5 being used to me, the others should of gained recognition or rewarded in some way because without them she wouldn't have gotten where she is.

  • Brohoof 3
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When Twilight flew, she didn't exactly fly straight now did she, I expect we'll get some actual flight lessons in a future episode.


And they let Miss America interact with the ponies? Are you fucking kidding me? This show is supposed to empower girls, not advocate that kind of bullshit to little kids, especially girls. That bugged me way more than Twilicorn ever did. Glad I only watch the episodes online, otherwise I'd have to sit through all of the commercial bullshit.


Faust is rolling in her grave. yes I know she's still alive derp

  • Brohoof 3



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I really, really, liked this episode. I am a huge fan of musicals, and shows with music in it. The only sad thing I am feeling right now is after season 4 they are probably going to move on to something else.


The only thing I wish is that maybe they could have made that "Switching the cutie Marks thing" longer. I know it's only a half hour show. But, that kind of plot was so fresh and new that it could have been a season 4 episode. And at least then it wouldn't have had to go as quick as it did.

Edited by Scootaloo Is Best Filly

Facebook: Josh B.

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Well I was worried about it a little but really only because everyone made such a big deal about it. And after that I just kind of sat back saying what will be will be. all in all i thought it was pretty good (although it might have been better if it were drawn out over two episodes). If any of you have not seen it yet here's a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCLxXq0FbwI&feature=youtu.be sorry if the quality isn't the best in the world but hey it was uploaded within fifteen minutes of the episodes airing so that has to count for something.


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When i heard about Princess Twilight i was all like: "I'm not gonna judge this decision, she will always be my favorite pony no matter what"

Now after watching the episode i'm all like: "I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR HER! She TOTALLY DESERVES IT! I LOVE YOU TWILIGHT! I mean Princess Twilight! *blushes* 

  • Brohoof 3
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Hah, they grilled Twilight. Now I can pretend she died saving her friends.


Anyway, episode was pretty meh for me. Found it enjoyable up until half, then I felt it all went too fast. Not Discord rushed, but still. And too many songs for my taste. I like to wait and look forward to when they appear. Now I barely registered one before another started. 


At least we saw Derpy 5 times. Yay~


Feelings summed up: chgkSQC.gif





I'll jump over to /mlp/ and join them in their sorrow. 

Edited by Nordica
  • Brohoof 3


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1. It was not a cliff hanger. Technically.

2. Because Songs are awesome

3.The hell you talkin' 'bout? that was Amazing!

4. Cuz.

5. No.

6. Nothing.

7. Hasbro has done nothing wrong.


Jesus Christ relax man. Nothin' is changing, well nothin' major. She is still gonna be with her friends. "Everything is certainly Fine"  :)


To echo your sentiments, I thought I'd add a little visual demonstration:



On another note, I'm anticipating the emergence of Bronies who will plead for Lauren Faust to return. It reminds me of German leadership recalling Erich von Manstein to retake Kharkov after the 6th Army was destroyed in Stalingrad---not that "Magical Mystery Cure" was the Stalingrad of MLP. But it is shoveling against the tide, I think.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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