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  1. 1. Do you support Twilicorn?

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At first I had reservations about Twilicorn. Hasbro being evil and greedy, you know, the usual Inc. stuff. But Digibrony shared his thoughts I now find reasonable enough to accept the idea.

Even came up with a little theory on why Twilight and Cadence should be alicorns in the first place.


Short version: King Sombra used the Crystal Heart's power to wipe out alicorns. Princesses thought they were the only remnants of the race. Twilight and Cadence are natural (but corrupted by Sombra) alicorns and Celestia only restored their true forms.

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I have been one of the most outspoken critics of twilicorn on here mainly because I felt it was way too soon and risked her becoming overpowered too quickly putting her close to Mary Sue territory after a while I was still opposed but have calmed down. After seeing Equestria Girls though it will likely have little affect on the show though it wasn't the main focus of the movie it did address twilicorn a little bit toward the beginning and Twilight herself as a character really brought her A game in the movie.


Though I wasn't as concerned about the movie as I was twilicorn it did show me that the writers can make even what seems like a bad idea actually work. So as it stands now though I am no longer opposed to twilicorn I still haven't come to fully support it either as there are still many questions we won't know the answer to until season 4. While I am now neutral, I have not become indifferent by any means I still despise the season 3 finale with a burning passion and still think that the introduction was premature and handled poorly but the fact that a concept being Equestria Girls which I thought wouldn't bomb didn't does give me a great deal of hope that Hasbro has realized that the writers should write the show and not them.

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In EqG, one of the best scenes comes within the first few minutes of the film, when Twilight is trying to get to sleep. She can't figure out how to lie down with her wings, and it...is...hilarious.


  • Brohoof 3

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Why is everyone obsessed with Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight how to fly? She already seems to be flying alright from what we've seen so far. Meanwhile, we're supposed to forget about Scootaloo, right? They still have yet to explain why she can't fly. If anypony were to get flight lessons from Rainbow Dash, it would be Scootaloo.

  • Brohoof 3
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I have only seen the last episode once and that's it love the songs in it and all but OMG see it just makes me cry a lot ok, just it makes me so scared that in season 4 twilight is not going to be her self or even spend any time with her friends and I for one cant take that so as far as I know she never became a alicorn and if people say she did I say NOPE never happened nope nope nope never happened.

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I believe that this can go one of two ways.


A. The show continues as it has been and shows change to the characters in a good way.




B. The show gets too serious and talks about real world problems like nuclear attacks and theft and...


well... hopefully it won't come to point B.



Edited by TimothyHD
  • Brohoof 1


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I see the Twilicorn as two things. First ammo for the show but second as a hindrance. Because now its like Well now the main character has gone as far as she can. I mean its really interesting but sadly they weren't surprising with it at all it was like Oh so it happened already great I think I heard it best from @Screwball@SBMF if they won't have been like Oh yeah this is happening it would have been a much more powerful scene. But besides the build up pros and cons.


Pros there is a new Princess so we can see the journey and evolvution of Twilight as a princess. We also have the opportunity to see how things will be different now in Ponyville as I'm pretty sure Twilight will want to stay there. I could also see many interesting episodes with Rainbow Dash helping Twilight learn to fly that would be awesome.


Cons My biggest one is now where do you go once you make a character top the chart its very hard to keep story moving and evolving. the next one is could this hinder the mane 6 now without twilight's normal character there I think things will be different once her new duties come to happen.


Over all interesting maybe I lean a bit towards liking it or maybe I'm just insane I guess I can let you all decide.


 rebuttal to con: my theory is the mane six will all be turned into princesses of their respective elements  


the twilicorn thing  could be quite interesting in the way that we could get to a new side of twilight sparkle as she learns about being a princess and how this will help or hinder her friendships in ponyville and the adventures she will undertaking.


in short yes i very much support the twilicorn  



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I have heard some arguments about Alicorns. This one guy thought that alicorns were only meant for the "gods" of equestria, Celestia and Luna. Then once Cadence was revealed to be an Alicorn, he was pretty taken by that fact. Since Cadence was clearly not immortal or controlling of anything as powerful as the sun or moon so this busted that theory. I think, alicorns are meant for princesses, not just "gods" It all matches, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence and now, Twilight.

But here are my questions, If they introduce more princesses, will they be alicorns too? what if a pony is an earth pony transformed into an alicorn? will they acquire both a horn and wings? And I've seen some pretty interesting fanart of Twilight staying young while her friends age and ultimately die before her. (very sad indeed. The feels got to me) if this is true, than Alicorns are immortal, does this make cadence immortal too? 

awh fuck i forgot about cadence and shining armor  if she is immortal that means that she will outlive shining armor just as twilight will outlive her friends if they are not turned into princesses wait does that mean prince shining armor will need to come an alicorn as well yet again why is prince blue blood only a unicorn and not an alicorn 






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I do not support Twilicorn neither do I reject her. The only thing I can do is wait until we see the new season. What happens after that, only Celestia may tell. However, I do have confidence in the writers, they've been making episodes since the very first season and if I didn't enjoy them I wouldn't be here at this moment. The fact that the show is so entertaining that I've survived the wait between season 1-2 AND season 2-3 should tell you enough.


I'm interested in how they're going to work with Twilicorn, one thing I can see is that this opens up the path for more adventure episodes, which is a good and a bad thing. The good thing is that they break the whole Ponyville setting, they create a new tempo and rhythm in one episode, making it feel fresh and entertaining. The bad thing is is that the episodes where characters get developed are actually the non-adventure episodes, these episodes have that nostalgic MLP-feel we got from the first season.


So yea, Twilicorn's gonna be great or a complete disaster and I'm willing to bet my bits on the former.

  • Brohoof 1
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I didn't support this idea at all at first,but It is sort of growing on me ,but still it's a fifty-fifty chance of how my opinion is  changed by the effect of Season 4.


I hope the writers don't screw up the show and turn it into something like Gen. 3.5

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I still despise the season 3 finale with a burning passion.

Okay, if you're willing to listen I'm gonna give my two cents. I thought the Season 3 finale was brilliantly dense, and used the many musical pieces to properly portray emotion in a quick and effective way that they couldn't have possibly done with the time that they had. There is no filler in the finale and for that I love it. It is pure and amazing. Basically, I disagree with your opinion entirely.

  • Brohoof 1

33238-absured_restwilight_sparklevector-SUPER READING FOR VEIN-BURSTING FUN!!!

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I have one stance on Twi-corn : GROSS. YUCK.


Okay, so thats two.

No, my opinion hasn't changed since the season's finale, but my friend said something that kind of made since.


"We knew she was going to do that from the beginning, it was her destiny. Now we have to see the other characters fufill their destiny."


Deep, deep down, it secretely made me hate it a little bit less.

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I like twilicorn *ALICORNPARTY* i don´t know why so many thinks it´s bad, it is just a pair of wings and more powerfull magic nothing more derpy_emoticon1.png

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to @kaz for making me this sig!!


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I posted on this thread 4 months ago today, and I'm glad to say that now I do support Twilicorn after seeing Equestria Girls. I think it's an interesting development for her.

I hope the writers don't screw up the show and turn it into something like Gen. 3.5


I highly doubt this will be the case. All the writers are much more advanced and knowledgable than to turn MLP:FiM into something like that. :)

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Yes, I support it whole-heartedly. Sure, there are a few possible problems that could occur, as with any drastic change to any series. But there are some neat possibilities with Twilight being an alicorn.


Not... any... I can... uh, think of... right now...


I just like the idea, okay? And I'm not even a fan of alicorns. I just got dat feel that good may come out of this.

  • Brohoof 1

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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I remember when Twilight used to be relatable. I remember when she used to make mistakes. I remember when she depended on her friends. I remember when she struggled to get her word out and when she did, they'd just laugh it off.


But not anymore. Now it's all about how hard it is to adjust to being a princess. That's not relatable at all. Now Twilight solves all the problems on her own without needing her friends. She's essentially just a cute princess that has to go on magical adventures.


What makes it even worse is the she shouldn't be a princess in the first place. She's easily the least capable of the Mane 6 in terms of ruling. Just look at the mess she caused in Lesson Zero.


But everything is going to be fine now, because Twilight will no longer have any of these problems. Now that she became a princess for one of the dumbest reasons ever, she will always be right and will never make any more mistakes. Her friends are now nothing but a bunch of inferior sidekicks that will never have what she has.

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I remember when Twilight used to be relatable. I remember when she used to make mistakes. I remember when she depended on her friends. I remember when she struggled to get her word out and when she did, they'd just laugh it off.


But not anymore. Now it's all about how hard it is to adjust to being a princess. That's not relatable at all. Now Twilight solves all the problems on her own without needing her friends. She's essentially just a cute princess that has to go on magical adventures.


What makes it even worse is the she shouldn't be a princess in the first place. She's easily the least capable of the Mane 6 in terms of ruling. Just look at the mess she caused in Lesson Zero.


But everything is going to be fine now, because Twilight will no longer have any of these problems. Now that she became a princess for one of the dumbest reasons ever, she will always be right and will never make any more mistakes. Her friends are now nothing but a bunch of inferior sidekicks that will never have what she has.

I do not see ANY evidence in your post to support your claim. You are basically saying that once somepony becomes a princess, BOOM, they automatically are perfect and does everything perfectly without the help of others. Then.....you say....that she obviously is not a good ruler due to....Lesson Zero....Wut? Why is Twilight achieving her destiny such a bad thing? Would you be this pissed off if Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt? If EqG is anything to go by, Twilight has not changed. She is nervous about the whole thing and even doubts her abilities as a leader. That is the thing, she is not done learning. This just shows that she is capable of being a princess. Celestia herself said that she is not done learning yet, but now they can learn something form her. 


Also, so what if they show Twilight trying to adjust to princesshood? That is called ADVANCEMENT. That is called CHANGE. I know many bronies hate that concept, but I personally see it as a great thing. Without change, things will get stagnant. These are great characters and this is a great world that they have created. If there is no advancement, then I feel that the world and its characters cannot be fully realized. 


Twilight will still be Twilight. Tara Strong has said this. EqG basically confirmed this. I love the Twilicorn thing obviously. It shows how far she has come as a character. I love seeing that and because of this, I look forward to seeing other characters achieve their destiny down the line, whatever they may be. Your point with Lesson Zero, yeah, she messed up pretty bad there, but she LEARNED from it. That is another thing. What is the point of these characters actually learning these special things if they are not going to mean ANYTHING? 


I do not mean to step on anyone's toes with this, I hope I did not. All of this is just my opinion, I am just very passionate about it is all. That is all we can have is an opinion. I do not expect to sway anyone's view on it, I just needed to rant. :P



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I remember when Twilight used to be relatable.

I have been one of the harshest critics of twilicorn on here and even though I am now neutral on it even back then I still thought it was a bit too soon to say for sure that her character is in fact actually ruined. Yes the way it was introduced was atrocious with how it came out of nowhere with a rushed episode that made no sense whatsoever, but as has been pointed out alicorn Twilight has only been onscreen for 5 minutes or so which still gives the writers time to sort out the mess that Hasbro put into their laps at the last minute.


What I saw from the Equestria Girls movie is very encouraging, not encouraging enough to get me to fully support twilicorn but enough to bring me from opposing it to being neutral yet very optimistic. It still has its problems which are going to be a bit messy to sort out but in that movie what I saw was the same Twilight we all know and love, one that has grown yes but is still far from being perfect. I believe that whether or not it will work will depend on how much meddling Hasbro will do in the creative process since they gave the writers enough creative freedom to make Equestria Girls work I believe it makes it all the more likely they will do the same with twilicorn even if it was a bit too soon.

  • Brohoof 3
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I have been one of the harshest critics of twilicorn on here and even though I am now neutral on it even back then I still thought it was a bit too soon to say for sure that her character is in fact actually ruined. Yes the way it was introduced was atrocious with how it came out of nowhere with a rushed episode that made no sense whatsoever, but as has been pointed out alicorn Twilight has only been onscreen for 5 minutes or so which still gives the writers time to sort out the mess that Hasbro put into their laps at the last minute.


What I saw from the Equestria Girls movie is very encouraging, not encouraging enough to get me to fully support twilicorn but enough to bring me from opposing it to being neutral yet very optimistic. It still has its problems which are going to be a bit messy to sort out but in that movie what I saw was the same Twilight we all know and love, one that has grown yes but is still far from being perfect. I believe that whether or not it will work will depend on how much meddling Hasbro will do in the creative process since they gave the writers enough creative freedom to make Equestria Girls work I believe it makes it all the more likely they will do the same with twilicorn even if it was a bit too soon.

Exactly! This is the type of positive outlook that I wish more people had.Even being neutral on the subject, you make very positive points. Even if we have somewhat differing views on Twilicorn as a whole, we can both share a positive outlook on the future of the show. That is what I am trying to have. The negativity from the fandom itself does make that difficult at times and I do have one slight worry that I hope does not happen in season 4 though I highly doubt that it will.


EqG is proof that what Tara Strong was right with what she said before. She said that Twilight is still Twilight and we seen that clear as day in EqG. She is nervous in the film and this shows that Twilight is obviously not done learning and I really look forward to seeing what she will learn as a princess.


Gee, I am in a good mood now. yay.png



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Honestly: of coarse I support Twilicorn! The only thing that worries me however is what the aftermath will be like, will she have a bunch of annoying royal duties? Will she become ruler of her own kingdom? What will happen to the other mane 6?

  • Brohoof 2


"Ooooh Sparkly!"

My OC Autumn Palette

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