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I hate it when someone scratches paper with their finger nail. I really don't know why. It just sends shivers down my spine. More of a phobia than a pet peeve, I suppose.


If you scratch paper around me, I will go BERSERK.

Edited by ~Vallo~
  • Brohoof 1



Your breath stinks.

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Hm. Theres probably alot I hate, whether i can think of it is another question..


- People who are jerks to others.


- Watching people be torn apart, even if I don't have much friendships myself or anything I don't like seeing other's been torn apart, especially for dumb reasons.


- A good bit of my generation.. They all think they're the boss and are so judgmental and ugh. So much i dislike about the majority of them. Not to mention I don't like the mentality of"If you haven't slept with 100 girls as a guy your a loser" >_>.


- Politics. I don't like Discussing them because honestly it just tends to rip people apart and waste time, since nobody's opinion normally changes and instead of solving anything it just spends a bunch of time attempting to change others opinions, which hardly works as I said. At best you'll lose friendships or something.


- Religion arguments. Pretty much for the same reason I don't like Politics, I'm A Religious person, and while I am a strong Religious person I don't like getting into arguments with others of any type of Religion at all(that includes atheists) The majority of people are strong set in their beliefs and its ends up being like political arguments where people just waste time and weaken or lose friendships and accomplish nothing, sure people should know about both sides, but forcing people to either side isn't going to do anything or any good, and besides people will believe what they believe, no matter your opinion on it really.


- Bullies, I don't nessarily hate the people I guess, just their actions. I can have sympathy that they have their reasons, but I still find their actions injust. Luckily not many bullies at my school.(Or atleast very public ones)


- People who treat me like I'm an idiot or something. I don't know why but some people just talk down to me, I was homeschooled up until when I went into 8th grade, but some people seem to think I'm some idiot and just talk down to me. And it really annoy's me.


- When people talk even after a teacher or someone of authority says not to, being as shy and quiet as I am I just can't see how its so hard for others to be quiet for a little bit when I can do it pretty much all day.


- Oh I hate Soft drinks. Not really because their unhealthy, I just don't like them at all, I can't  drink them :P. Burns my tongue.


- Oh I also hate the sound of people touching styraphome (No idea how thats actually spelt sorry :/) Somehow that sound makes me go crazy, it gives me all kinds of weird feelings and feels like it scratches my brain >_>. Idk why.


- People who automatically think that someone who is single for a long time is automatically homosexual :/.


- Cruelty, I don't like seeing cruelty or unfair treatment, or even really hearing about it.


- People who hate MLP for no good reason.


- I even hate myself sometimes :P. I do so many dumb things and yeah. Probably just my low self esteem who knows.


Uh I can't think of anything else right now. I'll probably edit if I do though. To be fair I don't exactly have strong hate towards much of anything, I tend to just dislike things alot. Sometimes if I'm in a bad mood my feelings of dislike are amplified to hate I guess, generally I try not to totally hate something though.

Edited by Zygen
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I hate (I'm just going to list my pet peeves and things that I truely hate. If any of us listed things that simply irritated us, this website would crash after 3 posts.)


Pet peeves:

1. Sharing Food - I can't stand it when other people eat off of my plate! It's mine! ALL MINE! OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!

2. Wet shoes squeaking on tile. The sound makes me cringe so much, I can't stand it.

3. People who go out of their way to trash talk things other people enjoy (this is a peeve, not a hate.)

4. Invasion of my personal space from strangers, and siblings :P

5. People who message you and are just like: "hi" "sup" "cool" "kbai."

Things I hate:

1. Bad grammar.

2. Cold.


Dang. All this pessimism has put me in a bad mood. Now I have to re-watch Luna Eclipsed to make me happy again :P

  • Brohoof 1


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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*People who get butthurt when you delete your facebook account.Even though they never talk to you on Facebook.


*Lack of common sense


*little bugs


*The way how disney is buying everything out


*some parts of reddit


*How your walking down the hallway at school,and a bunch of Damn people stand in the middle of the hallway,AND FREAKING TALK.Which makes you late for class.I believe this gives you the right to push them down to the ground


*When your talking about one of your possesions,and some random guy comes up to........................AND.....ASK..............for that possesion.YOU Definetly have the right to say no.


*People who think they know everything about guns.Even though they dont because they just play a lot of call of duty


*The kind of gamers who thinks they're gamers.Even though the only game they play is Call of duty. There's hundreds of other good games out there.


*When you're called a low-life.Because you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.I mean c'mon.Especially for people like in their 10's.You dont need to get laid at age 10 to be awesome.


*Lack of effort people put in these days


*When someone complains about this generation all the time,but decides to do nothing about it.


*People who take religion tooooooooooooooooooooooo serious,and start flame wars on the internet.


*People who relate every little thing in the world to something innapropriate(Private parts let's say)This is why I can't talk a lot in public.Everyone says something witty like"Uhhhh Your moms house", or "Like my P**is"


*People who ask too much stupid questions 24/7 that you cant answer right.


*People who talk too loud.ON PURPOSE.


Even though I hate all this^.I Show still show tolerance.

Edited by Flutter derps

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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Weapons laws

Strata councils

Toy breeds


Sergey Titov

Piers Morgan

The WarZ

Stupid people

Specialty coffees

Specialty teas

Electric fireplaces

Gas fireplaces

People who carry smartphones



Snips and Snails

Smug people

Condescending people

Annoying people

Fluorescent lightbulbs

LED Christmas lights

Michael Bloomberg

People who don't use proper spelling and grammar

Smart cars

Mitsubishi Nanos

Nissan Leafs

Diane Feinstein

George Soros

District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance

Premier Christy Clark

Thomas Mulcair

The Office Québécois de la Langue Français

Pauline Marois

People who say "I could care less"


Cars with GPS systems

The European Union





New Jersey

New York

Los Angeles



Animal abusers

The uncouth

Script kiddies

Somalian pirates

One Direction



George Lucas

Tyler the Creator




Bad remakes


Dick Cheney

Keyboards without numpads






Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup






don't be hatin on Quebec


I don't need to post what I hate because everyone here already showed their names to me (hur hur hur swag)

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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Let's see... I hate...




The Bible


When my parents force me to go to church

The Pope

People who are musicaly oblivious

Corrupt politicians


Those shity "core" bands everyone at school seems to like

When people make wronng assumptions

When people sit next to me on the bus

Macho men

Girls who go out with assholes

People who wear band shirts of bands they don't listen to

People who can't use grammar correctly 



Metal music


Edited by Neighvana666
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Windows 8

Hippies (I'll kill you with my damn bare hands!)

Medics (real men fight, they don't heal!)

Idiots who brag about shitty repetitive dubstep they make using sampled bass lines obviously recorded with a potato

People who consider time the 4th dimension (It's not, PM me if you wan't me to prove it)

Crappy speakers and or headphones

Ghastly Gibus

Acer computers

Alienware computers (not worth the overprice)

People in general

Schools that grade you on effort and not intellect (they give completion grades to see who is smartest?)

Acrylic fabric

Acrylic paint

Broken computers with obvious easy to solve problems that people won't let me fix

Diet sodas (aspartame decomposes to formaldehyde and is a known carcinogen, yet is healthier than sugar?)

Turtle Beach








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One direction

Justin beiber

Seven year olds who buy all the good things on battleship craft and don't know how to use them

Seven year olds on reckless racing two who buy the best cars and then rage and whine because "they can drive they just don't feel like it"

Seven year olds

Justin beiber

One direction

Justin beiber superfans

One direction superfans

Everything j.k.

Little kids who think they are better than you

Video games that don't have voilence in them other than forza horizon.

Did I mention one direction and Justin beiber yet?

This kid named brenden at my school who is a retard

People who think they are cool because they like certain things that I don't.

Disney channel


The difference between a fried buritto and a chimichanga

Anti gun people

Heros and villains (go antiheros)

A little kid named sage who goes to my school

People who think I am a demon for not liking one direction



Muffin thief

Spider man

Edited by Vinyl Rave
  • Brohoof 1

My New Roleplay Character: http://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/burn-riot-r31


The devil owes me 20 bucks, I dont have your stuff, and no of course I don't "want" to kill him.

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Whiny Bronies that complain about every aspect of the fandom


People on facebook who post pointless "inspirational" pictures ad nauseum 


Feminists the man hating kind


Feminists the "we want equal rights but not the responsibilities" kind


People who act like victims when they're obviously not


Forum roleplaying, it's creepy


Commercials the obviously bullshit spreading kind


Commercials the trying way too hard to be trendy kind


People who post memes endlessly and think they're funny regardless of context


The entire cast of Jersey Shore and all their fans


Same for Honey Boo Boo


Everything on the TruTV network


Southpark after it tried too hard to be topical rather than funny (OMG THEY MENTIONED GUITAR HERO, SOOOO HILARIOUS ALDJBSFISFYVSFKDGSVDHGVSFSVFDHVSA)


Family Guy, shoving politics down my throat...Whether I agree with them or not I don't watch a comedy to be preached at, rarely does it make me laugh anyway


The following people: Carlos Mencia, George Lopez, Bill Maher, Lisa Lampanelli.


People who act melodramatic like they're in a movie or something

  • Brohoof 2
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I extremely dislike:



Swag- I believe the actual meaning came from the 70's-80's as "secretly we are gay"





Inability to do something you want to do

feeling inadequate

being lazy (and knowing it) but being lazy anyways

deliberately doing something your not supposed to

people who always have to get the last word

having bad grades

doing poorly on a test

  • Brohoof 1

Made By Me




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Gak. Its Always Gak.

Why? It Interups my Ponies


*cough cough*

On a More Serious Note..






Stories about Monsters




Oh, and Gak.

Edited by Taurean♉
  • Brohoof 1

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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This is everything I hate summed up into one little fun basket - All our starches summed up into one little spud where they can annoy the shit out of everyone and taste really gross and get away with it.

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, it sure appears that this thread got a lot more replies than I'm used to.


Anyways, here's my updated list.


  • I hate mashed potatoes. Hate 'em.


  • I hate creepypasta. Freaking scary.


  • I hate 4chan. It's a perfect example of how anonymity and bring out the worst in people. Also, >rape.


  • I hate the Roblox community. If you don't know what Roblox is, look it up. I played on there when I was younger, and when I look back at it now, it is literally a community of idiots.
  • Brohoof 1



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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I don't really hate anything, but some of the things that I dislike are:

  • When people immediately dismiss others based on their taste in film/music/books/etc.
  • When the aforementioned people claim to hate others for being "judgemental"
  • Minced meat and any food that contains it
  • People that dislike things because it's the "cool" thing to do, e.g. 90% of the people that hate Justin Bieber/One Direction
  • People that intentionally harm others, but especially those that hurt children and animals

And that's about all, right now! :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Let's see... I hate...




The Bible


When my parents force me to go to church

The Pope

People who are musicaly oblivious

Corrupt politicians


Those shity "core" bands everyone at school seems to like

When people make wronng assumptions

When people sit next to me on the bus

Macho men

Girls who go out with assholes

People who wear band shirts of bands they don't listen to

People who can't use grammar correctly 




Well pardon me, not everybody here is a metalhead or listens to metal music, it's my opinion and you shouldn't be judging me over my musical interests.

  • Brohoof 1
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*How your walking down the hallway at school,and a bunch of Damn people stand in the middle of the hallway,AND FREAKING TALK.Which makes you late for class.I believe this gives you the right to push them down to the ground


I dig all your hate, too.

Except this one. Wut.

You could just say 'excuse me'.  =|


I hate it when someone scratches paper with their finger nail. I really don't know why. It just sends shivers down my spine. More of a phobia than a pet peeve, I suppose.


If you scratch paper around me, I will go BERSERK.


A Yotsuba fan and someone who dislikes pointless things that cause horrible disturbances. Yay.

Edited by Sunset Spark
  • Brohoof 1

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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Here's a coupe of things that I hate...

Being tailgated

The map Carrier on Black Ops 2



My bad internet connection

Dump trucks

When it's too hot, and yet too cold for a jacket

People always blaming violence on video games

Nikki Minaj

The wait for Season 4



Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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Frank Zappa's music

Facebook pages like "Teen Swag"


90's kids (Teh nintehs wuz soo muc beter! Everthing suks naow!)

Most Beatles fans

People who say "I'm X age and I like old things! I'm a special little snowflake!"

People who can't take criticism

The words "chunk" and "backpack"

People who say they like a band and only know one song. Led Zeppelin, Metallica and Rush get this the worst.

Edited by Brother Callisto

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Well pardon me, not everybody here is a metalhead or listens to metal music, it's my opinion and you shouldn't be judging me over my musical interests.

Well I know that, it's just that my friend thinks I have necrophilia just because I'm a metalhead and it's really getting annoying. He makes jokes about it sometimes, he'll say something like "You like fucking dead skeletons" or "You like watching dead people eat each other out". I've told him several times that I'm not a necrophile but he continues to make the jokes. <_<

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Well I know that, it's just that my friend thinks I have necrophilia just because I'm a metalhead and it's really getting annoying. He makes jokes about it sometimes, he'll say something like "You like fucking dead skeletons" or "You like watching dead people eat each other out". I've told him several times that I'm not a necrophile but he continues to make the jokes. <_<

Most metal really isn't in my tastes, I just hate the fact that many people who just love metal get all whiny and upset that one person doesn't like listening to it too much....

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Most of these will probably be game related (And maybe some IRL stuff).....


- Campers

- Tryhards who don't even have a good K/D or whatever

- Bad spawns

- OP shit

- When people want me to try new foods (I'm super picky)

- Hackers

- Glitchers

- When people trashtalk and they ain't even good (Actually, it's more humerous than anything, so.......)

- The amount of rudeness on the internet, but then again, it's the internet, what do I expect?

- The word overrated (Don't think I need to repeat this so much)

- Being too ignorant to understand that people have different tastes (Basically, when someone asks "I don't get why people find this or that funny". Seriously, stop being so blind and accept the fact that maybe what you don't find funny is what other people find funny)

- Balloons when they pop


Oh, and Drone on BOII. FUCK that map. It's like it was made for campers.

Edited by  spas-ticShotty 
  • Brohoof 1



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Where to begin...

Well, first off...

- Anorexic people who think they look hot
- When someone ignores me when I'm telling a cool story
- People who try to hard to hate something
- People who always act sarcastic
- People with "swag"
- Lil Wayne fans
- uncooperative teammates in video games
- When people take things out of context
- Most radio rap/hip-hop music
- When I lose a wire to something I need
- Misplacing something I just had in my hands a few minutes ago
- Kids these days
- People who think everyone yonger them them is still a "kid"
- People who just go on and on about nothing for a long time
- One Direction
- Overly-happy people
- People who talk about suicide for attention
- Hippies
- Stuck-up people
- Teachers who don't care about their students
- Not having any privacy
- Supremacist douche bags
- People who don't give things a chance
- People who think it's cool to be a bully
- When I can't think of anything else to hate

  • Brohoof 1

Just another background cat. Move along.

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  • I hate artists who use the cliched "I'll make a stupid looking piece of art out of trash to make myself look eco-friendly or some shit" card. That art almost always ends up looking crappy anyways.


Ohh gosh, I see way too much of this kind of thing! :'D


I personally hate it when people bring up the "anything can be art!!!" argument to justify work that the artist put little to no effort in, has no ultimate goal or purpose, and shows no craftsmanship. It's too easy and obnoxious a cop-out. No, let your efforts and your end result speak for you, not a painfully open point of argument that's been pressed by much more qualified people since the 1500's.


Oh, another thing. I'm in a college dorm, and I hate it when people do not clean up after themselves. It was the sickest thing, but obviously someone was "on the rag", and, uh...leaking all over the bathroom. It was all over the shower. God, do you really have that little respect for other people??? I don't want to have to clean your...stuff up, eew.


I would have also put people who don't clean their hair out of the shower before they leave, but that complaint has really paled in comparison to the previous one. I do not mind that nearly as much now.


And, I hate cucumbers. Those things taste nasty.

Edited by Powderpuff
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I extremely dislike:



Swag- I believe the actual meaning came from the 70's-80's as "secretly we are gay"





Inability to do something you want to do

feeling inadequate

being lazy (and knowing it) but being lazy anyways

deliberately doing something your not supposed to

people who always have to get the last word

having bad grades

doing poorly on a test

well being the Great Princess Molestia and currently the Great Princess Trollestia, being bisexual and all, I'd say saying Swag fits a little...though its no secret

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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