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Would you be okay with personality changes to Twilight?

~Master~ Button Mash

Twilight's Personality  

57 users have voted

  1. 1. If Twilicorn has a different personality in S4, how would you feel? Would you support it?

    • Yes. In fact, I'd be glad if she matures out of "adorkablness" and into a more level-headed leader.
    • Yes. I'll tolerate her new personality, but I wouldn't enjoy it.
    • No. Removing her adorkableness would irreversibly ruin her character.
    • Indifferent.
    • Wait and see.

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Since people seem to be more comfortable with Twilicorn from a physical perspective, let's step it up a notch...


Time to talk personality changes.


A lot of people seem to enjoy Twilight because of her personality...her so called "adorkableness." A lot of what makes her such a cute character is her lovable bookworm-ness, her humbleness, and her penchant for neuroticism and anxiety. A lot of people can especially associate with her because of this.


Now, we were told that Twilight becoming an Alicorn wouldn't change who she is, but talk is cheap, and a lot can change by the time Season 4 comes.


If becoming an Alicorn Princess leads to large personality changes to Twilight, how would you feel? What if she were to lose the "adorkableness" what we all know and love?

Edited by AtomicBassCannon


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I don't think anyone goes through life with a single personality form when they're born to when they die. As you experience new things in life and meet new people and friends part of you is bound to change. In twilight case i think it would be very normal for her to change, id actually be a little disappointed if her personality didn't change a whole lot. It's not like there isn't any more magic she can study and learn about so i think she'll still stay adorkable in that way. But yeah, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't think anyone goes through life with a single personality form when they're born to when they die. As you experience new things in life and meet new people and friends part of you is bound to change. In twilight case i think it would be very normal for her to change, id actually be a little disappointed if her personality didn't change a whole lot. It's not like there isn't any more magic she can study and learn about so i think she'll still stay adorkable in that way. But yeah, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. 

How much of a change would you tolerate, though? If she were to lose that adorkableness in coming episodes, would she still be an enjoyable character in your eyes?


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May be strange coming from someone who is anti-Twilicorn, but if you really want to play this right, something's going to have to give.  I don't see how you can go through something like this without at least some subtle change in her personality.  Ponies are going to look at her differently- maybe not her friends, but others- and she's going to experience greater responsibilities that she never had to deal with before.  That's going to shape a pony's personality, no doubt.  At least it should, if the writers know what they're doing. 


If it ends up being "everything's the same, except Twilight has wings" that just makes this whole alicorn development completely pointless.  She should change, but change in the right way. 


For me, the reason why Alicorn Twilight is a idea as anything *other* than a series finale development is that it puts the writers in a very tough situation- either they change nothing at all, and the whole thing becomes at best a pointless exercise, (and at worst a crass and ham-fisted ploy by Hasbro to sell more toys), or they tinker with the formula and run the risk of losing some of the elements of the series that was so appealing in the first place.  


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How much of a change would you tolerate, though? If she were to lose that adorkableness in coming episodes, would she still be an enjoyable character in your eyes?

I guess it's hard to say until i see but if she traded off some of her adorkableness for maturity i could live with it. Part of the reason i like Applejack is because i feel she the more mature one of the bunch and i can sort of relate to that.

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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I would hope that she continues to develop as a character, but not to the extent that she doesn't resemble the character that we grew to like so much. Although on that end it may already be too late. I've heard people saying that they find Twilight much less relatable now than in earlier seasons. I honestly don't know how I would feel.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think that she should stay close to who she is, but character development is not a bad thing if done right. Twilight learning to gain control of her anxiety is a good thing and a sign of character growth. Sure, maybe some people related to that part of her, but I like MLP because it isn't a cartoon which has to stick firmly to the status quo.


If Twilight was to lose her 'adorkable' nature...well, I don't know. It could be nice to see Twilight grow and become more mature and responsible, but sad in a way like watching a child grow up. But even if she changed, I'd think that she would still be able to laugh and be her same old self with her friends when not on princess duty.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that Twilight can develop and change and I'll be fine with it, but her core nature shouldn't change.

Edited by Magica
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She's gonna be the same OCD nerdy bookish lavender marshmallow equine we always knew. I think she'll be more mature now and think her greatest trials now won't be passing Celestia's test, but helping her friends and Equestria at large getting through greater threats. Season 4 would be a good time to ramp up the adventure and get the villains, new and old really involved.

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Oh damn.


Sure I love her 'adorkableness'.



Yes, I have to be okay with it. 

Of course, there will be some obvious 'categorizing' of "Princess Twilight" and "Old Twilight" if that happens.

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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Didn't they already change her personality?


And make all of the characters 1-Dimensional?


I don't know, she's just not the same bookworm she was back on season 1 and 2, where she'd be sarcastic and try to find a logical explination for everything, it's like, they removed all of her flaws, and made her little miss perfect Sparkle.




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Didn't they already change her personality?


And make all of the characters 1-Dimensional?


I don't know, she's just not the same bookworm she was back on season 1 and 2, where she'd be sarcastic and try to find a logical explination for everything, it's like, they removed all of her flaws, and made her little miss perfect Sparkle.


Your definition for flaws, mate.

She's grown by learning, episode by episode.

Improving certain traits means she also lost others.


Wanting a logical explanation for everything isn't supposed to be a guaranteed flaw, in most situations, it's actually quite valid...

... until Pinkie Pie shows up.


She's adapting. If you're any static, you would fit your own definition of being '1-dimensional' which I assume means 'flat' or 'empty'.


She's still a bookworm. (she lives and spends almost all her time reading in a library...)


Sarcasm was never her strong point, was it? I don't know, I don't recollect a lot of sarcasm. She was always in denial rather than be sarcastic, if I recall properly.


All the other characters have very cleanly cut flaws, but Twily was always the level-headed one in most situations.

(when she isn't, she's still wonderful...)


She's still doubtful about things, even with Pinkie Pie involved in the situation.

Example, during 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', she displayed doubt for Princess Celestia's expectations for Fluttershy, even though it was clearly possible within logical definitions.


Here are the only changes I can see...

- Physical

- More understanding of magic

- Able to accept certain flaws in physics

- Closer relationship with other ponies.

Edited by Sunset Spark
  • Brohoof 1

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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Nien! Nien! Nien!


Just kidding. I'll have to wait and see, but to be honest, the reason I love Twilight so much is because of her adorkableness. I don't think I want them to take that away. :(



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"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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That depends on how she would change, yes it is natural for a character to grow and evolve especially after a major change like that but you also need to balance that with the characteristics that made them great to begin with which can be a bit difficult at times. The one character I feel they have done the best job balancing this out with has been Rainbow Dash, if you look back from season 1 to now she has grown and matured more than any other mane 6 character yet still still maintains a lot of the qualities that fans love about Rainbow Dash and has even gained her a few new fans including me.


She is still somewhat cocky and brash and still somewhat reluctant to show her softer side but has shown massive improvement on these matters without becoming unrecognizable. One encouraging sign that they may be able to do the same with Twilight is her line after she turns into an alicorn which is one of the few things I can say I like about that episode "is there a book for how to be a princess?" It made perfect sense for the situation and was classic adorkable Twilight. Just because she is a princess now and has not had an OCD freakout in a long time dosen't mean she won't ever have one again if anything her new responsibilities might make t hat even more likely at least at first. Even well developed and matured characters can backslide every now and then, Applejack did it big time in Apple Family Reunion.

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly would character changes be a bad thing? And not just for Twilight but all the ponies? Maybe Fluttershy is a little more open with her friends, Rarity calms down more Rainbow is a little less brash and more open, we see changes in Applejack where she is more relaxed with her friends and family. And Pinkie well stays Pinkie. 

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No creating a character change all the sudden is not right. You get to know the characters and then they just go wait you like this character lets mess with it. Its like taking Fluttershy and making her assertive and mean to animals (Not possible but hey).



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The whole reason I like Twilight is because she's a nerdy, socially awkward, sciency person I can relate to constantly, far more so than any other character.


If she lost that... She'd just be an ordinary pony to me. And then I'd have to say I'd relate most to Rainbow Dash.

Young, Incredible, Free, and Fly. That's how Veronica rolls.



On 4/1/2013 at 7:43 PM, Feld0 said:

It's a wolf. Wolfy Sparkle! wub.png

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What personality could they possibly change her to? And WHY?

We've got the crazy one, the fashionable one, the clever one, the brave one, the honest one and the shy one - they're all the perfect personalities for shows such as MLP.

However, saying this, MLP has changed so much because of it's fandom... I'm starting to worry that everything will be changed and it will not be so special.

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Well, I'd like to see her mature a little, to fit the role of a princess of course, but I'm kinda afraid that she'll turn into a Mary Sue. (more than she is now anyway) But I love her adorkableness, I'd hate to see her lose that. So I guess I have to go with Wait and See. I hope that this turns out for the better.


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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No! Never! The charm with every character is their adorkableness, not only Twilight and taking it away would just remove something that I love about the show!

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To tell you the truth i think its over but eh maybe not, On the other hand if it becomes the main 7 who would it be? DJ PON-3 WITH THE ELEMENT OF MUSIC! Wub a dub dub

Well make that the element of entertainment because DJ PON-3 music is just brilliant and it would be awesome now off to destroy the other forums (JK i am gonna go to other posts) also let me correct that *On the other hoof*

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I ain't have a ducking clue.

I honestly just want for all of us to shut the buck up about this and for things to return to normal.

It's not possible. 


It's impossible for us to be devoid of all sounds. You innards will not shut -snip- unless you tear them out fro inside of you and put them in a sound proof container. Your heart makes noise almost constantly whether you like it or not.

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