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2013 MLP Forums March Madness - NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP

Doctor XFizzle

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Right, well, there's no need to be sarcastic, all I am is stating my reason. :/ Sorry, but you can't expect everyone to think Pinkie's perfect. Because I don't think so.


I never said Applejack wasn't at fault here, but she certainly is struggling with disappointing her friends and family and not being able to return with the prize money she promised and not telling to avoid that. It can't be helped by one of her friends chasing after her like a 


And the other stuff; the main six have all given each other something at many different points of the show, so Pinkie being the most selfless one...well, I don't know if you look at the other ponies, but...yeah! 


Of course I've looked into the other ponies. They've all undoubtedly done selfless things. But Pinkie Pie is the only one to openly state that nothing satisfies her more than going out of her way to make her friends smile. To the point where she arranges a musical number specifically to create a bright day.


Applejack has earned respect from me in The Last Roundup, but given that she'd wanted to earn money from Cherry Jubilee quietly, why would she agree to a promise to tell them what happened? She knew she wouldn't be able to uphold it, and that would anger her friends for sure. Honesty is her thing; she should've not agreed to any promise.


Anyhoo, this isn't Pinkie vs AJ. On topic; another redeeming trait of Pinkie's is her knowledge. She's even misconstrued in the show itself - she comes across as ditzy, but she was the only one with knowledge about Parasprites, or the Mirror Pool, and has a funny way of knowing her libraries. More as to why she has my vote and should have yours too, everyone! :D

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Pinkie Pie is the epitome of sincerity. Everything she says and does is with pure motives and intentions, to bring a little more joy into the world. Rainbow Dash is definitely improving, but most of her episodes still resort her being too braggish, or caring too much about her image, or being too self centered. Pinkie Pie has already figured out how she wants to approach life, so her episodes can get a bit more on the interesting side. Another great thing about Pinkie is her flaws.


Everyone knows about the whole thing where young Pinkie is called Pinkamina and so is flat/deflated mane Pinkie. A lot of people seem to miss what this implies then. Pinkie is, or at least was, certifiably terrified of being alone. She is only happy when she can make others happy. This could imply that she surrounds herself with so many friends to distract herself from the negative thoughts that lie dormant in her head. At least in season 1, and before season 1 started, she was secretly an emotional wreck. After Party of One, it's harder to say, but I think she's been able to ditch those negativities all together. Good thing she's a pony and living in a land where friendship is a constant must. I'm sure everyone can relate to feeling betrayed and all alone at some point in life. Up until a year ago I know I did. But then I found friends, and I did everything to make sure that they were happy, because if they weren't happy around me they wouldn't want to be around me and then they would leave me.


And I'm not even going into detail about the classic cartoon motif's and fourth wall breakage. I'd be here all night. Instead, I'm going to list why she plays off of each character well.

Pinkie and...


Twilight: A great counter to Twilight's scientific mind. Twilight is studious, Pinkie is madness. Twilight is organized, Pinkie is chaotic. Twilight is sane, Pinkie is mayonnaise. They bounce of off each other greatly, with Pinkie never losing her temper and Twilight eventually giving in to the glorious insanity.


Rainbow Dash: Griffon the Brush off should be reason enough why these two work together well. Dash judges entirely on what she sees, and with Pinkie what you see is WHAT. YOU. GET. At first Dash only saw Pinkie as an annoying ball of energy, but she realized they have more in common than she thought. And, considering Pinkie, this makes sense. She tries to adjust her activities to be enjoyed by those around her, i.e. the physically improbable anti-dive in Too Many Pinkies. I was cracking up anyway.


Applejack: I don't remember these two interacting too often...which again makes sense. Applejack is level headed and entirely sane. She's probably more level-headed than Twilight, just a bit more ignorant. I'm sure she appreciates Pinkie's company, but I couldn't see her joining in the wrecklessness too much. I'm sure they'd have fun at a rodeo though.


Rarity: They started hanging out a bit in season 2, which I thought was awesome. There was Pinkie jumping into Rarity in The Last Roundup, then they were hanging out the entire time in Putting Your Hoof Down, and I'm pretty sure they were together watching Rainbow fly in Read it and Weep. I think the two have a lot of potential for hanging out more. Rarity CAN be very hard working and business-savvy, but she certainly has her dramatic fun side.


Fluttershy: They go so great together. I don't even want to explain. http://askfluttershyandpinkiepie.tumblr.com/ LOOK AT IT. It's got some slight shipping, and I don't ship much, but WHO CAN DENY THE HNNNNNG


Gotta say Flipturn, I'm glad you're here. It's hard to keep up with responding to all the posts in between typing up big ones like this.

Edited by Zerobot
  • Brohoof 3


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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I love both of these ponies so much it's a shame I can only vote for one. But I'm going with her. The Best Young Flier. The Alpha Mare. The Awesome One. The only pony who can do a Sonic Rainboom. The inventor of the Sonic Rainnuke. And so cool that the closest they could come to Discording her was to remove her from the picture entirely.


The one who brought me to MLP and helped save Pinkie Pie from her demons, the best pony Pinkie was or will ever be shipped with. She's been denied too many times. This is her big moment; let's make it happen.



  • Brohoof 6

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I love both of these ponies so much it's a shame I can only vote for one. But I'm going with her. The Best Young Flier. The Alpha Mare. The Awesome One. The only pony who can do a Sonic Rainboom. The inventor of the Sonic Rainnuke. And so cool that the closest they could come to Discording her was to remove her from the picture entirely.


The one who brought me to MLP and helped save Pinkie Pie from her demons, the best pony Pinkie was or will ever be shipped with. She's been denied too many times. This is her big moment; let's make it happen.

To be honest, I won't be all too disappointed if Rainbow Dash wins. She is a great pony, and Pinkie did get to shine last year. Or so I've heard, since I only joined a few days ago.


Doesn't mean I won't continue trying to rally Pinkie fans from across the intramanets.

  • Brohoof 1


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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Well this is it, the final showdown between two of my favorite characters. Let me start by saying that Pinkie Pie is a fantastic pony. She is all about making the world a better place, one laugh or smile at a time, and has thrived on it throughout her life. She is a pony who is afraid of being alone, and without others to combat the demons in her head, her bubbly and random personality wouldn't exist. That complexity is shown and it makes her seem like the more selfless of the mane 6. I am proud to call her my 3rd favorite character in the series, behind Fluttershy and of course...


My number 1 Rainbow Dash. Where can I begin with her? Dashie is a loyal spirit who desires achievement in her life, and presents a tomboyish nature which gives her uniqueness compared with the other mane 6. She is brazen and courageous when a situation calls for it, and will never ever step down when a challenge is presented to her. She also seems to thrive when her friends need her most, and can rise to shine in the darkest of situations.


Dashie doesn't come without her faults however. She can definitely be over-competitive when competitiveness itself is presented, and especially evident with Applejack, she will play dirty to win. There also is a element of arrogance and self boasting that comes out often, though less so recently, but it does make her seem like she tries to place herself on a higher pedestal than the others. She can have moments where she cannot recognize that her bluntness isn't needed, and sometimes can result in hurt feelings. 


But over time, Dashie seemingly has gotten better as of late when it comes to realizing her faults. She has lowered her boldness and tries not to be as blunt, showing sensitivity when need be, especially evident in Hurricane Fluttershy. That episode also shows her true care for her friends, and that she can also act as one of the best motivators in the show. She also encourages a sisterly relationship with Scootaloo, and tries to act like a good role model towards the philly, knowing full and well that she is loved by her. Dashie also seems to have the most determination of any character in the show, but even will put this aside when she encounters a situation where she must choose right and wrong, evident when she quit the Wonderbolts initially. 


Rainbow Dash to me is a character of complexity that ever continues to increase with time as she learns her life lessons. She is the character that brought me to the show and the fandom, and will continue to hold a place within my heart.


To Rainbow Dash! Cheers!



  • Brohoof 6


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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Rainbow Dash opened up the game with a big lead. 29-12. A seventeen vote disparity. Where are the Pinkie Pie fans at? Are you guys gonna pull a Twilight Sparkle this early? Don't make this a repeat of Magic Bowl I!


But hey, I don't blame you for not showing up. Pinkie Pie ain't got nothin' on this beauty.



  • Brohoof 8
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Rainbow Dash opened up the game with a big lead. 29-12. A seventeen vote disparity. Where are the Pinkie Pie fans at? Are you guys gonna pull a Twilight Sparkle this early? Don't make this a repeat of Magic Bowl I!


But hey, I don't blame you for not showing up. Pinkie Pie ain't got nothin' on this beauty.


Actually, the rest of the Pinkie Pie fans are asleep. See, they're relaxed - they know that they've got this championship in the bag once again. I'm just here to drop in some early bird aid. wink.png



Edited by Flipturn ツ
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Actually, the rest of the Pinkie Pie fans are asleep. See, they're relaxed - they know that they've got this championship in the bag once again. I'm just here to drop in some early bird aid. wink.png




That's rich, man. The lead's seventeen and it's going to balloon to twenty plus. While Dash fans require no sleep from what I've seen in the match with Twilight, you guys are still asleep. That's precisely why you're going to get blown out.

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
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That's rich, man. The lead's seventeen and it's going to balloon to twenty plus. While Dash fans require no sleep from what I've seen in the match with Twilight, you guys are still asleep. That's precisely why you're going to get blown out.


Truly, dearest Oatmeal. Surely this 'Rainbow Dash' of which you speak could never reach the infinite levels of wisdom, charm, and wit that our beloved Pinkie has not only met but has surpassed, setting the bar unreasonably high, such that more feeble minded ponies could never hope to reach it, and continue their lives ignorantly unaware of how pathetically they compare to the divine Pink one.


Quite quite.



Super spoiler alert! Be sure you dun' want tah be spoiled ):


I'm joking in this post



  • Brohoof 2


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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So I decided to make us a signature to support Pinkie. Silly Rainbow Dash fans: they can't handle the awesomeness that is Pinkie Pie.


Feel free to use if you wish.


Remember to link back to here.




Okay, got it.


Or, you can use the other one



Found the picture on deviantart, own nothing for both.

Edited by Velvet Remedy
  • Brohoof 3

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hey, Pinkie Pie.

I heard that you like suprises.

So I have a surprise for you.

You're going to lose.

Oh, just kidding. It's not a surprise, actually.


Edited by Cocodrillo
  • Brohoof 8

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Fellow Pinkie Pie warriors.


I have figured out


How we are to defeat Rainbow Dash


It took much discussion and debate


But in order to defeat her we must...




Okay, so, honestly, where's the Pinkie Army? It's just me, Flipturn, Urdnot, Pinkazoid, and Zerobot sitting in a corner mlp-lsad.png

  • Brohoof 3

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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you must be bucking kidding me...


out of pure curiosity, could you hold this position just for a second?




Thanks, Dash, you´re such a good target dear friend.

But don´t fly too high, and now watch a champion do it!

greets, the _Cannon Empire takes it´s hold!



Edited by Friendship_Cannon
  • Brohoof 1




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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There is a severe lack of Dashie pictures right now. Come on Rainbow Dash army, where are you guys and gals at! We have to represent!


Besides, Rainbow Dash has all the swag.



  • Brohoof 5


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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Hey, Pinkie Pie.

I heard that you like suprises.

So I have a surprise for you.

You're going to loose.

Oh, just kidding. It's not a surprise, actually.



We're going to loose? I would hate to loose, I've just been tightened up. n.n


And remember; swift turns of events have been in place this tournament! Twilight vs Applejack left those getting a little too cocky slapped in the mush. Don't celebrate too soon! ;)


And a response to the above poster; swag is something you won't be able to outrank Pinkie on. Nobody can handle her swag:



Edited by Flipturn ツ
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Okay, add Friendship_Cannon to the small corner of Pinkies. We're....the...


Party Republic.


Team Leader: Flipturn

Brawler: Pinkazoid

Weapons Expert: Urdnot

Brains: Me :3

Speed Fighter: Friendship_Cannon

Mascot: Zerobot

Guy Who Dies First: Dashforever, Chaotic Discord, Nascarfan, etc

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Plain words, better pay attention or you might choke in your own words. ;3



TL;DR + megapicture spam

Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning.



Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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I'd post this, but then I realised I've done very productive Pinkie stuff today.




Look, even when she's shoddily drawn she's freaking adorable.


(This is really fun :P )

  • Brohoof 2
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Fellow Pinkie Pie warriors.


I have figured out


How we are to defeat Rainbow Dash


It took much discussion and debate


But in order to defeat her we must...




Okay, so, honestly, where's the Pinkie Army? It's just me, Flipturn, Urdnot, Pinkazoid, and Zerobot sitting in a corner img-1348169-1-mlp-lsad.png

ADD ME! I'm second best Pinkie fan, some say Pinkazoid is better. And I agree. Anyway, PINKIE PIE IS MY PONY SISTER! :D Dash can do dig a hole and die in it.
  • Brohoof 1


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Plain words, better pay attention or you might choke in your own words. ;3



Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning.




aye, this is a beauty contest now? Get lost with your mane-coloring-advertisement...




by the way, the expression pinkie wears on the right part will be close to yours after we are done with this. A true winner needs no rainbow to shine, all he needs is natural charme and beauty.

  • Brohoof 2




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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Some diabetes mellitus:


Diabetes insipidus:



inb4 more diabetes.


And Party Cannon: Sorry. I've mistaken you with Friendship_Cannon. All the cannons around..

Edited by Cocodrillo
  • Brohoof 2

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Oh, are we turning this into a beauty contest? You don't want to start one of those with us Pinkie Pie fans.


I'll bring in some diabeetus:




And then straight up beauty:








By the way guys; while I'm all for having a barrel of fun with this back-and-forth propaganda, remember that some people don't like scrolling and scrolling through pictures. I'd say if you're going to post more than one picture, put the following ones in spoilers.

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aye, this is a beauty contest now? Get lost with your mane-coloring-advertisement...


by the way, the expression pinkie wears on the right part will be close to yours after we are done with this. A true winner needs no rainbow to shine, all he needs is natural charme and beauty.

More like an advertisement of my art.

And with the mane colouring..implying that pink mane is totally legit.

It's not RDs fault that she was born awesome like this. ;3

Also, again - the hypocrisy of the people who changed their avatar from RD to PP today...

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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