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are you smart ?


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I think I'm just average. I will say I'm rather smart because I'm open-minded and willing to learn. I have a motto "Geniuses who close their ears and stop listening are equal to dumb."


I know a little bit about how mind works, and I know my problem in studying. That way, I can fix my flaw quickly. I can be smart if I have a willing to study, and I'm dumb when I don't. This is the problem. When I want to focus, I can solve many complication problems, but when I just want to wander around my mind and imagination, I can't, no matter how hard I try. I don't want to force my mind to focus. That will hurt myself, so it's very conditional.


I think people's cleverness doesn't rely on their IQ, but their attitude towards knowledge. I know someone who's considered genius because of his IQ, but he got cocky and stop learning. The result? He's like a blind cocky beggar now. For me, it relies on seeing as much as possible.


Sometimes I'm smart, sometimes I'm dumb.

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 3



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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"Smart"... That's a loose term. It has a ton of factors, like age, specialty, etc.


Also, do you mean smart as in overall? It's a bit confusing.


For me, i'm about average, slightly above. I just need to stop being so dang lazy. That's my problem. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I'm smart in science, history, and Literature, but in anything that has do with math and numbers I'm dumber then Patrick Star on a good day.


Thanks and bro hoof /)



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I'm a bit above average... I believed I scored a 125 on an IQ test, FWIW.


I think it's mostly because, while I may not know everything, I know some things very well and can think and process those things very quickly. I'm one of those folks that can spit out the right answer to just about any basic multiplication problem (2 digit multipliers) in seconds.


Honestly? It comes with practice. I did a lot of reading and math problems when I was a kid, and really put a lot of emphasis on learning how to process things quickly.


My weak points? Most of the sciences (especially physics), and advanced calc. Just give me numbers... don't need none of those letters. XD

Edited by Bhending the Rules
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I actually don't think I'm that smart. I'm really irrational. I don't understand simple math. In fact, I'm not good almost any subject. Simple ideas can confuse me. I'm rather slow in any way in which a person can be. What makes me really sad, though, is that half the time, I commenting to myself about how dumb other people are. If I'm not very smart, half the people I meet/hear about must be freaking morons...


Makes me feel like this, sometimes:




Edited by Clover Heart
  • Brohoof 2

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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I'm supposed to be due to my autism or something like that,but I honestly don't feel all that smart. :P


I might get tons of praise about my smarts from teachers,classmates,and friends,but I always feel like I should be in sped classes or something instead.Dunno why,just feel like I do.

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I scored over a 130 on an IQ test, if that means anything. Not sure it does.


I'm generally someone who's very good with numbers and logical puzzles, but also at one point had a pretty strong vocabulary. Anything that has to do with memorization or logic, I'm pretty good at. That's why I usually test well- I just absorb the reading material, with preparation.


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Well, up until high school, I was always put into advanced classes and did just fine. In high school, I decided to just do normal classes so I could maintain good grade without having to try very hard. I enjoy learning new things, I know a lot of stuff, and I think pretty logically and creatively. So in that regard, I'd say that I am smart.


My main problem is that I'm forgetful, unorganized, very easily distracted (wooooo ADD :(), and get bored extremely quickly when practicing things I already know. I test well, but homework and other such things bore me to tears, and I often forget to do it, or simply don't have enough willpower to finish it. My grades have suffered because of this; if grades were based completely on tests, or some other gauge of how much I actually learn, I'd be getting mostly A's. But because of busy work, projects, and other redundancies that are necessary for most people, I don't do as well.


My sister is the opposite; she is highly organized, and gets everything done, but doesn't learn very much. She doesn't retain a lot of what she hears in class, like I do, but she studies hard before tests so she can do well (and then ends up forgetting most of it, actually). The US school system is catered much more to people like her. She get's straight A's, but she'd probably be the first to admit that I am smarter in most ways :/

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I feel like I am smart, given a few unique yet helpful aspects of me. For one thing, I have an extensive vocabulary (at least, for most people my age) and my grammar is flawless in all my writing. This makes me very good at winning arguments (mostly ones with my peers) since I can baffle them with a volley of support that they can't even understand. It may sound mean, but hey, it's an argument.



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Scary how Evilshy and I sound alike at first glance.


My main problem is that I'm forgetful, unorganized, very easily distracted, and get bored extremely quickly when practicing things I already know. I test well, but homework and other such things bore me to tears, and I often forget to do it, or simply don't have enough willpower to finish it. My grades have suffered because of this; if grades were based completely on tests, or some other gauge of how much I actually learn, I'd be getting mostly A's. But because of busy work, projects, and other redundancies that are necessary for most people, I don't do as well.


This is almost exactly my story. Except for the ADD, Asperger's Syndrome instead, and the advanced classes. I only took one advanced class because even from a young age I knew advanced classes meant more work. I was lazy from birth. Another thing is impatience. I had that in great supply. Still do actually.

Getting back on topic, yes. I see myself as smart. The State of Texas also sees me as smart what with my IQ being 152 at age 13. Though I haven't been doing much to increase it at a higher rate than it has.

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Hmm well I'd say I'm smart and I've had people tell me so, but intelligence isn't a simple thing to quantify. For example, as smart as I may be I struggle with some very simple things that to others is just common sense.


I'm practical and can improvise a solution for most problems but the toss up is that there are times when the answer is so simple, and everyone else gets it but I just don't.

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In a seriousness, your question and options are far too broad. There's really no perfect way to determine someone's cognitive abilities. Something as complex as human intelligence does not have a yes-or-no answer. For example, one might be an idiot at math, but at the same time be a musical genius. One might also have superhuman logic or eidetic memory, but at the same time be socially or emotionally retarded. Furthermore, some people have resources and education that others do not. It can hardly be denied that some individuals truly are significantly more or less intelligent than the average human, of course, but beyond these two extremes, the measurement of one's intellectual abilities becomes far more blurred. There are so many factors to be considered, and it is for this reason that many have challenged the accuracy of IQ tests.
There's actually a theory that involves splitting intelligence into multiple components that vary among different individuals. The theory of multiple intelligences proposes nine types of intelligences: logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential. Individuals may be more attuned to certain intelligences than to others.


Going with your options, however, I'd say that I'm average. I'm great at academic subjects such as mathematics, science, and reading/writing, and I'm fairly creative when it comes to design. On the other hand, I'm pretty shitty with music and drawing, and my handwriting is crap. I'm also socially awkward. Even if I can score higher than someone on a test, or if I can solve puzzles faster, I'd still be outmaneuvered by a witty tongue.


  • Brohoof 1
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"Smart"... That's a loose term. It has a ton of factors, like age, specialty, etc.


Also, do you mean smart as in overall? It's a bit confusing.


For me, i'm about average, slightly above. I just need to stop being so dang lazy. That's my problem. :lol:

I would deem anyone capable of estimating their own intelligence as 'smart'.

We can all read, write and learn. Our intelligence, based on our estimation, is almost always above average.

okay so do you think you are smart or average or below average,or why are you smart? simple i think but  i want to know why do you think you are smart?

A better question would be 'how knowledgeable are you', a question with a more 'measurable' scope. Edited by Sunset Spark

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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I feel like I'm more intelligent than most of the people I meet, honestly.


But I definitely know people and have met a lot of people who I feel like are smarter than I am.

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Alright, I'll be honest, I actually think I'm pretty smart. I'm really good at math--I've had an A in Algebra 1 all year. Plus I love to think about new ways to solve things, and seem to be able to realize things other people can't.


However, common sense wise, I'm not smart at all. xD

Edited by /b/etez



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I guess I'm pretty smart. I graduated with a 4.0 from High School, and I made the Dean's List last semester, and probably will again this semester. Last year during the summer I actually spent a lot of my time learning about physics, and I actually built a cloud chamber using the Americium from a smoke detector.


Only problem is that stuff like that is a rarity. I don't really apply myself as much as I could. I pretty much just do my school/uni work and that's it. I never really use it, and I don't really take as challenging of classes as I could. It's the reason that I took a gap year between high school and college (during which I did little that was productive, save the casual physics studying). I'm lazy, sue me. :P


So raw knowledge and maybe IQ? Yeah, I think I'm pretty smart. But application and street smarts? I'm a dumbass. :P

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 1


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I´m not a very smart person, actually :D

I am studying mechanical engineering, I don´t have problems with it, but...

that´s a weird thing to even talk about...


Everybody can be smart, it depends on the situation, a smart person can be a man (woman -_-) of science, someone who can give you good tips when you need their help, in any situation, someone who thinks always logical, or just a good friend.

I´d call you a smart person when you live a happy life, because that means that you make/ made the right decisions for yourself. blubb.

  • Brohoof 1




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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Well I actually think I am smart. Sometimes I don't use my brain capacity but both me and people I know think I am quite smart actually.


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Smart? Ehhh, well I guess people would call me smart just because I'm going to university next year and do all that "techno jumbo" better known as IT and advanced mathematics. But really all I do is sit on the internet and read about things that interest me. Whenever I'm tackled with a problem I don't try to solve it, first I go back a step and think about what I know and what I don't know about a certain problem and after confirming my knowledge about the subject I try to solve it with the solution that seems to be the best one.


It's nothing but being plain ol' rational, you don't just stop when you find a problem you can't seem to solve at first hand, you sit down and think.


Another thing is that people see me as smart just because I know my way in physics, biology, math, advanced math and chemistry. But that's not really an indicator of being smart, it's an indicator of being knowledgable.


So that's just me.

  • Brohoof 2
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I' wayy above average. I'm technically in genius territory on my IQ.  Although I wil admit, I never feel like it or act like it for that matter. (if you knew me and my friends you'd understand 'cause you'd think we were retards)
I know this because My official IQ is 157 which puts me in the genius range.
I never study for any tests and ace them without trying. 
My brain is a friggin sponge, If I read/watch/hear something on a particular subject I'll remember it with no need for repetition.
And litteraly EVERY essay I've written so far in highschool has been graded at least a C+ and I always just bullshit it out the night before its due. 

Edited by yourmomsponies
  • Brohoof 1

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

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Nope.  I'm a dumb, have always been a dumb and will always be an dumb.  But because being a idiot has given me the knowledge of the things that are truly significant in the world I am okay with that.  Unfortunately I have become very lonely as a result because not many other people are able to see the world like I can, like spiderman.

Edited by Hollowshield
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Meh, am I smart? Well, compared to my peers I'm... around the average of a normal person. I'm not super smart, but I'm not that stupid either. Of course, people say that I have a good brain, but I just don't use it/"train it". And I have to agree with that, because I feel I could achieve quite a lot. But alas, I'm once again going to blame my SAD, because.. just think about it: why one needs to be really smart, if he will not share that intelligence/knowledge with anyone? See? It sounds useless and pointless if you look at it that way. If you have no one to talk to about stuff you know a lot, why bother trying to get smarter in the first place? You are going to die anyway and all you once knew will be wasted... well, maybe your children will inherit your "keenness of studying and becoming smarter", but then again, you HAVE to have children in the first place.

  • Brohoof 1

shiet got srs guise

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I know a little bit about a lot of things

but I don't know enough about you




I have head knowledge in a variety of disciplines, sciences, philosophies, theologies and whatever else. That said, my experiential knowledge pool is only so-so, my wisdom is constantly trying to be improved, and maturity is locked to the rate at which I age.


All in all, I hope so.

  • Brohoof 1
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Duh, of course I'm smart. I get 85% and above in every test I ever did. Except for this one time when I got 0 in a maths mental test. I was tired, okay?!

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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