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are you smart ?


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I got an IQ of 115 while listening to music. Everywhere I go people call me smart because of my A+s and As in my science courses. I memorized the multiplication table at age 2. I memorized every capital of the world at age 7, although I forget many of them now unfortunately. I knew every flag of the world at age 6 too. I also play a prolific piano and violin and was called a prodigy at one point.


So I'm smart in that sense. Street smart? Not a chance. Terrible at love, and I'm very eccentric. 

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Well gee, academically, yes. I'm a huge science geek and read textbooks for fun. I know how to HTML script a website and I'm no slouch at mathematics, either. I'm more than a bit ditzy, however, and I often forgot short-term things. So yes, I'm book-smart, just not common-brainpower-smart.


no rest for the wizardly.

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People refer me as smart because one I'm Japanese and two I am beyond awesome. I scored a 162 on the IQ test. Although, I haven't re-took the IQ test to see if my IQ increased. 

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I would say above average in every school subject except math where I am to put it bluntly completely and totally pathetic. In middle school I was on the honor roll and in high school I took several honors and AP classes and graduated with a 3.8 GPA. And though I sometimes slacked and wasn't as diligent at times in regard to homework I was able to pass most of my classes even the AP and honors classes while barely even trying I didn't even need to study that much I just absorbed the information like a sponge. And I am also intelligent in regard to music, I am able to play songs by ear have composed since I was 12 and before I could even read music. I learned to read music very quickly and was able to play some fairly advanced songs within a few years. What helped was joined the jazz band in high school which really pushed my skills to the limit, jazz music is very challenging to play yet it is also a lot of fun.


I am also a writer, my punctuation is not exactly perfect as I find the rules of punctuation to be a bit confusing at times I am a decent writer whether it be giving my two cents on any of the various topics I have an opinion on, fiction or though I haven't done this in a while poetry.


More importantly though is I have the desire, drive and passion to learn. As has been pointed out by another user there are plenty of people who are extremely gifted that unfortunately that squander that and to an extent I am guilty of that but am going to change that. I was not meant to be a dairy clerk the rest of my life I believe that I was meant to be an author and plan to do it, I will start by writing about my experiences with Autism and then eventually break into other subjects.

  • Brohoof 1
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“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ― Albert Einstein


I honestly believe in this quote, for everyone is smart just in their own way. I'm not good at mathematics or chemistry, but I flourish with computer technology and English. But over all general knowledge, I would say average. 

Edited by Retro✮Derpy


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(To me) Smart and Intelligent are two completely different things. I perceive being smart as being able to read and write well and memorize and that stuff. Intelligence (To Me) is being able to think and solve things yourself. In this respect, i am far more intelligent than i am smart. I am not very smart at all. Intelligence is more valuable to me. That's me.


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Alright, I do think I'm a fairly bright person. In terms of school, it comes easy to me ("studying for Latin" is also known as "a joke"), and I've always been a straight A sort of student. 


The thing I've noticed, though, is that I have a very quickly moving sort of mind. I don't think that makes it better, just... different. For example, It gives me a certain lack of focus (Seperate from, I believe, my ADD, which is more like a focus that's running haywire, instead of one that only focuses on one thing for a short time; the difference is clear when I am on and off my medication).


But it's not a bad thing, either. I'm constantly running things through my mind, and I tend to make connections extremely fast. I'm known in real life as a person with a talent for humor and especially puns, and I think this is why. My brain operates like a high frequency wave, scanning the environment and my thoughts over and over again. Beep, beep, beep, beep, ding! 


You know who really represents the kind of intelligence I think I have? Sokka, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. There's a reason that everybody I know says I'm exactly like him, and it's not just the puns. I can recognize the thought patterns in myself in him. I can see his brain scanning over all the information, thinking, thinking, hmm... Bam! I was in a robotics club last year, and I was described as "a mouse trap". It just takes the right trigger, and suddenly I get a eureka moment and slam down on the answer. 


I don't really consider myself smarter than most other people, though. It's weird, I can look at myself and say I'm smart, but when I try to look and compare myself to others? I can't think of anyone who is dumber than me. Smarter? Yes. But I just keep seeing, time and time again, the people who look stupid do think about things more deeply than meets the eye. I overhear some other teenagers talking about relationships and boys/girls and whatever, but they make sharp insights onto others, you know. Even people who style themselves idiots aren't that stupid. In fact, I think they are smarter than they probably do. People look up to me and tell me that I'm a genius, but they aren't anywhere as far from me as they think they are. Maybe they don't have the same processing speed, but that doesn't mean they think any less deeply than I do. I hate it when people undervalue themselves intellectually like that.

  • Brohoof 1

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There are many different kinds of intelligence, so this is a very complicated question, really. In fact, I'd say that I'm a pretty good example of how people can be smart in some ways but not others. I got a 31 on my ACT and people always tell me I'm really smart, but I graduated high school with a GPA barely over 2.0 and I have a nonverbal learning disorder that makes some things nearly impossible for me.

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I've been told by my psychiatrist that I have an above average IQ BUT I hate talking about things like intelligence because I feel it's a poor way to gauge who a person is. Some of the smartest people out there lack common sense or have a holier than though attitude where they flaunt numbers to get some sense of superiority or insight that the peons need to be enlightened to. I hate that. I don't bring up my intelligence unless I'm prompted. Pride too easily leads to arrogance and I was raised to be humble.

Edited by Jammo
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I was always placed in SPED classes as a kid throughout all my years of school (even high school), I had/have a learning disability, SLD is what it's called, and I have horrid math skills, and problems with reading,I'm "slow", and I could learn all there is in a class/subject and fail a test completely regardless of me having an A all semester/term. I like to think i'm smart but honestly i'm not. I live/d in states where you are REQUIRED to pass a state test and if you did not pass you were put into classes where they gave you extra help and skills to pass the tests...I was always in those classes and was only able to take 1 elective/special  (i'm orignally from Massachusetts and we called it the MCAS and in Florida where I currently live it's the FCAT) and if you dont you do not get to graduate High School. I never passed the MCAS/FCAT tests and because I have a learning disability I was able to graduate because I had a counceler who helped me with class work and stuff and I got a waiver from the state saying I can graduate because I have good grades and i'm a good student all around. I got to graduate and get a diploma by the skin of my teeth. I took school very seriously, I was very good at Computer class/Photoshop Class and English. I was never good at anything else in school besides those two subjects. I did graduate with a 3.4 GPA but I always had A's and occasionally a few B's in High School.When it comes to common sense i'm NOT the greatest either.....I get told i'm smart by people I know and my BF especially but to answer your question I do not think im smart at all...I'll admit it. I know i'll get some hate but it's the truth, i'm not downing on myself i'm being honest...

Edited by FlawlessMissRarity
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Well, I am about the average amount of smartness. Even though, I was never good at math and always hated it. Science was always my favorite, and I think it is better then Math. Anyway, I think I'm just the average level of intelligence needed to pass high school because people think just because I'm shy does not mean I'm smart. So, I'm more of an open thinker.

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No. I'm not. I'm not smart at all. I get terrible grades in school, no skills or talents or anything of that sort... Yep. Not smart by any means.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I like to think so, but I've started to doubt myself as of late. I was top of the class earlier in my life, talented and gifted and all of that. I scored a 137 on an official IQ test earlier on in my life. I am smart, and I pick up on things extremely easily. Applying that knowledge on a regular basis is hard to do, and my memory has become absolutely terrible in the last few years.


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Everyone you meet knows something that you don't know.


I consider myself smarter than average in certain subjects, average in some and completely unaware of others. While yes, I am at the top of my program grades wise, I don't really consider myself smarter than others because I have a larger number. I may be more educated in my program areas, but that doesn't necessarily mean i'm overall smarter.


I am a bit of a macgyver when it comes to the small inconvieniences of life (ex: improvising a wooden dowel out of a chop stick to fix a desk) and I know the location of the pacific ocean so I can say I'm probably above average...

Edited by Celtore
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One of Einstein's quotes that I live by goes as this:


"Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life believing that it is stupid."


I like this quote because, like what others have said in this thread, the term, "smart", should be flexible.  The quote relays the message that everyone is intelligent in their own way, and that the inability to do something shouldn't demean your intellectual potential.  


I understand that when people use the word, "smart", they commonly refer to book smarts.  Someone who mirrors the traits or intelligence of, let's say, Twilight Sparkle.  But there are also things like creative smarts, street smarts, and E.Q., which is the emotional counterpart of I.Q.  I attend RIT, a tech institute in Rochester as a physics major.  I take classes with other people majoring in things like engineering, or mathematics, and people usually give us one of two responses: 



2). Physics/Math/Engineering? Wow, you must be a genius. 


Honestly, I get more of response number 1.  But all that aside, I have friends that are in animation or art and they can draw and design really, REALLY well, and they create these masterpieces that are, in my opinion, kind of incredible.  I'm quite jealous.  Hell, I'm envious of all the bronies in the community who can draw and write fan-art.  I wish I could create artistic wonders that other people can, but, for lack of better words, I kind of suck, hence, the jealousy.  


I believe that everyone possesses something to offer, and that everyone is smart in some way.  Some people may process information faster than others, so they're great at processing.  But again, everyone has their special talents, and I interpret that as being "smart", within that talent.  


To answer the original question of the thread and as a disclaimer to this post, 

I am a complete idiot. 

Edited by LunaEclipse
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What exactly is intelligence?


Intelligence is a very subjective term. Your definition of intelligence, my definition of intelligence, and the correct definition of intelligence could all be different from each other.


What exactly makes an individual intelligent? Is it simply the ability to learn and apply logical concepts? Or does it go deeper than that? Could there perhaps be more than what meets the eye? Is there truly a "Correct" definition of intelligence?


I believe that intelligence comes in many shapes and forms. Which is the main reason why I think school, and IQ tests are total bullshit.


You can be admirably quick and learning and applying logical concepts. But does being able to learn logical concepts quickly really make you intelligent? There are some people that might be slower at learning, but might have a deeper understanding of that they learn. Keyword: Precision. Does that make them less intelligent? I see people often associate intelligence with speed. People who learn things faster are considered more intelligent than people who learn things slowly. Which I think is completely bogus. This is the reason why I hate deadlines so much. Quality is greater than quantity.


But there's more to intelligence than just being good with facts and logic. You can be talented with presentation, people, and conflicts between them, and be intelligent. You can be skilled with morals, ethics, and feelings, and be intelligent. You can be a creative genius, constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to solve problems, and be intelligent.


Intelligence comes in many, MANY forms, and because of this, everyone is smart and intelligent in their own way, myself included.

Edited by Commander Urdnot
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I was very smart when I was younger.  I had excellent grades and was extremely good at both english and math.  Then I got a bunch of freinds and fell in love and found that all by bookworm abilities didn't help me one bit in interacting with people, and I lost all my friends.  My brain kindof turned to much around that time.  I think I'm about average now.

I love you.

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Define the term smart some moar.


My friends and teachers seem to think I'm smart. I've skipped two grades, scored 117 on one of those internet IQ tests, and I always get A's for crap, I do take the compliments they make towards me to heart, but sometimes I wonder if I'm really actually smart or not. My mum also says I'm a very intelligent boy and one day I'll be something which no one else could be. 



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  • 8 months later...

Going with kind of smart..


Because I'm smart in some places in life, like farming, MLP, drugs, space, cooking.


and I'm as dumb as sin when it comes down to, Cars, building stuff and a lot more... ahh spelling

Edited by Princess Pinkie Pie


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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People say I'm smart, but I don't think so.

I mean, I only have an A in advanced algebra. That's terrible by me.

To others, maybe I'm smart, but to me, no.

Plus, I can grammar gooder than the restist.

  • Brohoof 1
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