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What is something that has scarred you?

Kitty Cat Moonshire

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We all have one or two things that we witnessed that have left us so scarred that we still avoid, or do, certain things because of that. 

The thing that probably scarred me the most would have been seeing a hobo spider drop onto my arm and bite me when I was a kid. I'm still an arachnophobe (I'm getting over it tho).

So what's your story? 


*Edit* Guys, I'm talking mentally scarred. Not physically. Silly fillies.

Edited by Luna Moonshire


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Aliens, I was scared of them at age 8, I stopped believing them at age 9.

Emergency Alert System, I am still scared of it today, I flip my s*** if I hear it.



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Yeah spiders creap me out. I'm not a big fan of the dark either. All of the shadows at night scare me.

Is that weird? Does anyone else have a fear of the dark?

  • Brohoof 2


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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I saw The Ring when I was 5 years old. Ever since then, I have always been afraid of receiving a call when I was home alone. 


Stupid movie



Oh yea, forgot to say: If you have a young little brother, don't let him watch horror movies

Edited by Soundgarden
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when i was young i saw an episode of a soap in which a family got caught in a house thatw as buring down.


Ever scince then i ahve always benn really really scared of fire's happenng in buildings I'm in. Can't say its the worse thing, it definatly helps me make sure i don't watse power as im for ever unplugging things ect (saving power in the process :D)!


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This episode of King of The Hill where Luanne dates this creepy guy who is the owner of Larsons Pork Products in particular the ending of the episode where he.



Went completely insane and tried to literally turn him and Luanne into human sausages in the slaughterhouse. Luanne got away but he wasn't so lucky.


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Everything on Creepypasta. They have some weird shit that I know isn't true, but I believe them anyways...'cuz...y'know...it's what I do. :v Tails Doll and Squidward's suicide were weird.

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Mentally scarred? Hmm, I have always been afraid of basketballs [Yes, go and punch me in the face for fearing Basketballs] ever since one hit me on the head when I was really little.


I have still not gotten over it.


I am a wimp.


[then again, I read Rainbow Factory and played Story of the Blanks and i'm not mentally scarred because of them...]

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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*Edit* Stallions, I'm talking mentally scarred. Not physically. Silly fillies.

about two years ago i was studying to be a cop, i was in a lecture when the instructor showed us a presentation about how to correctly mark and photograph injuries and DOA subjects. It was pretty gruesome.
  • Brohoof 1

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A mentally jarring event?


Well that for me comes in the form of depression. Not so much that I'm terrified of it, but I've been cause many deep and complex problems because of it. Manly the cause of that was when I lost my wife.


Nothing else really comes to mind. I've seen people die and other such gory things and that hasn't scarred me mentally. I've almost died several times, been hurt a lot physically too and that didn't jar my mind either.


Mainly it comes from the blunt emotional and mental trama caused by the loss of my wife. As sad as it is to talk about, I'm getting past that now. Is still a mental scar that will never be "healed", but is starting to be better I guess.

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
  • Brohoof 8



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Probably when I first started going over to my boyfriends house and his dad came downstairs in Tighty Whiteys ._, (If that's how you spell it) and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disturbing. I mean...his dad is 51 and still wears those...I woulda been fine if he was in boxers >.>

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Pan's Labyrinth. Watched that the year it came out and, since I was still really young then, I was scarred for weeks. Now that I've seen the film again, I'm a bit ashamed, as I really like it. Same with eXtisenZ. Watched that when I was five and the scenes when they make the pods in that factory...eurgh. Again, after re-watching it (just last night) I'm a bit ashamed. *laughs*


Also, my past has been a bit of a bumpy ride (for lack of a better term), and I've developed depression and whatnot from it. I'm starting to let it go a little bit but those sorts of things aren't what you can really erase no matter how long ago it was.

  • Brohoof 1


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When I was 10 or so I watched my friend accidentally slice her thumb open with a big knife. The cut was probably 4 inches long and really deep. It was the most blood I'd ever seen and she ended up getting stitches. I still have a problem with watching other people bleed.


I also once watched a show about this boy (real story here) who ate raw beef and got this terrible disease from it that blew holes in his intestines and totally destroyed his stomach. It freaked me out and I didn't eat beef for a long time after that. I still try to avoid it but I'm getting better about eating it

  • Brohoof 1


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Slenderman....he scares the living crap out of me, and I'm always afraid, whenever I go somewhere with a lot of trees, that he'll just swoop down, and carry me away to wherever he takes his victims, 0_0


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Well when I was younger I was almost trampled by a crowd of people at a parade ever since that has happened I can't even be surrounded by a few people just with the fear of it, it is sort of claustrophobia but it's only when confined by a group of people I am fine with tight spaces.
I'm also terrified of ceramic dolls, especially the ones with beedy little eyes or even worse...ones that are clowns. I'm not afraid of clowns but when I was very little, about 5 or 6, I had this doll of a crying clown on a swing that hangs from the ceiling. I swear that every night that thing started to turn around to look at me! An even scary time of something like this was when I stayed at a friends and his grandmother had a doll sat in a rocking chair. I woke up that night to see it moving back and forth. O_O I shat bricks

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During my second trip to Disney World in Florida, I was unfortunate enough to be in the crowd during one of their signature parades. It was loud, there were thousands of people, and I almost got separated from my family. Now that was years ago, when I was a fair bit younger than I am now. Ever since then, crowds make me very tense. It's kind of amazing, considering I had no problem with crowds before. Now I just get filled with anxiety whenever I'm in a crowd.

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Thomas the freaking Tank Engine! Why oh why did they have to make an episode about bees!? It wasn't particularly terrifying, but it made me very frightened of bees and all flying insects in general until last year.


Oh, and also...


(o_o)    <(reeeetuuuurn the slaaaaab...)


   / \


Those who were affected by this will know what I am referencing...

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My back.


I had spine surgery last year and i'v been in pain ever since.

I'm mentally afraid that i'm going to hurt myself.

And i cant stop thinking about how much it sucks to be me.

But hey, its life and the most random things get thrown at you.


Actually, no.

This isn't the worst thing. I'm just going to make a new post below.

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I saw The Shining and I was fine for the most part.  Then some time later, I read the book.  To this day, I can't go into a bathroom with the shower curtain closed; I have to pull the curtain back and then close the door.  If that shower curtain closes on its own, I know to get out ASAP.  Thanks for turning me into a basket case, Stephen King!

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When I was around 7 we would go to my friends pool at his house. If you have a pool in your backyard you might have a vacuum machine on the bottom of the pool called a barracuda. It was a long tube connected to what looked like a saw blade and it was used to clean the bottom of the pool. As a small kid that thing scared the crap out of me and even today I still feel uneasy about those machines. 


Also, I find it very hard to eat cupcakes after reading the fanfic Cupcakes. I remember this one time I was at youth group and my friend was standing there. I walked over to him, and I noticed that he was eating a rainbow coloured cupcake. My eyes were suddenly drawn to it, and I stared at it for quite some time. My friend thought that I wanted the cupcake, but I told him that was the last thing that I wanted. He asked me why, and I told him it was a long story so we just moved on. I never liked cupcakes that much anyway. 

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