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What is your idea of love?


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It's impossible to define love, and everyone's idea of love is different, but I'll try and explain how I see it:


I believe that love is a thing, or more specifically a feeling you get, and that it is a form of happiness. Love can be different every time you experience it. When you love your parents, family, boyfriend/ girlfriend, or even when you love an object. You can't force yourself to love, and you can't force love on someone else. It doesn't matter what you get out of loving, because love itself is wonderful.

That's part of what love is for me. The rest can't really be put into words.

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I don't believe there is a perfect definition of Love.  Personally, though, I think love is about commitment, being able to tolerate your significant other's habits and being able to share the fridge!

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I agree with the OP's idea of love though I don't know if I believe that such a thing is possible. At least, I've never been in love so I don't know if it exists. I've been infatuated before and I've definately felt lust more than once, but I've never been in love.  I don't really like to use the word unless I really do love someone. That being the case, I don't even tell my parents I love them. I don't like to feel bogged down by such things.

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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  • 1 month later...

"Love is pain full my son, and its also wonderful. But at the end of the day its up to you! do you like love or well you hate it and be lonely all you're life"


~ Gary Vanstane(My father)













What is love? is it some simple emotion we all have? is it noting but pain full memories? it is the most wonder full feeling in the world? or maybe its all of them...


When I was a young man I wanted to find out what love was. So I asked people, I watched movies about it, hell I even read books about it.. and noting ever really answered my question.. it had taken me a few years it found it..


When I was younger all love was to me, was pain and suffering. I would be in love with them! but.. they never loved me back.. and if they said they did well they were lying.


Then someone came in to my life . I had seen him from time to time, was thinking he had someone else. I really liked him a lot. now I have him. it was as if life wanted to throw me a bone once and for all, after it taking so much from me.. like my mother. or maybe someone else helped me find him.. I don't know who to thank.. I wish I did, but all I know is he well never know how truly great full I'm that he is in my life..


Now love is so kind and warm. its like getting a hug from your mom, its something you never want to let go of.. What is love to me? the most wonder full feeling in the world!


So I ask you good ponies.. what is love to you?

know that if it is pain... it well soon become joy... it did for me..




  • Brohoof 2


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Love to me is the unseen bond between two people. These people are best friends, but also more then that. I recently became partners with someone I love...who I KNOW I love.

Its an amazing feeling. It's both fantastic and horrible in its power. It can make and break people....

So its great when it works out...

Love you Lugi <3

  • Brohoof 3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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All I know is that love is one of those things that exists for others. Not for me. In place of love, I received the Nightmare and it is all consuming. I would advise you to be wary against putting all your faith in love. If it fails you then your fall would be great indeed. And no, it shall never be joy. My nightmare will last forever.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
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"Love is pain full my son, and its also wonderful. But at the end of the day its up to you! do you like love or well you hate it and be lonely all you're life"


~ Gary Vanstane(My father)













What is love? is it some simple emotion we all have? is it noting but pain full memories? it is the most wonder full feeling in the world? or maybe its all of them...


When I was a young man I wanted to find out what love was. So I asked people, I watched movies about it, hell I even read books about it.. and noting ever really answered my question.. it had taken me a few years it found it..


When I was younger all love was to me, was pain and suffering. I would be in love with them! but.. they never loved me back.. and if they said they did well they were lying.


Then someone came in to my life . I had seen him from time to time, was thinking he had someone else. I really liked him a lot. now I have him. it was as if life wanted to throw me a bone once and for all, after it taking so much from me.. like my mother. or maybe someone else helped me find him.. I don't know who to thank.. I wish I did, but all I know is he well never know how truly great full I'm that he is in my life..


Now love is so kind and warm. its like getting a hug from your mom, its something you never want to let go of.. What is love to me? the most wonder full feeling in the world!


So I ask you good ponies.. what is love to you?

know that if it is pain... it well soon become joy... it did for me..

Hey, there! Your topic closely matched a few older threads, so I've merged them into one. In the future, please run a search before creating a new topic. Thanks! 

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Hahaha! Anything that Isn't high school, middle school, or even elementary school dating! :D


Yes, but not really my point...


I'm still kinda confused on what it really is. It could be completely 'ID-like', just a social-code inbound in human beings to trust and appreciate this person out of most in life, but it could also be SuperEgo-ish, something so deep and choice-worthy that this person is really gonna have this impact on you in amazing ways, but I'm just not sure. Human beings are awfully confusing compared to other animals.

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I'm kind of known around here for being a bringer of levity, but deep down I've always been a sappy, hopeless romantic type. You'd be surprised, honestly.

Love is something unique. There is no universal standard of love, except for knowing just what it is only by feeling it yourself. Do I miss that feeling? Yeah, maybe so. But it's not worth chasing girls that aren't cut out for me just to feel it again, since it'd just be an insincere, false imitation of it.

So right now I'm just enjoying my life as it is now. Because I know that there IS someone perfect for me. Have I met them yet? Or will I meet them in the future? No idea. But I'll just let fate take its course. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen. At least that's my philosophy.

  • Brohoof 2


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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love is something different, like a poison, illness...

something that makes you connect with your lover's feelings, emotions...

when its angry you are angry

when its happy you are happy

when its sad you are sad.

but the saddest part is... when YOU feel love but IT doesn't...

when you feel love, the world as a whole changes, and then you start to think only in said person, start to worry too, and even wonder what it is doing now...

and then, comes the lust.

sometimes youd imagine doing things that anyone would agree to do, but if it is your lover... then, noting could stop you two.

and then... you cease that feeling that you are ALONE in the world

because there is someone that would get sad just knowing you are leaving...


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Honestly, I don't know anymore. 


I'm a bit of a late bloomer (I didn't even have a first kiss until 19...so yeah, I'm a REALLY late bloomer), so I'm still trying to figure it out. I had too many demons in HS to bother with dating. And well, I don't wanna talk about it anymore than that because it just hurts too much. img-1923580-1-sad.png


But anyway...


If you asked me right now, I'd honestly say "not good." I've always had a really, really hard time connecting with people on an emotional level. Or a physical level. I got bullied a lot, so both of those things make me uneasy. I like emotional and physical personal space, a LOT of it. Functionally, I'm an intellectual, analytical. I trust my brain, not my gut. Which is a problem because love isn't logical, it's not rational. On the contrary, it's 100% illogical. As a pair-bonding system for Darwinian survival, it is horribly inefficient.


So as a nonlogical device of life, it's always eluded me, as has most factors of social interaction. 


(Before you ask, no I do not have Aspergers, even though what I say might make it seem like it. I DO have an INTJ personality, though)


Anyway, earlier this year, I had my first ever relationship, with someone on these forums. I listened to my gut, and opened up my heart to someone. I had planned so much for us, a future. My mind ran wild. It was the first time in my life I truly felt love. I still remember those first few days after we got together...I felt like I was on speed. For once, I felt like I had meaning.


Then we met IRL, and...well, turns out we were different people than we thought we were. Imagine my heart being thrown off a skyscraper. That's what it felt like. My world crumbled.


Ever since then, I've been...broken? I've completely shut down emotionally. I just can't trust my gut anymore after betraying me like that. So I just live my life by cold, calculating logic now. The whole experience kind of scarred me, I think. I'm less emotional, more self conscious, more distrusting of other people, I feel more alien around other people, love feels alien to me. I just feel...dead inside. 


After that my shyness got even worse. I tried opening up to someone else, but they couldn't deal with my shyness so they up and left, too.


I don't know. Pretty sure I'm not cut out to be loved, anyway. I feel really self conscious about being such a late bloomer and I feel like I'm stunted because I didn't develop relationship skills back in high school when it would've been easier, so now I compensate by trying to fill in my gaps in what is an EMOTIONAL SKILL with intellect, and it simply doesn't work. For example, I try to intellectualize what a "crush" is supposed to feel like, without actually FEELING a crush or feeling of love. Meaning when I see someone I like, I try to wonder if I "think" I like them instead of if I "feel" like I like them, how it should be. Which makes approaching people feel...cold. I have no emotional drive to push me to approach them, just pure intellect where I "think" I like them. 


Though it doesn't even matter, because I would never approach them in the first place, because before I even got the chance, I'd have given up because I would've rationalized to myself that I would've had zero chance anyway (regardless of whether that's true or not IRL, it's true in my own head). And even then I wouldn't even know how to ask someone on a date, or even for their number, in an organic way, because my mind works so fast and the way it is wired that the ONLY things I can say are things I have thought and analyzed. I am so self conscious that I lost the ability to just think and speak on my feet.


I'm bi, and my only two relational experiences were with men. I am currently trying to court a woman for the first time (or at least I want to. She works in the campus library, and I don't even know if she knows who I am or not). So couple my self confidence issues and INTJ nature, with the mystery of the opposite sex (I'm better around men, because I know what it's like to be a man. I don't know what it's like to be a woman!), and it just makes all of this 1000x worse. Plus it doesn't help that my dorm mates gave me ZERO support, and actually put me down when I told them I wanted to ask her out.


It's weird, I don't know if it's just my intellectual take on this emotional subject, desperation, or a mix, but I think my focused, structured take on love makes me miss other opportunities for love that are out there. And when I think about the chances I've missed, am missing, and will miss in the future, I can't help but tear up.


So, as it stands... 


What is my idea of love? A stiff fucking drink.


I'm going to be completely honest, I'm HIGHLY suspicious of all this "forum couples" crap lately. Call me cynical, cal me a pessimist, but I've experienced first hand what it's like to build someone up through a keyboard and monitor, only to have your dreams crushed when you meet them in person.


Just...be careful, people.

Edited by ~Master~ Button Mash


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Wow, a lot of great ideas.  I prefer to talk more about love as a verb and not a noun.  In addition to how the bible describes love in several places, I like to quote my own aunt:  "Love is putting someone else's happiness ahead of your own." That attitude works whether you're talking about a neighbor, a friend, a relative, or a signifcant other.  ;)

  • Brohoof 2
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Love is an energy that swirls around us. We can feel it coming from others, and it feels nice. Even though love fades and grief takes its place, love never dies. Even though your love for things might go away, that energy is being reborn into new love. Never having left this world, and always being inside your heart.

Edited by Winterbass
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I know from reading "Romeo and Juliet" that it's never ok to rush headlong into love. I also have some fate in the kind of romance that takes place in fairy tales, but I know that it takes lots of effort for that happily ever after. I even learned the hard way to never just assume that someone has a crush on you. 


And this is why I follow a mentality that says,"Be my friend before you can be my boyfriend."

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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It's such a vast and flexible concept that it's hard to describe. There's literally limitless ways you can feel love for someone or something, a favorite movie, a favorite book or food, and right up the line to loving your pets, friends, brothers, sisters, cousins, parents, grandparents, nephews, and even lovers.


I think in the end the best to describe it is the direct opposite of hate, it's the feeling that brings out the best in you and warms your entire soul. It's caring for someone so much you'd do anything for them, it's unconditional affection and boundless forgiveness because you can see who's under the flaws. It's knowing you'd take a bullet for them without a second thought, face down the devil himself to protect them. 


It's a glorious feeling that encapsulates the best of humanity. If hate is the darkest depths of human nature, the very underworld of someone's soul, then love is where it's heaven lies, it's Garden of Eden. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Love is letting someone stick their freezing cold hands on your stomach. It's that icky sticky gooey wooey feeling. It's how you feel about your best friend, pet, family member, car, etc. It is whatever the user of the word says it is, and more. It's one of those drastically indescribable words that will continue to grow the more you learn of it.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Oh love... What a wonderful yet painful thing it can be at times...


Love to me.


Is when someone would be there for someone else disregarding any faults that other may have. A trust and care for someone else that should go both ways. Love is not a one way street and if two people (truly) love one another. They should always love one another looking past each of their faults. And always being there for each other. Love isn't a game and no person should play another's heart leading them to believe a lie. Love is many things and a commitment....


Sadly things happen and it only takes a number of lies and someone to play with your heart until you grow numb....

Edited by Gone Airbourne
  • Brohoof 1



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Love is the connection of two mortal beings in the universe.

In the mean of reproduction by going to sexual activation.

Love is sex literally!


In spiritually, love is what the mind and the body strongly suggest to make a connection in what is good for the body and the mind itself.

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Love is the most amazing, magical, perfect, wonderful feeling in the world and I hope everyone experiences it at some point.


That feeling when all is wrong and your day is terrible, but you have something to smile and be positive about.

That feeling when you know you can depend on someone to be there for you at your worst times.

Having someone put you before themselves and you doing that in return

Knowing that you wouldn't want to live without someone because they make everything a thousand percent better.

Being able to tell someone everything and never be afraid or worried about judgement.

When you can wake up with your hair a mess, no makeup on, and eyes half shut and they still make you feel beautiful.

Sharing each others happiness, sadness, fears, dreams, wants, needs and helping the person any way possible.

Love is that and so, so, SOOO much more.

It's what keeps you going when you've lost it all.

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Love is a word that gets thrown around far too loosely in my opinion. I believe love to be an extension of one's self to another. Feeling compassion for another without need for reward. Unconditional companionship, taken to a level of intimacy, where you break the boundaries of personal difference and let your hearts and minds act as one.


In short, Love is true friendship, it is family, it is not a feeling of attraction to another's physical being, but to their inner being. It is a sacred and magical thing which should never be mistaken for lust, but all too often, is.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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I like companionship side to it the most. the idea that even if the whole world was against you, there would be one who would still be at your side. I'm not all that fussed on the sex side of things though being able to physically show it would be nice,especially if you get to know that person well.


I won't lie, as much as I really want to meet somepony, i'm pretty nervous about looking out there for it. 


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Love is every emotion one could feel, all rolled into one giant emotion. Sorrow, anger, joy...you name it. It's part of what love is.


But love is an emotion that must be returned. To love someone is when you feel you can share that giant bundle of emotions with them, and true love is when you can share that giant bundle together.


But, of course, the feeling won't always be returned. That's heartbreak; when you feel as if you can share that emotion with someone, but they don't feel as if they can share it with you.


...the saddest thing is, we all have felt heartbreak at one point or another, but not all of us have felt love. Unfortunately, that's the way life is; we live in a world where heartbreak is common, but love isn't even a once in a lifetime type thing. Hate is practiced everyday, and is sometimes even a pure emotion; but love is dragged through the mud because of the value people place on sex appeal, and more often than not, isn't a pure emotion at all, only being used to cater to one's desires and needs.


That's what's wrong with the world, man. The fact that people use love, the most rare form of happiness, as if it were a commonplace thing.


Sorry, dudes, I'm pretty serious about the entire topic of love biggrin.png

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Love is real, real is love

Love is feeling, feeling love

Love is wanting to be loved


Love is touch, touch is love

Love is reaching, reaching love

Love is asking to be loved


Love is you

You and me

Love is knowing

We can be


Love is free, free is love

Love is living, living love

Love is needing to be loved

  • Brohoof 2
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Love is real, real is love

Love is feeling, feeling love

Love is wanting to be loved


Love is touch, touch is love

Love is reaching, reaching love

Love is asking to be loved


Love is you

You and me

Love is knowing

We can be


Love is free, free is love

Love is living, living love

Love is needing to be loved

I enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing. :)


Love is what makes life worth living. And this forum's got lots to share, I see it all over the place. wub.png

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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