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Is anyone else here interested in spiritualism?


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I myself am Gnostic (The Golden Dawn/Samael Aun Weor kind) and have been venturing into the belief systems of others for quite some time.

And yes, I do consider Atheism a valid form of spirituality since it does touch on the physical universe. 

What dose everypony here practice/believe?











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I'm a non-denominational Christian. However, I do believe that the other gods, deities, etc., do exist. I feel it's somewhat ignorant to say that they don't exist. There is so much about our universe and world we don't know about, so to say that only one specific god or pantheon exists and they are the only one/ones to exist is stupid. It's very much possible that they all exist, it's very much possible that they all don't exist. And of the things to believe in, God is my deity. 

OC: Pinoak Stringhoof, Puppeteer and storyteller. 

OC: Phil Noir, Private Eye.

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I personally am eclectic wiccan and a witch. I believe that everything has energies tied to it(essentially the eastern concept of ki) and that we have the natural ability to direct these energies through training, concentration, meditation and visualization. I believe in all deities simply as representations of different aspects of these energies. That said, I personally use Goddess Brighid and God Cernunnos to represent them. I also believe in the three fold law(very similar to karma) and chakras.


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I'm a non-denominational Christian. However, I do believe that the other gods, deities, etc., do exist. I feel it's somewhat ignorant to say that they don't exist. There is so much about our universe and world we don't know about, so to say that only one specific god or pantheon exists and they are the only one/ones to exist is stupid. It's very much possible that they all exist, it's very much possible that they all don't exist. And of the things to believe in, God is my deity. 

It is my personal belief that God (YHVH) is the only thing that does exist. All the other gods are parts of us, as we are part of God - connected with the Infinite Light.



I personally am eclectic wiccan and a witch. I believe that everything has energies tied to it(essentially the eastern concept of ki) and that we have the natural ability to direct these energies through training, concentration, meditation and visualization. I believe in all deities simply as representations of different aspects of these energies. That said, I personally use Goddess Brighid and God Cernunnos to represent them. I also believe in the three fold law(very similar to karma) and chakras.

I have a friend who's a Wiccan. Personally was never interested in it, though.


Not to say it shouldn't be considered a valid form of occultism, but it's not something I've ever found practical for my path. 

  • Brohoof 1











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It is my personal belief that God (YHVH) is the only thing that does exist. All the other gods are parts of us, as we are part of God - connected with the Infinite Light.


THIS.. This sums up my beliefs to a tee.. 


I was raised as a southern baptist, though I resented it and in recent years began to do a lot of thinking about the world, and that is essentially the theory that makes the most sense to me. I can't stand that most religious institutions take such a big, amazing, picture of what God really is, then just chop it up into little single-sided viewpoints that they force everyone to follow. 


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THIS.. This sums up my beliefs to a tee.. 


I was raised as a southern baptist, though I resented it and in recent years began to do a lot of thinking about the world, and that is essentially the theory that makes the most sense to me. I can't stand that most religious institutions take such a big, amazing, picture of what God really is, then just chop it up into little single-sided viewpoints that they force everyone to follow. 

Have you ever studied Kabbalah or Qabalistic philosophies? If not, I'd highly recommend it. 


Dion Fortune's "The Mystical Qabalah" is a good place to start. 











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I'm a Christian. Methodist to be specific, basically one of the groups related to Protestants. However I don't just blindly follow my Church teachings, I then question them and see if I truly believe them or not. I don't know how much I consider myself specially Methodist more so just a Christian who happens to like our Methodist Church we go to :P.


Thats just my beliefs though, I don't expect everyone to follow or believe them, nor do i really like to have to argue with anyone about it since its kinda pointless and I just don't like arguing much anyways.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I am an atheist, although my secular beliefs are very deeply rooted, and dare I say, spiritual. Not in the supernatural sense, but rather in a more personal sense.


I can't really explain my beliefs in a short post effectively, but I'll try: I believe morality is a necessary illusion, that nothing can be known for certain, that there is no one meaning in life and that we all must decide a personal meaning (Or lack of it) for ourselves, and that all things will end no matter what you try.


Such a simple descriptions leaves many questions unanswered, though. Although it may not seem spiritual on the surface, I think the personal search that came to that conclusion is how the spirituality awakened.

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I am joshuian I am a cristain and I belive that sciemce and religion should be bffs for example I think dark matter is god because its 80% of all matter and we cant even explain it


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I am joshuian I am a cristain and I belive that sciemce and religion should be bffs for example I think dark matter is god because its 80% of all matter and we cant even explain it

Well um, I'm all for science and religion being "bffs" but dark matter by definition isn't "matter" and the common estimate is that somewhere near 20-25% of everything in the universe in dark matter.


Edit: Perhaps you're thinking of dark energy which is thought to make up roughly 72% or all... er... stuff?

Edited by Calekai


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Have you ever studied Kabbalah or Qabalistic philosophies? If not, I'd highly recommend it. 


Dion Fortune's "The Mystical Qabalah" is a good place to start. 

I've never heard of them, but I will look them up! Thanks! 

I'm very open minded and I enjoy reading about philosophy. Spirituality is such a mystery, and a lot to try to figure out.


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I'm not incredibly spiritual, but I do meditate every once in awhile. I don't meditate to "become enlightened" and I don't believe in the law of attraction (at least not in a spiritual way) but I do meditate and astral project sometimes.



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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It is my personal belief that God (YHVH) is the only thing that does exist. All the other gods are parts of us, as we are part of God - connected with the Infinite Light.



I have a friend who's a Wiccan. Personally was never interested in it, though.


Not to say it shouldn't be considered a valid form of occultism, but it's not something I've ever found practical for my path. 

Hey! You believe in YHVH! That's cool! It's rare that I see someone who is non-Jewish who believes in that God.


In terms of the topic though, I'm not very spiritual beyond the fact that certain religions interest me conceptually. I believe that if a god exists, he is more in line with something akin to a Lovecraftian deity: the sum of all chaos but possessing sentient reason.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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Is anyone here an animist?  Or a humanist?  Or a buddhist?  Or just personally spiritual without believing in a specific god?


Can nobody see nature as god?  Or the fact that humans have the only ability to understand their own and other minds as kind of a gestalt god made of human consciousness?


Just seeing if anyone actually is spiritual in a non-christian way on this board because it seems kinda rare around here.

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I'm very open about spirituality I consider myself spiritual and not religious. I've practiced things like meditation, fasting and a little bit of yoga.  


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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It's really interesting to see how varied this forum is to what everypony believes.

I was hoping to find someone who was an avid practitioner of Discordian Magick. However, all and every path is important so everyone here is here for a reason.











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In my opinion spiritual thing is simple. I don't really care about the 'differences' of religions (note the s). God is God, no matter what name do you call God as. It's just the matter of language, which is formed by your nature. Not a big deal.


For me, the biggest spiritual achievement is to get a full integration and control of both mind and body. That's what makes good people. Religions are just like guide lines on how to be a good person. Basically, a religion doesn't make people good. It just guides them to do so. People with good awareness of things are basically good, since they realise what's the right thing to do.


Sane people don't kill because they feel it's not right, and that's not right indeed. Religions tell people not to kill, just as a guide. It's not because of religion people don't kill. Religion is a guide of the heart. The true voice is in your heart. You just need to listen to it.


God doesn't see your religion status or your physical appearance. It's your heart. The thing isn't to make as much charity as you can. The thing is to find your own awareness, peace and therefore happiness. They key is to give unconditional and unlimited mercy and love. If you have, doing good things will just come naturally to you.


I would like not to talk more about God and play safe. You know how people are sensitive about God don't you?


I'm not in any spiritual sect or whatever. I don't join any group or something like that. I observe, I find, I realise, I learn, I understand, I do. That's how I live.


By the way, I understand Buddhism a bit. It's a good teaching.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Ooh boy, once again, I amaze myself with how far I've come in the last few months.

A while back, bah, I dismissed almost everything as unreal bull, Now however, I just flit around different religious practices, and non-religious, seeing the parts that make sense to me and flow with everything else I find. I'm not gonna name what I am, 'cos I don't think that tag exists yet. I'm currently looking into Astral projection and several things I find related, if anyone has any hints, I'm all ears, like, seriously..


Links. Links are what I guess I find so interesting, and what lay me to believe these things. For example, if we say (Please, not trying to offend anyone here, sorry in advance if I do) that every religion has a 'bad' thing on one side, and a 'good' thing on the other. Christianity, from my limited, corrupted, knowledge (corrupt as I went to a Christian Primary school.) has God on the good side, with heaven and paradise and stuff, and Devil on the bad side, with hell. Now, I've noticed that pretty much every religion follows that same pattern, albeit in a different manner. That kinda proves to me that there MUST be SOME truth to that. 


Oh, then sod my usual viability, magic. Yup, even that. I've got my Tulpae, some other stuff. Meditation is pretty good too, especially following the...Uh..Buddha one-point-focus method, I think. All in all, unless there is iron evidence against something, then it's probably there..Heck, even if there IS iron evidence against something, maybe it still is. Sod it, I feel I've wandered from the topic.

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I'd actually like to be a Buddhist, given that it's more of a philosophy than a set of theist beliefs. I've always greatly respected the Buddhists of Tibet, and I've always longed to rid myself of all my worries and obsessional anxieties.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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I grew up in a spiritual household, my mom is deeply spiritual. I'm spiritual as well, but I'm more of a Deist with spiritual leanings.


My morals are based on reason and nature.

That's excellent, brony. Anyone who is questioning in nature is using his or her free Will as it should be used. 


Deism is the same path America's founding fathers followed, and it got them pretty far.

  • Brohoof 1











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That's excellent, brony. Anyone who is questioning in nature is using his or her free Will as it should be used. 


Deism is the same path America's founding fathers followed, and it got them pretty far.


That's one of the reasons why I became a Deist, I studied a lot of Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson a long with many works done by Universal Unitarians, and just studied nature.

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That's one of the reasons why I became a Deist, I studied a lot of Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson a long with many works done by Universal Unitarians, and just studied nature.

I've met only one other person who developed his beliefs through reading Thomas Jefferson's works. It's fantastic that someone else is willing to look to historical figures in order to find his/her path in life. 

  • Brohoof 1











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I was an agnostic turned Christian, mainly by the writings of CS Lewis, William Lane Criag, John Lennox, etc. I now know God better than ever and the things that He does in my life just blows my mind. 


That being said I am also very fascinated by other religions, it's just always been an interest of mine, if I weren't a Christian I would probably be Buddhist or something of the sort, I could never be an atheist, atheism just confuses the crap out of me, I just could never believe that all of this was an accident.

  • Brohoof 1

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