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Apple      Bloom

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And tell me how you feel about this?

Mind you, I already had this before today, so it might not fit this place or something idk.


I do plan on making some changes.

Most notably adding a real subbass and taking out that subby synth in the background.

Probably taking out the wobble bass as well if you can even hear it. Though, it does follow the main sound and does sound pretty good imo.


Hmm....not bad. I do agree some changes could be done, but then again, rap is NOT my forte, so what I think might be wrong, might actually be the best thing. ^_^ But yeah, I agree that, with a few changes, it could work well enough for the song. :)
  • Brohoof 1
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Say, does anyone here actually ever believed in a fat, bearded boogeyman who climbs in through the chimney while wearing a bright red coat, to bring gifts to all good children?

What, you don't?


But seriously, my family is Jewish, so we only celebrated Christmas because we lived with my step-father for 5 years. I got more presents that way. But I doubt we'll do that again this year because my mother divorced him and we live somewhere else now.


To me, it's all about the free stuff. And if I'm lucky, I can extort relatives for money or presents.

  • Brohoof 1
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Stranger connected!

Stranger: asl

CleverBot: Aas???

Stranger: ?

CleverBot: Yes!!!'.

Stranger: m16us

CleverBot: No.

Stranger: yes

CleverBot: Let's not argue again!

Stranger: yes

CleverBot: I don't feel like arguing.

Stranger: no

CleverBot: What can I do to make you happy?

Stranger: make me a sandwich

CleverBot: No.

Stranger: lets not argue bitch

CleverBot: Please pretend.

Stranger: ok

CleverBot: Tell me.

Stranger: asl?

CleverBot: 20, Male, Germany.

Stranger: hallo, ich heisse garrett

CleverBot: I cannot speak German.

Stranger: wow

CleverBot: What's the wow for.

Stranger disconnected!


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I used to make annoying, overused jokes like you guys.

Then I took over 9000 gaks in the knee.


The number 9000 has been banned by decree of bluetrace.


Cease usage of that number right now and start using tally marks.

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You know how many fucks I COULD be giving right about now?


OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But, I don't.


So you're saying Ganaram wants a crapton of chocolate chip cookies... Specifically...




Posted Image


The number 9000 has been banned by decree of bluetrace.


You're damn right it has

Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 2
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What, you don't?


But seriously, my family is Jewish, so we only celebrated Christmas because we lived with my step-father for 5 years. I got more presents that way. But I doubt we'll do that again this year because my mother divorced him and we live somewhere else now.


To me, it's all about the free stuff. And if I'm lucky, I can extort relatives for money or presents.


Wait, you're Jewish? Don't you guys celebrate Hannukah? (I think that's how it's written, correct me if I'm wrong).
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I'm back from my coma, fortunately it only last 4 hours because I wasn't inherently tired. I just had the feeling that I was


And its not even 12:00 am yet and I already have a christmas avvy.




All of the major shopping chains already beat you to the punch. It's a tradition to put Christmas stuff for sale during Halloween in some places.



Do we need to celebrate it this early? :huh:


Read above.


Your case seems to be one of those things that would go with a meme. What is worse? Going to buy ponies...or THAT other thing? :P

No contest, THAT other thing by leaps and bounds. A social stigma is slapped on both, but one that is significantly larger on one of them.


Say, does anyone here actually ever believed in a fat, bearded boogeyman who climbs in through the chimney while wearing a bright red coat, to bring gifts to all good children?


I once believed in Santa, but that moment of innocence crushed when I saw my teacher (I was 3rd grade) wearing Santa's costume. The guy was ugly as barnacles.


I was a believer until I was about 8 or 9 years old. Then I found the internet. I still like the idea of Christmas, but not as muc as I used to.


I once ran into one of my uncles working as a mall Santa, that was awkward.

  • Brohoof 1
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Stranger connected!

Stranger: asl

CleverBot: What is her name?

Stranger: who name?

CleverBot: MY NAME.

Stranger: your name is jake

CleverBot: Jake.

Stranger: lol are u trying to meet some one

CleverBot: Haha, no. I'm sorry but I am not.

Stranger: lol so what is ur name

Stranger: ?

CleverBot: Not telling you - you guess?

Stranger: omg ok first of all m or f

CleverBot: How do you do that?

Stranger: do waht

Stranger: what

CleverBot: What?

Stranger: u said how do u do that

CleverBot: I said what?

Stranger: look

CleverBot: Look where?

Stranger: omg u said how do you do that

CleverBot: It reads right here.

Stranger: omg ur fucking weird

Stranger disconnected!


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Its more just for the Christmas spirit.

What is this Christmas Spirit? :o


What, you don't?


But seriously, my family is Jewish, so we only celebrated Christmas because we lived with my step-father for 5 years. I got more presents that way. But I doubt we'll do that again this year because my mother divorced him and we live somewhere else now.


To me, it's all about the free stuff. And if I'm lucky, I can extort relatives for money or presents.


Well, little me was more concerned about food and actual money (my father thought me to treasure the cash), not to mention my first encounter with 'Santa' was with a very very beardy man

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Hmm....not bad. I do agree some changes could be done, but then again, rap is NOT my forte, so what I think might be wrong, might actually be the best thing. ^_^ But yeah, I agree that, with a few changes, it could work well enough for the song. :)


Yea, Im more electronic based so it I'll have to do away with some of those parts of me for this one.

Its also not finished, in case I didn't say that already. Thats literally only one part of it.


I know you don't music, but any thing you wanna suggest for it if you can explain it?

What you like about it and what you don't, etc.

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I used to make annoying, overused jokes like you guys.

Then I took over 9000 gaks in the knee.



Thats even worse than the over 9000 jokes. :mellow:



You left off about 6 numbers.

So i added them back for you.

I'm merely following your decree of banning numbers.





You're damn right it has


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