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Apple      Bloom

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Have you actually looked at my signature? It rotates and has like, five people credited. I'm a walking billboard in a way. The more willing to just let me have the signature, the better. And, um, unless it's really great, I don't think they deserve credit... I can make my own. If they aren't better than what I can do, why did I have them make it in the first place?

I see what you're saying now Berry. I'm fine if you leave me off, it's the thought that counts anyways.


I made a few myself. It's nothing all that special.

It was sarcasm. *unflex*


Welp, as long as you're not wearing any skirts... :wacko:

Normal is overrated, I prefer wacko. It's your own house, who cares what you walk around with... well unless you live with other people that is.

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I didn't realize until a few hours ago that Twinkleshine is Star Weaver. I thought he was Twiliscael.


I didn't realize for a long time that Star Weaver was Weyland. Dems the breaks sometimes.


Also, fuckit. Gonna go out and get wet.

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would... would that be a problem if I were? :(


<mental image of Zoop wearing skirts>


I'm surprisingly okay with this Posted Image


... it's ... okay, though. I didn't really want any cookies anyway. Besides... I've... I've got crackers... :(

Dangnabbit... Just promise to yourself you will buy some cookies after all the waters dropping from the sky like they own the place :U


I didn't realize until a few hours ago that Twinkleshine is Star Weaver. I thought he was Twiliscael.

I didn't realize for a long time that Star Weaver was Weyland. Dems the breaks sometimes.

Sorry! Posted Image


@Zoop who do you think I am before you know about weyland? :huh:

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There's the Christmas spirit!

Give me some more templates/ideas and I'll make some more for you anytime. I can be the GCT's friendly neighborhood signature/avatar Santa Clause. Just don't expect me to dress up in a red suit and be jolly.


I'm really going to sleep this time, goodnite.

Edited by Jinx
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Give me some more templates/ideas and I'll make some more for you anytime. I can be the GCT's friendly neighborhood signature/avatar Santa Clause. Just don't expect me to dress up in a red suit and be jolly.


Perhaps you'll be able to help me accomplish "Operation GCT Signatures".


If no one believes stories on /b/, that means you could brag about all your evil accomplishments.


Would anyone get an internet chip implanted in their brain if given the option?


It's time once again for "Berry Pie Eats Ice Cream Really Late at Night"!


Did you know you can type one handed?


My cats are crazy...

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm surprisingly okay with this


I'd need a wig to go with though, otherwise it'd just be weird.


@Zoop who do you think I am before you know about weyland?

Well, at that point I just figured you had always been Dreamwalker, since that was your name back then. x)







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I'm really going to sleep this time, goodnite.

Sleep tight!



Cookies, made everything worth it~


Posted Image


Don't forget to make something warm to go with it!

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Don't forget to make something warm to go with it!


I don't typically care much for warm drinks, actually. I drink iced coffee, iced tea, and iced everything. :3

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Welp, time to go... I hope I can visit this place tomorrow, but I'm not exactly sure




Posted Image


Guys, what did I miss?

Cakes, cookies, ice cream, pants, and mild dew.


I don't typically care much for warm drinks, actually. I drink iced coffee, iced tea, and iced everything. :3

Hey, warm drinks can be very good on their own terms, you know :V


Have you tried a warm cup of orange juice with a slight hint of ginger? Taste like ten pegasus frolicking on your butt...

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Welp, time to go... I hope I can visit this place tomorrow, but I'm not exactly sure


Until next time, be well!


Have you tried a warm cup of orange juice with a slight hint of ginger? Taste like ten pegasus frolicking on your butt...


I have not! I am somewhat intrigued. I may have to try this at some point. :3

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I ate ice cream. Again. And did you brohoof me, then unbrohoof me, just to get my attention?


Uhh, no; I mis-clicked something else.


You know that post number on the corner of the post? I was trying to click that.

Edited by Nakamura Nigh Suk
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Uhh, no; I mis-clicked something else.


You know that post number on the corner of the post? I was trying to click that.


Uh, sure. Okay.
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I was doing that prompt you thought of in PM, then out of nowhere my firefox closed out. :|


To make it worse, there is no autosave feature for PMs apparently....


Well frak... That really sucks. How well do you think you were doing?


Also, would you like to watch me talk to random bronies on Omegle? Maybe we could get more people to join the forum.

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Well frak... That really sucks. How well do you think you were doing?


Also, would you like to watch me talk to random bronies on Omegle? Maybe we could get more people to join the forum.


I don't know. I didn't have too much, but I had mostly gotten down my actions after what had happened.

I may be able to remember what I had. I just gotta start back up again once I cool down.


And sure. Ill watch.

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Posted Image




Having zero warning points is overrated


I know, I need to go break the rules or something.


I need to get to sleep though, goodnites for all my fellow forumites.


You made a reference, and it rhymed. 10 internets for you.


Taste like ten pegasus frolicking on your butt...




What exactly is this?

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