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Apple      Bloom

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I was hoping you'd see the random message I left in the forums...




Anyway, I just went to yourworldoftext.com and found that the message I left there was STILL there!!!


How did you remember that exact location?

And when the balls did you write that?!

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Two months ago I hate each and every thread in the RPworld with passion (with extremely few exception)


Now I'm lurking in there, searching for another RP to join...


Do my standards get lower or something? Posted Image


You hated my RP thread? D:

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You hated my RP thread? D:

Remember, extremely few exceptions (there are only like three or four I regularly read back then)

I guess I'm just bored out of my skull...


Anyway, what happened to your RP?

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Remember, extremely few exceptions (there are only like three or four I regularly read back then)

I guess I'm just bored out of my skull...


Anyway, what happened to your RP?


Oh okay :3


And it just kinda died off. Happens to a lot of RP :/

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Posted Image


Posted Image




Near the site where I left my old message is a skyscraper made entirely out of text. Unfortunately, its base was obliterated by years of textbombing. However, the rest of it still survives.


I only climbed it once.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think I can laugh harder at that pic no matter how bad it actually is. XD

That certain friend that was all like "I will wear what I want you judgemental asshole" :x

Sometimes I wonder if he even ever take a bath...

  • Brohoof 2
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Hello again GCT! How are y'all? :)


That certain friend that was all like "I will wear what I want you judgemental asshole" :x

Sometimes I wonder if he even ever take a bath...


To be fair, that judging cloth things, I could pull a Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code and say that those guys aren't the KKK rather that spiritual following in Spain, or something like that (I THINK it was something like that...)


@, I had been meaning to ask you, how were the analysis that I did before of Jinx and Viscra?


@, And oh yeah, how is the song going Haven?

Edited by Arcanel
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Nah, you're mutating into a completely new being.

With rabies.

...fuck :<


How do ponies with rabies would look like? :wacko:


I THINK it was something like that...

KKK have their own unique symbol, it's different

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I had been meaning to ask you, how were the analysis that I did before of Jinx and Viscra?

I haven't received a signature representing either of them yet. So, yeah.
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How do ponies with rabies would look like?

Maybe something similar to Screwloose?


KKK have their own unique symbol, it's different



I haven't received a signature representing either of them yet. So, yeah.


Ah. I dunno. Maybe I did it wrong. Jinx said I was onto something, but eh, you're the one "supervising" the signatures after all. :P
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