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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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My best ponies:

1. Pinkie Pie

2. Rainbow Dash

3. Rarity

4. Everypony Else

I think I've done this already, but might as well do it again.


1. Pinkie Pie

2. Berry Punch

3. Vinyl Scratch

4. Whoever I'm randomly obsessed with at the moment.

5. Everypony else

  • Brohoof 1
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*walks in* Hi everyhuman. What'd I miss?


Your circadian rhythm must be messed up...


>inb4 i choke to death


You escaped... Wait, how do you even choke on paper when plastic's more flexible?


This is not to be interpreted out of context.


inb4 it is.

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Your circadian rhythm must be messed up...




*goes to look up what 'circadian rhythm' means*


I can't type anything in this thread with a straight face.


I never have a straight face.


Probably because I'm not straight....

  • Brohoof 2
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Here have a secret!



Scootaloo is best pony




Ya know, I can't see your avatar....


Achievement Get!

Bragging rights:

Get a brohoof from Feld0.


I already have that achievement.


Hey, anyone ever watch Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series?


  • Brohoof 1
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It hurts.

Feel the ice cream overtaking you, it is a good pain


Achievement Get!

Bragging rights:

Get a brohoof from Feld0.


Achievement LV.77


Get brohooves by Feld0, then have the same post deleted due to off-topic



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