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What do you think the future will be like?(2020-4000)


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2018. Global warming will have been exposed for the hoax it is. Everyone will laugh and no one will claim to have believed it personally.

2020. Silverhoof becomes president. all shall bow down to me.

2021: NASA will begin an alternate dimensional portal experimentation.

2022: Equestria will be found. But all travelers will change into ponies upon entering.

2023: drugs will be discovered that can alter what type of pony you become in Equestria. You have to take them before you enter the portal. There are NO alicorn drugs.

2024: President Silverhoof opens immigration to Equerstria. Equestrians crossing over here open magic universities.

President Silverhoof gets reelected.

2025: President Silverhoof crosses over into Equestria and retires from politics. Marries Luna. Rules new Pony Nation.

2026: mad rush as Bronies emigrate to Equestria,

2027: Celestia closes portal forever.

2028: President Silverhoof's head added to Mount Rushmore. Those left behind sure do miss him.

  • Brohoof 2
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Sadly the earth well not be around in 4040.


The sun is going to die out sometime in 3000 give or take.. the earth well become a big ice ball, man will die off or we will live around stars in are man made homes, in tell the star dies. Then once all the stars are gone... we will die off once and for all... then over a few thousand years black holes well suck up anything that is left... and life well be gone forever.



or the sun well stay around forever!


Ponies well take over the earth!      

Edited by ~Chaotic Celestia~
  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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one word http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnGx27NVJxQ



If we human don't work on problems there will not be a future. the earth we be here (if you have watched life after people the earth would be better off without Humans).  I look for a time when  tech get so good that we can make anything we want become real(a Celestia Alicorn would be nice).  But who know what will happen. Will we have a zombie apocalypse could happen? alien invasion?  sex robots?  One thing i have learned(i have a very old soul and i have lived many life before this one) is that the future always surprise or it sucks or things get really bad and then really good.

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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  • 9 months later...

This is what I think will happen:

In 2025, the bronies, now having developed high technology, will have established a space colony on Mars, and the rest of the solar system.

In 2032, bronies will be capable of interstellar travel.

In 2052, bronies will establish a space civilization that spans the whole galaxy.

In 2089, the aliens will discover that friendship really is magic.

In 2154, well, the Universe will be populated with bronies and pegasisters. So expectations of meeting a brony or pegasister, depending on gender, will be very high.

In 2550, a portal to Equestria will be built.

In 2702, the MLS Pinkie Pie will be commissioned, and construction of the ship will begin on August 5 of this year.

In 2805, the MLS Pinkie Pie will be launched after it finishes construction in 2785.

In 3000 and beyond, the Universe will have become a place where friendship is magic.


I'll live to see all this happen, since I'm an immortal; I don't age.

Edited by Schoolboy B

swig swag swignature swagnature.png

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Respect is important for all people of color, gender, or religion. ♥

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Ha, we'll be lucky if make it past the year 3000 A.D. But I'm pretty sure we'll be colonizing either Mars, Europa, or Titan in between the years 2040- 3000.

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Surely by the end of this century someone will be landing some people on Mars, and I'd like to think some terraforming would begin around 2100. Probably another hundred years after that, once things become more livable, colonies will start to form on Mars. I've a feeling people won't want to go beyond that for a very long time, not until Mars is turned into... well, basically a mini-Earth. Anyways, after all that Mars stuff is done then we'll start expanding throughout the solar system.


I don't think any humans will be leaving this solar system for a very long time though, if ever. But certainly by the year 4000 we'll be on a good chunk of nearby planets and moons.

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All things known to man will cease to exist as we knew them. Only Agent Smith remains.





NASCAR will be back on their feet with all the future stars coming up and will get a big economic boost. (Sorry I'm a NASCAR fan lol)

But not before Jimmie Johnson wins his 10th championship.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm, who knows? Technology is advancing incredibly quickly, so 7 years is plenty of time for development.

My guess is that CDs and DVDs will become obsolete, video game, DVD and music stores will begin to disappear as more people begin to look towards digital downloads. And maybe Gaben would've decided it's the right time to release Half-Life 3 onto us mortals.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 1 month later...

For the way people will look; more streamlined and simplistic designs will take over as resources grow more scarce and people will vie for better materials and new solutions.


By the end of this century (2099, though i personally suspect it would happen much earlier), petrol would have become so rare that we won't be able to thrive on fossil fuels and we'll need to find new ways to create energy to fuel not only industrial needs, but also cars and motorcycles. Whether we have mastered a new form of energy or not remains to be seen. Maybe we'll finally perfect nuclear energy to create cheap, clean energy for the masses.


The amount of by-products and pollution generated by the human populace on the planet will not shrink, obviously. If things continue the way they are, we will need either find a way to deal with these problems which will require an international cooperation which i doubt we as a species are capable of, or the allocation of areas designed to sustain nature (parks, reservations, etc. will become something important). Urban settlements will probably find some cheap construction solutions to prevent the smog and cover of poisons shot to the skies over centuries from choking everyone to death.


Unfortunately, demands to preserve construction costs and already exploited resources, maybe the need to sustain city historic identities, will push to build new residential and commercial areas over already existing ones. Our current buildings may very well end up serving as the skeletons for newer structures.  The largest corporations and higher echelons of society, the ones with the money will thrive and make themselves stronger as the gaps between their enclaves and just about every other building in the cities will become much more apparent. Office buildings and residential structures of these people will grow taller and shinier to oppose the rot surrounding them.

Edited by Terminus
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Things will look a lot different in the future. Futuristic, Utopian societies are possible in a thousand years. Not to mention, the dystopians that'll struggle about. 

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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2022: The portal to Equestria will open. War will begin. 


2024: Princess Celestia will sign a peace treaty. The ponies keep their land, but humans live with ponies with equal rights and must fallow the laws .


2025: Riding ponies is legalized only with the consent of the pony. Ponies riding humans is not legal.


2030: Interspecies marriages will be legal. Unfortunately for Spike, Rarity doesn't want to marry him.


2050: Canada signs the Equine Equal Liberty Law being the the first nation to give equal rights for ponies.


2051: Everyone will call me crazy because I can't predict the future, so I made random stuff up instead. 

  • Brohoof 3





Applejack Fan Club

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Cordless everything, but not the power cables.. thats in the next 100-150 years from now.


All in one very slim PCs. So yeah all you will get is 10mm screen thickness with 50x greater capacity over current super computers.


3D without glasses.


Cars that drive for you from destination to destination.


Artificial, robotic limbs.


Almost human like AI with almost human like robots.


A walking tank!


More advanced aviation safety, crashes wont result in fireballs.


10 times faster aviation.


Space trips, still only for the rich.


PlayStation 9 with super realism and running out of ideas on what physics and effects to implement.


Will still use forks and knives to eat dinner :D.

Edited by Shady Strike
  • Brohoof 1
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2030: United States is officially superseded as the world's foremost nation of economic and productive output.


2040: The Mars mission done by NASA, ESA and Roscosmos comes to a close. Seven astronauts are home safe and sound.


2050: Global Population reaches 10 Billion and begins to plateau as populations stabilize in Africa and China.


2060: Commercial Nuclear Fusion begins taking a noticeable percentage of global power generation.


2070: High statistical likelihood that the majority of people reading this thread will be dead by this time (±20).


2080: Global warming realized to be not a big deal.


2090: Google invents cybernetic person that allows CEO to live forever. Three weeks later, CEO's cyberperson is fatally struck by a bus.


2100: There are no living people remaining who remember a time without the Internet.


2150: The Human Race becomes a type-I Kardashev civilization, using ~1016 Watts.


2200: James Tiberius Kirk is born in this half of the century.


2250: Antimatter becomes a viable power source for the first time.


2300: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury now takes place in the past, rather than the future.


2350: Something really cool happens.


2400: Half Life 3 announced.

  • Brohoof 1
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Someday, after 2020, humanity will kill itself in WWIII, leaving only animals alive. The chaos will embody into a draconeques. Horses will evolve until they become talking ponies, some with the ability to fly and/or use magic. 


Someone else who thinks Friendship is Magic takes place in the future! :D

Edited by Visual Spectrum
  • Brohoof 2





Applejack Fan Club

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So much can happen in just the span of a hundred years.  Most of the modern society we recognize today was created in the last two centuries.  Let's see:


0-1 Centuries:  


Explosion in robotics and drones replaces a considerable portion of manual labor, with many menial task replaced by complete automation.  Drones are used to transport goods and are increasingly used in warfare.  Self driving and piloting vehicle become standard.


Automated additive manufacturing techniques produce and increasing percentage of the worlds goods.


Prosthetics and cloned body parts that can be wired to the nervous system become available.  Man-machine interfaces similarly become available.


Artificial materials with vastly superior mechanical, thermal and electrical properties to conventional metals and ceramics become available.


Advances in battery technology result in electric cars replacing conventional automobiles and electric aircraft becoming practical.


The use of nuclear fission for power generation becomes widespread and begins to slowly replace fossil fuels.  Compact fission systems become available for specialized applications.  Practical nuclear fusion becomes available but is still in its infancy.  


The cost of access to space drops precipitously.  Manned spacecraft can now reach mars, and advanced high specific impulse propulsion systems become standard on spacecraft.


Cancer is cured and life expectancy is extended well past 100 years.



1-2 Centuries:


Robots have become so sophisticated that virtually all menial, repetitive and manual labor is eliminated.


Drones can carry out virtually any basic task.  All war is essentially carried out by proxy, using drones, robots, missiles and the like.


Almost any basic good can be created on demand using advanced, portable, automated manufacturing techniques.  


Every part of the human body can be replaced with either cloned counterparts or prothetics that perform as well or better than natural body parts.  Human cyborgs become a reality.


Artificial metametarials obtain borderline miraculous properties.  Room temperature superconductors, perfect optical cloaks, flexible computer processors, materials possessing a 100 or even a 1000 times the strength of traditional metals are readily available.


Personal aircraft and jetpacks are now readily available and likely powered by some form of nuclear energy.


Nuclear energy, now largely in the form of nuclear fusion, and similarly but as yet to be conceived technology replaces virtually all conventional forms of power generation with the exception of solar power, which only provides a fraction of the energy provided by nuclear power but can be obtained in a cheap, flexible thin formats that collect almost 100% of incident radiation.  Fusion reactors which fit in a backpack are readily available and virtually any system requiring high amounts of energy is powered by a portable nuclear reactor of some kind.  Fossil fuels, wind power, geothermal, biomass power have long been rendered completely obsolete.


Much of the solar system is colonized.  Personal spacecraft are now available.  Spacecraft are either nuclear or anti-matter powered, and use relativistic propellant to obtain extremely high specific impulse.  Much of the economy's raw materials are now extracted from the asteroid belt and other bodies throughout the solar system.


The human lifespan can be extended to almost 200 years.  The possibility of transferring consciousness into an artificial brain become feasible.  True artificial intelligence has been achieved.



2 Centuries or More:


Isn't this around where Star Trek starts?


Yea, the skies the limit here.  FTL technology.  Artificial bodies.  Planetary terraforming.  200+ years is a long time, it is really hard to make sensible predictions, but the future wouldn't likely even be recognizable, like a medieval peasant stepping into modern day society.  It will probably be amazing regardless.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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2020 is not that far away. Not much can happen in 7 years.  Argentina and Hong kong whould become big players on the world stage. Texas may or may not be a country.


So barring war I think we can look forward to the starting foundation of one or more new forms transperth. fingers crossed for airships. More of Tolkien's work on the big screen. a Cure for HIV. Super strains of gonorrhea and Tuberculosis. Bed bugs are also a thing.


Latin american spanish is a popular language to know. Solar panel sculpture in backyard are cool. Hover car driving next to normal cars.


Africa will be building up their cities. maybe with the new greenhouse tech inmind.

Not much can happen in 7 years? A whole mess of things can happen in seven years, dude. World War One was merely four years, and that changed the world and gave way for World War Two to happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



Soon the world will be ruled only by a man known "Mr.P"

and there will be no sport but...The Death Race,a trans-continental race where bystanders are only points to the malicious drivers who are only focused on surviving and winning the twisted sport..


are maybe biped robots that are semi-sentient! :lol:

Leader of the Marvel alliance 2.0



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