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Do you think this fandom can have an MMORPG?

Sky Warden

Do you think that this fandom can have an MMORPG?  

37 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that this fandom can have an MMORPG?

    • Why of course we can! We are the best fandom evar!
    • MMORPG? Hay no! Go home! You're drunk!
    • Not sure if we can, or we can not.

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Hi everypony!


Honestly I haven't been in this fandom for a long time, not even a year, maybe half a year, but in this half a year I have seen so many great things here. Most of the Bronies I've met are friendly, caring... well, you say it. Maybe it represents the spirit of the show itself. These spirits have been expressed in many events, like the Christmas Merrier you guys did last year. You gathered money and gave it to children who had to spent their holiday in a hospital. That was beautiful. I had no money and I was new to the forum that time, so sorry I didn't join.


It doesn't stop there right? This fandom has so many talented ponies in their subjects. We make drawings, musics, fan fictions, even that Snowdrop. I'm still waiting for that MLD the movie though. This is the only community I know which is able to make so many fan made contents.


For an unknown reason I started to believe that we can do everything with such great community, or maybe I'm wrong. You tell me. We can make a fan made episode, we can make this freaking forum, etc. So I'm wondering... people here like role playing right? We also love chatting with our friends, and playing games. We have numbers of programmers, and artists. Call me crazy, mad, insane, dreamer, or whatever. Do you think this fandom can have an MMORPG?


I mean, if there's someone who knows how an MMORPG works, can code a little, and shows up out of nowhere, wanting to gather a team to make a pony MMORPG, what will you think of him? Do you think he's crazy?


Personally I think that man is indeed insane. I mean, if it's possible to be done, why we don't see any pony MMORPG now? At least, why there's not many MMORPG these days? We're talking about an MMORPG here. It needs servers to run, and therefore money. Normally, an MMORPG is made by a group of professionals who work intensely, full-time, and getting paid.


I think making the game is possible for this fandom. We can make a project for a hobby, but running it? Actually sailing it in the internet? In the Ponyverse? What about Hasbro?


So what do you think? Do you believe we can have a pony MMORPG? Is it an insane idea?


Uhm... just saying. Tell me what's in your mind. :blush:


P.S. At second thought, yes. Making an MMORPG is indeed insane. I just realized how insane it really is.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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No, I don't think it would work, to be quite honest. The idea of it is pretty interesting, but what would you do in it?


In addition, it would need constantly be maintained, and people need to have pay to do that so they can continue to pay bills, etc.


I think it'd be kinda cool, but not possible unless it was an actual MMORPG like World of Warcraft. :c


Also, as you mentioned...Hasbro. They'd shut it down in a moment.

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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It could be done but it would not be allowed.  Hasbro would close it.  There is nothing that could be said for them to endorse such a project.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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@, yeah you're right. I was thinking that it would be cool to have a pony MMORPG based on war setting like Lunar Republic, or Equestria Divided. Well, Equestria Divided is too grim and *shrug* Hasbro.


I think that there was a pony MMO project going on at some point but it got cancelled. I think that if we put our collective minds to it then we could do it. 

I believe that it was just a lack of organization. Other than bills and Hasbro, I see no more obstacle for an MMORPG project. :3


I'm thinking. This forum accepts donation right? Then I guess a pony MMORPG can accept donation as well, so they can keep running. Perhaps... Hasbro.


@@silvadel, what's the actual reason they shut pony projects by the way? Like Fighting is Magic. I heard they didn't distribute any money, but still.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Uh. I might be wrong with this one, as I'm not the best at determining genres, but, isn't Legends of Equestria going to be one? I mean, its advertised as one, and all.



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They do it to protect their ownership of the pony franchise and individual ponies.  If they allow things like that then at worst it ends up in the public domain, and at best their franchisee's get upset as they are charging them but letting other things occur for free.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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It could happen...the people making it would just need to get Hasbro's permission and pay them a large cut of the profits.


It could work as a "Slice of Life" style RP, but also have enemies like timberwolves in the Everfree and such.

So yes Id see it working ,and if created correctly it could easily be swarmed by Bronies xD


Finally being able to create an OC and SEE them and actually play as them...who wouldnt love that?! xD


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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This all sounds really interesting! Maybe there is some way to work around the Hasbro stuff. Maybe if it would focus more on branding it as a brony thing than a mlp thing somehow..Anyway, I would love to be involved in some project like that!

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It could happen...the people making it would just need to get Hasbro's permission and pay them a large cut of the profits.


It could work as a "Slice of Life" style RP, but also have enemies like timberwolves in the Everfree and such.

So yes Id see it working ,and if created correctly it could easily be swarmed by Bronies xD


Finally being able to create an OC and SEE them and actually play as them...who wouldnt love that?! xD

Actually I'm planning to make a custom setting in Equestria where there are three factions fighting in a war, and players can choose a faction to play with. Each faction can have unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus.


From my research, a social MMO won't work great. That's why I don't expect too much from the Legend of Equestria project.


Hmm... what? I said it's just a planning didn't I? That doesn't mean I'm going to make one. Also, that man I mentioned in the first post isn't me.







By the way... I'm thinking. How about we make the game then sell it to Hasbro, so we can have the game running without being afraid of copyright issue?

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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By the way... I'm thinking. How about we make the game then sell it to Hasbro, so we can have the game running without being afraid of copyright issue?

It doesn't work that way. You need to ask them FIRST...then you just need to either ask them to fund it and you worry about making it, then you would be under a contract sorta...




You would just ask permission and pay them royalties...in which case you would have to do all the work and funding...


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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It doesn't work that way. You need to ask them FIRST...then you just need to either ask them to fund it and you worry about making it, then you would be under a contract sorta...




You would just ask permission and pay them royalties...in which case you would have to do all the work and funding...

Yeah that's it. This thing called law really doesn't suit me.


The second option sounds easier to me, but we will need a way to get money. How about taking donation? This forum takes donation doesn't it? I think ask for permission (will need a silver tongue), make the game, then try to handle the money flow.


I'm not sure that donation will work though.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Yeah that's it. This thing called law really doesn't suit me.


The second option sounds easier to me, but we will need a way to get money. How about taking donation? This forum takes donation doesn't it? I think ask for permission (will need a silver tongue), make the game, then try to handle the money flow.


I'm not sure that donation will work though.

The best way for it to work....

Is fund the start of the project yourself to create something to show people, to prove that you know what you're doing..

Then as it gets better and better, ask for donations. People should be able to see your doing something good, and if they like it then they will donate :D


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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The best way for it to work....

Is fund the start of the project yourself to create something to show people, to prove that you know what you're doing..

Then as it gets better and better, ask for donations. People should be able to see your doing something good, and if they like it then they will donate biggrin.png

You think it will work? I mean, it's an MMORPG... I'm not very sure if we can do it. We're just... Bronies?


I do know how an MMORPG works and already have the system concept, but I... I think I will wait for the poll result to make the decision.


Let's see if somepony will make one. Maybe this poll may help people to decide. :3



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Whoa. It seems like most of the ponies here are optimist we can have a pony MMORPG. Well, personally I think the same guys. I hope we will have a great one soon. :)

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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There's been multiple announcements for the development for MLP MMORPG's that seemed promising. Off the top of my head, Legends of Equestria and Questria are two MLP MMO's that are currently in dev.


They seem promising, although I admittedly don't know an incredible amount about either. Pretty much, all I know about LoE is that it is an MLP-themed MMO. All I know about Questria is that it is an MLP-themed MMO, but the released game footage of it looked pretty cool, and the developers have been pretty quiet since then.


I don't believe Hasbro would be much of a problem as long as all copyrighted characters are omitted from the games. I believe that was the reason Fighting is Magic got C&D'd, but now they are just going to release the game using different sprites.


However, I'm kind of skeptical about most MLP games in development. I believe it can be done, I just haven't seen much that are incredibly promising other than Fighting is Magic.

Edited by Андрей

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There's been multiple announcements for the development for MLP MMORPG's that seemed promising. Off the top of my head, Legends of Equestria and Questria are two MLP MMO's that are currently in dev.


They seem promising, although I admittedly don't know an incredible amount about either. Pretty much, all I know about LoE is that it is an MLP-themed MMO. All I know about Questria is that it is an MLP-themed MMO, but the released game footage of it looked pretty cool, and the developers have been pretty quiet since then.


I don't believe Hasbro would be much of a problem as long as all copyrighted characters are omitted from the games. I believe that was the reason Fighting is Magic got C&D'd, but now they are just going to release the game using different sprites.


However, I'm kind of skeptical about most MLP games in development. I believe it can be done, I just haven't seen much that are incredibly promising other than Fighting is Magic.

So am I. Judging from LOE's website, I really think they need more hooves.


What if we don't use any canon character from Hasbro? I mean, we just use Equestria and ponies as the setting. The story, NPCs, etc are made by the team. Do you think it can work?


P.S. At second thought, yes. Making an MMORPG is indeed insane. I just realized how insane it really is.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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(Correct me if you disagree or I am wrong in some way)


These MMORPG are being shut down because the company (Hasbro/Creators of the show) did not give the ok. If the makers have a finished game that just can not be put up because it gets taken down, then ask the company to make a deal. For instance: The creators of the game get control over it, but the company gets the money made off it. This may not work because the company could just say no, but hey, it's worth a try. And think, if we had a game, the fandom could last way longer keep getting bigger and bigger. MOAR! ehem...     This could be a major development to the community. This could act as a secondary place, outside of forums (I am sure that forums will never die out), that bronies all over the world could meet up, talk, compete, ect.

Please quote me if this does or doesn't work in the future.


*Gives self brofist* Good speech from a 15-year-old, right?

Edited by The Brony Code




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(Correct me if you disagree or I am wrong in some way)


These MMORPG are being shut down because the company (Hasbro/Creators of the show) did not give the ok. If the makers have a finished game that just can not be put up because it gets taken down, then ask the company to make a deal. For instance: The creators of the game get control over it, but the company gets the money made off it. This may not work because the company could just say no, but hey, it's worth a try. And think, if we had a game, the fandom could last way longer keep getting bigger and bigger. MOAR! ehem...     This could be a major development to the community. This could act as a secondary place, outside of forums (I am sure that forums will never die out), that bronies all over the world could meet up, talk, compete, ect.

Please quote me if this does or doesn't work in the future.


*Gives self brofist* Good speech from a 15-year-old, right?

I quoted you, but this doesn't mean that I disagree. :lol:


Your idea may work. I have been thinking about a kind of selling the game to Hasbro or something like that, so we won't have to deal with copyright issue since the game is officially owned by Hasbro. If we do want to use this plan, then we need to make sure that the game is worth to produce. My only concern is, if we really sell the game to Hasbro, they may make it not-free-to-play.


By the way, Feld0 is working on Poniverse project now. I think we can run the game inside the network. The fandom will have more contents, and almost everything. We have forums, arts, musics, fan-made episodes, fan fictions, and (probably) the only thing we haven't had yet is an MMORPG.


Personally I think the idea of making MMORPG is crazy, but an MORPG is sane. Without the word 'massive'.


I hope somepony will start a pony MORPG project soon.

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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I highly doubt we will get a fan made mmo for my little pony. I know we could make something like that but the costs of operating the servers would be too high for a non profit endeavor and Hasbro would probably shut it down due to copyright infringement. The closest i think we will get are MLP servers on other games.

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Guys i agree with that idea but we need to face Hasbro theres 2 ways: asking hasbro copy right or not ask if we dont ask hasbro will notice the game ans will insta closed like frighting is magic but thas is another deal. Double rainboom and snowdrop were aceppted thats we nee d to do

but hasbro on copyright may want you the team to pay soo be careful what youre facing out

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Legends of Equestria - Public Relations here!

It’s correct. Legends of Equestria is a MMORPG. It’s in full 3D, using the Unity3D engine, and we’re building everything from scratch.

We make our own CA, sounds, music, models, etc.

At the moment we have no issues with Hasbro Inc. and intend never to infringe on their IP’s. We have long been making sure not to violate any of their IP’s and took an early decision in the development, NOT to include any of their official ponies.

In every way possible way, we’re building this game to be child friendly. Does it mean that there will be no violence? No. It will be a certain distinct form of cartoon violence.

There will be exploring, quests, minigames etc. We try after all, to make it feel as if you’re part of the universe of the series.

Here is some art and an trailer from August.

Concept art:


2D art:


3D art:


Some various screenshots:



- Bare in mind. The trailer is old.

For anyone whom wish to help us, we’re still looking for new talents!


If you have any further questions, ask me here, PM me or email me at swebow@legendsofequestria.com

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!





Legends of Equestria PR Leader

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Regards, SweBow Legends of Equestria PR Leader
 God this is genius!!! that is amazing! i saw videos about that SweBow you should submit to Equestria Daily wen it releases like on Title (Brand new MMO GAME Legends of equestria free to play!!) Everypony should join it it was like very user join that game and be sucessful!


Keep good work! Never give up!


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