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Not getting four seasons.


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OHH XD I thought you ment four mlp seasons. I was like, "what the..?"


Anyways, well I live in Sweden so I get all the four seasons smile.png Cold winters (very, it snowed yesterday and it's april >_>) and warm summers, as it should be!

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 1


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Well, here in Louisiana, we have-


Winter that's really cold and windy one day, and then 90 degrees the next.


Spring that has rain every other day, and when it isn't raining it's really hot.


Summer that will brutally muder you in terms of heat.


And Autumn that will be winter level cold one day and then Summer hot the next day.


I think our weather is really bi-polar. I'm assuming Texas isn't very much different. You know, since it's right next to us and all. I've never actually been to Texas...

  • Brohoof 2

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  • 2 months later...

Here in Southern California, our weather is like this:


Winter - Kinda cold, but not much. A bit of rain.


Spring - Perfect temperatures. Some rain.


Summer - Perfect temperatures until August when it starts to get hot.




But yeah, SoCal is pretty much spring and summer all the time.

  • Brohoof 1



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I live in North Carolina so we get pretty average weather here all year round.


Normal Summer

Normal Fall

Normal Winter

Normal Spring


Nothing out of the ordinary happens here unless we're super unlucky to have a really bad storm.

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I live outside of Buffalo we get two seasons, Winter and construction(Buffalo joke if you live here you know) for real we get all 4 i wouldn't trade it for anything


Edited by DaReaper


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Tell you the truth it kind of sucks a lot. It go's from kind of warm to oh hell its hot! to its kind of cold to oh man! I just lost a toe is so damn cold!


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Well, here in Louisiana, we have-


Winter that's really cold and windy one day, and then 90 degrees the next.


Summer that will brutally muder you in terms of heat.


ugh, I know! It sucks down here. Summer is the absolute worst. Too hot to do this and too hot to do that. Not to mention we don't get snow down here in the winter. Just rain...



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It really sucks living in Texas, where I don't get to enjoy four distinct seasons like everyone else. I wish I could move up north.


Well, I lived in Saudi for a good while as a kid and I actually liked the fact that it was basically summer all year round. Mainly because I don't much like the winter (ironic cuz I was born in winter xD). Tho I agree that there needs to be a balance of the four seasons.

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I hate having summer and winter.  I wish it could be spring and fall all year long.  I live in Arkansas, and it feels like half the days are either too hot or too cold.

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I live in Virginia currently but I would like to move back to colder climates.  It gets far too warm here during the summer for my taste...

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This is south florida for all of you:


-Even hotter

-Finally getting colder

-Somewhat winter


I personally enjoy winter down here because its basically the same temperature I feel comfortable in: 72-76. I would like to move north though, so I wouldn't have to deal with friggin' 90 degrees. I hate summers just for that reason. But the vacation makes up for it

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When I read the name of this thread I was like "Oh no, they're not making a season 4!" Haha. Anyways I like in the midwest US, and we do get 4 seasons here. It's mostly winter, but we still do "technically" have 4.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I live in Texas. I wish I got four seasons. ;_;


It just seems like we get winter and summer. 110+ in the summer and it can get below 0 in the winter. >.<

I'm just nobody at all...

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Upper midwest reporting in. Winter is fun for like a day and then it's just cold and miserable, and shoveling snow is the worst. Milder summers are nice, but on the other hand, it still gets hot and humid as fuck up in here (heat index this weekend is 105). So yeah, seasons are overrated, grass is greener on the other side, etc...

  • Brohoof 1
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Screw seasons! Winter all year long!! I like four seasons, though I could throw summer out the window :/  Anything higher than 26°C is just too much.  I can resist any kind of cold weather though.  

  • Brohoof 2


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Anything higher than 26°C is just too much.




Well, don't move where I am, because the high temperatures for this week are all in the 40ºC range. Dry heat living in a desert, but heat all the same.


Everything's backwards from places with temperate climates. Summer is when the plants die and you hole yourself up inside from the blistering heat. Rainy winter days are when it's a great time to visit the park and enjoy the thriving plant life.

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, don't move where I am, because the high temperatures for this week are all in the 40ºC range. Dry heat living in a desert, but heat all the same.


Everything's backwards from places with temperate climates. Summer is when the plants die and you hole yourself up inside from the blistering heat. Rainy winter days are when it's a great time to visit the park and enjoy the thriving plant life.


Don't worry, if I move somewhere it'll be scandinavia ;)  Anyway, I would be crazy to move to anywhere more south because, I'd be losing mah snow!

  • Brohoof 1


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I love Texas and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but I agree. However, I'm glade we don't have to worry about snow or ice in winter but it could be a little colder late in the year.


I think I just have a hate for heat my car's AC dosen't work and it dosen't get cool at all and I once had an outside job where they wanted me to push karts (It's harder then you think) in a giant parking lot. It was over 100° outside and they wanted me to do that 8 hours!? I couldn't walk or 3 days because of that and I quit that job after the 1st day.


So I think that I just have a personal hate for heat and summer.

  • Brohoof 1
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We have almost similar seasons in Moscow:

1.Snow already?

2. Oh, a lot of snow.

3. It's midle of April - when snow will melt?!?

4. How the hell it's so hot now?

It's kind of similar in the state of Wisconsin. We have 

1) Why is there snow? it's the middle of August.

2) Ok we have too much snow.

3) It's May It can stop snowing!


Upper midwest reporting in. Winter is fun for like a day and then it's just cold and miserable, and shoveling snow is the worst. Milder summers are nice, but on the other hand, it still gets hot and humid as fuck up in here (heat index this weekend is 105). So yeah, seasons are overrated, grass is greener on the other side, etc...

@@SoarinBlue[ I know how you feel. Which state? Like I said, Wisconsin is pretty bad for most of this, especially northern Wisconsin. It just reqally sucks.

Edited by broniesunite
  • Brohoof 1

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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It's kind of similar in the state of Wisconsin. We have 

1) Why is there snow? it's the middle of August.

2) Ok we have too much snow.

3) It's May It can stop snowing!


@@SoarinBlue[ I know how you feel. Which state? Like I said, Wisconsin is pretty bad for most of this, especially northern Wisconsin. It just reqally sucks.

Wisconsin as well for me. I live in the southern part of the state though. Got a friend that lives up in the Green Bay area though and we occasionally complain about the weather and relative mosquito density to each other

  • Brohoof 1
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Trust me having 4 seasons is overrated! Living in Massachusetts I can tell you that every season except for early spring sucks and early fall. From Late Spring to Summer you just get hot and humid weather which leads to a lot of sticky days that most people dread. Late Fall and Winter are even worse, It's cold and snow isn't fun when the roads are impossible to drive on and blizzards can knock the power out for days which means no heat (and a house gets very cold very quickly without heat).


Honestly I wish I could live in Arizona or some state close by. The weather is amazing almost everyday and I love the heat. It's the humidity that I despise with a passion and even 100 degree days in AZ feel like 80 when it's a dry heat. Their 'winter' is also around 60-75 degrees which is just perfect weather as well.



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Wisconsin as well for me. I live in the southern part of the state though. Got a friend that lives up in the Green Bay area though and we occasionally complain about the weather and relative mosquito density to each other


We live on a river, so for us it's mosquitos times two. We live in northern Rusk county, I'm just happy to know me and my friends aren't the only bronies in Wisconsin. It really feels like it sometimes, though.

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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