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mega thread Post All of Your Funny Pony Pictures Here!


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:okiedokielokie: Not sure if terrifying or awesome... or both.  :blink:

Edited by Batbrony
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One of the armsmen made a bet with me: if I post this, he has to go for a helicopter ride (he hates heights and has a personal philosophy, "There is no scientific reason that a helicopter should fly; it just shakes so much that the ground rejects it…." Did you know that helicopters are capable of doing aerobatics? (>:-D)


By posting this, I do not express agreement or disagreement with the contents: I just think there are some funny parts that you may want to see….



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Can you tell me what Jamie's cutie mark is? I can't make it out clearly. Looks like a smoking protractor to me.Wait, no it doesn't. I'm not sure what it looks like.

It is a protractor, with a triangular straight edge in the background. Engineering and Drafting was a required course for the Aviation major....

If they were real, Pinkie Pie, RD and Derpy would be counted as WMDs in international law....
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When you see it...



Is that... Gru?


Scramble the Jets


We are going to Europe

I call the left hand seat .... Or the front, depending on the jet....

WHAT?!You. http://www.mlp-fim.com/53. Right now.Use that website. Dont ever let me catch you missing an episode ever again.EVEROr I will use biological warfareand give you diabetus

FYI, Derpy also counts as a WMD

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Ya know, honestly, the least surprising bit of new canon in "Castle Mane-ia" was that Luna and Celestia's old castle was apparently a "funhouse" filled with dozens of traps and secret passages.  ;)



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I made this because of scootaloo and how awesome she is. Go Scootaloo go! Spoilers if you haven't seen any synopsis of tomorrow's episode. But it'll make sense if you see the episode tomorrow, then come back check this out.

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        Can't tell if referring to rule 85, or finding Mr. Anderson? That's a shame… I made it and neither can I!



        Ditto for Cupcakes (Was listening to Bud's Big Dive from The Abyss when I made this)




I made this because of scootaloo and how awesome she is. Go Scootaloo go! Spoilers if you haven't seen any synopsis of tomorrow's episode. But it'll make sense if you see the episode tomorrow, then come back check this out.

Captain Banister lets us set up on the fantail. I have a sneaky suspicion that he is a Brony too….

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This added a whole new perspective to "Dragon Quest" if you assume this happened after the episode. Also, it actually made me feel sorry for Spike... like a lot. And that's something I don't normally do.



Also this. Not as good as the first one, but worth reading nonetheless. Enjoy!





Haha! What you thought were going to be funny comics actually turned out to be sad and depressing! Therefore the actual funny content of this post was the irony of me posting it in the first place! :blink:

Edited by MMFAN
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