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mega thread Last Movie You Watched?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Trolls 8/10

  • The plot should need more work on it.
  • The meaning itself remain me a lot of MLP fim, which I like.
  • I don't like it how the show made one certain troll bad. Just to rid him out of the equation  in a relationship with Poppy, so she can be with a main character. That's just wrong.
  • WIshed they made Breach, a troll who couldn't sing but can dance really good to make it for it.  And born as a gluff. that would make him more of a unique character. 
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Watched The Last Samurai yesterday, it was much better than I remembered it to be. I'd say it's quite an underrated film.

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Suprised half the answers aren't Rogue One. 

Figures, by the time the holiday is over, most of us are broke to afford a ticket to watch it xp

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