Tao 7,777 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 1.Derpy 2. Dinky 3.Discord 4.Rarity 5.Princess Sunbutt 6.Princess Moonie 7.Prince Blueblood 8.Spike 9.Fluttershy 10.Sunset Shimmer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simply creative 696 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 1.Rarity 2.Luna 3.Trixie 4.Applejack 5.Octavia 6.Vinyl 7.Sunset Shimmer 8.Big Mac 9.Derpy 10.Photo Finish 1 <p class="bbc_center"><br /> </p> <p class="bbc_center"></p> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emerald Star 513 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 (edited) 1. Luna 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Rainbow Dash 4. Fluttershy/Rarity/Twilight tied 5. Scootaloo 6. Sweetie Belle 7. Discord 8. Lyra 9. Trixie 10. Sunset Shimmer . Edited March 12, 2015 by Emerald Star 1 DeviantArt:http://emera33.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shady23 175 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 1. Applejack 2. Twilight 3. Apple Bloom 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Discord 6. Pinkie Pie (took me a while to like her but now I love her!!) 7. Rarity 8. Luna 9. Celestia 10. Fluttershy This was much harder than I expected. There are so many characters I love just didn't realizee how many until I did this. I actually feel bad for leaving some off the list.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
catnet 9,356 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 Fluttershy Twilight Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Trixie Derpy Luna Discord Sunset Shimmer Rarity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BritishBrony2012 816 March 19, 2015 Share March 19, 2015 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Derpy 3. Snowdrop 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Sunset Shimmer 6. Pinkie Pie 7. Vinyl Scartch 8. Princess Luna 9. Princess Celestria 10. Lyra 1 Proud British Brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeet 2,027 March 19, 2015 Share March 19, 2015 Not in order. Fuddershy Wawity Wainboow desh Twilet spekle Ponkie pi Eggle jock Vinil scretch Dorpy Saorin Big Mac (is a burger) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonictails10 21 March 19, 2015 Share March 19, 2015 Favorites: 1. Fluttershy (So damn CUTE!!!) 2. Vinyl (I like dubstep...) 3. Octavia (Classic is nice!) 4. Applejack (Best backround pony!) 5. Applebloom (I like her accent ) 6. Spike (Same as Fluttershy) 7. Sweetie B. (I...like her mane...) 8. Pinkie Pie (F*ck the 4th wall) 9. Rainbow D. (Totally not homo) 10. Derpy W. (I just dont know why) Least favourites: 1. Rarity (Element of whining) 2. Diamond T. (Bitch Alarm!!!) 3. Silver S. (Weeoo-weeoo-weeoo!) 4. Photo F. (That stupid accent!) Can't think of any more... If insulted, flip him/her the double bird, drink Red Bull and fly off into the distance, all while being as majestic as f***. (Or punch him/her in the face. That works too.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 March 20, 2015 Share March 20, 2015 1. Lyra Heartstrings 2. Silver Spoon 3. Rainbow Dash 4. Rarity 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Maud Pie 7. Snowdrop 8. Applejack 9. Apple Bloom 10. Spike "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nintenboy195 384 March 20, 2015 Share March 20, 2015 10: Spike 9: Discord 8: Daring Do 7:Dj Pon3 (Vinyl Scratch) 6:Rarity 5: Apple Jack 4: Fluttershy 3: pinkie pie 2: Rainbow Dash 1: Twilight Sparkle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Qsphere580&9/5 10 April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 hmmmm... let me think. Tough choices indeed! 10) Zecora (Yeah... I'm not to good with rhyming. ) 9) Fancy Pants (Like a sir!) 8) Discord (indeed! what fun in there in making sense?) 7) Fluttershy (Dawwww) 6) Rarity(Just Fabulous!!) 5) Trixie (The one and only great and powerful!!!) 4) Big Macintosh (Eyyyup!) 3) Applejack (YeeeHawww!) 2) Berry Punch (Hic!...) 1) Pinkie Pie! (party! party! party!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenomorphic 362 April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 (edited) Of all Time Ugh Lets do this 10.Twilight Sparkle 9.Discord 8. Derpy Hooves 7. Vinyl Scratch 6. Pinkie Pie 5. Scootaloo 4. Applejack 3. Rarity 2. Futtershy 1. Rainbow Dash Edited April 7, 2015 by ShanshoFromChicago Slim Shady Follower of The Shady Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adorkable 2,737 April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 Aha, I've always been fond of Top x lists. But favorite characters? We can do this. 1. Princess Twilight Sparkle 2. Sunset Shimmer 3. Rarity 4. Fluttershy 5. Applejack 6. Discord 7. Princess Luna 8. Derpy 9. Vinyl Scratch 10. Octavia I'm pretty sure this is my Top 10 list, I actually made one not too long ago I posted on Facebook somewhere. If I ever find it and it's different, I'll be sure to post it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CC_Maud_Pie 6,431 April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 1. Maud Pie 2. Fluttershy 3. Princess Luna 4. Rarity 5. Coco Pommel 6. Sweetie Belle 7. Twilight Sparkle 8. Octavia 9. Derpy 10. Shining Armor UPDATE! 1. Maud Pie 2. Fluttershy 3. Princess Luna 4. Rarity 5. Coco Pommel 6. Cutie Mark Crusaders (Sweetie Belle is my favorite) 7. Twilight Sparkle 8. The Rest of the Mane 6 I haven't mentioned 9. Octavia 10. Derpy I didn't want to leave out any of the Mane 6 nor any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Frost 271 April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 1. Twilight sparkle 2. Pinkie Pie 3. AppleJack 4. SweetieBelle 5. Trixie 6. Iron Will 7. Flim and Flam 8. Starlight Glimmer 9. Double Diamond 10. Discord Those are my top 10! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight_Sparkle32 3 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Vinyl Scratch 3. Discord 4. Fluttershy 5. Princess Luna 6. Derpy Hoves 7. Starlight Glimmer 8. Daring Do 9. Sunset Shimmer 10. Rainbow Dash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hovershy 3,814 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Oh my, this is really hard... No particular order 1. Fluttershy 2. Rarity 3. Discord 4. Sunset Shimmer 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Maud Pie 7. Trixie 8. Applejack 9. Derpy 10. Lyra Heartstrings Fluttershy Fan Club sig by Blue Snowfire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 *TIE*1. Rainbow/Fluttershy/Twilight Sparkle 2. Scootaloo 3. Applejack 4. Sweetie Belle 5. Babs Seed 6. Steroid Pony 7.Lyra 8. Derpy 9. DJ Pon 3 10. Rarity *TIE*1. Rainbow/Fluttershy/Twilight Sparkle 2. Scootaloo 3. Applejack 4. Sweetie Belle 5. Babs Seed 6. Steroid Pony 7.Lyra 8. Derpy 9. DJ Pon 3 10. Rarity Updated LIST 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Scootaloo 3. Fluttershy 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Coco Pommell 6. Sweetie Belle 7. Sunset Shimmer 8. Starlight Glimmer 9. Double Diamond/Sugar Belle 10. Cheese Sandwich HM:(Honorable Mentions who almost got on this list) Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, Button Mash, Luna, Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
10InTheTardis 509 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 1: Rainbow dash (Awesome! ) 2: Doctor Whooves (He counts, right?) 3: Fluttershy (Yay! ) 4: Discord (I'm howling at the moon- and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon! that was a great song.) 5: Cheese Sandwich! (I used to think he was a fan character, oops!) 6: The Pink Pie Pony. (This is the correct name for Pink Pie Pony. ) 7: Rarity! (Well, if she wasn't in this list, I don't think I could consider myself an officail MLP forums member. ) 8: Flim and Flam (LOOK EVERYONE IT'S THE REAL FLIM AND FLAM!!! He's Flim----> He's Flam----> They're the world famous Flim-Flam brothers!) 9: Applejack (DID YOU KNOW? HASBRO STOLE THE NAME OF A CEREAL TO NAME A CHARACTER, THAT'S RIGHT, THEY STOLE THE NAME OPTIMUMS PRIME FROM KELOGS CEREAL!) 10: What's my choice for number 10? It's a mystery... ANTHROPOLOGY! Haha, I'm so funny. Anyways, my number 10 choice is Lyra if you couldn't already tell. A few other ponies that had to be mentioned: Derpy, Trixie, Fluffle Puff (I would put them at 9, but they aren't cannon), The Jokermort (he would be 2, but alas, also not cannon, and he's only a pony in one scene.), Zecora, Irish Whooves/Skippy (name I came up for the grey doctor whooves with the 3 four leaf clovers for a cutie mark.), and Tom the boulder. Hello! Gabe Newell here! Signature removed, too confusing for new members. Thanks, and have fun. GabeN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveMorison 404 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 (edited) 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Discord 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Maud Pie 6. Princess Luna 7. Rarity 8. Scootaloo 9. Zacora 10. Iron Will Given a slight change in view since then. 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Discord 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Maud Pie 6. Princess Luna 7. Rarity 8. Tirek 9. Scootaloo 10. Sweetie Belle Zacora, Iron Will, Fluttershy, AppleJack, Chrysalis, Apple Bloom, Photo Finish, Cheese Sandwich, Starlight Glimmer all unlucky to miss out. Edited April 8, 2015 by DashBandicoot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackshirt Brony 415 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Applejack The rest of the main six Celestia Luna Cadance Trixie Discord Daring Do The CMC Spike 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Hm, for me, probably: 10. Bulk Biceps 9. Rainbow Dash 8. Pinkie Pie 7. Fluttershy 6. Applejack 5. Sweetie Belle 4. Maud Pie 3. Discord 2. Twilight Sparkle 1. Rarity Depends on when you ask me I suppose, but I can assure you #1 will always be the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix 1,363 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 1-6. The mane 6 (Can't order them, they're all a 1st favorite for me) 7. Sunset Shimmer 8. Discord 9. Spitfire 10. Zecora Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 November 3, 2015 Share November 3, 2015 1. Rarity 2. Applejack 3.Pinkie Pie 4.Rainbow Dash on her good days (basically Dash is a character I ether REALLY enjoy or REALLY don't depending on how she's written) 5. Scootaloo 6.Sweetie Belle 7. Twilight Sparkle 8. Apple Bloom 9. Spike 10. Limestone Pie (I don't even know, But I am like infatuated with her or something) 1 RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlootahBabby 265 November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 Bizarre one incoming! 1. Fluttershy 2. Derpy 3. Applejack 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Rarity 6. Pinkie Pie 7. Archer 8. Spike 9. Sweetie Belle 10. Celestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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