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Bring back G3 Ponies for Season 4?


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Here are a few of my designs if they brought back the G3 ponies.

Here are what plots they would take in Season 4 or 5.


Toola Roola: She would come into Ponyville introducing herself as Princess Celestia's new apprentice, since Twilight Sparkle is now a princess. She would also show them that Princess Celestia had given her a special necklace. They would realize it was a new element of harmony. They would have to find out what it is, and it would be creativity. She would take Twilight's spot in the mane 6, when she leaves for Canterlot. She is very artsy, crafty, and is easily frightned, but says that she's not. Twilight Sparkle would also be jealous of Toola Roola and consider not leaving her friends and want to be Princess Celestia's student again. She would still be a big part of the show, but not live in Ponyville. Maybe Spike would stay and live with Toola. post-15521-0-86050100-1367964200_thumb.jpg


Minty: Is a new blank flank. She is Pinkie Pie's cousin. She comes from Manehattan and left because she needed a new outlook on life. She joins the cutie mark crusaders. She knows her fashion, too. She also stands up to Diamond Tiara whenever she is picking on them. She is a very good cook, but doesn't realize it. She brings her pet fish with her, and he becomes the cutie mark crusaders mascot. She comes back with a different look than G3, but is still simmilar. Now she has a shorter mane, is a filly, and is a different shade of green.post-15521-0-29876900-1367964230_thumb.jpg


Starsong: Starsong is a pegasus who loves to sing. She came from Cloudsdale to try to find a band. Eventually, she starts a band with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. There band spreads across Equestria and only Starsong is offered a record deal, but doesn't take it so she can stay with her new friends. She finds Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash through Fluttershy. They were friends in flight school and had lost touch when Fluttershy moved to Ponyville. She reconnected with Fluttershy when she came down for a suprise visit. Starsong stays in Ponyville and the Mane 6 turns into the Mane 7. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Toola Roola, and Starsong. post-15521-0-16233300-1367964249_thumb.jpg


What do you think? Good ideas??? Feedback please!

  • Brohoof 1

Hi I'm Derpy Mows! More muffins? :3

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Well, I wouldn't mind seeing Minty or Wysteria. These characters had nice designs and I would love to see a G4 take on them. The only problem with Wysteria is that she is very similar to Twilight Sparkle. They have a similar color scheme and they both become princesses.

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I kind of like the idea with Toola Roola and Minty. Buuut... i think the idea was that the Elements were to stay the same and to only have 6. Toola Roola could instead replace Twilight, but her Element wouldn't be able to be changed. And Starsong wouldn't become a new EoH bearer. But everything else is fine.

  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Well, I wouldn't mind seeing Minty or Wysteria. These characters had nice designs and I would love to see a G4 take on them. The only problem with Wysteria is that she is very similar to Twilight Sparkle. They have a similar color scheme and they both become princesses.

Yeah I agree! I changed Starsong's colors a little, so she wouldn't look as much like Twilight. I also changed her cutie mark. On Toola- Roola I changed the colors a bit so she wouldn't look as much like G3 Rarity!

I kind of like the idea with Toola Roola and Minty. Buuut... i think the idea was that the Elements were to stay the same and to only have 6. Toola Roola could instead replace Twilight, but her Element wouldn't be able to be changed. And Starsong wouldn't become a new EoH bearer. But everything else is fine.

I don't know they always could have a missing element, but whatever! And I agree maybe she shouldn't join the Mane cast, but become a character like Cheerilee or the Cakes. 

  • Brohoof 1

Hi I'm Derpy Mows! More muffins? :3

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Nah, let's stick with G4 designs. No point overcomplicating a good thing unnecessarily


That's what alicorn Twilight is for!

Edited by Circadian



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Toola Roola: She would come into Ponyville introducing herself as Princess Celestia's new apprentice, since Twilight Sparkle is now a princess. She would also show them that Princess Celestia had given her a special necklace. They would realize it was a new element of harmony. They would have to find out what it is, and it would be creativity. She would take Twilight's spot in the mane 6, when she leaves for Canterlot. She is very artsy, crafty, and is easily frightned, but says that she's not. Twilight Sparkle would also be jealous of Toola Roola and consider not leaving her friends and want to be Princess Celestia's student again. She would still be a big part of the show, but not live in Ponyville. Maybe Spike would stay and live with Toola


Well firstly we don't know whether Twilight will be princess in season 4. Maybe she doesn't want to be a princess. I think it would be weird with a replacer for twilight as celestia's student. Though, it would be fun to see how twilight deals with celestia having ANOTHER student.


I don't like the idea of a new element, honestly. I think we've had enough EoH for a while now.


"She would take Twilight's spot in the mane 6"

Just no. Nuff said.


About the new blank flank idea, ...another blank flank? okay cool. Though why can't they ever become friends with someone who has a cutie mark? But it she's going to be a blank flank I don't want there to bee more CMC stuff. Why do we never get to see who the other ponies play with?



...The last idea.. Sorry to say but I'm against it. Kinda.

No offence but the majority of people would not like a "mane 7".


The ideas sound creative I guess but it's not something I personally would like.



Nah, let's stick with G4 designs. No point overcomplicating a good thing unnecessarily


That's what alicorn Twilight is for!


Bringing back the G3 designs was not the thought of OP as far as I understand.

He/She has ideas that they would bring back ponies from Generation 3 and make them G4-style.

With slight edits.




She comes back with a different look than G3, but is still simmilar. Now she has a shorter mane, is a filly, and is a different shade of green.


At least it sounds like it to me.



Though it's not what the topic is about, I agree with you.


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I'm sorry, but really disliked g3. It was really boring to me, not that that's the only reason. I just don't like the idea of a g3 character appearance. I wouldn't mind seeing firefly though, it would be cool to see her meet dash. 




I wouldn't any of the G3 story lines in it. Just some of the characters. I thought they would make great companions to the other ponies. I like some of the colors on the ponies in G3, not some of the artwork, though. Besides, Dash, Pinkie, and some of Twilight came out of G3 so we should be grateful for that!

Hi I'm Derpy Mows! More muffins? :3

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When I first saw the topic title I was all like NO, bit then I actually read the post and I was all like MAYBE.


Actually, isn't Minty just a toned down version of Derpy? It's a bit of a stretch, but think about it.

Can you go more in depth about the Derpy-Minty theory? I don't really understand the comparison, but I'd be happy to learn! Hmm...:D

Hi I'm Derpy Mows! More muffins? :3

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Can you go more in depth about the Derpy-Minty theory? I don't really understand the comparison, but I'd be happy to learn! Hmm...:D

Minty was bit ditzy and noted to be very clumsy (tripping over herself, spilling paint buckets, whatever). Derpy's that, but turned up a notch.


Same voice actress for both of them, too. :D

Edited by CITRUS KING46


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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  • 8 months later...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one with this idea. I think toola roola and starsong would be great if they were reintroduced as antagonists. I think people are getting tired of discord as the main antagonist, even if he is awesome. I think that the reason why they didn't include Starsong is that she is essentially the figure of twilight in a sense.


I'm not sure if they'd be done creating episodes of this season yet, because some companies I know are usually working on an episode way after the episodes that air currently, but I think this would be a good opportunity to make more antagonists.

Edited by Judgement

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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Considering that half a dozen FiM characters are based on Gen 3 characters, why not more reworked Gen 3 characters? ^_^


Shoot, I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried before now!


Though personally, I'd rather see more Gen 1 characters

Edited by Jangobadass
  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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I really like your designs for Toola and Starsong. They're a very logical transition, is how I'd put it. Not to mention creative too of course!


However, if Minty was brought back in, I'd very much prefer for her to look something like one of these designs for example:





I'm actually very surprised at this point no other G3 characters have at least appeared in the form of background ponies. It's obviously not going to be DHX's first priority, but nonetheless it would be a nice little treat now and then for G3 fans (both full and partial fans of the era). I'd totally be for that at the very least.

I also don't think there'd be any harm in very minor roles now and then, nothing forced of course, just along the lines of what we've already seen for the likes of Lyra, Rose, Bon Bon et al. You know, just little speaking roles here and there, acting as essentially "other citizens of Ponyville".



But in Minty's case in particular, considering she was the first G3 character (leaving aside of course the topic of Pinkie and Dash) to be particularly prominent in the earlier G4 merchandise, gaining both a standard brushable figure and mini blind bag, I do wonder if everyone's favourite sock-collecting pony was in the consideration pile, at some point, to appear in the programme in some form, if even as just a supporting role.

Perhaps yes, perhaps not, and maybe it's nothing more than a case of just someone over at Hasbro liked her enough to be inserted into the G4 line?


Does make me wonder what the case is there though still. Why did Minty have a brushable prototype kicking about so early on and no other prominent G3 character?



Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts. Now go and purchase a new pair of socks as a birthday gift for Minty, it would cheer her up after so many years of neglect. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn’t mind seeing some of the G3 characters introduced and G4-a-fied, as Pinkie, Scootaloo, Rainbow, Sweetie Belle and Cheerlie were G3 characters originally.


As for the idea of a new element, I’m not so keen on that. But having them for an episode or something I don’t see why not.

  • Brohoof 1
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Trust me if we brought them back, a lot of people would really be flipping tables at the sudden unexpected change of G3 ponies in Season 4 besides G3 didn't exactly make any logical sense or have any effort put into it. So, no.

Re-iterating from my post above, I don't think there'd be any harm in having other G3 characters make the transition into the current programme as background ponies at least, or even as occasional minor roles. For those who don't even have a partial liking for the previous generation, and also those who don't know a thing of it, such a concept for these parties would I'm sure go just about unnoticed!


Now if we started having a plethora of G3 characters, here there and everywhere, having main roles all of a sudden, then that would no doubt be a cause of controversy. And I will say we perhaps do have enough leading characters already, all of whom are very strong characters overall for that matter (part of the reason I of course watch in the first place after all!).



But as for background and maybe minor roles, I truly do think that would be not all much of a problem.

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Re-iterating from my post above, I don't think there'd be any harm in having other G3 characters make the transition into the current programme as background ponies at least, or even as occasional minor roles. For those who don't even have a partial liking for the previous generation, and also those who don't know a thing of it, such a concept for these parties would I'm sure go just about unnoticed!


Now if we started having a plethora of G3 characters, here there and everywhere, having main roles all of a sudden, then that would no doubt be a cause of controversy. And I will say we perhaps do have enough leading characters already, all of whom are very strong characters overall for that matter (part of the reason I of course watch in the first place after all!).



But as for background and maybe minor roles, I truly do think that would be not all much of a problem.

Hmm, you know what you changed my mind! I guess there is no harm or problem in having G3 characters from the previous generation, maybe Season 4 could make them look very good with the stellar animation and episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, I liked G1 and Tales ponies better. Wind Whistler and Sweetheart are my waifus.


But I also think that Fizzy would be a funny fit. Someone who is just completely optimistic no matter what happens could get me a few laughs in a show like this one.

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