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I agree with most of what you put up there. Here are my characters that I feel bad for.



I feel bad for Professor Layton. I can't explain why due to spoilers, but just play the series and you'll understand.



I also feel bad for Ethan Mars from the Heavy Rain game. He lost his child, got divorced, is lonely, and his other child got kidnapped.


I also feel bad for Clementine from The Walking Dead game. Again, spoilers. Just play it.


For my final two, I pick Anju and Kafei from Majora's Mask. This side mission is so sad!

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I feel bad mostly for the changelings, well not all of them, just the few who got played the wrong cards. Think about it, if your the least different, you are shunned, picked on and probably banished from the horde. And because the changelings have a bad reputation, your assumed evil. There has to be a couple changelings who do not feast on love, bit instead want to feel that, but never can. There not all monsters, but there treated as so.


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I feel bad mostly for the changelings, well not all of them, just the few who got played the wrong cards. Think about it, if your the least different, you are shunned, picked on and probably banished from the horde. And because the changelings have a bad reputation, your assumed evil. There has to be a couple changelings who do not feast on love, bit instead want to feel that, but never can. There not all monsters, but there treated as so.

I knew I was forgetting something. Yes, I agree. I feel really bad for changelings too. I like them as well.




I also feel bad for Gilda. Well, the fan version, that is. The show version can go die in a hole.

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Carl from Up makes me feel bad.  This dude had a wonderful life and with a beautiful relationship with his wife.  He's outlived her and is all alone in a house that they built together.  He is constantly reminded of her by just being there.  When she dies I felt so bad for him.  When I saw his story in the movie it gave me chills.  It sucks to spend your whole life with somebody you care about and then have them die right in front of you...


I honestly think that Carl has the roughest time out of all of the people listed (disregarding Alex Griffin because that's REAL life).  


I bet there are people in this world that are just like Carl though and share that same kind of story and I really and truly sympathetic for those people.

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In the movie up I cried cuz of what had happened and he couldnt take his wife to the falls. 


In the movie Bridge to Terabithia when the character Leslie Burke drowned during the flooding while she was going to Terabithia 


In the movie Marley and me I felt sorry for Marley and the family cuz they had to put her to "sleep" That justt torn me apart 

  • Brohoof 1

Derpy is gonna derp so better watch out :P

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since this is in Sugarcube Corner, I must talk about a MLP character right?


I really feel bad for several characters in the show, and these are the mailponies.



Twilight Sparkle why do you ALWAYS have to close the door shut in their faces when you finally get the letter! angry.png

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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since this is in Sugarcube Corner, I must talk about a MLP character right?


I really feel bad for several characters in the show, and these are the mailponies.



Twilight Sparkle why do you ALWAYS have to close the door shut in their faces when you finally get the letter! angry.png

Oh yes, mailponies are abused by the mane 6 a lot, especially from Twilight.


I mean, she is known to slam the door in their faces. And one was stuffed into a mailbox by Fluttershy. I mean, come on. A mailbox? Really Fluttershy?



Poor mailponies.

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I'm a pretty sympathetic person for a lot of people and characters to, but I can't really think of any particularly.


I think I've felt bad for each of the characters in mlp, Atleast the name ones for sure, but that doesn't exactly mean I always feel bad for them.


I can't think of any others really right now.


Oh wait I can think of one, rain cloud from friendship is witchcraft. That was actually kinda depressing.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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One character that I feel kinda bad for is Guts from Berserk.

Just in case some people don't want certain parts of the story spoiled for them, I'm going to put this in spoilers.


He was fighting deadly battles with a band of mercenaries since he was a kid, has no real family except a father figure that hated him and only taught him how to use a sword, and he was sold off to some guy as a kid by his "father" and raped. After his father was drunk one night and tried to kill him, Guts ended up killing his father and then the wole band of merc's tried to kill him. After joining a new band of merc's, the Band of the Hawk, the band leader and his only close relation got his entire band killed, left him seriously injured, raped his girlfriend, rendering her a shell of who she used to be, and corrupting his would-be son. He spends the rest of his life being cursed, in pain, and constantly having to fight off all sorts of monsters and getting seriously hurt in the process. So yeah, he's had a pretty shitty life.



Also, every character from Gantz, since they often die/get injured in horrible ways.

Edited by Luna's Husbando
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There are several of note for me, most of whom come from video games.



Ada Clover. Her father was obsessed with the idea that human-like robots ("dolls") would have perfect function if they were powered by life energy; souls. So, he ripped out the souls of his own wife and daughter and stuffed them into weaponized robots. Ada is the unfortunate victim of this. She was then found by her brother and aids him in his quest to find their father, but her very presence corrupts her brother, makes him grow more and more violent. She had no choice in the matter; she was just made into what she is because her father wanted her to be a guinea pig. I find it extremely sad.



Emilio Juarez. He was one of the "Sinners" that a bioterrorist group used to incubate their parasites. After he was found and saved, he lived normally for a few years, until his past caught up with him and his liver failed and he needed a new one. In transplant, it was discovered that the donor liver itself had been infected with a disease no one had ever seen before. After it was cured, he found himself victim to yet another outbreak of parasites, which finally did him in. The kid had been through Hell several times before he was even out of his teen years. And he could have possibly been saved again, too...



Ghor. Admittedly, I was sadder when I had to kill Rundas than when I had to kill this guy, but Ghor is a bit more tragic when you tune in on fine details. He fought in a war, and was injured so severely that only 6% of his original body could be saved. Keeping the same light-hearted personality that he had before, he became a bounty hunter to help out the weak and poor who had been attacked by thugs. After an incident involving a hazardous and mind-changing substance, his remaining body absorbs enough to begin making it itself. He slowly becomes corrupted by it until he loses all sense of goodness. However, he still fought it off until the end, as he gave the player advice on what to do in a light-hearted tone. He was a good guy, and fought to keep himself that way. Kinda sad you had to kill him.



Luna. Mostly because of the Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Night incidents. Being banished for 1000 years alone is bad enough, but when you factor in how much society can change over such a time, it becomes apparent how much of a struggle she had to endure simply to integrate back into society. Then with everypony being afraid of her, and I can definitely see a lot of room to feel bad for her.

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Poor GLADoS, all she wants to do is run a few tests, do some scientific testing and then Chell shows up... I can sympathise with this, having something you want to go according to plan go to shambles. It really is very annoying.

OK, now into the one character I actually really do feel sorry for, that would be Ethan from heavy rain. I haven't played the game myself, but he is such a tragic character. One of his sons dies after getting hit by a car and the other is kidnapped by a killer the police have no leads on. He then goes through these dangerous and painful trials the killer sets up for him in hopes to rescue his son.

I felt so bad for him in some scenes, but one broke all immersion with the story... HE TRIIIED TO KILL ME WITH A FORKLIFT! ole!

(I have a few more like Viola and Godot from the phoenix wright series, but there is only so long you can type on a laggy mobile device)

Edited by Celtore
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Well of My Little Pony characters


Princess Luna : She seems to get forgotten about/left out ( didn't get to go to the wedding) and to come back to everyone disliking/being afraid of her.


Twilight: How many times has stuff happened where she told her friends something and they didn't listen? And then they go apologizing at the end? Why haven't they learned to listen to her?  Only once was she wrong really (time travel ep)


Non MLP characters

Bambi, Simba (I"m sure kind of obvious)


Vash from Trigun : has to always be on the run and such

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I really feel sorry for the guy from Me, Myself and Irene ( can't remember his name )I think Jim Carrey plays him? But he gets divorced almost right after he got married, had 3 kids that aren't his, and everyone he meets takes advantage of his good nature. They just walk all over him!

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Gene from God Hand: He gets his arm cut off, and when he does get another one in form of the God Hand, he has to do menial tasks for a psychotic bitch in order to keep it.



Simon from Gurren Lagann: He loses both his surrogate brother and his girlfriend, and becomes a hobo by the end of the series

Gohan and Goten: Gohan watches his dad sacrifice himself right in front of him and blames it on himself. And then grows up without him for 7 years. Sure he got over it really quickly, but it still sounds pretty bad just thinking about it. It's even worse for Goten because he grew up never knowing what his father was like

Edited by Super Kami Guru
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Oh poor poor Pinkie Pie. I was on 4chan once and I came across an OP talking about how Pinkie Pie is the most tragic character. I took a screen shot of it so you can take a look at it too.



  • Brohoof 1



No matter how much you try.... you can never hit that f***ing dog from Duck Hunt.

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I feel bad for Sonic because almost his family and his gf (sally) got turned into robots

Tails because he was bothered by other people because of his two tails! Also Tails really didn't have a family he was on a nest with three mean birds that kicked him out of their nest and thats where Sonic and Tails meet!

I feel bad for Pinkie Pie because she was rasied in a terrible childhood.

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I hate tear jerking characters (those who suffer over and over).  I really only feel bad for characters who do all they can to overcome their sufferings but are never able to due to new circumstances or other bad plights. With those type of characters, I can legitly feel bad for them but once they overcome, I feel happy and that they are characters deserving to overcome. 

If they suffer just to be tear jerkers, then I try to avoid such characters.  I know about Clannad for example, and never want to watch it. 

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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John Marston from RDR.


Even though he was a former outlaw, he had his family kidnapped and forced to find his old partners and bust them, and when he did he was betrayed by the Marshalls and shot to death by like 10 people, no matter if you were good or evil during the story.


Tears were shed.

  • Brohoof 2

Better run, run, run, run, run.

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I feel absolutely horrible for Meg Griffin from Family Guy. In earlier seasons she was depicted as being the "normal" one of her family, regardless of the shit that happened to her. Thanks to basically every one else on that show, she's spiralled into insanity and tends to do extreme things. I don't blame her at all, seeing as she deals with so much crap in every episode she has some spotlight in. 


I also feel bad for Guilmon/(War)Growlmon from Digimon Tamers. He's a baby digimon. If he were a human, he'd probably be five or six years old at the oldest. It seems as if the other main characters, even his own tamer (who is supposed to be his best friend) make cracks at his supposed "unintelligence". Uh, hello? The digimon is still a baby. That'd be like telling a kindergardener that they're stupid when they're truly young, naive and acting their age. One example of this is when WarGrowlmon was pinned down by an attack during battle. As he is clearly in pain, one of his friends (another tamer) says, "He's still a bread snarfing doofus on the inside." His tamer just agrees with this rather than defend his digimon. It's too bad there weren't more episodes of Digimon Tamers. Guilmon/(War)Growlmon was a very sensitive character and he matured pretty quick in a short period of time (which is proof that he was a hell of a lot smarter than people gave him credit for). He could've started realising what was going on as he got older and confronted his "friends" about them belittling him.

Edited by WarGrowlmon1990
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Aaaw....if only everyone were as caring and sympathetic as you! smile.png


But yeah, I totally feel you...I always feel bad for characters..here's my list


1. Sailor Moon 


Reason: Just wants to be a normal teenager, but with Sailor Scout duties and one huge destiny, its hard and stressing to care for her friends and the one she loves. And when Darien pays more attention to Rini than her, and with all the disrespect she gets already...couldn't help but pity her so much. T_T



2. Tomoya (Clannad):


Reason: What else needs to be said? He's depressed, lonely, feels like he doesn't have any purpose or fun in life, and just wants to get it over with. On top of that, his dad made him have a terrible past, and (to be put in spoilers to not...well, spoil anything tongue.png):


The fact that Nagisa died......holy crap.....poor guy......and even Ushio.........





3. Sasuke/Naruto (wanted to put them together to save space, and because their in the same anime, Naruto)  


Reason: Naruto. Disrespected by everyone, and tries to smile throughout it. He seems like an idiot and a pain to everyone else, but he's an awesome ninja. As for Sasuke....(again, to be put in spoilers in case):


His family and clan died, and his brother Itachi lied to him...and he had to leave his friends....I still hate the fact that he's turned so dark and evil because of it, but the poor guy's real lonely and depressed....with almost everyone he loves being dead. T_T






4. Mewtwo (Pokemon)


Reason: To everyone he was just an experiment, and felt like he had no purpose. He was mistreated and only used as a tool by Giovanni and Team Rocket



I could think of more but these are some main ones. wink.png But yeah I know what you mean. 

Edited by Pixiesong
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Aaaw....if only everyone were as caring and sympathetic as you! img-1452459-1-smile.png


But yeah, I totally feel you...I always feel bad for characters..here's my list


1. Sailor Moon 


Reason: Just wants to be a normal teenager, but with Sailor Scout duties and one huge destiny, its hard and stressing to care for her friends and the one she loves. And when Darien pays more attention to Rini than her, and with all the disrespect she gets already...couldn't help but pity her so much. T_T



2. Tomoya (Clannad):


Reason: What else needs to be said? He's depressed, lonely, feels like he doesn't have any purpose or fun in life, and just wants to get it over with. On top of that, his dad made him have a terrible past, and (to be put in spoilers to not...well, spoil anything img-1452459-2-tongue.png):


The fact that Nagisa died......holy crap.....poor guy......and even Ushio.........





3. Sasuke/Naruto (wanted to put them together to save space, and because their in the same anime, Naruto)  


Reason: Naruto. Disrespected by everyone, and tries to smile throughout it. He seems like an idiot and a pain to everyone else, but he's an awesome ninja. As for Sasuke....(again, to be put in spoilers in case):


His family and clan died, and his brother Itachi lied to him...and he had to leave his friends....I still hate the fact that he's turned so dark and evil because of it, but the poor guy's real lonely and depressed....with almost everyone he loves being dead. T_T






4. Mewtwo (Pokemon)


Reason: To everyone he was just an experiment, and felt like he had no purpose. He was mistreated and only used as a tool by Giovanni and Team Rocket



I could think of more but these are some main ones. img-1452459-3-wink.png But yeah I know what you mean. 

In Sailor Moon I think Sailor Saturn (what with the crazy father and everything else) and Sailor Pluto ( having to guard the gate all alone for years  are more sad.

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For MLP Characters I feel bad for.. 


Princess Luna:


Being locked away on the moon for 1000 years must of been really rough on her. 


Pinkie Pie: 


She didn't really have a great childhood. 




I can sympathize a lot with her because I'm a lot like her and always feel bad when people don't respect her. 


Non MLP Characters.


Lisa Simpson: 


She has a rough time fitting in and making friends. 


That's all the characters I can think of for now :).

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Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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