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What are your weaknesses?


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I have but only four weaknesses:

  1. The fear of failing- Not of failing a trivial test, but of failing to uphold my responsibilities and do my duty to my family and friends. 
  2. Silliness- I am easily susceptible to smiles and laughter. It sounds weird, but Im just a happy-go-lucky kind of guy I guess you could say. 
  3. The smell of Breakfast/Bacon- Because otherwise, I could quite literally sleep through the apocalypse. 
  4. Bullets- My only weakness. 
  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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Shyness seems to be a common weakness here, Keep your head Up. baby, your a firework, come on show em what your worth. You dont have to feel like a waste of space, your original cannot be replaced.........Oh MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

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I can be a RABID fatalist. If things just start going wrong and don't look good, I can, and often will, give up on the spot. I get really depressive about it, too. That's probably why my fic has been so successful. I've had encouragement and support with it I've NEVER had with my other art projects.

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Well my biggest would be my extreme paranoia, when that takes over i feel like i'm the most hated person and the other would be my anger it gets to the point where i lose all control and kind of black out


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I guess my only weekness is my emotions. It's a foreign thing to me, I don't feel them often, and I fear them.

If they become too intense, my emotions explode, and I loose control of myslef


So yea, I try to avoid the problems.

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I'll mention a couple weaknesses of mine.


First off, the subject of math, it's embarrassing how bad I am at it, I try to avoid anyone else knowing just how lame I am at it.


Second, socializing! I have trouble most of the time, for example, I am not good at continuing a conversation. Usually I will just say "hi" and then not know what to say at all. Wish I was better at it! This can change a bit, depending on if I know the person thoroughly enough.  




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A huge weakness for me is being put down. I have social anxiety, so I'm afraid of people insulting me behind my back. For example, I'd walk up to a group of friends and they would say, "Hey, we were just talking about you." I'd start to wonder if they were saying bad things about me or something and eventually, I'd start believing they were. I'm also a shy person, so that doesn't help anything. So, I guess you could say making friends is my true weakness.


Also math, heights and bugs. God I hate bugs.

"I know you got problems... Hell, we all do. But you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on, till we get to the end of the line."

-Barret Wallace

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a couple years ago i would have said awkward, But sophmore year something happened that sprung me up the popularity chain and i Joined track and field and excelled at it so by the time i graduated i was somewhat popular to be invited to after prom parties (which never happened before.) so i kind of nipped that one in the bud. But before that i was a goth loner who could not even smile at anyone. now my weakness is probably anger, I really try and not let my anger get the better of me but it does sometimes. Im also quite arrogant not to the level of being a dick but if someone would say there faster than me or could kick my A$$ my pride takes over and i try to prove them wrong. which does not always turn out in my favor. In the fighting aspect that is. Iv'e never lost a race. so to recap sometimes my big mouth gets me hurt and im a fast mo fo. AND IF YOU DONT THINK SO WE CAN RACE RIGHT NOW!!! YOU SCARED???

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I am very opinionated, stubborn and often have trouble controlling the filter from my brain to my big fat mouth. And I also have a bit of a temper though it is not nearly as bad as it used to be.

Sounds more or less what ends up happening when someone spends too much time debating. It's pretty easy to get heated up in ideological and political discussions considering the stakes.

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My main weakness is that I have a hard time asking things of/from people. I just have this fear of rejection / being told no and then have to know that I failed in sense. This tends to keep me solitary as it's hard for me to come out and talk to people as well.

  • Brohoof 1


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For starters, I am far too kind. Even when people treat me badly, I always have a tendency to give in to them and let them have their way.  I dislike conflict of any kind, so I find it easier to do whatever keeps the peace, even if it is at my expense. I can be a doormat at times, so the term kindness is weakness definitely applies to me. I'm also fairly shy, and I could stand to be more assertive whenever I need something or have a question.


One of my bigger flaws is my short attention span. I tend to daydream a lot, and I have a very easy time getting distracted. My observation skills are terrible, and I am often unorganized. I would even say I have some slight issues with memory, and I don't always do a good job of explaining things. I'm not stupid, but sometimes my thought process is a little bit slow.


And if we're talking about self-indulgent liking or special interest weaknesses, I would have to say it would be cute animals, particularly cats or dogs. I melt whenever I see a cute puppy or kitten, and it can be a bit annoying to those around me. I also have a hard time staying away from junk food like pizza, and I almost always crave chocolate in some form.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Deep thought. I let my mind wonder to much, i start questioning everything. Just recently i got depressed because i couldn't fully understand the purpose of life. The best thing i came up with is the purpose of life is not to do what society says, or earn the most money, but to learn and try to achieve a better understanding of the world around you. I was searching for a purpose i started to feel was a lost cause, like getting somewhere almost felt disappointing, like my purpose was to get their  I guess i just live for struggle. In other words i live for the ride, not the destination. It totally changed the way i look at success and other people. I normally am not a depressing person, even when i do go into deep thought, but after coming to my conclusion i was satisfied. I don't know, something just made me see the light through the darkness, and i had to tell myself i wasn't alone, and at that moment, i truly didn't feel lost anymore. Almost like everyday was a new day, to learn new things. I think i just had an epiphany, i snapped out of it after 2 days.

also, manikins i cant stand manikins

I just wanted to add i see allot of people bad at math, HAHA that's my best subject!

Edited by Radost
  • Brohoof 1


"You WILL be heavily judged on how you treat others."

"Opinion is about perspective, peoples who opinions matter to me the most are those who have the ability to understand different perspectives while maintaining their own opinion."

"Projecting your insecurities on other people doesn't solve them, so don't."

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Well I'm atheist too, so I can understand the difficulty in having faith. I think it's the fact that I refuse to just believe in something without any logical reason, such as evidence.


Somehow I broke out of my bubble and now i cannot see only evil, and I can see goodness in everything.

Not sure if that's good or bad

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I'm extremely apathetic and observant. I'd much rather sit and watch the world turn than ever do anything. While I don't particularly consider that a weakness, it does make me slow to react and have extremely limited drive, which I suppose are bad things, so I'm trying to make myself do more.


Unless I become immortal. then screw it, I'm just going to see where the world goes while I watch.

Edited by Blackcat
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My feelings are hurt easily.

I don't always show it, but it's true, my feelings get hurt.

Even if you didn't mean anything, maybe if I'm just lurking around friends, forums, etc, I feel embarrassed, jealous, etc.


You know, people seem to get so many brohoofs, and people laugh along with them, but I feel boring. I've been here way longer, and they've gotten just as many brohoofs, with less posts.

I guess I shouldn't be jealous or hurt over this. I just kind of wish I was. A better, funnier, more interesting person so that I can make friends.


Also on the topic of this, I get embarrassed over things like people responding with a not-agreeing post. May have something to do with how I have trouble owning up to mistakes in real life.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I guess my self-esteem. It's really non-existent because of a hundred different reasons


Another thing is my anxiety. I've had that problem my entire life, and it keeps me from speaking up. Whenever I want to ask someone (even if it is my best friends or parents), I hesitate a lot due to the anxiety attack


And yes, Latinochurro, tags do something. It makes it easier for people to find your thread while using the search feature, so you should edit them to prevent duplicate threads in the future

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One thing that causes a lot of other problems for me is my tendency to go off into my own world and just escape. I think it's sort of a way to cope with stress or anxiety, but it's caused me to neglect my responsibilities and the people who are important to me in the past.


My self-esteem isn't exactly anything to brag about either. I also have a tendency to take everything personally, and I have trouble saying no to people.

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My biggest issue would probably be I'm Overly-Critical of anything I do. It tends to stress me out a lot, and frequently makes me second-guess my own decisions. I have seriously decided to scrap entire papers just because I didn't like how the way certain sentences sounded. Granted, I can take other peoples criticism in strides.

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I'm mainly weak against Fighting and Electric types, although I don't encounter them that often.


Bullets are also a weakness.... Swords too.

  • Brohoof 2


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Probably that Im too hard on myself. Im always second guessing a lot of the things I do, especially when it comes to things that I have a responsibility for. Always wandering if something I did was the right or wrong choice. Sometimes its even things that may be considered petty, like, with my art. Im way to overly critical of my art I see more bad than I do good in it. 

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  • 3 months later...

I'm not feeling that great tonight so I guess I'll vent a bit. Another one of my biggest flaws is my overall insecurity. I can be very self-loathing at times and I hate it. Sometimes, I really just think I'm not worth anything to anyone. Like I could disappear from the face of the planet and no one would even really be affected by it. As if I never mattered to anyone. It could be because I don't think I'm interesting, attractive, etc. Especially when I compare myself to others. It could also be because I feel like I've been ignored, ridiculed, etc. And this pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now.


I'm sorry if I seem so mellow-dramatic at the moment. I usually try to avoid sounding this negative when I'm here on the forums but I just don't know what else to do.

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Sometimes my temper but I don't let my emotions get the better of me.

I suck at math. Soooo I feel really dumb when it comes to that.

Chocolate, CAN'T RESIST. (um, cookies and cakes too).

My laziness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whenever I'm upset about anything, all of my logic and thought goes out the window. The only thing that matters to me at that point is making sure I give hell to the person that upset me, and I always end up making an ass out of myself. I also tend to take this anger out on other people who are completely undeserving of it because they suggested something that I interpreted as mean.

Also, I'm incapable of accepting that I am sometimes wrong. I must always be right, and if I'm not right, that makes me weak/stupid/worthless/whatever. This results in defensiveness, which results in misunderstandings.

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