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What background pony would you like to see make a major role?


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Yeah, well Derpy of course, but other than that...


Berry Punch. I want to see an episode where she gets drunk and messes something up (by saying something mean or hurting somepony in some way), and has to make amends while coming to terms with her drinking problem. In the end she learns that the magic of friendship is stronger than the magic of alcohol or something along those lines...


It will of course NEVER happen. laugh.png There are probably some fanfics about that though, because the idea is pretty good.


Unfortunately, I don't believe there will ever be an episode where a background pony becomes the main character.

  • Brohoof 3

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I would like to see one perhaps on Octavia, and Lyra or any of the musician ponies or any of the artists of equestria. Perhaps another maby Semi background but still known What about the Mayor ??? 

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Derpy of course as unlikely as it is it would be awesome to have an episode centered around my favorite muffin loving mailmare. It could reinforce the lesson of not judging a book by its cover from Bridle Gossip quite nicely since it has not been confirmed on way or another if Derpy is disabled I think the best way to approach an episode is for her not to be but to be falsely perceived as being retarded by alot of the ponies due to her walled eyes and clumsy child like nature. Changing her name may be necessary due to the misconception of then name Derpy meaning stupid but as long as she is still the Derpy we know and love that is one sacrifice I would not mind making.


Other than Derpy I would also like to see Octavia and Vinyl Scratch have a major role as a fellow musician myself those ponies being able to lay down some beats does add some major cool points for me.

  • Brohoof 1
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To be honest I don't think we need to see more out of background characters. The fandom has already given them such a big thing to each character that it wouldn't be interesting to watch.But whatever......


I think I'd go for an Octi/Vinyl episode. Though I think the fan-dom should be left to do that sort of thing. I've yet to see  really good Lyra/Bon-Bon pairing faninimation so maybe the show could do something on that.


I'd like to see Lyra's fascination to be canon. It doesn't have to be humans......Maybe just a vague alien species that could be speculated to be humans.Then we'll get to see Bon Bon deal with Lyra and her fantasies.


Then we have Doctor Whooves who I wouldn't mind seeing again.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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Excess Derpy love aside, I would love to see Berry Punch and her alcoholic self, of course as someone already noted, that's not happening anytime soon. It would ensue a lot of laughs though that much I can say. I must also admit I'd love to see Lily go off on another panic attack. Yea I can be a cruel bastard like that at times. img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png

In terms of more "feasible" expectations I'd love to see Octavia get a few lines and more screen time. Caramel is also an interesting character that I enjoyed in Winter Wrap Up and it appears the writers gave more depth by giving him a marefriend in Hearts and Hooves Day, Sassaflash. What? There's quite a few worthy background stallions worth noting as well, not named after a British TV character. mellow.png


There's no reason as to why Season 4 can't make room for background character growth. There should be more than enough room to accomodate the Mane 6, Pinkie's antics and Rainbow's included alongside Twilicorn and background characters.


By the way: Big MacIntosh and Fleetfoot could be a great canon ship. I actually want to read that comic or a similar fanfic on how a Pegasus preoccupied with being a Wonderbolt and busy up in Cloudsdale and the sky ends up getting hitched or attracted to a quiet and shy earth stallion. wub.png  

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I'm with those who think that an entire episode shouldn't be based around the background characters, and likely won't happen, because of the writer's stance on the subject.


However, I DO think they could have a more prominent role in an episode, and I think their personalities should be a little more hinted at. Not so much that it destroys people's views of said characters, but enough so that we get a few in-jokes. It would be interesting if they had something to do with the actual plot of the episode, but I think it would probably be best if they simply had more common appearances. Basically, the way Season 2 did it, but a bit more pronounced.


Of course, if I were to make a fandom nod, it might be neat if now that humans are (arguably) somewhat existent in relation to the FiM universe, we could have a certain mint-green unicorn say something in reference to a particular fanon interpretation (though hopefully, that would be the extent of it's canon involvement).

Edited by TheGr3ml1n
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Even though I'm not the greatest fan of Derpy out there, I think she has a lot of potential as a character. If she has a disability or is just a bit of a 'ditz'y doo doesn't matter too much, but I think she'd be a funny and cute character who could make for a great episode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's not a likely chance but I'd like to see an episode with some Doctor Whooves in it.


And a British accent is a must for voicing. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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I've said it a million times, but give me some more Derpy. I don't care what anyone says, I friggin' love Derpy! I also know some people in real life who are mentally disabled to the point where they are comparable to Forrest Gump and I love them too so I don't wanna hear this HURR YOU ARE MAKING FUN OF THE DISABLED stuff. 

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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Ill go with the majority here, that VInyl Octavia combo! The only reason I would put that duo over Derpy is because I like the mysteriousness be hind her just being a cameo in the backgrounds of episodes


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Derpy, I just have to say Derpy. But I would also love to see Colgate have an episode. Although, not sure since the background characters give the fandom something to work with. So it's that fanon vs canon. So I'm not sure if they should even take a background pony and let them play a major role. That being said, I'd still love seeing Colgate play a major role in an episode.

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A episode dedicated to Derpy would be really awesome to see for sure. I'd also like to see a episode featuring Bon Bon and Lyra that would be really neat for a episode...  They should try something like this for once. Well they have in some cases.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm not sure it'd fit the show unless there's some form of 'lesson' to be learned. If they can pull it off, I'd like to see Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, but I'm not crossing my fingers.


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I don't think any background pony could hold there own episode. Maybe if they were interacting with one of the mane 6 and helping them. Then towards the end they could save the day with a skill they have and everyone else thought was worthless. That episode idea could work, but as for their own episode, I just don't see it happening.


For one most of the profiles for background ponies were made by us and even if the writers know about us, there is no guarantee that they would use any of are ideas. I don't see them having DJ or Vinyl living together or DJ owning a bass cannon, or even using Doctor Whooves name for anything. Heck, they could get rid of Derpys love of muffins and say she likes cake more. Besides only we would get that kinda of episode and other viewers that aren't fool bornies, would not understand the episode. So thats why I don't think it would work.


As for Derpy, I know people are going to hate me for this but, I think we should see less of Derpy. I just feel people are putting to much hope in this character and wanting something that well never happen. To me, Derpy has just gotten to big and seems to be the answer for everything. So lets take a break from her and focus are time on another character.

Edited by pinkiefan1287
  • Brohoof 1


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I would like to see Dr. Whooves, especially if there's actual time travel involved.  Like, say, in a weird, Fortean Pinkie Pie episode (she licks a frog and it makes her Pinkie Sense and/or reality-breaking powers go haywire or something).  The good Doctor's appearances and dialogue are helpful, but don't make any sense...until you watch the episode a second time and realize that his appearance were out of sequence for the other characters, but in a sequence of his own (e.g. something he says relates to stuff he says/does later in the episode), or he could have a line in the foreground while also being visible in the background, then later there's a scene from that perspective where the other version is in the background.  Oh, and he should probably say something about "timey-wimey stuff." :)

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None? I'd rather not have their concepts be dilapidated by their gift of a major role. Too many factors could drive the fandom into havoc hotel.

You saw what Equestria Girls did to all the pony-to-human fan artists, right?

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Not Derpy, she's damaged goods. It could start that faux-controversy all over again.


I'm going with Lyra. Not just because she's my favorite background pony either. There's a lot she could contribute with the right story in place, and she doesn't have a mystique like Octavia and Vinyl that could be compromised by too much attention. She's perfect. ^^

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I'd like to see Carrot Top or Colgate. Carrot Top because they could entwine her with Apple Jack with them being cousins. Or Colgate because 1. She will be mature. 2. She seems like the kind of pony to get along with them. 3. She can take place of the second unicorn in the group. (no not replacing Twilight)

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They do this on "The Simpsons" a lot.  They will have an episode revolve around a minor character, often having that character live with the Simpson family for a short time.  I think it would be great if "My Little Pony" did a few episodes like that.  Some characters that I would like to see in a major role are Derpy, Apple Fritter, Lyra, Carrot Top, Octavia, and Doctor Hooves.


A personal favorite of mine that I never see anyone talk about it Junebug.  She has only had lines in "Secret of My Excess."  In her short scene, Junebug came across as very likable to me.  And I think that she has a neat voice.  I would like to see an episode about her.




I also like her design. 

Edited by Shawn Parks

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I'd actually be wary of this; a lot of my favourite background characters have very personal... well... personalities, and having them fleshed out by the show runners into someone very different from the pony I imagined them to be would be difficult to take.


That said, I wouldn't mind an episode in which Octavia plays a supporting role to Rarity. That would be an interesting pairing to bounce off of each other.

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Maybe Time Turner, making him Dangerously Genre Savvy, thereby playing at the idea of his being The Doctor, but not actually confirming it in any way, effectively paying more tribute to the fandom, while also avoiding most, if not all, copyright issues with Doctor Who.

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