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Equestria Girls


Equestria Girls  

14 users have voted

  1. 1. Rate the film

    • Flash Sentry steals your waifu - Hated it!
    • "... needs some peanut butter crackers." - Disliked it
    • "What are hands?" - Meh it was okay.
    • "Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!" - Liked it
    • "We helped Twilight win the crown!" - Loved it!

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For me that film was just AWESOME [!!] and i think for everybody who watched all episodes of MLP that was great fun. Im watched it 3 times and still i want again and again im hope that the Hasbro will mede  the continue of MLP  EqG!!   

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Just saw it last night on Youtube and I LOVED it! I`m gonna make my own movie review video soon on my Youtube channel Chikadulce10. If you want, feel free to check it out when I get it posted, until then check out some of my other videos.

Anyway so, Equestria Girls the only problems I had were Sunset Shimmer`s redemption and some of the cameo designs. I personally thought Celestia looked a little too bored and kind of annoyed at Twilight. I expected her personality to be as easy going and nice as her pony version. Luna just shocked me, I would have never guessed that was her if I had just seen her walking by. Hair needs to be darker and well just UGH!! LOVED TRIXIE`S CAMEO!! Um so yeah Sunset Shimmer`s redemption, so she turned into a complete demon monster and threatened to take over another world, and hypnotized everybody, and yet her only punishment is to fix the school. I know she`s still a teen but that`s what juvy is for. Seriously, this was worse then a simple robbery and yet they let her off with just a punishment. I would send her to military school, JK. That`s the thing I hate about villains, they cause destruction and chaos, and after the hero kicks their butts they give up cry and beg forgiveness. Everybody forgives them because they supposedly just made a bad decision and deserve a second chance. Seriously, the lesser villains do that in the movies I`ve seen. The bigger ones threaten to come back or just go to jail. But yeah, still loved it but these were just some problems I wanted to address.

But yeah this movie was so good that I want to watch it over and over again. I`m already watching it for the second time. I mean Twilight getting used to her human body was just HILARIOUS!! Party cannon reference, the CMC theme song, Twilight busting her Sweet and Elite dance moves at the fall formal are all things I LOVED AND LAUGHED ABOUT!! Also Derpy`s at the end credits dancing with muffins in her hands, everybody clapped for her in the video and cheered, it was SO FUNNY!! Part of me wants Flash Sentry and Twilight or (TwiFlash) to get to know each other better in Ponyville in Season 4 and possibly date, but part of me is totally ok if they decide to never use him again. I mean it would be fun to see, but still there`s already gonna be too much activity in Season 4

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As some of you know by now, I hate this movie more than Where The Wild Things Are, and I really hated that movie. One of the biggest reasons I hated Equestria Girls was because of the following statement; It pandered to the bronies way too much! Seriously, Scootaloo chicken dance, incredibly forced Trixie scene that had no place whatsoever, and a Derpy cameo. The problem I had with these, is that to me they feel like a sorry excuse to make something that was doomed from the start better.

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Really. That is all I can say about this.

Would you rather they take a film that was an iffy idea from the start, and after all the hate mail and threats from the fans, decide to just flip us the bird and say, "screw you guys, we will do what we want and make it worse"?

I can't help but think you premeditated your mindset a bit too much.  Hasbro gave us what we wanted for once after having neglected to do so for so long.

So I can't think of this as being, "pandered to the bronies way too much!", this is what we have asked for, if you didn't like it, join the others that didn't either.  Verbally stating it only gets more messages like mine; try not setting yourself up for this.

~With regards.


Edited by Rainbow Dashey
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As some of you know by now, I hate this movie more than Where The Wild Things Are, and I really hated that movie. One of the biggest reasons I hated Equestria Girls was because of the following statement; It pandered to the bronies way too much! Seriously, Scootaloo chicken dance, incredibly forced Trixie scene that had no place whatsoever, and a Derpy cameo. The problem I had with these, is that to me they feel like a sorry excuse to make something that was doomed from the start better.

Equestria Girls was awesome for the reasons you said above, because it pandered to both the targeted audience (little girls) and the bronies!


I though the Trixie Scene was great, because Trixie always had that spirit, and pretty sure Trixie is not only for the bronies. There were little girls who cheered when Trixie came on.


The Scootaloo chicken dance, was just that a dance. Never meant to be a shoutout to the fandom, heck the writers aren't even aloud to look at that stuff incase of copyright issues.


Also, the Derpy cameo. Derpy is a pony that little girls and bronies love. They put her in there cause she's a fan favorite, fans are the little girls and bronies.


Equesttria Girls brought the show that little girls and grown men and women loved into one movie with enough shoutouts to the fandom, but keeping the main target audience in check.

  • Brohoof 3



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So buttons. If Hasbro wanted to give us a good quality film, it would've had good pacing. A believable villain, varied designs in the clothing, varied musical styles, a longer runtime, and most of all, less clichés

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As some of you know by now, I hate this movie more than Where The Wild Things Are, and I really hated that movie.


Well, I thought Where the Wild Things Are was on of the best films of the decade, so...


Anyway, about to watch the movie myself but as far as I know, as long as the shoutouts don't derail the plot, I see no problem.

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This is perfect proof that this fandom does not know what it really wants. If they would not have done those things, I can guarantee people would have bitched about that too. So, DHX can never win anymore, thanks to this fandom. I actually loved all of the things you mentioned, so it actually improved my viewing of the movie, which was already good to begin with.

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I never thought I'd say this, but after being originally sceptical of Equestria Girls, Hasbro had pulled it off in the fashion only FiM can replicate. Animation was sublime, songs were good (especially Helping Twilight Win The Crown) and it was thanks to EqG that my acceptance of Twilicorn was confirmed. Now, the villain, this Sunset Shimmer character...........I knew she'd be evil, (and to stress my point, nobody believed me that such a nice-looking pony could be so bad. Well, I knew that looks could kill and it was the same with Trixie. The name sounded nice, but she turned out to be a jerk. Plus, SS's human concept art gave off every obvious sign of her allegiance) but I had much higher expectations for her. Ok, I was cool with using the power of the EoM to turn her into a demon, turning Snips and Snails into demons and her ambitions to take over both the human world and Equestria. But planning to use brainwashed high school teenagers as her army?! *puts on a sarcastic tone* Sure Sunset! Go on and take over Equestria with your defenceless, mindless zombie teenagers against heavily armoured guards armed with spears, three princesses and the combined mass of unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies! Whats the worst that could possibly happen?! img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png


But seriously like, come on Sunset. And whats more, wheres the morals?! Where's the personality?! Where's the focused giving of thought to the idea of using zombie teenagers as your army?! Celestia help me, my suspicions about Sunset proved to be correct, but come on like! I thought she'd spawn a whole army of dark creatures to assist her quest, or at least turn the student body into demons! angry.png  

For me, that was where the movie failed. But aside from all that, the cameos, Pinkie performing the transforming sfx from Transformers, Vinyl and Derpy as humans, and Twi still being adorkable (yay.png ), Hasbro really pulled this off. I tip my hat to thee, Dan Ingram, Larson and company, you realized one of the many ideas we bronies had about the characters from our favourite TV show, and you did it well.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

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Not bad, overall. 




Pinkie being Pinkie, no matter where.


Derpy being an easter egg (easter muffin?), like she should be.


Helping Twilight Win the Crown song.



Minor nit-picks:


Character models were... odd for some secondary characters. Something was odd with Luna and Celestia, and the Big Mac model needed to be... bigger, I guess.


Animation when the entire group is on screen and running after each other looked like old Hanna-Barbara stuff. Bodies static with just the arms and legs swinging back and forth. Most noticeable at the end when the Mane 6 is chasing after Snips, Snails, and Sunset, who are chasing after Spike. Unless that was a deliberate reference to Scooby-Do? Actually I wouldn't put that past them now that I think on it.


Snips and Snails. Just... really? Why not Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? That would fit the alpha/beta model better.


If the wings were to suddenly appear, why not horns? The rules seemed a bit arbitrary there. It's not like they needed to be denied magic at that point.



Bigger issues:


Heel-face turn for Sunset Shimmer. Bit too abrupt after that build-up.


These next two are probably personal to me because I'm a backstory person:


The three Princesses knew too much about the mechanics of the portal, without knowing anything else about it. It's very much a 'suddenly MacGuffin!' object.


What little history is described about the portal, and Sunset Shimmer's interaction with it, is very inconsistent in backstory. For example: Sunset Shimmer knew too much about current affairs in Equestria to even think of stealing the crown, as the Elements were mythical prior to Twilight & co. finding them relatively recently. If 30 moons was long enough ago that she knew the Elements weren't mythical, she wouldn't know they had been recovered by Twilight & co. If 30 moons was short enough ago that she knew about Twilight and the crown, then it has to be less than three years and therefore being stuck in the alternate world for that time would be annoying, but not worldshattering.


But other than that, the movie's fine.

  • Brohoof 1


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This movie really exceeded my expectations. I was worried it would be terrible, but they pulled if off quite nicely! The Mane 6 were in character and there was a lot of good humor and animation. The songs weren't anything special (besides the opening credits, which I loved), but they were catchy! There's so much to say and process, so I'll just leave it at that I enjoyed it and thought it was well done!

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Look I could go on for days about this movie but my biggest gripe against it is the fact that the show goes against girly stereotypes, meanwhile the movie embraces them

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Hello there. Your topic was created for the purpose of sharing your opinion and impressions of the Equestria Girls movie, and as such, it has been merged with the pinned thread for posting thoughts on the movie after viewing it.

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Something I really liked about EqG was how little it mattered to me what the characters looked like. I found myself focusing not on the fact that they were anthropomorphized, but that they were still the same characters we still know and love in their personalities. My biggest concern with EqG was not that they were human, but that a different writing staff would handle the movie and the characters would be completely different in personality and quirks. I was very satisfied with how it was handled.

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I was sceptical at first, but having seen it I absolutely loved Equastia Girls!


I thought it was a great movie all round and ticked all the boxes for my liking.


Funny, good plot, exciting, cool, good animation, good soundtrack and of course great characters.

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form what i had heard over the past few days the movie was brilliant


i watched it today and i was not disappointed at all the songs where catchy and animation was done exceptionally and the story was engaging and fun. 


hey hey everybody weve got something to say

we may seem as different as night is from day

but if you look a little deeper than you will see

that im just like you and your just me yeah  


hey hey everybody where here to shout

that the magic of friendship is what it's all about  

we  though we where as different as the night is form the day 

until twilight sparkle helped us see another way 


so get up get down if your gonna come around 

we can work together helping twilight win the crown 

so get u get down cos its gonna make a sound 

if we work together helping twilight sparkle win the crown


hey hey hands up now  where sending a message to the crowd

hands way up then come down  

then well party together all around


generous .... honesty

kindness laughter loyalty 

twilight helped us each to see 

all that we can be


so get up get down if your gonna come around 

we can work together helping twilight win the crown 

so get u get down cos its gonna make a sound 

if we work together  helping twilight sparkle win the crown

im gonna be myself no matter what i do 
and if where different yeah ill probably just be true to you 
if you follow me well put our differences aside 
and start working on our school pride!
jump up make a sound hey stop your hooves turn around
start now make a change gonna come around
jump up make a sound hey stop your hooves turn around
canterlot wondercolts help her win the crown
jump up make a sound hey stop your hooves turn around
start now make a change gonna come around 
jump up make a sound hey stop your hooves turn around
canterlot wondercolts help her win the crown
jump up make a sound hey stop your hooves turn around
start now make a change gonna come around 
jump up make a sound hey stop your hooves turn around
canterlot wondercolts help her win the crown 


best song ever 

Edited by HunterScars01
  • Brohoof 2



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I LOVED this movie!


At first, I thought this movie would be awful, thanks to a lot of you, but now that I've seen it, It is my favorite movie EVER!!!


First of all, I loved the idea of a human verson of Equestria. Next, I thought Hasbro did a good job with the humanized versons of Twilight and friends. The songs were just better than the songs in the show, Pinkie Pie (both) was just as random as ever, and to be honest, I was thinking about quiting the fandom if this wasn't any good. Plus, they gave Twilight a love interest. I know that this movie isn't cannon to ther show, but I would LOVE to see more Twilight's interest in 'Brad'.



And if you still think 'Equestria Girls' sucks, let me ask you these questions:


1. Do you own any human pony pictures or have one that you like?


2. Have you ever shipped Twilight with anypony?



In the end, I give this move 19/20.



P.S: If you ask me, it would be GREAT if Hasbro turned this movie into it's own T.V. show! I know I would watch it!

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What do you think needs to be discussed in the movie, and what do you think of the movie? Did you like the movie.


I kind of wanna bring up something, will there be a sequel? I thought it was a little bit hard that she had to left them at the end. Might she come back to the alternate world?

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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We need to discuss how once again, just because there was something we didn't expect, that we had no control over made the fandom act more childish than the shows target demographic.


This keeps happening. Every bombshell causes the fans to cry foul solely based on preconception and speculation.

Hopefully next bombshell fans will be a little bit wiser and have a bit more faith in the production team.

Edited by Jammo
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Good old @~Chaotic Discord~ is probably gunna merge this thread...I can smell him. ph34r.png


As for the topic, it's a tossup as to a sequel, but if I had to guess I would say no. There is no other reason for anypony to go back to the human dimension.


A good discussion point though is what humans in the movie shall we see as ponies in season 4, like the "environmental" guy...or the punk girl with the green hair..etc.

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    I'm curious, am I the only one who feels bad for the human counterparts of the Mane 5? From what I've seen (I haven't seen it all), they weren't the most popular kids, but they found a friend who united them together and helped them learn about "the magic of friendship" and fight against everyone's differences. And then, Twilight leaves, probably never to return.


    EDIT: Okay, so I watched the whole thing today, and the whole popularity thing I said may or may not be true,  the topic wasn't really touched upon in the movie. But nonetheless, Twilight is the only reason the Mane 5 became friends again, and the only reason the school was able to rise against Sunset Shimmer. The fact that she straight up leaves, and I see the human counterpart of Pinkie Pie trying to run through the portal but failing, is kind of sad (and the music for when the moon is moving moments prior). Not sad enough for tears, but a bit of heartache.


   P.S I know I'm going to get a response saying something about "spoilers." One of you out there is not going to realize this is a spoiler thread.

Edited by Alkryn
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I just watched EqG yesterday and I am both happy yet disappointed.


Everything started off great. The animation was fantastic, the songs were fun and catchy. I had fun.


The problem I had was with the plot. Sunset shimmer's back story seemed too brief and some problems were settled a little too neatly. The girl's readily accepted Twilight's problems as fact with absolutely no shred of doubt. Then there was Sunset Shimmer's transformation. I did not like this scene at all. Her entire character is too clichéd and I find that to be poor character design. After all she did all she said was sorry. It's like the producers ran out of time and rushed the entire ending, hoping for an easy conclusion, but instead created more questions.


I will watch it again for the songs but not for the storyline so if I do watch it again it will be through the hub or youtube. I won't be buying the DVD or the toys (except maybe fluttershy.)

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I've got what I would say are my thoughts on the movie, and they aren't all that pleasant.  No, I don't bash anything without proper merit, but there are so many problems to this movie.  If you want to see it, since I believe reposting it here would be akin to spam, you can find my response to the movie here -



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 watching the movie I was very pleased, they did enough for my love of the shows music art and little borny shout outs that i was  able to enjoy this movie. And pinkie pie's antics kept me laughing so hard I almost died i think. The only thing i didn't like was they didn't explain the *Spoiler* Twilight twin sister thing, like why wasn't she at school these last 3 days or anything. But its not a big deal.


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I'm curious, am I the only one who feels bad for the human counterparts of the Mane 5? From what I've seen (I haven't seen it all), they weren't the most popular kids, but they found a friend who united them together and helped them learn about "the magic of friendship" and fight against everyone's differences. And then, Twilight leaves, probably never to return.

That is a good point, but the bright side is that there obviously is an actual Twilight and Spike in that dimension, or at least I think there is, so eventually they would meet her I would assume. :)


As for the topic, even though it might get merged, I LOVED the movie. Yes, it is flawed. Yes, it is clichè in ways. Yes, the pacing was a bit fast. Despite all of this, I feel there was a lot more good than bad, in my opinion. I enjoyed it very much. It made me laugh in so many spots, the animation and voice acting are still top notch as expected, and the many cameos and shoutouts were very nice. Plus, the damn credits. The credits.


Also, this is a biggie for me, since I am obsessed with Twilicorn. This movie proves that Twilight is still Twilight despite being a princess. She has not changed a bit. Tara Strong was correct after all. Plus, it really puts the princess thing in a positive light at the end. I REALLY hope this attitude carries over into season 4 somehow. Please DHX, do that! I know McCarthy said that EqG is not connected to season 4 at all (which I honestly hope she was lying there) but at least carry that attitude over. Gee, I am really obsessed with this. :P

Edited by Kyoshi
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