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-I think luna and Celestia are very well devloped characters

-Cutie mark crusaders are great

-I think Fluttershy is a most mean pony of all the mane 6 (ps:still confused why people dont like pinkie for making Fluttershy cry but when Fluttershy does it to pinkie its okay)

-iv think all the songs were great

-i hate some ships

-I like rarity

-I hate people overeacting to Derpy

-Spike is great

-I like all the chars even tho i think Fluttershy is manipulative and mean (its possible  that shes the first pony im gonna grow to hate)

-All seasons were great

-I dont see how Chrysalis would become good

-Fluttershy is worst pony

-I didn't hate Mare Do Well (yea ctrl + c that one)

-The baybe cakes was a good episode

-Making twilight a alicorn was a good move

-I dont like fanfic *cupcakes*

-Pinkie is best

-flash sentry doesn't annoy me

-Sombra was great evil char

-I think Twilight castle is great


Need i say more im just annoyed with some people

Edited by lop333
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I feel that, at least here, Rainbow Dash and Rarity get too much hate. And most of it is stuff they've done that they ended up learning their lesson for.


So far, Season 1 had the most weakpoints out of the 5 seasons.

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I don't like/care about the fanmade fads like Derpy, Doctor Hooves, Trollestia, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch and stuff like that.


I don't like shipping. Dislestia, maybe, but that's it.


I think each of the mane six DO deserve their elements. (I have a long-winded argument for anyone who challenges this)


I'm not a huge fan of Cadence or Shining Armour.


Applejack is probably the best pony.   :icwudt:


Fluttershy's not all that great anymore...Like, I love her, but I find myself liking her less and less with each new episode. :/ She seems to lack a certain tact and understanding that causes a lot of trouble.


Discord being reformed wasn't such a bad thing!


And much more! :P



I will never watch Tanks for the Memories again.


I don't give a crap about Sombra of Chrysalis. They were rather uninteresting. Just power and evil and no personality...although Chrysalis was a good singer.

Edited by AmberDust

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I feel that rainbow dash's character went further downhill for me as the show progress. Her obsession with cool and awesome just got irritating after a while. I also don't care much for Luna at all. I felt them wanting fluttershy to reform discord was fan pandering.


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Shipping, just no. I don't like it. 


Baby ponies are creeepy. I hate them.


Trixie is one of my least favorite ponies. I don't see why everyone ADMIRES her.


"Crazy Twilight" (seen S2E3 or somewhere idk i forgot) is the WORST. I hate it, it creeped me out, it freaked me out, I never watched that episode (I read it's plot on the Wikia and saw images).


I'm unsure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I dislike Equestria Girls. The human characters are weird, the storyline seems weird and so much more. I'm never going to watch it.


I dislike "Doctor Whooves". Honestly I never liked Doctor Who, the show itself, to begin with.


Pinkie Pie and Applejack are my least favorite Mane 6. I don't HATE them, but I don't like them.


Derpy is SO overrated. People freak out about her too much. I kinda like her character design though.


Please please please don't start to hate on me for these opinions D:


Off topic below:





-Cutie mark crusaders are great



That's an unpopular opinion?  :o WHAT


Edited by Sweetie-Belle
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Applejack is a GOOD CHARACTER. The apple family is one of the things i love most about FiM.


Twilicorn is good. At first I was hesitant but It ended up being good.


Vinyl Scratch is overrated. Like yeah she's cool but, c'mon guys. She hasn't. even. spoken.
Derpy is also overrated, but I like her a lot more than Vinyl.


I do not ship Octavia and Vinyl. They would NOT get along. C'mon guys, I know opposites attract but I dont think they'd ever be compatible. Especially as lovers. Sorry fangirls and fanboys.

I actually like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. I like theories where they are jealous of the CMC. It gives so much depth to them.

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I prefer Gilda over Trixie. While I like 'em both, I always felt more interested in Gilda. Plus, Gilda's redemption felt more natural to me than Trixie's.


The only background characters I care about are Button Mash, Nurse Redheart and the Spa ponies.


I don't like Tricks Up My Sleeves that much.


In fact, the only EQGirls songs in both the movies I like are Helping Twilight Win the Crown, and the 3 songs uploaded only on Youtube, Life is a Runway, My Past is Not Today and Friends Through the Ages.


I don't really care for shipping that much. Even if I make jokes about it in my reviews. Plus, most of the ships I see I feel they wouldn't work at all.

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I feel that rainbow dash's character went further downhill for me as the show progress. Her obsession with cool and awesome just got irritating after a while. I also don't care much for Luna at all. I felt them wanting fluttershy to reform discord was fan pandering.

Rainbow Dash has moments of greatness that really need to be considered more often by the writers. They give her a great episode where she shows a lot of depth, and then they don't expand on it later down the line. Dash is always going to be my favorite but some of the criticism she gets makes sense.

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I don't care for Fluttershy or Applejack most of the time.


I enjoyed Spike at Your Service and TMMDW but recognize they're bad episodes.


Background ponies are overrated, but I still find them somewhat appealing. Highly interested to see how M.A. Larson (best writer) can pull off an episode entirely about background characters on June 13.


The Crystal Empire is miles better than the pilot and about on par with The Return of Harmony, but not as good as Princess Twilight Sparkle or The Cutie Map.


Season 4 so far is the overall best season (but Season 5 is impressing me more than season 4 so far).


In some regards, Season 3 is better than 2.


I couldn't care less for Twilacorn. 


Meghan McCarthy is a better writer than Lauren Faust.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Slice of Life was OK, but not really "great."


I'm fine with the writers making "love letters" to the fandom for the 100th episode, but you still have to have a solid story while you do that, and I feel the story in Slice of Life was just messy and all over the place.


Also, Season 1 was the probably the weakest season of MLP. Not that it was bad, it had some great episodes, but in terms of quality of most of the episodes, it hasn't really aged well.

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Don't like Slice of Life

Rainbow Dash is not favorite

Season 1 and 2 were the best

Anti-Bronies are a rare breed

Woona is great pet

Need more Rarity episodes

Keep characters non-changing

The comedy in the show is the best part

Don't care much for background ponies to the point that they don't exist

Pinkie Pie is not funny

All characters have gotten diluted and boring

Griffonstone only good episode in Season 5

Season 5 worst season so far

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  • Slice of Life was okay. It seemed more like a fanmade thing, than an actual episode. But, it was fun anyways.
  • The forced "Allons-y" made me cringe.
  • I think Vinyl should be a mute. It would make me like her a lot more.
  • I didn't care for Double Diamond, Party Favor, Night Glider, or Sugar Belle (I think that's the names) Their voices were horrendous. Especially Double Diamond's.
  • Although, I think that Philosopher Gummy is pretty cool. It was completely out of left field.
  • Season 1 does not hold up well, at all.
Edited by BoredAnimeGif
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It seems like any RD episode everyone hates I like, and the same other way around except Wonderbolts academy, that was pretty good.


I'm a quiet, introverted person and I have no sympathy towards Fluttershy, I do not care for her character.


Rarity, in my opinion, is probably the funniest character in the show.


There is not one Applejack episode that is bad, I rewatch them all of the time. But Bats! and The Last Roundup are by far the best, and Bats has the second best song in the entire show.

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Season 1, although good, has not aged well at all. It also had what I thought was the weakest finale in the series, "The Best Night Ever."


Although season 3 wasn't as good as the other seasons, it's good in its own right.


Edit: I prefer Celestia over Cadance and Luna.

Edited by Kelldrick

(coming soon)

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Well, here goes nothing:


-The whole Derpy hype is getting on my flippin' nerves xD I don't see what's so special about her.

-Fluttershy annoys me half of the time. 

-Don't care for the CMC 

-Celestia is best princess

-Lyra is best background pony

-Season 5 is not that good so far

-I actually really like Angel

-Silver Spoon is cutest filly...


That's about it  :rarity:

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- Discord, Tirek, King Sombra, and Chrysalis are my least favorite antagonists.

- Starlight Glimmer is my favorite villain because she's the only one who doesn't have the whole "take over Equestria" goal.

- I don't hate Angel Bunny.

- I liked Putting Your Hoof Down.

- I like Gilda (after the Griffonstone episode).

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I love Mysterious Mare Do Well and nobody seemed particularly out of character or jerky.

Bloom and Gloom is best Season 5 episode.

Appleloosa's Most Wanted was so great I watched it many times when it came out. :)

Spike is cute and I like his episodes, including Princess Spike. The worst Spike episode is Dragon Quest.

My favorite BG pony is Doctor Whooves even though I don't like Doctor Who.

Edited by Pineapple Bloom


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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-I liked Gilda before she was reformed

-I find Coco Pommel overrated, I do not find her cute and her presence in Rarity takes Manehatten is not any special compared to the other Key Bringers in the other key episodes

-Silver Shill and Donut Joe deserve more attention.


Donut Joe having Twilight and Spike as past customers means he has a long connection with them that predates the events of the show allowing interesting story ideas, Also his James Bond fantasy was hilarious (maybe we can have him work alongside "Bon Bon")


Silver Shill's design is decent, I especially think he is cute in glasses. I find it odd that he has little fan art and fanfiction compared to Coco and Cheese when he made just as much impact by going through a small reformation.


-King Sombra is a good villain. I feel like he is the Sauron of MLP

-Meghan McCarthy is a better writer than Lauren Faust

- Spike episodes are hit and miss for me. At one moment you could episodes that are up with the best like Secrets of my Excess and Inspiration Manifestation, however you could also get episodes that are the bottom of the barrel like Dragon Quest and Owl's Well That Ends Well. 

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