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I think the team behind MLP is way too talented for a show aimed at preschool girls. They're being wasted.


Only Rainbow Dash has homosexual tendencies among the Mane Six.

Edited by nuneskev
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I don't need Sunset Shimmer as a 7th element, because that would open another whole can of worms for me.


Twilight: "There is a 7th element?

Celestia: "Yes."

Twilight: "Why?"

Celestia: "Because."

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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I don't need Sunset Shimmer as a 7th element, because that would open another whole can of worms for me.


Twilight: "There is a 7th element?

Celestia: "Yes."

Twilight: "Why?"

Celestia: "Because."


More five years of FiM. If the established number of elements isn't retconned, probably other stuff will be in order to continue the show,

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-I feel like after 5 seasons the mane 6 still don't have a lot of development and they're still a big mystery.  I wish we knew more about their past, parents, fillyhood, how they grew up, and a little more explaining on some things that they touched in The Cutie Mark Chronicles.

-Spike was an okay character in the beginning of the show but he's just getting old now.

-I'm really worried that the show's ratings are dropping and I hope it doesn't mean an end to the show soon.  There's still so much more potential for the show

-Rarity doesn't really express her element of harmony

-Neither does Rainbow Dash

-Cadence's singing voice is so unbelievably good (especially in You'll Play Your Part)


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The fandom is so anal about the elements of harmony that whenever anypony does anything that even hints at them doing something that is slightly different the fandom throws a massive bitchfit


On top of that whenever people criticize the characters because they don't "follow their elements" to a tee, whenever people show them evidence that they in fact have, people will always ignore it or take their actions completely out of context

Edited by Megas
  • Brohoof 11
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Sombra is my favorite villain, and I think they should elaborate more on his backstory, and bring him back in a future episode/episodes.


Rainbow Dash is my least favorite of the mane 6 because she is so stuck up, but I do believe she has gotten better as the show has progressed.


I dislike Celestia very much. 


Luna and Derpy may be a little overrated, but of course there is a reason for that. I love them both, and I want many more episodes about them.


Well I don't have much more to say other than villains should be stronger so to speak. The villains should last longer then two episodes or at least come back in a few seasons. 

  • Brohoof 3


"No one know what lies ahead when Celestia has faded, and Luna's dead." 

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They should stop introducing new characters and focus on the ones right now

This thread is suddenly used for venting on anything.... even opinions that are actually very popular

Luna needs episodes that center more on her like Luna Eclipsed not having her as a one trick pony in CMC episodes

  • Brohoof 5


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i dont get why the background ponies are so great


well im just 2 months into the fandom so i wasn't around during the time they ware fan named and stuff, so theres that


What is broken can be reforged

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  • 1 month later...

I have an unconditional hatred for people calling Rainbow Dash "Dashie."


I don't really mind when Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy call her that, but when the fandom keeps calling her Dashie to express their love for a cartoon horse, that's when it drives me up the wall.


When I think of Dashie, I think of DashieGames. That dude is hilarious.

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-The Crystal Empire was my favorite two parter before Twilight's Kingdom.


-I was in full support of Alicorn Twilight from the beginning.


-I believe Celestia to be just as benevolent and kind as she appears to be.

  • Brohoof 4
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Looking back, I actually don't think that Magical Mystery Cure was all that bad. Yes, Twilight's ascension was...sudden...if you look at it from the point of view of that one episode ("Oh, you managed to complete an unfinished spell! Bam, alicorn princess!"), but from my perspective, the signs were already there. Why would Princess Celestia take somepony like Twilight Sparkle under her own wing unless she knew that her potential could be groomed into something greater? It's not every day the all-powerful demigod princess and ruler of the country plucks a random unicorn out from the herd to become her personal student.


The Mysterious Mare do Well was jarring in terms of its aesop, but I actually think it's one of the best episodes for one reason and one reason only: we finally got goddam confirmation that electricity exists in Equestria and isn't just goddam generated by thunderstorms.


(No, those aren't typos. Those were intentional.)

  • Brohoof 2
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Let's see how bad I can stir the pot here.


- Pinkie Pie's behavior in Filli Vanilli was not at all out of character. Pinkie Pie has proven herself to have no filter numerous times in the past. Not to mention, her optimist nature causes her to underestimate the severity of how badly others perceive their own shortcomings and weaknesses. And as the comic relief character that she is, it shouldn't be at all unexpected for her to play up such a common trope in children's programming. Fluttershy isn't still dwelling on it, and neither should you.


- Applejack wasn't OOC in Somepony to Watch Over Me. It's just shocking to see her meltdown when we've never seen it happen to her to this extent. But her reasons for her panic make sense, given her relationship with Apple Bloom and her little sister's mischievous tendencies. Note that I'm not backing up the episode's quality, because it was undeniably shaky.


- I'm sick of Discord and am not looking forward to his upcoming episode in the second half of season 5. "MNFBKD" was one of the worst episodes of the season. Three's a Crowd was equally lame last season.


- Lyra and Bon Bon are an implied couple. The writers can play denial all they like, but when they put the characters in a short with the word "love" in it, and have it end with a heart, on top of all of the other bedroom eyes and intimate holds with each other throughout the series, there's no way they're "just friends" They were literally catdog and were super excited about it. Come on now. ;)


- Season 1 is in many ways the best of all seasons because it was fun without a ton of fan pandering, as it didn't have the luxury of an already well-established fanbase to spoon feed all of the popular fandom favorite things to. It had to be great through its own creativity, and largely succeeded. Season 2 is still my least favorite. Didn't care for the lack of Applejack. What else can I say?


- The Rainbow Rocks soundtrack is Daniel Ingram's best work yet, and is superior to most Friendship is Magic music. Oh yeah, I said it.


- Return of Harmony is by leaps and bounds the best of all two-parters because it understands the show's emphasis on friendship and incorporates all of the main characters in an interesting way. It gives ALL of them their own miniature conflict to overcome. All the later two-parters have had heavy focus on Twilight Sparkle and her struggles, and much of the time it feels as if her friends are just there for the ride, with weak incorporation of actual teamwork and unity, the kind of themes I would expect to see in major episodes.


- None of the Mane Six are overrated. They are all equally amazing, complex, fun, interesting characters who get plenty of love and praise from fans all around. Resenting any of them for their popularity is just silly, as is pitying the less popular ones as if they're deprived.... :/


Ok, the last one isn't so unpopular, but it needed to be said.

  • Brohoof 9
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-I like Celestia more than Luna, and Celestia needs an episode or more to actually show her in a positive light. In fact, both need to be more important to the show, though Luna already shows a slight degree of importance toward the CMC.


-The premiere is the only 2-parter I like. All of the other ones are lousy mainly because Celestia (and her sister by extension) do absolutely nothing. So much for being guardians of Equestria. I know the show isn't about the original alicorn rulers, but that doesn't mean they have to be useless to the stories. I did like parts of "Princess Twilight Sparkle" though, but that's mostly for the flashbacks, which weren't much but I'll take anything I can get about the history of Celestia and Luna.


-"Dragon Quest" is also subpar, but it had some very funny moments. I'd also say the same for "Spike at Your Service" but to a smaller degree.


-I don't know how well the Equestria Girls movies are received in general, but I think they're only fine enough at best.


-I don't care much for Derpy, though pointing out her appearances is somewhat amusing ala "Where's Waldo?"


There's probably other opinions I have, but this is all I can think of at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My little Pony Tales is better.


Found the Episode with Discord to be really boring.


Found a lot of the humor and overreactions annoying.


Would wish the upcoming Movie would be 3D animated since i think that 3D animation could be far better and more beautiful looking than the 2d show style. ( if done right )


Find the G4 Drawing Style to be worst one of them all.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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-Season 1 sucked a big butt


-Celestia is a mary sue


-Luna is emotional


-Cadence is only around for the toy error of celestia Being pink


-The show itself has lost moral and is just the same lesson over and over again

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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-I fucking hate 'Putting Your Hoof Down' with a burning passion

-I really don't like Celestia

-I like the Cutie Mark Crusaders more than the Mane Six

-I love alicorn Twilight

-I hate the Flim Flam Brothers and their songs

-Trixie is overrated

-Rainbow Dash is overrated

-I like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon

-I love all of the pets

-I really dislike most popular MLP ships

-I like Equestria Girls

-I loved Magical Mystery Cure



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Luna is an overrated character, especially after the very weak "Do princesses dream of magical sheep?" Episode.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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