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Generational Succession: Re-establishing the Pillar


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It only seems it was yesterday that Feld0 made our sites' memorable year anniversary topic, and the forum's community gathered for a touching, lengthy series of replies that outlined why they stuck around with our site, and why they found something meaningful in the community established here. Old staff, newer staff, forum veterans, brand new members; regulars and lurkers alike participated in that rather symbolic milestone that our site achieved.


We're now very deep into our second year, and here we are, still trucking. Bumps and hiccups have happened, and will continue to do so, but regardless we remain strong as we enjoy our plentiful fanbase, await the approaching Season 4, and the even closer arrival of 2013 BronyCon. There, a panel and table will be represented for Poniverse and our community, upheld by staff and members of ongoing Poniverse Projects. BronyCon is but less than 40 days away, at this point, and I know I look forward to seeing as many folks from here as possible. Get psyched!


Achievements, though. They're something that our forum has accomplished in not only milestones such as having a piece of BronyCon's pie this year, but also in the individuals that have walked into our midst and helped this forum run the absolute best it could, all this time; wrestling with drama and stress to often asinine amounts, just to assure the community's success. Volunteering their time and even sanity to serve, protect and better the community started here by Feld0 and Kurtiss in what seems so long ago.


In reality, I've little to no idea how many of you watch Naruto & Naruto: Shippuden, but I'm sure you're passionate about other animes or shows of your own. From one passionate fan to many others, let me share with you something.


The Leaf Village is my home! The Hokage is the head of the house, the central pillar! He carries the will of the village, entrusted with protecting it, nurturing it! It is not simply a collection of huts. It is a place where...every year, ninja are born. They grow, train, grow old, fight and die for the sake of their village. Even if we are not related by blood, the people of this village are precious to me. They are my family!


Even if you were to kill me, the pillar will not crumble. A new, stronger Hokage will take my place, and inherit the will of fire that lives in every shinobi of this village!

~Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage


Paraphrased slightly to be sure, but I believe the core values apply very much to the situation we face, here. As we all move forward as a community, everyone should remember that Zoop and Key, Vexx, and any and all past and future staff members who aid in up-keeping our peaceful corner of the internet...though they may all eventually hang up their helms, a new generation is always there to continue the responsibility that they shouldered, and thus, everything they've all stood for is not forgotten. Though all unique, we're all here for a common interest, and a communal sense of unity in providing the best community we can create.


The next generation is already among us. It's been here for a while now, but only now is it time to establish it as a prime order. With some veterans retiring, BronyCon and Poniverse's advancement approaching faster and faster, and our community reaching an evolution standpoint thusly, it's time for the young heroes of tomorrow to kick some butt, and give their best to assist in making this community continue to thrive in the best way possible.


First and foremost, welcome Artemis to the role of admin. Who didn't see this coming, has probably been inactive or looking in all the wrong places. Having ascended every rank thus far, Artemis's dedication, intelligence, calm and approachable demeanor and ability to help out members in need has only evolved in his time as a moderator, with leadership blooming for him rather noticeably ever since he became one. May his new found role allow him to assist people all the better, and for him to be even further self-sufficient in slaying off staff projects as they come along.


Secondly, welcome Twilight Sparkle to the role of moderator. Twilight has been shown to possess not only an astoundingly positive and thoughtful attitude towards engaging with others in discussion, but has also gone out of his way on occasion after occasion to seek out threads, links and quotes for even the simplest of questions, to assist members inside and out of the Site Questions section. With Artemis moving on to other first and foremost duties, having an additional set of eyes capable of handling the day hours of Beyond Equestria will be a wise long-term decision. Good luck to you, Twilight! I'm sure you'll do fantastic!


Thirdly, something that's actually been in implementation for a week or so now but simply hasn't gotten its' chance to be announced; Lavoaster has agreed to assist Feld0 as a second sysadmin for the site smile.png While he is not listed as a Tech Admin due to his disinterest in dealing with actual forum administration/moderation, his blinding fast speed and high knowledge of IPBoard has already been proven to be invaluable for our solution to solving bugs, implementing new features and taking care of the gap in technical-expertise we've been seeking for so very long.


Last, but most certainly not least, please welcome Apple Bloom to the administration staff as well. I'm going to be very blunt here when I say that, this guy is hugely, massively under-appreciated; by all. Whether or not he'll try to denounce this with modesty is unknown to me, but what I can tell you for sure is that despite his favorite pony being inaccurate, he is, to me, the epitome of the Element of Loyalty. Apple Bloom has been apart of this staff since its' very first days, and has not only stuck around with us all this time, but has single-handedly taken care of the stream and shown interest in its' continued success, even during earlier points where others showed very little of that same interest.


Apple Bloom has been a 'Global' Moderator with no focused sections for over a year now if not more, if I'm correct. The problem is, this role gives him very little opportunity to do a whole lot, considering that he's not the kind of guy who just assists in general moderation. He's the leader of an extranet site, that will ultimately be developing further into its' own Poniverse branch some day. As someone who can access the CP and help plan not only Equestria.tv's future better, but actually have a managers' role in it as well, Apple Bloom is probably more deserving of an administration role than anyone. Merry June Christmas, you Cutie Mark Crusader mod, you.




I'd like to leave everyone off on a few more points, of which I think also need to be mentioned.

  • The New Character Minimum has been promised for some time now, and I'm happy to say it is on the very cusp of being implemented in its' entirety. A separate announcement topic will come when it does hit the forum, so no major spoilers yet, but I will say that I hope everyone gives it a chance, as it is far more user-friendly and tolerant of post types both long and short, than what we've had until now.
  • Issues, things on the ever present staff To-Do List and other projects, both tech and non-tech, have been in a very consistent state of productivity. With Lavo on the tech front, and a new To-Do List Tracker system aiding folks with projects, I'm personally pretty happy in how things have been getting done lately. Just something to help folks know that, even though things may not always seem too active on the surface, that doesn't mean much work can't possibly be going on. Expect some new stuff fairly soonish, though~
  • I hope to see a bunch of you at BronyCon! Going to be a blast, and people need to bring cameras so we can get an entire album for this years' experiences!

Thanks for reading, everypony~

  • Brohoof 33


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Bronycon :*( I was going to get to go but stupid colleges expenses and such are hindering me to go... I am going to miss a an amazing opportunity. sad.png


I wanted to meet the likes of you all.

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
  • Brohoof 3



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Well, due to some school complications and since I won't be going this year I hope that all of the members and staff attending the convention enjoy the fun and time spent there. smile.png


But, it would have been awesome seeing all of you guys and gals there. sad.png Luckily, I'll still be on the forums during BronyCon.



So party on!  P.S. : Congrats to Twilight Sparkle, Apple Bloom, Artemis, and Lavoaster.

Edited by ★Chaotic Lightning★
  • Brohoof 3
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With all these new pillars going up with these young studs and fillies stepping up and taking charge, me and Crispy and the other Day 1ers are gonna be the crazy old guys in the rocking chairs sharing "Pepperidge Farm remembers" stories to anyone who will hear.


Congrats to everyone's new appointments and cheers to the longevity of MLP Forums/Poniverse

  • Brohoof 15

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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I was expecting some new staff to come in, I can't honestly say I expected who exactly, but I knew that after some resignations there was undoubtedly going to be some new staff moving into positions.


So congratulations to Artemis, Twilight sparkle, Lavoaster, and Applebloom on their new rules! I wish you success!


And I agree with what your saying CD, I think despite all the roadbumps we've stayed pretty well together overall. And I hope that it will continue to be this way! I certainly know I love this place and the people here for sure, I know i've said it enough, but its certainly true. I don't have plans to leave here for quite a while.


I won't be attending bronycon, but I hope everyone enjoys it! Hope to hear many great things about it :).

  • Brohoof 7


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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It's always nice when we have more folks initiated into our uber cool secret society. Conspiring for global domination requires warm bodies, ya know!


In all seriousness, cograts to Artemis, Twilight Sparkle, Lavoaster, and Apple Bloom!

  • Brohoof 11


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Huh. I guess it's time for me to put words to some thoughts that have been bouncing around in my brain, then.


I've been a user on these forums for all of a month and a half, now. Already, this community has done many wonderful things for me. I remember when I made my first contact with ponies - I was playing on a minecraft server, and someone had written a book that was a copy/pasted clopfic.


It was about Twilight and Rarity. I had no idea who it was, but I assumed Rarity was the main character of some show. That's really all I thought about it in general.


A couple months later, I had come into contact with a few pony images around the internet (mostly the Minecraft Forums). Late one night, I came across a video from a couple Youtubers who I greatly respected, and it was about My Little Pony. The basic gist of the video was that the show was actually really good.


I had nothing else to do, so I searched "My Little Pony", and what popped up was "Magical Mystery Cure". I watched it.


One week to the day later, I had watched all 65 episodes of My Little Pony. That adds up to almost three-and-a-half hours of MLP per day, during the school year (beginning of April). Needless to say, I got a little behind in the school department, but I didn't care.


Why am I saying this? Because ponies made me happy. Honestly, I hadn't been happy since as long as I could remember. Every day was the same. School. And when I was done with school for the day, I was bored.


I can honestly say that I haven't been bored once in the past three months. When I found these forums about a month after I became a brony, I exploded on to the scene. I started posting everywhere - everywhere. I just couldn't get enough for some reason. I still can't, come to think of it. I'm on this site for hours every day.


I guess this whole long post is just to say: In light of the forums' second anniversary, I would like to thank all the members and especially the staff for making this such a happy, wonderful place. :3


And that's how Equestria was made.

  • Brohoof 9


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Aquila becoming moderator? Called it!

Artemis becoming admin? Totally surprising. I started the "Artemis 4 Admin" fanclub a few months ago!



Be prepared for bigger responsibilities now. Times will be rough at times (inevitably) but seeing as how you are both calm and collected you can endure anything.

  • Brohoof 9
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Artemis an admin, he is just getting closer and closer to implementing his evil plans to take over this place. I don't know Lavoaster or Applebloom too well but congrats to the both of you anyway and Twilight Sparkle seems fairly level headed.

  • Brohoof 7
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As good friends of @Artemis and @Apple Bloom, I could not be happier right now. Those two are some of the greatest people I have met in my life as a part of this amazing community, and their work and dedication to Poniverse and the forums, along with their willing to do good shines brighter than the sun. And so does my respect for them, they are some of the best people you will ever meet.


As for Apple Bloom, I cannot agree more that he is under-appreciated. He is one of the most dedicated members of the fandom, as far as I know, and his burning passion transitions to being a very good Poniverse staff member. It has been long overdue he got the position, and I am so glad it finally happened. Congratulations, AB, and I wish you luck in your future as an admin!


Artemis is one of the most fun, interesting and intelligent people I've met over the Internet, and has become one of my best friends. I've seen him climb the moderation ladder with ease, his capability as a staff member is unmatched. And now I am proud to see him at the peak, where he can put his talent to the absolute best use, and I look forward to see you strive as an admin, the very much same for Apple Bloom.



I love both you guys, and could not be more happy with being your friend. It's incredible to see how far you both have come. I applaud you, and wish you and everyone else luck with their new positions. :)

  • Brohoof 10


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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Y'see, this is how MLP Forums works. They wait until I leave, and change the heck out of everything while I'm gone.


Fortunately, none of these changes were surprises. Artemis has been downright invaluable to the staff team over the past several months, and Apple Bloom has been extremely helpful for a long time. It's great to see them both moving up in the world. And as for Aquila? Less work for me Not a surprise either, and I'm certain that they will be extremely helpful in the coming months. And Lavoaster's skill in breaking quickly fixing up the forum has been apparent as well, and I'm glad that he'll be able to assist Feld0 more effectively in the future. Congratulations to all :D

  • Brohoof 12
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Don't worry guys, I've fully resumed Key's Role of fixing breaking the site/server. It's in safe hands!


Congrats to Artemis, Twilight and Apple Bloom too!

  • Brohoof 13
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tl;dr :D.


Just kidding, Just kidding.


Congratulations on your positions Apple Bloom, Artemis, Lavoaster, and Twilight Sparkle!

  • Brohoof 3


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Woohoo, more victim-


Um, sorry.


Anyway, congratulations! I know all four of them will do good work. Apple Bloom is the most underrated mod in the community, and Artemis is one step closer to taking over the world. Good job CD for actually doing something productive! TS has proved active around the community and definitively deserves the spot. Never heard of Lavoster, but i'm positive he'll do great fixing up the community.

  • Brohoof 4

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Congratulations to all of you.


Artemis, there's no doubt on my mind that you deserve this. Twilight, all the time I've known you I always thought you'd make a great moderator. AB, congratulations. I trust you all completely.

  • Brohoof 3



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Ehem, it seems I forgot to post in here....GO ME!


Elvis has been a mod for as long as I can remember, honestly I was pretty shocked he never became an admin sooner, he is quite dedicated to this site. 


Also, I wish the best to Twilignt, Artemis, and Lavoster, I am sure yall have a lot of work ahead of you and hopefully you can keep with the pressure...SO MUCH PRESSURE..A..A.AF.AEWF.WAE.FWAE.FEWAF.EWAF


...Ummm....yea I'm gonna leave now.

  • Brohoof 6
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though they may all eventually hang up their helms

Haha no, good luck getting rid of me! :P

Seriously though, I may not say it enough but I really do adore serving this community, and as a veteran watching this site grow over the past year and a half or so I've been here has been a wonderful experience for me, and I hope to be around to see it grow even more for a long time to come. :)

Congrats to Twilight Sparkle becoming a mod, having such a diligent reporter join the staff means we've got a great set of eyes joining the team. Congrats to Artemis and Apple Bloom on their ascencion into Adminhood as well, it was only inevitable after all. ;)

Hope we can all, members and staff alike, can continue keeping this site the best it can be! :D

  • Brohoof 4


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Artemis becoming admin was about as predictable as the sun rising.  You won't find a calmer head.


And big grats to AB, dude is solid and totally deserves the recognition.


Twilight Sparkle and Lavoaster, I... don't think I know you!  But I trust the staff implicitly and I'm sure they made a fantastic choice.  Good luck, y'all.



With all these new pillars going up with these young studs and fillies stepping up and taking charge, me and Crispy and the other Day 1ers are gonna be the crazy old guys in the rocking chairs sharing "Pepperidge Farm remembers" stories to anyone who will hear.


Remember when there were no mods and two admins?


Day One Farms remembers.

  • Brohoof 9


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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All around good staff choices. Would like to extend my congratulations to all that have been promoted.


All of you deserve it.


That being said, I haven't seen anyone rise as fast as Artemis, so that was pretty cool.

  • Brohoof 4


Avatar by Zhortac

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Many congratulations to Artemis, Twilight Sparkle, Lavoaster, and Apple Bloom on the well deserved promotions!  I wish you all the best in your new positions and hope that this forum continues to grow in its awesomeness under your guidance.  Congratulations!!! derpy_emoticon1.png


As for BronyCon, I'm sad to say that sadly this will not be the year I get to attend. sad.png   Life's just gotten in the way is all, and I'm just too busy this summer here in Northern Michigan with my internship at PHSB as well as my part time job at a local grocery store.  Rest assured, you'll all be in my heart during the con, and I truly hope that all of you who get to attend have a great time getting to mingle with each other and, for some of you, meet one another, and I also hope that next year might finally be the year I get to go and meet you crazy bunch of bronies!  Hope ya'll take plenty of pictures and record plenty of video for those of us who don't get to go, cause I don't know about the rest of ya'll, but I for one want to see what kinds of trouble and shenanigans these crazy guys and gals get into while they're there! laugh.png   To all our staff and members who will be in attendance at BronyCon, have a great time ya'll, and PARTY HARD!!! yay.png



  • Brohoof 5


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Well I'm just going to say congratulations to you all then. ..though I disagree with one of the new staff members very often, so Im not sure how happy I am about that, but we'll see,,,


I'm not surprised at all, I knew you were looking for more staff members now when all this is coming closer. Plus, I suppose Poniverse and all the new projects there are going to need some staff working there too.


Anyways, good luck to you all!

'lil AB is a big boss now :3

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 1


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Hell yeah. Arty for admin :D congrats to all the new and promoted staff. You are all great people and I'm happy to see you all being recognized as th hard workers you are. Can't wait to start bothering arty with work :P

  • Brohoof 3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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