Sidral Mundet 1,666 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Well at least to me it's on how you want to define intelligent. For me, being intelligent is being able to recognize a problem, observer your surroundings and finding a solution from what you are given. So in that case everyone is just as smart as Twilight. Each of the Mane 6 has been able to solve various problems, each in their own way. Twilight simply has more book knowledge which does not make one smarter. A master degree student is not going to be as smart as a person with a GED and 10 years experience cause the GED has the experience as to how a system works. Yes the master student does bring a lot to the table but it does not make one smarter, just someone with different knowledge. But going off the definition as to who can memorize facts and take tests the best, outside of Twilight I'd go with Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie cause they both have cases of photographic memory. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WriteCodes46 178 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I'd rate the overall intelligence (as in IQ) of the mane 6 as follows: 1. Twilight Sparkle (IQ of 140) 2. Rarity (IQ of 110) 3. Applejack (IQ of 105) 4. Fluttershy (IQ of 90) 5. Pinkie Pie (IQ of 80) 6. Rainbow Dash (IQ of 75) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MysticShine 529 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 As far as being intelligent goes, I would say Celestia. She is a master manipulator (in a good way... sort of), and even manages to outsmart Twilight on some occasions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I think Rarity is also pretty intelligent in her own right. You need alot of creativity, to make the dresses that she makes. And i say this as someone, who isn't that big of a fan of her, like most people here. No offence. My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 If we are talking Mane six I would have to say the second smartest (If not on par with Twilight) would be Pinkie Pie. She may be random but her outstanding memory and understanding of magic and concepts like interdemensional portals says she is no slouch in the brains department. If We are talking Pony's Currently living, Maud Pie was well on her way to receiving her what Pinkie referred to as a "Roctorate" ( I'm assuming it's the equivalent of a "Doctorate in Geological Science") and has made (I would again assume) highly influential discoveries including a form of rock that are edible for ponies. Celestia is also technically a Pony and she is the one that taught Twilight in the first place and has a 1000 plus years of knowledge and wisdom at her disposal. Then of course there is Starswirl the Bearded if we go by Smart ponies throughout history. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sommar 1,289 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Princess Celestia because she is wise and knows practically everything. As for the main six, I'd have to say either Appejack or Fluttershy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorn O Discord 118 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I realize Zecora isn't a pony, but she sure knows a lot, so my money's on her. (Besides the princesses of course) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sanctified Absence 126 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 (edited) Discord has consistently shown an unparalleled ability to manipulate people against their own moral code and desires, so that might count for one sort of "smarts." (Damn it Celesitia, I know you're trying to reform him but he's really not living up to his potential caged like this.) Of course there are two ways to determine intelligence, raw cognitive processing power and skill. The latter has so many variations it's hard to list them all, the former is very hard to classify and compare. Edited March 23, 2015 by Sanctified Absence "Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Depends on how you define "smart". From smartest to least smart: 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Applejack 3. Pinkie Pie (she is quick-witted) 4. Rarity 5. Fluttershy (I'm not sure, it's pretty hard to know) 6. Rainbow Dash 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveMorison 404 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Didn't AppleJack mention in Pinkie Apple Pie that Granny Smith knew everything about everything. I'd rate the overall intelligence (as in IQ) of the mane 6 as follows: 1. Twilight Sparkle (IQ of 140) 2. Rarity (IQ of 110) 3. Applejack (IQ of 105) 4. Fluttershy (IQ of 90) 5. Pinkie Pie (IQ of 80) 6. Rainbow Dash (IQ of 75) I'll go:1. Twilight (140) 2. Rarity (110) 3. Fluttershy (105) 4. AppleJack (105) 5. Rainbow Dash (95) 6. Pinkie Pie (95) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Black Circle 1,586 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Out of the Mane 6? Wisest: Applejack, of course Factually: Rarity, maybe? Biscuit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I love Jelly Otter 477 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I'm telling you, bronies, it's Rarity! Pinkie Pie likes to party & drink stuff, so her mind is pretty much blunt, Applejack is busy with her farm which means she doesn't have time to study, while Rainbow Dash dropped school the next day she went there. Ultimate Jelly Otter / PB&J Otter fan since 2003 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UnknownFry 169 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Probably Celestia, Cadence, or Luna, and Sunset Shimmer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest243535531ty43 219 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 All of the Mane 6 ponies have been shown to have a good grasp on some form of knowledge base or a form of intelligence and a good acumen in general, i.e. Twilight with magic, astronomy, etc.; Applejack with rationality and practical knowledge about farming and apples (as described in "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3"); Rarity with her knowledge of fashion and designing as well as with high culture and language; Pinkie with social intelligence (her prowess with social intelligence I believe rivals Twilight's ability to understand and apply knowledge she learns) and open-mindedness; Fluttershy with her knowledge of animals and empathetic intelligence; and, yes, even Rainbow Dash who many here don't think she's a contender. I want to focus on her since many in the thread consider her the weakest in this domain. Rainbow Dash is shown to be very intelligent, with her strong penchant for reading that was only tapped into later in her life and her ability to subconsciously process information and remember a great deal of information in a short period of time as depicted in the same episode. She has a great learning potential and capacity it but she's not interested in that sort of pursuit, while Twilight, on the other hoof, decided to apply herself towards that because that was her passion. I believe the most intelligent pony in Equestria however is likely Twilight because of her capacity and passion for learning. Princess Celestia is definitely wiser and I would argue more knowledgeable than her as of now but only in the field of magic and in more worldly skills. We have not seen that Celestia knows a great deal beyond ruling, strategy, creatures living in her domain, and magic. Many others rival Twilight's intelligence, namely Sombra, the deceased Starswirl the Bearded, and Discord (part-pony, I know). Most of the ponies in Equestria find their talents and delve into them with full-fledged passion and that's why they seem intelligent/skilled in their specific domain. All in all though, "smartness" and "intelligence" are sort of a difficult terms to pinpoint. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeadAccount 4,604 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 I'd have to say Princess Celestia Sig by My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArcusPluviusIncitus 45 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 I would most likely agree with Dash Bandicoot that Granny smith would be a keen candidate for being the smartest mare in ponyvile with Twilight coming in a close second. Granny smith Is of course was around when Ponyville was founded and so would know alot of town history. She is an elderly pony so she would be quite mature....however that would not be kind to her memory.. :/ Anyway I believe if I were to be serious about it and make a more detailed and thorough answer to this question would be....everyone? Think about it, everyone is smart and has some excessive knowledge in some areas while others would be more knowledgeable in another topic. Like I love History and random things that people may not know but I am shit at cars....however someone else would be exsessivly brilliant at cars and knoweladgeable about them but may not know about history. So in regards to the show I believe that everyone has there special skill or hobby which they excel in and are rather smart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeadAccount 4,604 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 Perhaps Discord? Or maybe Celestia Sig by My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
almozayaf 72 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 (edited) twilight not the smartest, Pinkie Pie is,You don't believe me right :okiedokielokie: so watch Swarm of the Century Feeling Pinkie Keen It's About Time By the way Celestia is the dumpest pony ... Edited March 29, 2015 by almozayaf Please Read these Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coco-ta-mi 59 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 Not sure if he counts but Discord is pretty smart while being devious Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Complexity 181 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 Out of the mane six, probably Rarity. From train to Scootaloo. My OC: Ask me stuff: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 Well, Celestia can be smart, but she has some really dumb moments as well. For example, her plan in the season four finale. She wants to conceal Twilight Sparkle and give her all the power, but she forgot about the giant stained glass picture of Twilight in the castle. Did she really think that Tirek wouldn't find out? So with that said, I'd probably go with Starswirl the Bearded. He's implied to be very intelligent and Twilight seems to respect him, so that sounds fair to me for a reason to pick him. Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disky Bolt 103 September 25, 2018 Share September 25, 2018 *Intelligence* Pinkie of course.To be honest,I think she's even smarter than Twilight in some ways.Here's the proof: -Knowing how to drive away the parasytes -Understanding Twilight's interdimentional portal(Proof that her intelligence is at least comparable to Twilight) -Learning pipe organ within 5 minutes in Castle Man-iac -Knowing many magic-knowledge and lgends,always the first one to pop up with ideas/find the right book when mane 6 face difficulties -Forth wall breaking -Question about her own existence in Too may Pinkie Pies We can see that she's far more intelligent than most ppl and pony think.While Twilight is known for her intelligence due to her great presentation skills and oppoturnity(born as unicorn,live in Canterlot and have high-class parents),Pinkie Pie don't know how to express her intelligence in a way other understands,also has less oppoturnity(born as earth pony,live in rock farm).Plus she don't really care much rather others think about her.Her only goal is to make others smile regardless of her intelligence. Compared to Twilight,she don't seems to be the one who organize and lead other ponies.But we can see that everytimes when Twilight have difficulty,she's the first one who give ideas and those "aha!" moment to Twilight.Also here's the evidence: Twilight:No need to ask her Spike,she will of course says she's the real Pinkie. Spike:(Walks to Pinkie):Are u the real Pinkie? Pinkie:Heck do I know?What if I'm not the real Pinkie?What if I came from the mirror? *Wisdom* Applejack and Celestia for sure.Guess I don't need to explain much. *Creativity* Rarity,really not need to explain right? And RD is the jock,the typical cool popular girl in high school.Fluttershy is average. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kadeda 178 September 25, 2018 Share September 25, 2018 The only person on par with Twilight in intelligence (Or perhaps even smarter) is Pinkie Pie imo. Maud Pie is probably up there. Celestia is if we are talking about manipulation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sepul-Coloratura 762 September 25, 2018 Share September 25, 2018 I'd like to say Zecora, but she's not a pony. I think it would be Maud Pie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phosphor 11,532 September 28, 2018 Share September 28, 2018 What about Ms. Cheerilee? I think she is very intelligent. After all, she does teach. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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