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Would you be embarrassed?

Emerald Wave

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I don't hide that I'm a brony and am never embarrassed about it. I know I can stand strong in who I am and be secure in myself as a male, despite liking MLP or anything else for that matter. If someone is mean to me about it (or anything else) I know it's them who has the issue, not me. They are probably insecure in themselves, or feel that Bronies are some threat to their own status as a person, so have to have a go at people in order to cover all that up or express it. I say... go for it! Get it all out of your system cuz it won't effect me or how I feel about myself or who I am in the slightest.


Usually, I'll just laugh at them. I know I'm more secure than they are and people like that hate being laughed at.



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Me? Embarrassed if someone found out I'm that I'm a brony at school? HAHAHAHAHAHAHOLYSHITMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHSIDESTHISISPUREGOLDOHMYLAWDHUEHUE- yes, yes I would. I would probably kill myself if it happened.

Now, I'll go back to my cave because I now just embarrassed myself in front of the whole internet.


Have a good day, peeps.


*takes a few steps back and jumps into his cave to never be seen by MLPforumers ever again*

shiet got srs guise

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, i guess not. About three years ago i won a cap at a Pokemon TCG tournament, that had like a black and white and red picture of a pokemon trainer on the front of it, and I've been wearing it ever since. So when i started with more advanced studies, university etc, everyone could always tell; Oh that dude likes pokemon, and some would be, eh that's your thing dude, and some would be, omg how childish, but i just didn't care anyways. Now i don't have any brony clothes yet (hoping to get some soon), but i assume it will be more of the same. I won't bother with what people think of me, but i won't shove it into their face either ofc. :)

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No, I don't think so. MLP:FiM didn't exist when I was high school. I suppose if it had, I wouldn't be even still. It's not that big of a deal to me.


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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Yes, because the vast majority if not everyone in my school dislikes MLP, and the ones who don't dislike it don't know what it is, so they'd just take after everyone and hate me.


Even some of my "Acquaintances"(I call them that because they're not close enough to be friends), have openly joked about hating MLP.


So yeah, call me self conscious, but i'd be really embarrassed, not to mention I don't like being on the spotlight, and I'd rather not have my last shard of a chance at ever making friends ruined.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Lol, No Of course not, a lot of my school already know's I'm one, I don't Publicly announce it or anything, But I do Ponyise my iPod, Phone and such, and I'm not afraid to hide it, Really, there isn't anything to worry about, there's people with worse Lifestyles, and addictions than being a Brony, I mean, if they teased you for it, they're Hypocrites, they Probably have something of themselves that they're hiding, there's nothing to be Embarrassed about, and if anything did happen, you might as well state, At least you're Open to new things, and Not judge it like all of the worthless fucks out there, sorry About that, But It's how I had to word it.


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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In all honesty, I'd have mixed feelings. I'd feel pain, rage, proud, and the strength to hold back the force that is my fist that could come charging at your head. Being a black kid, everyone expects me to be the loud, obnoxious and rebelious guy that smokes weed and plays xbox all day. Some people know I'm a brony. But only my closest friends because some kids in my high school are the type that will do anything to embarress you. Even though I don't have many enemies due to my shyness, it still happens because I've seen it from the sidelines. I've ponyfied my computer and I like it that way. My youtube channel has some pony in it such as my reaction to an equestria girls song which is so damn catchy its still stuck in my head after a full week. My dad would be embarased and my mom would try and send me to a therapist. I'm not kidding she actually will. But even so, people have made fun of me before and even tried to attack me. Thats where my martial arts skills came in handy because I beat a guy so bad I could have but thankfully didn't crushed his skull open on the parking lot by throwing him downward at the force of 1000 sonic rainbooms. Alas, I still keep a somewhat calm stature and control my anger issues by listening to the smile song.

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  In the past I would have been more embarrassed about others finding out I like MLP, but now I'm ok with it.  There may initially be some embarrassment, but I'd get over it and just admit I like the show eventually.  People aren't so judgmental where I live too, which helps.  

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No. It's really just a TV show, and if someone's going to make a big deal about it, then the joke's on them. Plenty of people watch TV shows meant for younger audiences. I'd just shrug it off and honestly not care.

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I could care less if they knew I was a brony. Honestly, the only thing that would bother me is if that person happen to spread it in my school, (That is, if the person even goes to my same school.) because I know the people in there, and it would cause nothing but problems for me. I've had issues in school when I reveal different things. I do my best to ignore them, but I'd rather not deal with them at all.


Out in public, it's different. I don't mind that.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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Meh, I'm not embarrassed. I wouldn't say I'm a brony, but I do think mlp ponies are cute, and that has caused some tension amongst a few people. But I could care less. Wear a pony shirt at school, define who you are. If you want to express your interests, then do so, without letting the rest of the narrow minded people of the world stomp on you. 

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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I wear pony shirts to school. One girl even was like "He likes my little pony!" loudly and everyone laughed a little. No one really cares in my school. Everyone is chill.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Nah i would not be embarrassed. I am proud to be a brony and i am very happy about it...



So if you are a Brony then you should not be embarrassed about it, it is something you like and noone can take that from you!



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Nope. Why would I be? What I watch and what I wear (unless it breaks any rules, which it doesn't) is my business. Sure I've been poked fun at for it, but it never really is a big deal for either of us.


Avatar by Zhortac

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When I was in high school, MLP: FiM didn't even exist. However, I don't think I'd be embarrassed at all. Back then, I had a reputation for being an absolute star wars fanboy and I was proud of it. Nothing people said to really make fun of that brought me down. I'd still fangasm over star wars, going online to play text-based RPGs and so forth. I doubt it would've been much different if it had been MLP instead, tho I do wonder if I would be as avid about it as I was for star wars back then (buying posters, magazines and whatnot).


Where I work, a few of my workmates do know I'm a brony but they don't make a fuss about it. They teased me about it once or twice perhaps but I laughed with them. I mentioned in another thread too that I even have an MLP-based desktop wallpaper which I'm sure someone would've noticed. So nay, even now, I'm not embarrassed about it ^.^

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If Bronies were as well known as Whovians or Trekkies where I come from, then probably not..
But as it's a fairly obscure thing in the UK (unless you spend a lot of time on the internet), I think a lot of people would react rather strangely to hearing that I like My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
But then again, I'm a pretty shy person, so a lot of things embarrass me anyway.

Not that I'm embarrassed over liking the show

Edited by Broseph

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Nope, I wasn't ever popular in school but I wasn't really an outcast either. People knew me, liked me and knew that I had different interests than most my age. Of course my school was pretty chill for the most part. A few brave boys tried to bully me once or twice because I was the quiet .Whenever anyone says "It's always the quiet ones." Its very true, and so I got them back. So I wouldn't have had a problem with people knowing because they either already liked me, or steered clear of me because I wasn't an easy target.

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I wouldn't be embarrassed as much as I wouldn't want to deal with the hard time that others would give me.  Usually I like to explain my interest in the show, and I have no problem going out in brony shirts or publicly talking about the fandom, but for some people it's just not worth the wasted breath.


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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Oh no, you don't understand. Much of my school's inhabitants are bronies. Or at least positive to the concept. In fact, I had more than a few of my classmates directly involved in my own conversion (at least 8). There's even a few in the definitive "cool group", as well as myself, one of the few people that's on good terms with basically every single person in the building. We've got a pretty strong hold.


But I'd still be notably embarrassed. Enough to stop me from most pony-related activities. I'd wear a shirt or something, maybe reference with some friends, but that's about it. It's a mental block, which I have a bad habit of not being able to overcome. dry.png


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No. For two reasons.


One, I do what I want. What those folks thought about me in high school wasn't a big thing. I wasn't popular, and I wasn't nobody. People know I went out of my way to embarrass myself anyway. And the few times someone tried to pick on me they left worse than they started either mentally or physically. 


Second. I don't feel embarrassment anyway.... So It would never have been a problem anyway.


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I don't think anyone would mind or even care, really. I put a name tag on once that said, "BRONIES FOREVER!" on it, and I was approached by people I never would have guessed were bronies and given a pat on the back, not ridiculed in any way.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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