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I'm outraged by this Facebook anti-brony page

The Crystal Maiden

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Lol nobody knows that I'm a Brony (as far as I know).  I should pretend to join this "uprising," get all of the intel and then take down the page from the inside!  Then I would turn on the guy and be all like "trolled!" gg.


Or we could just not care because he only has 300 likes.

Edited by John
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They're just angry people that want others to conform to what society expects them to conform to. It's sad really. Honestly, why waste your time hating on something? It's pointless and will get you no where.


Haters gonna hate.

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Just ignore them. Pages like that are bait for people to enter and rage at them, which only proves their point correct. Love and tolerate them instead  :catface:

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They have nothing better to do with their lives so they pick an easy target and come up with an excuse, and most haters are just 12 year old kids who get bullied at home or school and have never had any happiness to look forward to, so I kinda feel bad for them. 

Edited by USMCbrony141



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Just ignore them. Pages like that are bait for people to enter and rage at them, which only proves their point correct. Love and tolerate them instead  :catface:

Yes yes yes!  At first it did get me a little bit upset, but then when you think about it, it makes sense.  There always has to be haters to something so cool!  Yin and Yang, light and dark, Us and haters.



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It's like I always say:





Seriously, though. Who cares what this guy thinks? He obviously has way too much free time on his hands. He's just trying to get a cheap laugh and failing horribly at it. Let him have his fun, he'll get his comeuppance sooner or later. Heck, he probably IS a Brony and is just trying to take attention off of himself!

Edited by PinkiePieFan777
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Normal people listen to others' opposing viewpoints. No person in their right mind is close-minded enough to not even hear the other side's point of view, unless they're a troll.

It is often argued that "normal" people aren't interested in cartoon ponies so what is normal is relative anyway. Some people really are closed minded and stupid enough to say stuff like this and actually believe it and since when have people like that actually took the time to listen to the others point of view? Sure they might address it but when they do they just cherry pick what supports their position and shoot you down, perhaps they didn't find anything to shoot down in that statement and just disregarded it for that reason. Either way though the response should be the same and that is to ignore it and move on.

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Just don't give a fuck. They are hurricanes the and we are oceans the more hate we show the more of that hate they use as power. Bronies should be land, able to destroy hurricanes by not giving hate.(I write poems and a peaceful person if you don't understand my comment then forgive me).

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(As will be soon apparent, I actually give more than one.) I'll be coming back here regularly, since I actually care about brony haters' arguments. Some things I have to say (since my last post):

  • I think people who are reporting this page are jumping the gun. This is not hate speech since it does not incite violence or prejudice (debatable) against bronies. Nor is it bullying as it does not encourage people to spam their brony friends' or other bronies' pages.
  • Then again, if it does none of these, I really wonder how it's supposed to accomplish what it is nominally trying to do (that is, well, "destroy bronyism"). It isn't really actively promoting itself as far as I can see; instead it relies on bronies calling attention to it (someone actually mentioned this thread). Based on this I suspect it's just for trolling.
  • The page seems to equate "bronyism" with "fandom," and both with "obsession." "Brony" apparently refers to anyone who enjoys the show. This pretty much ignores fans who are not obsessive (depending on definition), but nonetheless devote time to pony.
  • Its apparent policy of banning bronies and deleting their comments doesn't really foster open discussion about these issues.

I'll probably be back with more. I'm just putting this all here since I don't usually do pony-related things on Facebook, and I'll probably just get banned anyway if I comment on the page.

Me on the Web: http://jackgraysonfox.tk/

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brony in the closet he'll convert on his own after doing allot of damage and realizing he's an ass, and nobody reacted how he wanted them to.

Um noooooooo, that is exactly the attitude you can't let yourself fall into, it makes you look like a smug conversionist "my way is the only and best way" and plenty of peple hate that mindset brony and non-brony alike. You can't force people to like the show, or delude yourself that everybody should like the show.

Not to mention the treat others as you would like to be treated rule applies, I mean think about if you turned that around, now you are the target, how would you like it if they called you a "closet pedo" ? Make no assumptions, and make no accusations, strangers on the internet are never the most qualified to judge anyway, even if they are guilty of it too it's still better to turn the other cheek and be the bigger person.

  • Brohoof 2

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Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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While this annoys me, it's to just ignore that shit.

I come from a forum full of anti-bronies (well, half are anti's, half are bronies) and the best is to really just ignore it, or say, "ok" and move along.


But if that shit gets raided you know who to blame. :)

Edited by Yes-Man
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We're outraged by something on Facebook?


Surely you realize that any human concern, interest or bias, no matter how invalid, has a Facebook page devoted to it. It's like saying "as someone who loves pizza, I'm outraged by this anti-pizza group on Facebook." It's not worth getting upset over. Sure they're crazy for hating pizza, but who cares?

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
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"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I like especially how he takes clearly sarcastic remarks and makes them out to be literal, best over is how his followers actually believe that too...

Hilarious to read, haters are a special breed of stupid, they really are.

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I was a part of the whole "bronies are weird" thing for a while, mostly when the fandom first started out. I'm not ashamed of admitting that, and I've never actually been a "hater" but to be honest, I think the reason some people hate bronies (other than the sheer fact that everything gets protested against by somebody, it's just inevitable) is because they genuinely don't understand the show, probably because they've never seen any of it.


I flat out refused to watch the show until probably late last year I can't really remember, and when my boyfriend dumped me that was when I really started to like the show. That was also when I realised that it's really not weird to like MLP, because it was pretty much the same idea and style as all the other cartoons me and my (non-brony) friends love, like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls.


MLP, although legendarily associated with little girls because of the toys (which, to be fair, were what spawned the original shows and thus FIM) is not a "girly" show, not really, there is genuine conflict which was rare in the 80's MLP and other "girl" cartoons, and it's not about being a girl which is what most "girl" shows are about, it's about a group of friends doing everything from saving the world to helping each other out- which, again, is very much like other cartoons which are considered normal for people to watch (at least, "nerdy" people to watch.)


The facebook page in question, I've had a look through, and basically it has proved everything I've theorised since coming into the MLP fandom. I mean, the description for the page is "I don't care that you like MLP, I care that you obsess over a cartoon for little girls."

It shows that the guy running it obviously doesn't have much knowledge about the show or it's inspirations.

The truth is, even though MLP is marketed towards little girls, when you actually sit down and watch the show you realise that it's really more of a family-orientated show which can be enjoyed by adults and teenagers, not just six year old girls. I don't like going to the pop culture argument, but the amount of internet and pop culture references in MLP is amazing, and certainly not intended for little girls to understand and laugh at.


My overall point is that I used to understand where brony haters were coming from (I still understand really, when they protest against cloppers and rule 34 and stuff like that) but now that I've actually seen both sides of the argument, brony haters, to me, are just ignorant. I don't hate them, and I certainly wouldn't get worked up about them. If anything I pity them for wasting their anger and energy on a group of people that don't deserve it.

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Honestly I find this more amusing and pathetic than outraging. Doesn't really bother me, they can go on getting angry at nothing. I'll just be doing what I enjoy doing.


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How about being nice to him for the sake of being nice? It is true that what he does is disrespectful toward bronies but it's rather trivial and no reason to be outraged. Like I said, haters gonna hate, and angry reactions is exactly what he wants to see because it would prove his point. Showing him that's not our game is the best way to defeat him if that's what you want to do. You can either ignore him or be nice to him and show his hatred doesn't phase you. Using the same method, that is to disrespect him, is only playing his game and doesn't make one better than him as a result.


There's a line. I'll be civil towards someone and let them go there separate way as long as they do their thing and leave me be, but I'm not going to respect someone, or go out of my way to be nice to someone that acts in such a way.


You don't have to feud with them and keep a fight going, but you don;t have to play nice either. I prefer the route of just leaving them to rot(and reporting the page if need be). 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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Truly people have nothing in their lives to create a page like this...


I don't mind, really I don't.


Every fandom has those haters, and they will attack towards fans to gain attention. 


Some would take offense, but keep this in mind to all fans out there...


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...

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While I believe people are entitled to their own opinions, I am outraged not only by this page, but by the fact that one of my friends - who knows I'm a brony - has liked the page. e_e I understand that she dislikes MLP, but liking something like that, when a lot of her friends are bronies, is just asking for it.


Sorry, I got off topic. While the page itself is offensive, like I said, people are entitled to their own opinions. As much as I dislike it, they choose to dislike bronies, and I will respect that.

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Some people just have no class, and no lives.

Really I don't understand why focus all of your time on something you hate...When you could be out there doing and putting energy into something you love.

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