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Honestly...  Even with the nerf on Lucian...  I still feel like his laning phase is *cough* F#$King OP.  (Which Is why I play him)


If you're like me and you max his q first, using it to poke in lane is incredible (and for me it's the most fun skillshot to land in the game).  First of all, it's not that mana intensive, it has a relatively low CD for it's power level, and it does a shit load of damage when you pull it off.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how it GOES THROUGH EVERYTHING (even Yasuo's windwall).  Knowing this, you could possibly land a 5 man-piercing light (q) in a team fight.  The fact that you hit the enemy laners through minions without reducing the damage for going through another target is amazing.  It feels so satisfying to hit both the enemy ADC and Support with the same piercing light, dealing tons of net-damage.  Oh yeah, and it PROCS HIS PASSIVE, which is a free extra auto-attack...  Yes, they reduced his auto-attack range by 50, but he's a bursty champion anyway, so who cares all that much?  His e is still an incredible gap closer, even without the slow-removing effect (which I miss so very much :'c)

I forgot to mention, your side of the minion wave you q through provides protection from a LOT of adc/support skillshots, especially ones that cc.


I mainly just use his (w) ardent blaze to proc his passive in the mid game.  It's still a decent tool for extra poking though if you're clearly winning in the mana department.


And "The Culling" with it's awesome extra damage against creep allows me to splitpush effectively and out-cs most enemies.


Lucian still OP, please do not nerf any further.

Edited by John
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Well I recently learned these:


I can't play Leona worth a shit. I don't even know how anybody could do anything but support with her, and even then, she's not even good at that...

Nunu is okay. I have to play Nunu as a tanky AP fighter though. Support doesn't often work for me. Not an exception with Nunu.

One exception: SUPPORTING WITH A THRESH. Holy shit, Thresh may as well be the most OP support I have ever seen. And played.

Veigar is good for a champion SUPER reliant on AP, but only because he can support well with his stun. He's also a good mage counter, with his ult primarily.

Zed is a bucking badass. His shadow and ranged ability are really the only two I use (his ult seems a little complicated), but I can still own with perhaps a dominating streak every game. Now I need to save up that SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED IP. 

So is bucking Twisted Fate. I almost got a legendary with him in an ARAM match. But that's how my build should work MORE OFTEN... Damn Syndra and Malzahar mids. Syndra's worse though. Syndra is so OP.

Graves? He's really one of the tankiest supercarries I have ever seen. That's all I need to say to justify how OP Graves is. One champion that deserves a nerf ALMOST as badly as Teemo. Like Kennen.

I also decided to play Warwick. HOLY SHIT IS HE HARD AS BUCK TO USE. He's literally reliant on his actives ALL THE TIME, even with highly built AD. HE MAKES NO SENSE.


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  On 2014-08-19 at 1:44 PM, Twilly F. Sniper said:

Well I recently learned these:


I can't play Leona worth a shit. I don't even know how anybody could do anything but support with her, and even then, she's not even good at that...

Nunu is okay. I have to play Nunu as a tanky AP fighter though. Support doesn't often work for me. Not an exception with Nunu.

One exception: SUPPORTING WITH A THRESH. Holy shit, Thresh may as well be the most OP support I have ever seen. And played.

Veigar is good for a champion SUPER reliant on AP, but only because he can support well with his stun. He's also a good mage counter, with his ult primarily.

Zed is a bucking badass. His shadow and ranged ability are really the only two I use (his ult seems a little complicated), but I can still own with perhaps a dominating streak every game. Now I need to save up that SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED IP.

So is bucking Twisted Fate. I almost got a legendary with him in an ARAM match. But that's how my build should work MORE OFTEN... Damn Syndra and Malzahar mids. Syndra's worse though. Syndra is so OP.

Graves? He's really one of the tankiest supercarries I have ever seen. That's all I need to say to justify how OP Graves is. One champion that deserves a nerf ALMOST as badly as Teemo. Like Kennen.

I also decided to play Warwick. HOLY SHIT IS HE HARD AS BUCK TO USE. He's literally reliant on his actives ALL THE TIME, even with highly built AD. HE MAKES NO SENSE.

>Leona not a good support


What the hell are you smoking? Leona's a fucking strong support like no other. She literally controls a lane with just her presence normally and even more when she's ahead.

She can tank, lock down enemies, has super fucking peel, easily reach the back lines, what more do you want? She can actually mid if she wanted cause she has a decent burst, but its not super good or anything and a bit tricky to work with.

>Thresh op


He's only as op as how many hooks he can land. Which, aren't really too hard to dodge.

TF is strong, yes. Very mechanical with his cards, but I Wouldn't go as far as OP.


Umm, ive nothing for Malzahar cause he is a little out of whack for what he can do. :lol:

I mean, if you outrange him then you're fine, but his dots kinda hurt quite a bit for nothing, really.

Syndra is fucking strong and she deserves it for her complexity. Managing her balls, aiming the stun, and pulling off her combo is all quite a bit to deal with at once while still being normally frail and pretty short ranged.

>Veigar support

Is actually not that great without at least one ap builder in that lane and even then its still meh cause you're not farming your q and your only cc is your one stun. The one merit I can see it having is how easily you can lock someone in one area for a while and mildly often at that.

Graves is meh to me. High burst, yes, but I wont say good enough for hyper like Jinx, Vayne, Kog, or Trist.

Teemo isn't op.

Neither is Kennen.

Both are strong in ways, yes.

Warwick needs a way to keep his selected target from running away easily or he can't do shit. Its kinda ironic how he's a great duelist, but he can also very easily be kited without the right circumstances.

  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2014-08-19 at 1:06 PM, Defender of Tomorrow said:

Gonna post this now, my team Milky Way Galaxy is looking for recruits!

Plat+ Please! 

Oh and I'm teaching people how to play lanes properly if you don't know how to. 

And just to prove im Diamond and dont give any fucks about the meta, my jungle vel'koz.

Well, I'm not Diamond or Plat in NA and my ping might mess with my gameplay a bit.


I'm willing to join if you'd have me. I need to finish my runepages doe.

I play ADC or support.


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The lolking of my server:


Edited by Glaceon

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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  On 2014-08-19 at 1:44 PM, Twilly F. Sniper said:
I also decided to play Warwick. HOLY SHIT IS HE HARD AS BUCK TO USE. He's literally reliant on his actives ALL THE TIME, even with highly built AD. HE MAKES NO SENSE.

What? WHAT? WHAT?!

I did good with Warwick before I even knew to keep my fingers on qwer, if you think he's hard to use, you're probably doing it wrong.

Edited by The Blades Shadow
  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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So, um. This just happened.


dbe929a643f5eaeb7fe1ce0e5e2e296e.pngI don't think Ive ever done quite that well as Naut in a good while. Im talking carelessly walking in the enemie's jungle that I have claimed at my own, stealing buffs left and right, and out right scaring the jungler off with just my presence. Literally, Xin was at his blue and just watched as I took his wight and walk off. Even stayed to see if I'd hang around for his blue, which, I did. xD



Oh, I also 1v1'd Vayne right before the surrender vote.


I won. DGhB8qR.png

Edited by Haven


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  On 2014-08-21 at 5:14 AM, Haven said:

So, um. This just happened.


img-3007779-1-dbe929a643f5eaeb7fe1ce0e5eI don't think Ive ever done quite that well as Naut in a good while. Im talking carelessly walking in the enemie's jungle that I have claimed at my own, stealing buffs left and right, and out right scaring the jungler off with just my presence. Literally, Xin was at his blue and just watched as I took his wight and walk off. Even stayed to see if I'd hang around for his blue, which, I did. xD



Oh, I also 1v1'd Vayne right before the surrender vote.


I won. img-3007779-2-DGhB8qR.png


Don't think I've ever seen a well-played naut in-game, probably has something to do with the fact that people only play him during free weeks in most cases.

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  On 2014-08-21 at 5:28 AM, Groot said:

Don't think I've ever seen a well-played naut in-game, probably has something to do with the fact that people only play him during free weeks in most cases.

That's kinda surprising (and a bit saddening, actually) since he isnt exactly hard to play at all, free week or not. :z


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  On 2014-08-21 at 8:24 AM, Haven said:

That's kinda surprising (and a bit saddening, actually) since he isnt exactly hard to play at all, free week or not. :z

Don't you mean free week or Naut? Oh god I'm a horrible person XD


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I'm done with ranked... I got put in bronze 4 by losing game after game because I got forced into supporting adcs who had NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE DOING -.-

Seriously, last game I recalled once for items and our sivir tried to 1v2 jinx and lux, died to jinx, and when I came back she ran AGAIN even though jinx was two levels ahead of her and died a second time... She died four times before I started dying to jinx and I got blamed for losing us the game


And now I'm stuck in elo hell...


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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  On 2014-08-21 at 10:46 PM, The Blades Shadow said:

I'm done with ranked... I got put in bronze 4 by losing game after game because I got forced into supporting adcs who had NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE DOING -.-

Seriously, last game I recalled once for items and our sivir tried to 1v2 jinx and lux, died to jinx, and when I came back she ran AGAIN even though jinx was two levels ahead of her and died a second time... She died four times before I started dying to jinx and I got blamed for losing us the game


And now I'm stuck in elo hell...



That's what's left for you I guess  :please:


I might have to do that too though, stuck in Silver 5  :confused:




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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  On 2014-08-22 at 1:38 AM, GlowingFlask said:


That's what's left for you I guess  :please:


I might have to do that too though, stuck in Silver 5  :confused:

I suppose having one other player with a brain is better than having to carry 4 feeders... It's not perfect, but it's better


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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  On 2014-08-22 at 1:38 AM, GlowingFlask said:


That's what's left for you I guess  :please:


I might have to do that too though, stuck in Silver 5  :confused:

Ah yes, Silver V aka "at least it's not bronze!"

I myself am in Silver V, but I kinda tend to not play a whole lot of ranked for the sake of practice.

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Played several games today in which the enemy surrender pretty quickly. biglaugh.gif


Also, I think all of the free champions are not my play style. I almost wanted to play Olaf, but upon closer inspection, I backed up. Oh well, I'll just roll em with my Tryndamere (when top) or Tiger Udyr (when jungle).


Then, there's that time where I managed to reach AS cap with Udyr. Since i grabbed myself a TF, Zephyr, BotRK and LW as my offense item, Tabi-Furor and BV as defense item since they have Viktor and Heimedinger. At that game, I lost because ADC DC, claiming his stepdad told him to chores. grump.gif




Speaking of which I have 2 questions for you guys.


1. Which champions that have the same play style as Tryndamere (Yi and Kayle excluded)?

2. Which one do you prefer, Tiger Udyr or Phoenix Udyr?

Edited by Indonesia Best Pony



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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  On 2014-08-22 at 2:52 AM, Indonesia Best Pony said:

Speaking of which I have 2 questions for you guys.


2. Which one do you prefer, Tiger Udyr or Phoenix Udyr?

I actually run both like a boss. DGhB8qR.png

If im forced to do it normally then I go Phoenix in jungle and usually Tiger up top, however, I actually prefer Tiger cause im an attack speed whore.

  • Brohoof 1


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Punchy lady too stronk.



Sadly, I was playing with scrub friends, so I ended up getting other scrubs against me.


Still fun to put people who think they're better than they really are in their place from time to time though. x)

Edited by Haven
  • Brohoof 1


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